Buyer’s Remorse

January 28th, 2025


The Bucs had a lot of disappointing play from many defenders this season.

Hard-hitting safety Jordan Whitehead had coaches and suits downright giddy in March when the Bucs were able to bring him back in free agency.

The Pitt product was a key element in the Bucs’ Super Bowl win for the 2020 season. He left to get paid by the Jets. Joe can’t blame him.

Whitehead returned to Tampa the Bucs couldn’t believe their good fortune.

Premature jocularity.

Though Whitehead displayed supreme toughness in coming back from a midseason pec injury that would have shelved most players for the season, he simply wasn’t the same player he was four years ago.

Joe wasn’t the only one to recognize this. The PFF tribe believes Whitehead was the most disappointing free agent signing last year.

Whitehead returned to Tampa Bay and was the only external player on the team given a multi-year contract. Unfortunately, he played only 12 games. Tampa Bay will likely aim to improve their secondary this offseason, and Whitehead could be on the chopping block.

Joe has said the following on the “Ira Kaufman Podcast” for months: Joe believes that if you gave Bucs defensive coaches truth serum, they’d confess to having buyer’s remorse with Whitehead.

Joe could see Whitehead was an inferior player compared to the guy the Bucs drafted in 2018.

The Bucs simply need better play in the middle of their defense. Defensive tackles are excellent. But inside linebackers (sans Lavonte David) and the safety play was poor.

A healthy Antoine Winfield and better play from Whitehead will go a long way to repairing this defense.

No. 4 Rookie Class Is In Tampa

46 Responses to “Buyer’s Remorse”

  1. Bucnjim Says:

    I was one of those fans excited to get Whitehead back, but it didn’t work out. Guess that teams don’t just let quality players walk especially teams with a bunch of cap space. Buyer Beware!

  2. Saskbucs Says:

    Guy looked amazing week 2 in Detroit. Don’t think I noticed him for the rest of the year doing anything of note. Hopefully he can bounce back.

  3. Tye Says:

    Biggest remorse is STUCK with Bowels as HC for 2025!
    What defense quality player would want to come to Tampa in a wasted year?…
    One that’s desperate or crazy….

  4. stpetebucsfan Says:

    “One that’s desperate or crazy….”

    Or perhaps one that knows the NFL and it’s coaches a LOT better than keyboard warriors on a blog.

    Not to be contrary but that post begs this question.

    Did the Bucs have any problem luring Suh or JPP? Suh should be HOF and JPP is borderline. I don’t believe either of them was desperate or crazy.

  5. BallHawk75 Says:

    I know that you can be overwhelmed and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?



    Fire Bowles now!!!

  6. Lokog Says:

    Its the defensive scheme this team could not beat the utep miners

  7. Pmike Says:

    Sorry to break it to ya but ever year after Brady’s contract should have been “wasted” years of rebuilding.

    Be glad we are relevant in a time we shouldn’t be, or you could always jump ship for them DIRRRTTTYYY DUVVVVAAAALLLL BOIS

    Go Bucs Go Bowles.

  8. PSL Bob Says:

    Premature jocularity? Is that a sexual reference?

  9. Ugo Says:

    Tye, enough already, no one wants to hear you guys crying about Bowles all offseason. We are stuck with Bowles for at least another year and Coen is gone, just deal with it and stop bringing him up in conversation he has no bearings on.

  10. Todd Says:

    Yellow doesn’t mean “go really fast” Mr. Whitehead.

  11. Todd Says:

    — PSL Bob

    “ Premature jocularity? Is that a sexual reference?”

    Wokeism is DEAD. Football knuckle-dragger like us can actually enjoy dude jokes again without the risk of violating the sensibilities of lactating men.

  12. Crickett Baker Says:

    True Ugo. I am so sick of reading “fire Bowles” I almost don’t read the comments anymore. He is our coach and has done well with players and winning.

  13. adam from ny Says:

    the jets years tend to mess a lot of people up…

    the jets don’t have JOBU, so you jinxed upon entry, and you’re junk on the way out…

    these things happen

  14. Larrd Says:

    The FA corner did not even play as far as I remember. Hurt in preseason? Those two plus Edwards and Winfield and all the experience for the younger guys. I feel okay about the secondary if they draft a corner in first or second round.

  15. infomeplease Says:

    Major injuries to AW31,TS23, JW3, SD8, and JD35 made what could have been a great defense, mediocre at best. The Bucs need these guys healthy and on the field!

  16. DBS Says:

    Go back in the archives. Tye has been crying everyday since Bowles was hired. Got to be part of the Pear posters. Just ignore them.

