Bucs All Over NFL Network Tonight

December 7th, 2010

"Oh, Joe. Just the thought of NFL Network at your house makes me sweat."

For those men who join Joe in protest of the anti-football cable television outfit that prefers to drill local weather down your throat every 10 minutes rather than offer the NFL Network, tonight is a fun night.

The Bucs will be featured during the 6 p.m. Playbook show, which has Mike Mayock and friendsĀ break down a bunch of Xs and OsĀ of key plays with the NFL Films camera angles. Great stuff.

Then at 8 p.m., there will be a replay of the Bucs-Falcons, also with some of those not-seen-on-TV camera angles. The replay goes off again at 1 a.m.

Great night if you don’t live in an Outhouse.

18 Responses to “Bucs All Over NFL Network Tonight”

  1. Jorge Says:

    thanks for the heads up joe i am gonna dvr it for sure mayock is the best

  2. mikeck Says:

    As for the replay….its like watching a youtube video of someone kicking your a$$ on a playground….you know whats coming as soon as the tape starts.

  3. Gary Says:

    Exactly Mike, it would be great to watch the replay if we won. I’ll stick with just the playbook tonight, no need get pissed off all over again.

  4. flmike Says:

    Once again, thank god I live in Palm Beach, and don’t have cable. I’ll be enjoying (almost) the Playbook and Game replay tonight.

  5. Jrock Says:

    Thank goodness for TV via interwebs. And thanks for the heads-up, Joe!

  6. jvato24 Says:

    I know .. I cant watch it again either knowing how it ends. And there were some nice runs by LGB too that would be nice to see on NFL Films.

  7. DHoft Says:

    Anyone know where they are selling those Retro Orange Bucs Sweatshirts the guys on the sidelines were wearing Sunday? They show them on the front page on shop.buccaneers.com, but I don’t see them for sale on the site.

  8. Jrock Says:

    I know they lost, but it’s all falcons highlights. Total bait-n-switch

  9. buccin cane Says:

    joe the nfl network jus fooled us dude. Jus finished watching the playbook segment and it was all falcons. the only buc references were about how the corner and the safety missed assignments on the roddy white 3-20 play. Damn!!!!!!!!!! but thanks anyway for the heads up

  10. MVPFreeman Says:

    Im watching the Bucs game on NFL Replay right now. I know we got beat but it waws a good game, plus its nice to see how loud Our stadium finally was.

    Anyway, Blount looks like a great back. He is dragging the flacon defenders all over the field. Beyond me why you would want to ‘replace’ this guy.

  11. Architek Says:

    Joe, watching the game again reopened wounds that I allowed to close after Sunday evening. I don’t care about the sediment of people respecting us because we can hang with the big boys. Hell, we handed the enemy a game that we had won and it’s going to comeback to haunt us in New Orleans. Oh but the saving grace maybe the WR’s of the NY G-men and the Vikings on Sunday, followed by a showdown with the red hot Philly Vick’s.

  12. Pete 422 Says:

    MVPFreeman, who is talking about replacing Blount?

  13. BamBamBuc Says:

    I know this site is not a big fan of the colorful former print magazine other site, but they have an interesting bit on the playoffs. Basically, if the Bucs win out, they control their own destiny and make the playoffs. This is based on the fact that the other teams they’re contending with play each other, and someone’s gotta lose. If we go 4-0, we’re in. I know that’s doubtful, with the injuries and all, but we’re not out yet and still in control of our own destiny.

    The breakdown is also there for going 3-1 in the final 4, but there are a lot of “ifs” and we won’t control anything at that point. It all depends on who we’re tied with at that point. We could beat out the Giants on common opponent record (if we beat and they lose to the Skins), and we could beat out the Bears on conference record. That’s of course assuming we’re tied with one of those two.

  14. Pete 422 Says:

    BamBam, Good to know. Of course the Bucs are aware of this, so maybe that will help them bounce back as far as attitude/swagger.

    I’ll be out of the loop Sunday as I travel back from S. America during the game, but I’ll check in at Tampa International (maybe Miami) when I land.

    Go Bucs!!!

  15. bucnoleguy22 Says:

    as good a gm as sunday was to be in the seats up 10 and come home a loser was like getting kicked in the…?..and then i see this post and think maybe mike mayock (my mentor) was gonna go through 5’s gm or maybe a couple of our defsensive stands but no it was a 10 min segment dedicated to how good matty ice is and how grimmes at 5’s lunch all day..hey thanks joe needed that kick in the…again..

  16. Buc You Says:

    Haynesworthless is out. The deadskins have a worse rush defense than us.

    Just run the ball and we have a nice chance.

    Of course Olie can’t just run. He’s gotta pass. He can’t help himself. Almost makes you wonder if he tries to trick himself with the odd play calling. Its one thing to mix it up, but with a guy like Blount, how on earth do you not just feed him until Freeman has to pass?

  17. Joe Says:

    Haynesworthless is out. The deadskins have a worse rush defense than us.

    Serious question: Which is a worse trainwreck, the Broncos or the Deadskins?

    And feel free to do the math connecting both teams.

  18. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    “Serious question: Which is a worse trainwreck, the Broncos or the Deadskins?”

    Hopefully the Deadskins. I’ll let you know on Sunday.