Penn Proves To Be Legitimate Heavyweight

October 31st, 2011

A fixture starting at left tackle for 67 straight games, Bucs veteran Donald Penn is picking up deserved accolades left and right. The respect keeps coming.

And maybe one day soon his own team will see fit that fans can buy Penn’s jersey without having to spend the extra $25.00 customizing fee on A Penn jersey is not one sold anywhere, including via the Bucs official site. What more does the guy have to do to get some in-house love?

Veteran scribe eye-RAH! Kaufman, of The Tampa Tribune, penned an excellent piece on No. 70 today. Joe suggests you read the whole thing, which includes quotes about PennĀ from Tony Boselli and Bucs offensive line coach Pat Morris.

When the Bucs faced the Colts in a Monday night matchup Oct. 3, Freeney’s name did not appear on the post-game defensive stat sheet as Tampa Bay won 24-17. “What I saw Donald Penn do to Dwight Freeney that night was incredible,” Boselli said. “You tell me the last time Freeney had no tackles, no assists, no pressures, no hits and no sacks. Penn’s play speaks for itself, but the reason I think he doesn’t get a lot of credit nationally is he’s an undrafted guy who has bounced around. But like I tell everyone, look at the way the guy plays.”

Joe’s a big Penn fan. For Joe, his consistency is overlooked. Having talked to Penn, Joe knows the consecutive games streak is very important to him and Penn is a devoted student of game film.

Penn replaced Green Bay tackle Chad Clifton at the last Pro Bowl. It’ll be interesting to see if Penn gets in via the front door this season.

9 Responses to “Penn Proves To Be Legitimate Heavyweight”

  1. Freeman4President Says:

    Greatest line about Donald Penn ever spoken…

    …Warren Sapp said, “Donald Penn, that man could block the sun!!”

  2. Buddhaboy Says:

    He is a great athlete for a big man, kinda like how warren sapp was just a great athlete.

  3. flmike Says:

    Tim Ryan says “Don’t let the body fool ya, Penn can play” #talkaboutit

  4. Mauha Deeb Says:

    He’s playing well this year. Best pass blocker on the team. Could use some work on his run block skills.

  5. Oahubuc Says:

    He’s outstanding.

  6. Capt.Tim Says:

    Freeman will be the greatest Soon. McCoy And Clayborn will fight for it. A few years ago, Ronde would have fought for.

    But today, the most talented player on the Bucs Roster is Donald Penn. I believe , as I’ve said before, that he is the best left tackle in the game today.

    I know some moron is going to bring up some play where he gets beat. No one plays a perfect season. Penn is by far our best pass blocker. He is also our best run blocker. He’s the one guy every team in the league would grab if he was available. There is a reason he is our lone pro bowler- and he deserves it again this year!

  7. thomas 2.2 Says:

    When McCoy draws zeros across the stat sheet, likely he does pretty frequently including the last 2 falcons contests – the sheep say the stats don’t matter.

    Well apparently to Tony Boselli the stat line for a D Lineman is telling.

  8. Steendahl Says:

    @ Capt. Tim
    maybe a bit far fetchet to put him as the best in the league with Joe Thomas and Jake Long out there, but you could argue for at spot in the top 5 if not 3rd place

  9. flmike Says:

    @T2.2 you still don’t understand the position McCoy plays do you? he does not play the 3T, he is an undertackle, I do not understand why you continue to think he’s a 3T, and the Bucs do not run the T2 defense, they run a 4 down linemen, press/man coverage system about 80% of the time, sometimes running features of the T2 umbrella but still not the old school T2. If you understood what you were talking about maybe you wouldn’t be looked at like such an assmunch. So, if McCoy isn’t a 3T but an undertackle what are his duties and responsibilities in this scheme, simply put, EXACTLY WHAT THE **censored** HE HAS BEEN DOING ALL SEASON. His job is penetration and disruption, if he gets sacks that much better, but his job is to disrupt and cause chaos in the backfield, putting face first pressure on the pocket and QB causing the QB to drop straight back into the loving caring arms of either Bennett or Clayborn, because he shouldn’t be able to step up into the pocket b/c McCoy and Price have wrecked it, and Bennett and Clayborn have beaten their respective blockers to the point at which they stick their outside foot in the dirt and drive to the QB hopefully causing a strip sack and fumble recovery and for added pleasure maybe even bruising some QB ribs. That is how our D line works. The days of Sapp beating everyone to the QB are over, Warren is Warren and no one else can be him. Give McCoy the credit he is due, he is doing the job he is assigned and doing it very well.