Is Tom Brady Partly To Blame For Bucs Getting Dissed Nationally?

June 10th, 2024

Joe could pretend the Bucs getting disrespected by many national media outlets this offseason is bad luck or some form of looking down on all things Tampa.

But that would be lazy and far too easy. The answers lie inside and outside of One Buc Palace.

All year, Tampa Bay’s on-field product has been disprespected at a relentless rate nationally for a team that finished in the NFL’s Final 8 last season — a few plays away from the NFC Championship game.

All the noise really hit maximum volume for Joe while recently listening to ESPN’s Mina Kimes chatter about how Todd Bowles makes her top-5 list of head coaches most likely to get fired. This wasn’t a hot take, either.

Inside One Buc Palace, Team Glazer has significant staff in charge of marketing the team and shaping its perception in the media. Unless Team Glazer truly enjoys the weak underdog image, which can’t be great for ticket sales, Joe would advise Team Glazer to look in the mirror for a fix.

Call a meeting of all these intelligent and seasoned Bucs staffers and craft a plan. Hold people accountable. Simple as that, as Lovie Smith would say.

As for outside One Buc Palace, Joe wonders what Tom Brady’s role is in the look-down-on-the-Bucs vibe.

Brady retired 16-plus months ago and has seemingly written the Bucs out of his life.

Joe tuned in weekly to Brady’s podcast last season and Bucs talk was non-existent in the course of all his NFL discussion. The podcast had plenty of guests and none were tied to Tampa Bay. Brady’s Twitter/X feed? You won’t find a mention or a reTweet of anything Bucs since Brady retired.

Brady acknowledged achievements of non-Bucs players on Twitter/X, but no one from his former team in 16 months.

Joe also didn’t see Brady publicly cheering for the Bucs on other social media during Tampa Bay’s strong late-season run. (If Joe missed it, please share a link in the comments.)

Joe suspects Brady still hasn’t reached out to Baker Mayfield — while former Patriots QB Mac Jones had — and likely still has — Brady’s steady support.

Brady has done interviews since his retirement and routinely, he does not get asked about the Bucs or talk about Tampa Bay, the team that treated him like gold and for which he last played.

So if Brady can’t bring himself to love the Bucs publicly, then Joe has to wonder what Brady is telling people around the league about the Bucs behind closed doors.

Joe doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that the most powerful and influential former Buccaneer is publicly silent about his former team and, at the same time, most big media has found a way to be down on a Bucs club that’s returning most of its postseason roster, including a Pro Bowl quarterback.

Joe has written many times that everything about Brady’s world is highly calculated. And that’s just fine. But if intentionally downplaying or discounting the Bucs is part of that world, then Joe is not cool with that.

93 Responses to “Is Tom Brady Partly To Blame For Bucs Getting Dissed Nationally?”

  1. Mac Says:

    Does kind of seem that way. It really is odd to me how he never talks about a team he seemingly loved after his first 2 seasons. It still amazes me how disconnected he was from the team his last season. May have something to do with the Miami scandal and him trying to go there. Maybe the team turned on him at that point and he doesn’t feel welcomed back. Who knows but you’re right Joe, something certainly feels off with that.

  2. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Jason Licht joked that he didn’t get an invite to the roast because maybe he knows too much! Knows what exactly?
    Notice how not one ex-Buc (Joe doesn’t count Gronk) was up there at the podium roasting Brady? Of course, Bucco Bruce Arians has the potential and presence to be a legendary roaster, but was he even invited? Donovan Smith was on the stage and probably would have done a fantastic job taking a few minutes to jab Brady. Playoff Lenny probably would have been legendary, but no Bucs.–Joe

  3. Mark Says:

    We forget how Brady was basically blackmailed into playing here in 2022. He was trying to go to other teams. Licht used the void year written to help the team’s salary cap to force Brady to stay.

  4. HC Grover Says:

    If they win they dissing will end. Otherwise….who cares?

  5. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Perhaps Brady is unhappy about the way Arians and Bucs handled AB’s pouting at end of 2022 season.
    Not defending AB’s actions, but maybe Bucs’ season ends differently if AB doesn’t quit and possibly Brady has bitterness with organization over the outcome.

  6. Boss Says:

    As I have said many times…. the team and coach chose to use brady as a scapegoat and even they young guys acting like they need something fresh.

    slap in the face of the GOAT. Brady should tell the bucs to GFT

  7. Boss Says:

    He comes in and delivers the ring….just like Chucky……..and they stab them in the back.

