Joe’s First Quarter Thoughts

September 20th, 2009


* Seems as though the Bills want to brawl.

* Dave Moore on the Bucs radio broadcast said Kyle Williams getting Cadillac behind the line was a missed assignment. Really?

* Oh, no. Clayton has to come up with those catches. Joe doesn’t care how well he blocks, he also has to catch open passes too.

* On the reverse to Terrell Owens, Gaines Adams did a nice job recovering to get the tackle but it was his dumb move by getting sucked in on the fake which led to the play developing. If he stays home, Owens is tackled for a loss.

* Gene Deckerhoff of the Bucs radio network is calling Geno Hayes’ name a lot.

* Oh, no. If Ronde Barber get burned for a touchdown, this could be a long day.

* Nice to see Caddy catching the ball. Dave Moore of the Bucs radio network said that play is there all game long.

* Josh Johnson at wide receiver??? Joe likes it. Luke McCown couldn’t pull that off.

* Offensive line not getting much of a push.

* A Mo Stovall sighting! And it’s not August. What’s wrong?

* Sammie Stroughter continues to impress.

* Sometimes it’s best to just take a sack. Leftwich should know better than to give up a pick six!

* Big run by Derrick Ward but why take him out?

* Interesting move by Greg Olson with Clifton Smith lining up at wide receiver.

* Ward hot. Keep him in, but he did get good blocking. He nearly broke that first down run at the Bills-43.

* Bills don’t seem to be missing Paul Posluszny (yet).

* That pick is not Leftwich’s fault.

* It appears Joe is going to need several Caybrews today.

* The Bucs are biting on just about every fake the Bills try.

* Geno Hayes is flying all over the field!

* Good tackle by Sabby Piscitelli on the quick pitch to the left side. May have saved four points.

8 Responses to “Joe’s First Quarter Thoughts”

  1. Mr. Lucky Says:

    The second pick hit the ground – can’t blame Byron for that one.

  2. george c. costanza Says:

    Gettin’ vaklempt, Joe. Very, very Vaklempt.

  3. Joe Says:


    German for gagging?

  4. Mr. Lucky Says:

    Hey I finally heard Gaines Adams name called – for a STUPID 15 yard personal foul on the 4 and inches.

    Is Gaines a reincarnation of Kenyatta Walker?

  5. JK Says:

    This is our new direction. Everyone enjoying themselves? This is what most wanted.

  6. ALDO Says:

    Im from colombia, sorry for my english, but is not fair this team plays in this way, man is hard to say but WE SUCK!!! slugwitch is burned, and the D is a completlly piece of bullsh…… so sad seein this game, i will always be a buccaneers in my heart but this is a sadly situation!!

  7. ALDO Says:

    well the second quarter is done, glad to see a new D after that fumble, great ronde and sabby!!

  8. george c. costanza Says:

    I mispelled vaklempt, Joe, and I apologize. It’s actually spelled verklempt … it’s definition is “extremely emotional” and/or “on the verge of tears.”

    It’s Yiddish. From German verklemmt = emotionally inhibited in a convulsive way; stuck.

    The word gained traction in that well-known TV show I once starred in called “Seinfeld”