Freeman Corrects His Coach
August 16th, 2009
Josh Freeman not only looked composed in his NFL debut, he acted like a savvy veteran correcting Raheem the Dream.
Joe has been hard on the Bucs for drafting Josh Freeman so high. Joe might need to start eating his words.
Crow, anyone?
Now before you think Joe’s had too many Caybrews, not that that’s a bad thing, Joe totally understands this was Freeman’s first preseason game and first time under fire in an NFL stadium, on the road no less. So Joe not going to get carried away. Freeman will have ups and downs this preseason.
The kid seemed as composed as a veteran. In fact he’s acting like a veteran. He even corrected his coach after the game.
As Joe pointed out earlier, Raheem the Dream said in a postgame radio interview that Freeman’s first interception was his fault.
When asked about that in the bowels of LP Stadium in Nashville, Freeman greatly disputed that claim.
“Nah, man! That was me. I was on the field. I’m the one who threw the pass.”
Freeman admitted to Joe that he did have to check himself when he ran onto the field before the sold out crowd and just before he took the field for the first time as an NFL quarterback.
“I had to take a drink of water,” Freeman said, unable to hide a smile.
As for the number of times he threw to wide receiver Sammie Stroughter, Freeman denied a budding chemistry.
“I like Sammie and he’s a great receiver but I was just going through my reads. It wasn’t like I was looking to only throw to him.”
How’s Freeman going to celebrate his first game in the NFL?
“I’m probably going to crash on the plane.”
August 16th, 2009 at 1:30 am
“crash on the plane”?
Hope not.
August 16th, 2009 at 10:27 am
Really, never say crash and plane in the same sentence. typical rookie mistake.
It’s funny that Freeman looked exactly like he did in his college tapes. Good, not great, mental lapse, then back to good but not great. He’s alright, but not Joe Montana by a long shot. Now Josh Johnson, that’s a whole other story. Am I the only idiot on the Planet that gets excited when Josh Johnson is in the game? Poise exudes him. I can’t believe the Coaches or Sports Writers don’t see his potential. WTF?
August 16th, 2009 at 2:18 pm
Once again, I totally agree with BigMac! Doug Williams is the one that pushed Gruden and Allen to draft Johnson because he saw the talent this guy has, and last night proved it! Granted, it was against 4th stringers, but considering the few snaps he gets in camp, he played extremely well!