    I like the Bucs, but to not say that is being naive

  8. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Boss are you saints or falcons fan cuz man you hate on everything

  9. First Name Greatest Says:

    Meh, who cares

    The national media routinely focuses on the traditional NFL legacy teams with huge followings or the teams that are winning BIG consistently. Bucs post Brady went 9-8 and won a bad division, yes, they punked Philly.

    But the Bucs re far from a perennial power who are being disrespected. They are coached by a guy who can’t seem to figure out how to scheme up a decent pass defense, while other teams do it and this franchise has always had to fight for respect.

    Nothing new to the fans who’ve been paying attention. Glad Brady was here but Arians and his ego ruined a chance at a repeat.

  10. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Brady was a gift to us, not the other way around.

    @First Name Greatest

    Arians ego was justified, and he is the one who got good vets to come here…and got us respect.

    We don’t have respect now because of Bowles.

  11. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Frankly, the Bucs were a short interlude in Brady’s life. I don’t care if he acknowledge us. I’m still grateful.

  12. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Bowles has not been a great coach, and until/unless he becomes one, we’ll never get respect here while he is coach.

    That said…with the right OC and QB, I believe he can turn things around. He’ll never be a superstar coach though.

  13. Citrus County Says:

    Perfect dovetail Joe.

    Let’s think about this; Could it be that after the SB victory BA and mgm’t wanted Brady to retire so he could go get Baker Mayfield and build for the longer term?

    Could it be that Brady needed the 2 years of $$$ remaining on his contract ? Would that money have been guaranteed if he retired ? We know he lost 30mil in Bitcoin. We don’t know for certain, but he likely knew his marriage was on the rocks. Maybe Brady was calling his wife’s bluff. Maybe Brady thought the Bucs had a good chance of going back to back, but it all blew up.

    Could an argument have ensued when he refused to retire at the top of his game ?

    Is it possible that BA concocted a scheme covert or otherwise to get even with #12 for interfering with the longer term plans of the team and getting him to step down ?

    Is it possible that Leftwich was so indebted to BA that he was willing to comply with whatever unscrupulous demands were imposed on him ?

    Is it possible that Brady (under contract) so adamantly insisted that BA step down that it forced the Glazers hand ?

    Is it possible that BA agreed (had to) step down but insisted Leftwich be his successor but the Glazers disagreed and wanted Bowles ?

    Is it possible that there was so much discontent spread evenly between the organization and Brady’s personal life that public perception and media became a serious issue ?

    We know the bad blood was enough for Brady to go to Kraft’s wedding and desert the team at the Pittsburg game.

    I could go on and on, but you get the point. I feel more sure in my beliefs every day.

    AND THEN “The Gronk” returns. It all adds up to me.

  14. Citrus County Says:

    A little patience is a good thing. –Joe

  15. Citrus County Says:

    OK I guess longer posts take time for the algorithm to scrutinize, but it didn’t go to mederation.

  16. D Cone Says:

    Since fans started voting on Pro Bowl selections in the 90’s it’s become more like American Idol. Players that are not that great can make it in on popularity.

    Better measure is the All pro Teams where even though there could be media down on a certain team it gets cancelled out by the rest that usually get it right.

    Brady has made 3 All Pro teams in his career and has thrown multiple receivers on to all Pro Teams 9 different times.

    All Pro QB’s like Manning, Brees, Ryan, Farve, Rodgers, Jackson, Maholmes, Allen, Gannon and Warner are QB’s that Brady might mention. Other QB that have won Super Bowls will get mentioned also even if it’s Foles and Eli.

    If anyone is looking for accolades from Brady you’re gonna have to earn it.
    I’m sure if Brady calls a Bucs game he will call it right down the middle. If it happens to be against the Ravens or Chiefs and their QB is lighting it up he will probably mention that it’s why those QB’s have been voted 1st team All Pro multiple times. Simply being a Pro Bowl alternate that ended up getting a spot because he was popular or fans thought he was dealt bad breaks along the way won’t move the needle. Doubt that interests Brady at all. I’m a nobody and it doesn’t interest me either.

    Of course if a QB happens to be one working for his good friend Bob Kraft they will surely get some encouragement as Drake Maye will probably get this season.

    What it comes down to is some of the media are not sold on the Bucs but then some are. Some don’t really care because they are still getting starting QB money to break down defenses from the booth. Want to get talked about become an All Pro Player or Win a Super Bowl.

  17. Citrus County Says:

    Thanks Joe

  18. BucsFan55 Says:

    Sweet turns sour, just give it some time.

  19. Lol Says:

    At least Gronk likes the Bucs!?