  17. heyjude Says:

    Unfortunately, I agree about Whitehead too and I was one of the ones that was really excited having him back. Licht, Bowles, and everyone were over the moon. Thinking too, he may not be back next season.

  18. Hodad Says:

    Whitehead was signed because Bowles, and his assistant D coaches aren’t capable of coaching up new players. He was dumped by the Jets for a reason. Not good enough for the Jets, but since he knows Todd’s complex system of not covering anybody he was resigned. This is why as much as I love David this defense needs new blood. Same with Bowles’s pals Ross, and old man Rapone. Need new ideas, some younger secondary coaches. You either get better, or worse. Constantly sticking with the same players, and old coaches won’t make us any better. One more season of .500 should usher in a new era.

  19. Fred McNeil Says:

    To me jocularity means joking around a lot. Dictionary.cim agrees with me. What do you mean by it, Joe. When I was in college I’d “reach” for interesting words too, but me English Comp teacher would also me down when I reached for a word that didn’t quite fit. Kinda like the BUCS reaching for Mark Barron when they needed a safety when they should have picked Luke Kueckly.
    Anyway, I do not consider Jordan Whitehead a risky pickup at all. I’m thinking, just like Winfield this year, that Bowles was simply trying to far exceed his usual level of defensive brilliance…but wound up outsmarting himself instead. Kinda like how he’d drop his outside linebackers into coverage almost 25% of the time.
    I’m kinda leaning towards giving Whitehead another chance. And Todd, please try not to outsmart yourself.

  20. Mike’snumber1fan Says:

    I think the defensive backfield will be Winfield, izien, smith, and McCollum. Dean is done. Whitehead only comes back if it’s for peanuts since we don’t have a ton to spend. I expect to draft another safety and corner this upcoming April.

  21. Matthew L. Cole Says:

    I do not think he and Winfield had the time to jell again, both missing time with injuries, Winfield got hurt in the first game. I think the offseason and, fingers crossed, they both remain healthy, it will work out.

  22. Fred McNeil Says:

    I can’t scroll up to the start of my post to proof read it much of the time. That’s why typos are all over the beginning of my posts but the ends contain less typos. This software kinda sux

  23. KnoxvilleBuc Says:

    I really was disappointed when we let him walk. We needed that enforcer and his ability to change the opposing offensive mindset. Him blasting Aaron Jones in 2020 was a thing of beauty where he caused a fumble. Potentially would not have won the game without that play. This year he seemed less interested in high velocity contact and his angles were very poor. Again we don’t know what was going on him internally but is expect a jump in his play in 2025. If it is deemed by the staff we can go cheaper and hungrier let’s do it.

  24. WNCBucsFan Says:

    Slightly off topic, but…
    Y’all want Bowles head on a platter, yet he’s #3 in the wins column behind #1 Arians and #2 Dungy. Smh. Sit down and shut up.
    Whitehead needs to be better to stay here.

  25. I Remember 21 Says:

    It’s not just that Whitehead didn’t meet expectations, it’s like he was a different player. For a guy that was known for hard, punishing hits, he was out there looking like Carlton Davis – afraid to break a nail making a tackle. I was really excited when we signed him, but could not have been more disappointed in his play. I’d keep Edwards over his bum az at this point.

    Joe sure has been on about this “truth serum” for months now. I’m not sure there’s that much secrecy involved here. They’re not gonna trash the player while he’s in the building, but if he gets cut and you ask them about it, I’m pretty sure they would just admit it without any kind of injection. If they don’t regret the signing after his performance, they need their eyes checked.

  26. I Remember 21 Says:

    Hodad: “he knows Todd’s complex system of not covering anybody”
    1) LMAO
    2) I really think the complexity of the D is one of the main reasons we have trouble getting young players ready or bringing in guys mid-season. Guys in the system 2-3 years, only pro team they’ve played for, still not ready. It’s ridiculous. And while it’s mostly a catch all excuse, I think that’s the root of the ever persistent “communication issues” we hear so much about. The D is too complicated, and either because of, or in spite of that, it’s ineffective.

  27. I Remember 21 Says:

    @ WNCBucsFan

    We have the lowest win percentage of any team in any of the major sports leagues. We’ve had a lot of bad seasons and a LOT of bad coaches. Being third on our coach’s wins list isn’t as impressive to most people as it is to you. It’s like being the third tallest midget. He’s still an overall .449 head coach and .529 as Bucs head coach (.250 in the playoffs). Not very impressive AT ALL. So maybe you should sit down and shut up.


  28. Aqualung Says:

    Given the way the pass defense was roasted by everybody, Whitehead probably isn’t too happy either.

  29. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Injuries were an issue all over the team this year. With all the rules trying to make the game safer, it sure feels like players are getting injured more often these days.

