Liam Coen Talks Bucs’ Run Game, “Investment”

January 28th, 2025

Yes, Jaguars head coach Liam Coen was talking Bucs yesterday. And no, Joe’s not referring to El Serpiente, the former Bucs offensive coordinator, speaking at his introductory news conference.

Coen talked on 92.5 FM in Jacksonville and chatted about his success in Tampa.

He explained getting a fast buy-in from his Bucs offense because of the commitment he and his offensive staff displayed.

Coen said he and his team sat down with players and detailed three things they did very well in 2023 and three areas in which coaches thought they could improve.

Per Coen, that deep personal assessment made in impact. “I think they saw an investment in them early on,” he said.

Coming to a very successful Bucs organization, Coen said, put added pressure on him to impress players and build on their strong foundations.

Coen said he’s not taking all the credit for the Bucs’ improvement last seeason, but he’s putting some of it on his résumé.

“The run game, the culture, the identity, that was something we were proud of in terms of improving those areas,” Coen said.

Joe will give Coen a ton of credit for the run game. The guy schemed the run like Joe hadn’t seen in Tampa. Heck, the Bucs’ run game racked up more yards than in any season ever — and the yards per carry was impressive while Baker Mayfield ranked third in the NFL in passing yards.

As for the culture and the identity, well, Joe isn’t throwing endless flowers at Coen for that. Perhaps Joe will toss Coen a rodent he can swallow whole.

45 Responses to “Liam Coen Talks Bucs’ Run Game, “Investment””

  1. Hodad Says:

    Coen who?

  2. JayBuc Says:

    Coen does deserve some credit. BUT: 1. Bucky was not with the team last Year. 2. New Center (did we have a center last year?) 3. New LG. 4. RG added 15lbs and improved greatly. He took the second year leap. 5. RT took another huge step forward. Not too mention our LT is too bad 🙂

  3. JayBuc Says:

    LT isn’t too bad.

  4. Truth be Told Says:

    Bucs Offense is solid going forward. It’s the Pass D that stinks on this team

  5. adam from ny Says:

    i think he’s talking about the coen brothers…

    the movie makers…

    they made: no country for old men, raising arizona, fargo etc…

    otherwise i’ve never really heard of another coen…

    maybe cohen optical…..for eyewear…….who knows

  6. BucEmUp Says:

    Fix the defense

  7. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Scr#w the sour grapes about Coen. Wish he was still coaching the offense. He ran the best Bucs offense this franchise has ever seen. That is undeniable.
    I hope he does well, just not against the Bucs.
    This team could never run and throw combined like we just watched this season. So the heck with any sour grapes about Coen.
    Who knows how the next OC will do, hopefully well.

    GO BUCS!!!!

  8. heyjude Says:

    Coen was only here a year. Sounds like he is a little over the top selling himself. The Jags were the only team he interviewed with. Toward the end of our season he made cutesy plays that were horrible as well as the last game mess-up. His head wasn’t into it at that point. He was performing for more HC interviews. The guy got his dream job but lied to the Bucs in doing so. Horrible optics when he needs a new job in two years.

  9. BallHawk75 Says:

    [Speaking of obsession, Joe has no inclination to pretend this is one of the lesser Bucs sites and give the people what they don’t want, obsessing over a college all-star game where 75 percent of the players will bust out, and 98 percent won’t be on the Bucs roster during underwear football season. As noted American businessman Sam Giancana once said, “We give people what they want.” Perhaps you don’t pay attention to trends but Bucs fans are still livid about Coen. Joe runs a business, not a charity. Besides, if anyone doesn’t like the subject of a particular story, there are quite literally thousands of other stories in Joe’s free archives for folks to read. Whining about stories that others want to and do read is as sad as walking into a 120-item daily buffet and b!tching about why the restaurant always serves ice cream. — Joe]



    Fire Bowles now!!!

  10. El HEFE Says:

    I’m still giving all the praise to the offensive line and the coach that was pushing the offensive line. Because without the players the coaching is sh**.

  11. Let Em Bake Says:

    Get your futures bet in on Jaguars winning the AFC south. Coen upgrade, plus 3rd place schedule. Packers ( 3rd place schedule) and niners ( 4th place schedule) also great bets. Now, If Darnold can somehow win comeback player, my 300 turns into 2k 🙂

  12. Dan b Says:

    Good grief, can you please stop talking about this loser? All I wanna hear about is who is our office coordinator, get a defensive coordinator, and keep my Greenberg.

  13. Dan b Says:

    We went 10 and seven, it’s not like the guy won three Super Bowls lol

  14. BucsFan81 Says:

    Guy will be out of a job before we even play the Jags again.

  15. Bucben1961 Says:

    It’s funny how this site is cranking out anti Coen articles one after the other but when it comes to Todd’s defense we get a fluff piece about how great the run defense is and crickets about the pass defense. Burying your head in the sand for lack of s better word isn’t going to make it better. Tons of people posting like Todd I get it but just as many or more have had enough of the free pass…hold him accountable!!!

  16. Joe Says:

    It’s funny how this site is cranking out anti Coen articles one after the other but when it comes to Todd’s defense we get a fluff piece about how great the run defense is and crickets about the pass defense.

