Nate Webster’s Baby Mama Is A Piece Of Trash

September 9th, 2009

Former Bucs linebacker Nate Webster likely wanted custody of his son, Nathaniel III. If he didn’t have full-time custody of his son, he probably does now.

Seems as if Webster’s baby mama decided to leave 10-year old Nathaniel Webster III at Tampa International Airport all alone without money or a cell phone, so reports Keith Morelli of the Tampa Tribune.

A 31-year-old Brandon woman was released from jail today after she was accused of leaving her 10-year-old boy – the son of a former Tampa Bay Buccaneer – alone with no money or cell phone at Tampa International Airport for 90 minutes last week.

Martine Lifleur, of 2526 Cherrywood Hill Drive, Apt. 206, was charged with one count of child neglect, a third-degree felony. She was booked into the Orient Road Jail with bail set at $2,000, but on Wednesday, a judge released her without having to post bail.

The child’s grandmother _ his father’s mother _ said that her son is Nate Webster, former linebacker with the Buccaneers who last season played with the Denver Broncos.

He is a free agent now and lives in Cincinnati, said his mother, Linda Webster. Her grandson, Nathaniel Webster III, currently is staying with him and his wife, Jennifer.

This could have turned out a whole lot worse and thankfully the little boy is safe and with his dad.

Thankfully, local police left the dirtbag mom by herself in a cage located on Orient Road, until a judge turned her loose.

One Response to “Nate Webster’s Baby Mama Is A Piece Of Trash”

  1. Jeff Says:

    I’ll never understand how parents can intentionally endanger the well being of a child. Never.