    Hopefully, Whitehead will get healthy this off season.

    His contract isn’t too bad in 2025. On the surface, it is $3,750,000, but it is filled with incentives:

    3 INTs: $250,000
    3 INTs + Playoff Berth: $250,000
    3 Sacks: $250,000
    3 Sacks + Playoff Berth: $250,000
    Pro Bowl: $500,000

  30. Pewter Power Says:

    Whitehead played safety for a defense ranked 3rd in the nfl the year before he came back to the Bucs just sayin.

    He’s drafted into Bowles defense and he’s strictly viewed as a box safety. He goes to the Jets under Robert Saleh defense that prioritized coverage evolved and somewhat thrived. Somehow comes back to Todd Bowles defense and sucks again hmmm.

  31. BuckyBuc Says:

    Whitehead was a important part to our superbowl run and im glad he loves the fans and the tampa area, that being said it is time to move on. GL

  32. heyjude Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai – Good take on all of it. We did have our share of injuries and hopefully next season everyone will remain healthy.

  33. PSL Bob Says:

    Guys, I was trying to make a joke. I know what jocularity means. However, coupled with premature made me laugh.

  34. orlbucfan Says:

    Lactating is not something human males do; it means producing milk for babies. That one goes to us females. I was glad to see Whitehead back, too. He got injured and his performance was a disappointment. He’ll get his act together in the off-season. Licht/Bowles need to get the OC hired so they can fully concentrate on the D. A punter wouldn’t hurt, too. Skipping the Stupid Bowl cos I am sick and tired of the Kansas City Chiefs.

  35. ChiBuc Says:

    Fred McNeil Says:
    January 28th, 2025 at 11:32 am

    To me jocularity means joking around a lot. Dictionary.cim agrees with me. What do you mean by it, Joe. When I was in college I’d “reach” for interesting words too, but me English Comp teacher would also me down when I reached for a word that didn’t quite fit.

    Actually, Joe did pick an appropriate word and you are not wholly wrong. “Jocular” is an adjective which does mean jokey, but “JOCULARITY” is a noun which lends more to a state of cheer/happiness. Think happy (adjective) vs happiness (noun) …now, premature happiness

  36. PNW Buc Says:

    Keyboard turds. Article is about whitehead. One day you’ll all move out on your own. Bless your heart LoL

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    Whitehead, like seemingly everyone else in the Bucs backfield, was really slow downed by injury and by the awful trash super soft zone defense that just has guys standing around most of the time.

    However, as stated above, Whitehead did not look like his old self, and just seemed slow and unsure of himself. Again, injuries I’m sure played a part, but I’d expect the Bucs to, at the very least, draft someone.

    Whitehead’s deal, from what I see, is $4.5m, none of which is guaranteed. Licht likes to have at least $5m in cap space in reserve for the regular season, so it wouldn’t shock me if they kept Whitehead through the preseason just to see if he’s improved, and if not, they could cut him and use that money as their buffer.

  38. Goldenbuc Says:

    Give izen whiteheads money

  39. BucsBucsBucs!! Says:

    Todd: is it always political with you? Can’t we just enjoy football without your nonsense?

  40. Pewter Power Says:

    So many Bucs fans in denial about Bowles defense. You guys are really slow but you have faith in your head coach so nothing wrong with that. Maybe one more session of hitting your head on a rock before you stop blaming the roster

  41. ChiBuc Says:

    We are beyond denying…time to just deal with it. Uou ate preaching to the choir that sang your song over 4 yrs ago. You might as well go outside and rant that the sky is blue, but why.

  42. #1bucsfan Says:

    Bowles haters should ponder this. You don’t hear any players of his complaining about his defense. Just fans and some talking heads. Bowels isn’t the reason windfield wasn’t himself. They both were here last year and windfield has one of the best seasons for a saftey. Not saying Bowles is perfect not even close and I’ve bin mad as hell with some or a lot of his calls but coaches don’t play and the guys off the street along with some of our starters didn’t play good enough. Hope this draft goes to the defense and Jason grabs some more talent cause when Bowles has the talent his defense is good hence 20 and 21. Shoot his defense is the only team to beat the chiefs in the SB and we made mahomie look like a back up. Get Bowles talent and his defense will improve

  43. Peskajumba Says:

    Sounds good. Add two years.

  44. Todd Says:


    This site’s safe space is…over there.

  45. View from 132 Says:

    Is Whitehead better this season is Winfield is better? Or vice versa? That’s the real decision for next year. If you expect Winfield to be healthy and bounce back, wouldn’t the guy playing next to him benefit?

  46. Fred Says:
