Second Quarter Thoughts

August 15th, 2009

Some second quarter thoughts from Joe:

14:52 Wonder what Stylez G. White will write about tonight on his Facebook account after that acrobatic interception.

14: 45: Man, Leftwich takes longer to deliver the ball than it does for Joe to down a cold bottle of Caybrew.

14:38 Friends, Byron Leftwich is your Bucs starting quarterback in the season opener against Dallass.

14:26 Seems as though the Bucs are daring Collins to beat them deep. The secondary has the receivers coveredĀ  well in case of an underthrown ball.

14:19 White is having the game of his life. Too bad it doesn’t count for a damned thing.

13:41 Wow. The interior defensive line was a brick wall with White coming up big again.

1249 The bad Dexter Jackson damned near fumbled his Bucs playing days away on the punt return. Good wheels (for a change on a punt return) but fumbles will be the quickest way to the waiver wire.

12:29 This Ward is impressing Joe. His girlfriend? Not so much.

10:18 Bucs defense looked solid on Vince Young’s first series. Maybe Young needs to go shirtless?

9:15 Nice misdirection runs by Clifton Smith picks up a first down.

8:31 Even though he’s working with reserves and playing against reserves, Leftwich looks so much more comfortable than McCown, who appeared incredibly skittish.

7:20 Leftwich with a rollout! What next, a pass from Maurice Stovall?

7:02 Hey, gotta give the big guy credit for trying to escape, and doing a damned good job. But it also cost the Bucs 17 yards.

6:29 Nice throw by Young but damn Kenny Britt paid the price.

3:23 Good runback by Sammie Stroughter on the kickoff return even after he ran into one of his own blockers.

2:33 That’s like the third time Joe has seen that same misdirection running play this quarter and each time it has worked.

1:21 Um, this isn’t a rugby game. What’s with the pitchout to Young that went out of bounds?

0:45 Clifton Smith drops an easy first down. Gotta get those catches if you ever want to start. McCown probably would have tried to run.

0:39 Bucs on the good side of a HORRIBLE personal foul on Tennessee on the Leftwich sack. If the NFL considers that a sack, just go ahead and put red/yellow jerseys on quarterbacks and pretend it’s touch football. That’s just a garbage call and more rules like that will chase fans away from the game and to college ball where defenders are actually allowed to tackle quarterbacks. The NFL did not become popular with feces rules like that.

0:00 Joe senses Mike Nugent will be the Bucs new kicker.

3 Responses to “Second Quarter Thoughts”

  1. Danbucsfan Says:

    Looks like the recievers need to work on catching these bullets being thrown to them by Leftwitch. We had the same problem with Doug Williams, (not that Leftwitch is the next Doug Williams), but there were a couple of throws put were they needed to be and they were dropped!

    Defense is doing pretty good!!

  2. Joe Says:


    Interior line played sharp in the first half. Really liked how the secondary came up to stuff the run inside as well.

  3. Mr. Lucky Says:

    Leftwich IS going to win the starting job – the dude is fearless in the pocket. However unless the O-line stiffens Byron is gonna get crunched by game 6 at which point Freeman steps into the QB job.

    How many more dropped passes are we gonna watch this preseason?

    Man what a gun there!