  20. Citrus County Says:

    I feel that I am posting directly to the Joes as they are likely the only ones that may recall my posts (conspiracy theories) of last year. Drip, drip,drip…Perry Mason is waiting for the directed verdict from the Judge. I just hope the Judge is Roy Bean.

  21. Citrus County Says:

    Is it possible that Brady so infuriated the Bucs by not retiring after the SB win that even the Glazers weren’t concerned about his or their image at the time ? Were the Glazers making so much money from the increased value of the franchise and TV and NFL and merchandise revenue that ticket sales weren’t that important ?

    Was payback that important ?

  22. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Yeah I think there were multiple reasons why Brady’s final year went sour. Ultimately I think Brady lost the team in his final season with the personal turmoil and lack of focus.

    I also think the Miami situation was the biggest issue for the franchise. Especially upper management. It’s something I don’t think that we will ever fully know about. Although, I suspect the Glazers told Tom, at the Man U game that if he wanted to play, he was going to play his final year in Tampa Bay.

  23. SlyPirate Says:

    TB12 probably wants to be remembered as a Patriot first and foremost.

    I have no problem with that. Michael Jordan will never be a Wizard.

  24. Citrus County Says:

    A Bucs Fan Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 4:42 pm
    Yeah I think there were multiple reasons why Brady’s final year went sour. Ultimately I think Brady lost the team in his final season with the personal turmoil and lack of focus.

    I wholeheartedly agree with you.

    I really don’t know why I care what happened. I do bristle when some entity or person tries to bamboozle me.

  25. heyjude Says:

    It was thrilling to have the Goat as our QB and winning a Super Bowl. The boat parade, all good memories. Brady obviously had a lot of things going on during his last season and we really don’t know all the reasons for his divorce. Things like that just don’t happen out of the blue though. Maybe the Bucs were the final straw? Maybe all the help they gave AB wore thin? Losing $30 mil crypto, Miami… We will never know unless one of them writes a book or makes a movie about all of it. In the end, it was great having him here.

    The Bucs were lucky not to be part of Brady’s roast. Others were too busy roasting about his ex wives to the point it placed more tension on his family. He seemed to care more about Kraft during it, which was not good optics either. I guess we will see if Brady is the sports analyst for any of our games this season. Hope so.

  26. CyberDilemma Says:

    Brady wanted out of Tampa after the 2021 season so he could go to Miami. Allegedly, he had a wink and a handshake agreement with Ross that would let him purchase an equity interest in the Dolphins at a sweetheart deal after he ultimately retired if he would go play for the Dolphins. Arians threw a monkey wrench in Brady’s plan by not letting him out of his Bucs contract, hence Brady’s animosity towards Arians. Brady basically mailed it in his final season with the Bucs.

  27. Bosch Says:

    It all adds up when you consider that Bruce Arians unexpected retirement had to have been a huge disappointment for Brady. The drop of talent at head coach and OC cannot be overestimated and is the number one reason Brady had no chance of going out on top. I am sure the bitterness lingers.

    Suffice it to say, Brady will go into the HoF as a Patriot, not a Buccaneer.

  28. JA Says:

    Is Tom Brady Partly to Blame For Bucs Getting Dissed Nationally?

    Of course not. Brady now gets paid to discuss perineal powerhouses, including his former team, the one that won every year for 20 years. See that here?
    The media sees a 2023 9-8 team that was two miracle plays by Antoine Winfield Jr. from being 7-10.
    They see a team who beat a playoff opponent who darn near lost every game in the second half of the season.
    They see a quarterback who’s last pass was an interception, not a Brady like come from behind victory.
    They see a team who won the worst division in football nd couldn’t score a TD against the Panthers with a playoff spot on the line.
    They see a team who was crushed by New Orleans at home the week before.
    And they see a coach with a career losing record.
    The only people who think the above is a positive about the Bucs, post here.
    Instead we get, If Baker, If Bowles, If the defense, and so on.
    When I travel the country, outsiders laugh at the thought of a team led by Baker Mayfield and Todd Bowles.
    Wanna shut them up? The only place that’s gonna happen is on the field. Play well this year and maybe the narrative will change.
    Until then, if, if, if, if … ain’t gonna cut it.

  29. Citrus County Says:

    Quite possibly one of the lessons the Glazers and others have learned while building a solid (seemingly) franchise is that prima donna QBs and prima donna HCs don’t mesh.

    Neither Todd Bowles or Baker Mayfield are prima donnas. They are hard working, low key, effective leaders.
    They are the type that fans can get behind. I think they can lead us to a much more meaningful SB than #12 and BA did.

  30. Citrus County Says:

    Brady was gifted a super bowl win putting him into an elite category of 7 time champs.

    It seems to me that he is an ingrate.

  31. BucThis Says:

    Jensen, David and D Smith we’re at the roast
    They were, but Joe’s reference was to those speaking at the podium, actually roasting Brady. –Joe

  32. Buc4evr Says:

    Don’t care what Brady says or does. Brady is dead and buried as a football player and I doubt he will last very long as a broadcaster. All I care about is how the team does this upcoming season.

  33. Bucsmarley Says:

    Very disappointing fans and Joe really believe this. If you’re a fan you should be thankful of the time Brady played for us. Not discounting the superbowl win but he brought accountability. A true professional
    Just like the commercial glad he’s gone………not really would still take you back 🤣

  34. Oneilbuc Says:

    Stop kissing his but Brady was a Patriot not a buc I was telling y’all that the whole time but you guys said I was haten . I also told y’all no other team wanted Brady but the bucs in 2020 . Because the way he played in 2019 and I also told y’all that Brady was washed up and yes I didn’t believe Brady was going to win the roster we had in 2019. But the bucs added 2 hall of famers and a pro bowl running back and we won even though we couldn’t beat any good teams that year until the playoffs came and our defense stepped up and bailed us out of 2 playoffs games . But I also told y’all that I didn’t let those players to he bucs added fool me about Brady being washed up. I was told he took the exact same team Jamies had and won a super bowl. But I was called a Jamies fan . Then in 2022 when AB and Gronk left Brady played just like he did in 2019 and he had better receivers in here than in New England in 2019. But everyone made Byron Leftwitch the scapegoat and it was the first time I’ve ever heard anyone blame the running game because I was told the running game doesn’t mean nothing with the other quarterback. Lol 🤣🤣 Brady is a Patriot and he will always be a Patriot. Brady didn’t love the bucs like y’all thought but I tried to tell y’all and now look!! Lol 🤣

  35. westernbuc Says:

    It’s definitely not an accident. He really has no right to be mad. The team gave him everything he wanted. He can cry about the voided year but that’s just business

  36. Citrus County Says:

    Bucsmarley Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 5:25 pm
    Very disappointing fans and Joe really believe this. If you’re a fan you should be thankful of the time Brady played for us. Not discounting the superbowl win but he brought accountability. A true professional

    Don’t be naive.

  37. Beeej Says:

    Brady got divorced from the Patriots, and we were ‘rebound chick’. Those types of relationships never last

  38. stpetebucfan Says:

    Bonzai! I feel iike the invasion of the body snatchers has grabbed you and supplanted your brain with mush!

    “Brady was a gift to us, not the other way around.”

    Brady was a whore who used us as we used him! It was a good deal since BOTH sides got what they wanted!!! After he got his he was ready to move on to a different “john” er customer, perhaps Miami or LV? He immediately went to Boston on his retirement to proclaim himself a “Patriot for life”. Great don’t let the door hit you in the backside Tommy Boy you ungrateful^#*(@

    HeyJude Again always admire your takes they are well thought out but I must nitpick one.

    “we really don’t know all the reasons for his divorce. Things like that just don’t happen out of the blue though.”

    Actually we do. Giselle has told HER side of the story and it’s simple. He BROKE A PROMISE he made to her that he would quit if he won one more SB!
    He won, he didn’t quit. She stuck it out for another year, sucked it up, but year three was the straw breaker.

    Most here haven’t really seen Giselle’s interview. She is an incredibly bright, balanced human being. Imagine you love somebody who insists on risking their intelligence and abiliity to function into later years.

    I’m the old dude here! I see many friends forced to take care of their mates due to physical deterioration. If you see poor Jim McMahon these days his cognition is SHOT!!! Why should Giselle be forced to risk wiping drool from Tommy Boys face as he ages because his EGO demanded more more more football! What did he have left to prove after winning his first year here.

    Tommy Boy is the GOAT. But personally I find no need to worship him like Bonzai and others here. His last year was a disaster and it’s a freaking miracle that TL and TB have turned it around so quickly after cap hell.

    Could it be that Brady views himself just like Bonzai does and is upset the Bucs CAN WIN WITHOUT HIM?

  39. stpetebucfan Says:

    @JOE I truly respect you guys for this piece. I’ve never seen you sell out or skirt issues due to the Bucs management or popularity here on JBF.