    Even funnier that someone is whining Joe doesn’t write “FIRE TODD BOWLES” — when the guy is here to stay at least the rest of the calendar year — doesn’t read the site and cons himself into thinking Joe’s happy with the Bucs defense.

    Helps to scroll down a little. smh

    Guess you’ve missed all the stories about no edge rush and rotten pass defense the past, oh, 18 months.

    Joe would love for you to point out where Joe wrote the Bucs defense is good.

  17. Joe Says:

    Good grief, can you please stop talking about this loser?

    Sure! When people stop reading the Coen stories, yes, Joe will be happy to type instead such exhilarating stories and subjects about Elijah Klein and J.J. Russell. smh

  18. Woodman Says:

    Ballhawk= Dave Pear

  19. BallHawk75 Says:


    Spot on sir. We are basically supposed to be quiet and enjoy the mediocre product. And never once complain about the obvious.

    As long as we have to read about Bowles staying put, I will continue voicing my opinion to fire him asap.


    Fire Bowles now!!!

  20. Couch Fan Says:

    Why is anyone so sure we will be hiring a D Coord? We heard almost within hours of us interviewing O Coords but nothing as far as D Coords go? I dont expect us to either. Super Todd is to stubborn to give up his duties.

  21. Bucben1961 Says:

    Guess you’ve missed all the stories about no edge rush and rotten pass defense the past, oh, 18 months.

    How about the last 18 hours…one story after the other and mostly smear jobs.. I didn’t yell fire Bowels …I’m not understanding why there seems to be little concern about the teams pass defense and where is the hard hitting questions about the defensive coaching staff. Are we gonna bring in a defensive coordinator…are we staying status quo with the secondary coaches. Yes by all means let’s talk about the time in 2nd grade Coen stole little Timmy’s cookie

  22. Ugo Says:

    Joe, you do you but speaking of Klein, has he shown any promise and if so, how is his development progressing?
    Nobody can speak to Klein’s progress since he hasn’t played. Anyone who does, isn’t being forthright. Joe has no reason to think Klein isn’t doing everything asked of him. –Joe
    I would read a quick article about the state of our more unknown rookies and how they are progressing or not progressing

  23. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    It seems so many years ago we had this guy…. can’t quite remember. Left this great spot to a little barely known city in Florida and just couldn’t respark the fire that was here. Well he’s so unimportant won’t even try to remember his name

  24. Uhmm Says:

    the ignorance is overwhelming in the comment section and rodmucher isnt even awake/sober enough yet to sit at the desktop…

  25. Pops Malone Says:

    Keep firing the cannons Joes! I am liking your responses this morning!

    P.S….I gave up finding any coconut donuts for Ira up here in the Chicagoland area. They don’t exist!

  26. MelvinJunior Says:

    Hey, Joe! If you haven’t already, you’ve GOT TO get the book “Mafia Spies.” It Is. UN. REAL. It’s about Sam Giancana, Tampa Mob Boss – Santo Trafficante, & a very wide ranging cast of characters, from mob hit-men, to JFK, RFK, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, Phyllis McGuire, and the CIA & FBI. It goes DEEP inside of the government’s efforts (using the mob) to assassinate Fidel Castro, using all of these ultra-secretive, undercover ‘attempts’ using literal, James Bond style tactics during the “Bay of Pigs,” & etc. It’s Unbelievable. It has ‘spies’ and ‘national security’ GALORE. Just waaaayy too much to even mention here. A lot of the stories you have heard before, but it goes much DEEPER (from the inside). Even, inside of those old mob stories & hits. It’s really AMAZING, & is a MUST READ. Especially, now that all of the JFK, RFK, & MLK info. has been released. “Mafia Spies.” They were even talking about making into a television/or streaming “series” at one point… Don’t know whatever happened with that, though.

  27. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    The home playoff loss still stings. We very well could have still been playing. We’re not.
    Excited for the coming new season.

  28. MelvinJunior Says:

    A GREAT Read. Seemed maybe, just a tad ‘slow’ in the very beginning, but MAN… It REALLY, starts to ‘pick-up’ FAST. And, then gets WILD. It’s real crazy stuff. CIA & FBI bugging celebrities and mobsters, & using them as undercover agents, & etc. Some ‘real-life’ James Bond’s stuff. Trying to KILL Castro (with exploding and poisonous cigars)! Just NUTS. “Mafia Spies.”

  29. Faspro Says:

    Good Luck, Liam!!

  30. PSL Bob Says:

    Eat a rat! I like it. Think I’ll start using it.

  31. orlbucfan Says:

    BallHawk75 and Bucben1961 are a couple of fair weather Buc fans. Their opinions plus $5 might buy a decent cup of java in today’s world. Off-season time in the NFL world, and it shows.

  32. Saskbucs Says:

    Agreed Joe. Coen is saying the things that Jags fans want to hear. He was a great OC for us no doubt but we made significant offensive player improvements. He can take some credit for the run scheme, that’s it.

    Baker and that OL is the offensive identity. Do what it takes to win! Run, pass, smack a LB in the mouth. I’d give more credit to Canales for “culture” than I would Bowles. At least we have a season of evidence Dave brought decent culture to the Panthers otherwise that team doesn’t stay competitive all year.

  33. Mondy Says:

    Keep my teams name out of your mouth you snake, you don’t have anywhere close to the O-line the Bucs have.

  34. Rod Munch Says:

    The improvement in the run game was mostly scheme and playcalling. Coen did the best job I’ve ever seen from a Bucs OC at keeping defenses off balance and not sure what was coming, in particular running out of odd formations with lots of misdirection.

    Obviously having Bucky breakout was huge, but we saw huge improvements from White and even the worthless trash Tucker look OK in spurts.

    Going back to scheme, you really can’t overstate how good it was. So much movement from the offensive line kept defenses not really knowing what was coming. If you listened to other teams podcasts after games, you’d hear them time and time again talk about how great the Bucs play calling was, how precise they looked, and how defenses just looked off balanced and unsure of themselves.

  35. Joe Says:

    P.S….I gave up finding any coconut donuts for Ira up here in the Chicagoland area. They don’t exist!

    In the Second City? Seems hard to believe. (Joe just did a Google search “Chicago coconut donuts” and several links popped up. Will tell Ira.)

    Hey, Joe! If you haven’t already, you’ve GOT TO get the book “Mafia Spies.”

    Sounds fun! Thanks for the tip.

  36. gotbbucs Says:

    Coen was great at altering the scheme to who was available in personnel from a weekly basis. We had an offense for when Evans and Godwin were on the field, an offense for when neither one was on the field and Otton was the focal point, and an offense with Evans and McMillan being the primary targets.
    The one knock I will put on Coen was not getting our other TE’s and WR’s involved often enough. When Otton was out, the other TE’s stepped up huge, but as soon as Otton came back, those other TE’s appeared to be left completely out of the plan.

  37. Bucben1961 Says:

    Orlbucsfan,…..,.lllBallHawk75 and Bucben1961 are a couple of fair weather Buc fans

    Just because we don’t blindly toe the company line doesn’t make us fair weather friends. I’m sure I’ve been a bucs fan long long before you. That doesn’t mean I have to agree with every the bucs do. The bucs have a terrible pass de. Period. Todd’s the defensive coordinator. Period . Hard to understand why so many are giving him a free pass. Defense has been in decline for far longer than the injuries took hold. Pretending that everything is ok and doing the same thing next season as this one isn’t going to get different results. But hey if throwing fits and calling names makes you feel better more power to you

  38. MelvinJunior Says:

    “Rod” hit the nail on the head. There is A LOT more to it than what some of the totally biased and butt hurt people on here are trying to spew. Including the blocking schemes and OLine.

  39. Crickett Baker Says:

    If the Bucs needed a HC (which they don’t) and they hired a first-year OC who called plays for the first time ever as the new HC I would be screaming from Tampa to Mt. Champlain.
    I hope Canals and Goen have a tough forthcoming season.

  40. stpetebucsfan Says:

    “Joe will give Coen a ton of credit for the run game. The guy schemed the run like Joe hadn’t seen in Tampa.”

    A ton? Really? If he was so genius why did it take so long to start Bucky and giving him the #1 RB spot. Nobody had to be a genius to watch Bucky run.

    The fans on this very site were screaming for Bucky over White, long before Coen figured out his bread and butter! (Save your breath trolls we know you’re itching to post that it was Todd who kept Coen from recognizing Bucky’s amazing talent. Right that’s the ticket)

    He had a potential superstar RB, a revamped physical OL, and a QB whose cojones played a vital role in covering up Coen’s mistakes when he did make an incorrect call.


  41. Rod Munch Says:

    stpetebucsfan – Who is to say Bucky could have held up all season if he was starting day one? The guy is undersized, and did get hurt and missed time, and if you gave him more snaps early, is he hitting the rookie wall late in the year, or on the sidelines injured? Also for as good of a runner as Bucky is, he’s not a good pass blocker, and was still learning to block – that’s always the thing that takes rookies the most time to learn. White, meanwhile, is an exceptional blocker at RB and I saw him standing up DE’s that blew past Sucke when he was starting at tackle.

    Coen handled Bucky just about perfect, getting him healthy and peaking at the right time of the year.

    A lot of people I’ve seen taking shot at Coen have no idea what they watched this year and what an incredible job he did, and how hard he is going to be to replace. The Bucs are crying and did all the tricks they could to keep him because they know how good he is and how hard he is going to be to replace.

  42. OR Buc Says:

    Thanks Joes! I like all the stories, keep em coming! Gonna be a long offseason.

  43. Vico Says:

    He didn’t have any sure fire goal line plays to beat the chiefs when he had them

  44. Rod Munch Says:

    Vico Says:
    January 29th, 2025 at 11:11 am
    He didn’t have any sure fire goal line plays to beat the chiefs when he had them


    Or Baker failed to make plays when it mattered most, like we say him fail to do vs the Redskins a couple of weeks ago.

  45. John m Says:

    Stop talking about him. Who cares