    Appreciate the sentiment, but Joe’s just writing about what Joe finds interesting. Same thing since Day 1 here in 2008. Nothing more than that. Other media, however, often operates out of fear of upsetting the wrong people. Joe gets that, but Joe can’t live life that way. As for popularity, Joe’s grateful for it. Thankfully, it’s a byproduct of the basic mode of operation here since the site was launched. Has Joe ever sold out? Once, but Joe thought it was the right move. Ira Kaufman agreed and it was done. That was a long time ago. It’ll be a chapter in the book one day, or in the movie (Of course, Joe Pesci will be cast as Ira.) –Joe

    Confession. In another life when I was a TV Sports Director/Anchor it was in tiny Bristol VA/TN. Bristol Raceway was THE major league attraction. One of the owners had a 20 year old son who fancied himself a heavyweight boxer. His father eager to advance his son’s career used his clout as raceway owner to promote and stage his son’s matches. He also used his money and connections to line up a dozen stiffs to make sure his son remained undefeated.

    I covered those bouts not because of journalistic integrity, but because I needed the access I received when NASCAR came to town. Confession is good for the soul and in my entire career that was the decision I regret the most. I sold out for the access. You have not so I both admire and envy you!!!

  40. RVATom Says:

    Look, Brady is a businessman, and in my opinion not a great one based on his publicy known results. Maybe in his backroom, where his accountant adds the wins and losses he is ahead business wise?

    So, my gut instinct is Brady calculates what works BEST for his brand, for TB12 and that is what he leans into. NE support garners him bigger market share than Tampa, plain and simple. Wild guess on my part.

    I agree, I think the dude would be smart to buy low sell high and invest in Tampa and Tampa’s market. But let’s be honest, Tampa doesn’t ring bells nationally, not in business, not in tourism, we have sorta a niche market. If the secret ACTUALLY ever gets out the sky is the limit. I remember my Dad selling a house on the water in Pasadena for upper 300s in ’98 while real estate on the East Coast was in the 7 figures for a comparable home. It’s changed…prices have escalated, awareness is up…but Tampa Bay is still a secret overall. Tampa is considered a little bit of a backwater…it isn’t the SE FL glitz, it isn’t the SW FL rich haven…it’s Tampa Bay. Brady is just falling into the national single file.

    Gronk gets it. I’d rather have him and his old lady cheering us on. Brady is a weirdo. Love his time here. Still think he is unapproachable and a cardboard personality around the common man. And I think his business acumen is garbage.

  41. RVATom Says:

    Not to mean I don’t LOVE everything Brady did here. And I cheered as loudly as I could for the guy as a Buc. No hate for his time here.

  42. Oneilbuc Says:

    Brady talks about the Patriots every time he’s interviewed and he’s been back to New England last season for a few games. And he haven’t mentioned anything about the bucs since he retired. He didn’t even show up for the playoffs games. But they told y’all that we were his first choice and he didn’t want to play for no other team but the bucs!! I told y’all the front office have no pride for this team and they showed us that by bringing Brady back in 2022 after they found out he tried to play for the Dolphins behind their back. But I was called a saints fan and a Brady hater. Lol 🤣

  43. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Aww poor short lil Baker, who’s name never crosses the GOAT’S lips! I’m sure with all his past immature and rah rah antics crying for attention it’s no wonder Brady has no real respect for him and he’s 5 inches taller so can’t even see him in a crowd. Alpha males have no real respect for “try hard” Beta males Plus it’s no wonder he’s divorced the Bucs in every way because he had to force BA to change his offense after the Kansas City BEATDOWN and then force him out AND they gave him his 1st losing season in his ENTIRE career behind Blowles poor coaching and poor personnel decisions.

    JA very good take on the 2023 Bucs.

    Oneill stop it. You are are a Jaymiss ATM fanboi who’s no better than the Baker fanbois. You make every excuse for all of his horrible play and turnovers and blame everyone else. You are the biggest hypocrite up here ragging on the Baker fanbois for the same exact thing. You hated Brady because he is white who replaced your discarded idol plain and simple

  44. Beeej Says:

    “Mark Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 3:20 pm
    We forget how Brady was basically blackmailed into playing here in 2022. He was trying to go to other teams. Licht used the void year written to help the team’s salary cap to force Brady to stay.”


    What he said. That must have been unfuriating

  45. JA Says:


    “Brady is a weirdo.”
    Somehow, I think that being one of the more famous people on the planet turns most anyone into a “weirdo.”
    Gronk, the common man’s hero, was a tight end. He didn’t win MVP’s. He was great at what he did, but is not recognized throughout the world.
    Most top tier movie stars and sports stars are all weirdos. They can’t get a drink in a bar, nor do most anything in a public setting without being mobbed or harassed.
    Such is the penalty for top tier fame.
    Something tells me we’d all become weirdos if we were thrown into that life.
    It’s the price one must pay to become super famous.
    Top exceptions to the rule are Matt Damon and Mahomes. They try to keep it real with attempts at normal lives. But as soon as either is attacked by some psycho fan, that will change.
    Then, Weirdo Central awaits in the form of bodyguards and removal from everyday society.
    Kinda sucks!

  46. stpetebucfan Says:


    That’s an interesting take! Hadn’t thought of it in that detail but you make a lot of sense.

  47. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Oneilbuc: You’re probably a Browns fan now that your heart throb Jameis is there.
    Have you heard the saying “With friends like that, who needs enemies”? That’s how much of a Bucs “fan” you are. 🙄

  48. heyjude Says:

    Point well taken, stpetebucfan. I will have to check out her interview to shed more light on it. Sounds like it was a hard decision and he should have stopped once he won the SB here. It is a shame. From what I can tell, they seemed to really love each other.

  49. BakerFan Says:

    Brady’s attitude is that he won that SB, he put on his cape and he alone won it. To acknowledge anyone helping, chinks away at his armor and by God he will never acknowledge Mayfield because, HE IS TOM BRADY the IRREPLACEABLE.

    Fine, the best thing the Bucs can do is put up better numbers than Tom and forget about him. To be honest he probably looks down on you Florida Bumpkins, because he is TOM BRADY

  50. Oneilbuc Says:

    Joe from Michigan. You mad because I told the truth about how y’all kissed Brady behind and said how much he loved the bucs? Lol 😂😂 or what about the bucs being his first choice like many of you were saying? If wasn’t for the bucs Brady would have retired in after the 2019 season because teams said no. And I know how you and others call people fans of players because that you don’t like lol 🤣🤣 that don’t bother me at all. I’ve actually been to bucs games and I even flew to Tampa for a game when Josh Mccown was the quarterback in November. So I don’t care about you are any other person on here calling me a fan of a player lol 🤣 . I guess I’m a Patrick Mahomes fan to because I don’t hate him. Lol 🤣🤣.

  51. Citrus County Says:

    stpetebucfan Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 5:46 pm

    You let the fact out that you were former media and I noticed some many months ago. Thank you for your integrity. Bruton Smith’s son?

    Regardless; The people need to restore accountability to every aspect of society. Regrettably that is not likely to happen. But even with something as insignificant as a football team it should be demanded. They ask for and take our money. The fans deserve to know the truth. If the truth isn’t provided the fans should withhold their money. I’m not saying boycott. I’m just saying we deserve to know what we are paying for.

  52. SlyPirate Says:


    Brooks, Sapp, Barber, Rice, Booger, Rice ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE BUCS! They visit. They stay involved. Let’s focus on the legacy guys that love the team.

    When was the last time you heard anything out of Brad Johnson about the Bucs? He’s a ring toting Bucs QB. Does anyone care?

  53. Citrus County Says:

    stpetebucfan Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 5:46 Gronk gets it. I’d rather have him and his old lady cheering us on. Brady is a weirdo. Love his time here. Still think he is unapproachable and a cardboard personality around the common man. And I think his business acumen is garbage.

    I won’t call Brady a weirdo but I can’t disagree with your post.

  54. Allen Lofton Says:

    The biggest benefit Brady left the Bucs was to change the culture in Tampa. It’s easy to criticize his relationship with the Patriots versus the Bucs. What’s the point of nitpicking if he was more loyal to the Patriots than the Bucs

    His biggest legacy for the Bucs is HE CHANGED THE LOSING CULTURE. And it showed on the field last year – never Quit. That will keep the Bucs fighting. Baker Mayfield was the perfect choice to replace Brady. He’s keeping the LIVE!!!

  55. Citrus County Says:

    OOPS. my mistake. That post was in reply RVATom Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 5:47 pm. not to stpetebucfan Says:

  56. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Brady helped us get a second Super Bowl, so no hate here. It’s a bit childish of him to pretend the Bucs don’t exist, but whatever. He’s still tied to the Bucs whether he wants to be or not.

  57. Daryl Green Says:

    Who cares. Thanks for superbowl
    Ok bye ✌🏾

  58. Beeej Says:


  59. DoooshLaRue Says:

    JA Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 5:10 pm
    Is Tom Brady Partly to Blame For Bucs Getting Dissed Nationally?

    Of course not. Brady now gets paid to discuss perineal powerhouses, including his former team, the one that won every year for 20 years. See that here?
    The media sees a 2023 9-8 team that was two miracle plays by Antoine Winfield Jr. from being 7-10.
    They see a team who beat a playoff opponent who darn near lost every game in the second half of the season.
    They see a quarterback who’s last pass was an interception, not a Brady like come from behind victory.
    They see a team who won the worst division in football nd couldn’t score a TD against the Panthers with a playoff spot on the line.
    They see a team who was crushed by New Orleans at home the week before.
    And they see a coach with a career losing record.
    The only people who think the above is a positive about the Bucs, post here.
    Instead we get, If Baker, If Bowles, If the defense, and so on.
    When I travel the country, outsiders laugh at the thought of a team led by Baker Mayfield and Todd Bowles.
    Wanna shut them up? The only place that’s gonna happen is on the field. Play well this year and maybe the narrative will change.
    Until then, if, if, if, if … ain’t gonna cut it.

    That is some hard truth right there.
    I agree with you but Baker did a lot better than I expected.
    At any rate, we need to earn it.

  60. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Is there some really clean meth going around Citrus County these days?

    Good Lord man, you write like Kerouac on a Benny-bender!

  61. stpetebucfan Says:


    Good enough guess, you obviously followed NASCAR back in the day. But Bruton Smith was the owner of Charlotte Motor Speedway much larger than Bristol.

    Guy’s name was, not going to say out of respect for the dead. He was a good ole boy home builder who parlayed his money into creating Bristol Raceway. He built it from scratch, just 20,000 seats much like a small college size stadium. Sold it to a Nashville Lawyer who repped Waylon Jennings. Lawyer went belly up and the builder repoed the track for just a few years. He sold it again, NASCAR exploded and now the entire track is surrounded by seats more than 100,000 capacity.

    I covered NASCAR in the 80’s. Dale Earnhardt and Darrell Waltrip were the two biggest stars.

    Got to meet Bruton Smith but he was a multi millionaire back then. The guy who actually ran the track was a guy named “Humpy” Wheeler a true character and great promoter. Along with the France family in Daytona, Humpy was a true mover and shaker as NASCAR exploded.

  62. Citrus County Says:

    DoooshLaRue Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 8:18 pm
    Is there some really clean meth going around Citrus County these days?

    Good Lord man, you write like Kerouac on a Benny-

    Don’t really care what you have to say. No drugs in me.

  63. View from 132 Says:

    I can’t imagine a less important thing than what the national media thinks about the Bucs. Every year is the same thing – the day after the Super Bowl, it’s Mahomes, Dallas, Green Bay, New York teams… almost anyone but the Bucs. So what. It’s not colllege ball… there is no AP poll.
    Well, this year it’s Atlanta. So there’s that. But it is a subject important to a lot of Bucs fans, and the Bucs say battling against national perception is now part of their DNA. So Joe is intrigued and, frankly, Joe’s very interested in how the Bucs are perceived. Ultimately, that can affect signings and more. –Joe

  64. Travis Says:

    We have a good GM and we have good talent. They don’t see it but that’s because they don’t watch. I need to see more good from Bowles before I’m sold on him though. This year is crucial for him.

  65. TB2020 Says:

    Go look at his twitter feed. Look what team’s uniform he’s wearing in the banner photo. That pic has been there for at least a year.

    He likes the Bucs just fine. But he has that 20yr Patriots history and even if he discussed them 7 times as often as he does us, it’s perfectly reasonable.

    We had the GOAT for 3 years and won another ring (beating the new dynasty in the process). Go back in time 4.5 years ago, tell yourself that was coming, and have some perspective.

  66. Dave Pear Says:

    Todd gave him his only losing season in his life. That can’t sit well with Brady.

    But adios, Tom. At least you finally dumped the Geezahag.

    2023 Baker > 2022 Brady, that’s a fact

  67. Tautology Says:

    You kinda have to stop reading any Bucs fan site that starts a headline with “Is Tom Brady partly to blame for….”

    Well duh, what kinda crack were we smoking to ever bring that cancer to Tampa?
    What did HE ever do for this organization anyway??

    I mean, yeah, humans…

  68. Dave Pear Says:

    Osqueeltard wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him in his big ginormous deficient head.

  69. 1sparkybuc Says:

    He was a hired gun. All he wanted to do was prove that Bill needed him more than he needed Bill. He wanted to play for the Dolphins. When that fell through, he checked out. He wasn’t focused on football because of the divorce, and he’s not really dangerous without Gronk. Glad we got him. Just as glad we got rid of him. He was never committed to the team or to Tampa. He’s living where he wants to be.

  70. unbelievable Says:

    JA Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 5:10 pm
    Is Tom Brady Partly to Blame For Bucs Getting Dissed Nationally?

    Of course not. Brady now gets paid to discuss perineal powerhouses, including his former team, the one that won every year for 20 years. See that here?
    The media sees a 2023 9-8 team that was two miracle plays by Antoine Winfield Jr. from being 7-10.
    They see a team who beat a playoff opponent who darn near lost every game in the second half of the season.
    They see a quarterback who’s last pass was an interception, not a Brady like come from behind victory.
    They see a team who won the worst division in football nd couldn’t score a TD against the Panthers with a playoff spot on the line.
    They see a team who was crushed by New Orleans at home the week before.
    And they see a coach with a career losing record.


    I agree with almost all of this – EXCEPT – Brady’s last pass as a Patriot was also an interception. And let’s not forget in his last game as a Buc started with: 3-and-out, 3-and-out, interception.

    But otherwise, yes, Brady doesn’t need to be pulling any strings and I doubt he is. While Tampa looked strong in a few games last year and decent in the playoffs, we also struggled and looked pathetic. I don’t place too much of that blame on Mayfield though. He did have 2 pretty bad games, but he was clearly injured for 1 of them and shouldn’t have been in.

  71. unbelievable Says:

    Also @ Joe regarding the roast – I disagree. The players who all spoke were long-time friends of Brady, and all of them (except maybe Bledsoe?) do media, podcasts, etc.

    You really think Lavonte David would have been a good roaster? Or Donovan Smith? I don’t. Do believe Smith would have been great.–Joe Same goes for Jensen or Playoff Lenny. It was cool to seem them up there. Plenty of Pats players were on stage too and didn’t speak. So I don’t make much of that. I think he’s cool with his old teammates.

    Now, could there be something between him and Bowles and or Licht or Arians? That’s always possible.

  72. adam from ny Says:

    wow a lot to digest here…

    good thread at lull time…before camp and all…

    maybe brady is disappointed in his last season and dramas that year, while also hoping after he left, that the team would crash and burn a bit in cap hell – all making tom look more goatly and like the bucs can’t really pull it together without him…

    well that didn’t happen and we miraculously bounced back post brady with a terrific year – because we are a very well run franchise at this point and time…

    so tom might not have envisioned his last season here as it played out – and the immediate post brady era as well…he could be somewhat disappointed in all that…who knows…

    if he was sort of held as a friendly hostage in his final season here, while he would rather have been in miami…….or the down played rift between he and BA was a real thing……or the divorce and the jujitsu guy made him lose focus….or this and that…or that and this…..

    i’m sure insiders have more info but don’t leak it…..

    brady’s final season as a buccaneer – what really went down – it’s literally a 30 for 30 waiting to happen……especially for us diehards who live for buccaneer football…

    anyway come on……….tommy b is a patriot who made a pitstop here for 3 seasons…had 2 terrific seasons here and locked in another superbowl while here as well…his time here is almost a blip on his career radar – but the superbowl definitely makes his stay in tampa more substantial…but if i’m correct he played 23 season…20 at foxboro…3 in tampa…

    pats win 20-3

    if you win a football game 20-3 isn’t it kind of a blowout…?

  73. garro Says:

    He is also the cause of Global Warming and Male Pattern Baldness!

    Come on Man! Geez!

    Go Bucs!

  74. heyjude Says:

    I respected Tom as a QB when he was on the Pats and still do. He was the Hollywood ending story since he was a 6th round pick at 199 with the lowest pick being 254. He got the right team, the right fit, and the rest is history. Most of us were thrilled when Tom came here and played. That first season with Gronk was joy and magic. They were on our team and are now part of Bucs history.

    Last season was a rebuild and our Bucs did very well. This year will be even better. We have no idea who Tom is still talking to on the Bucs because he has always been a quiet guy. Maybe he doesn’t want it to be all about him and is giving Baker and others their time to work it out publicly. In private there could be plenty of communications still going on and we may get a pleasant surprise at some point.

    Hoping Tom is a sports analyst for some of our Fox games. That would be fantastic! Maybe the Falcons, Chiefs, Ravens, and 49ers.

  75. CleanHouse Says:

    I was at his last game vs Dallas. Felt like the Bucs of the mid 80’s. Bucs got a taste of Brady then Brady got a taste of the Bucs.

    Our team deserves no respect until they go do something.

    NFC Championship game or more. Anything less is trash.

    Last place run game is trash.

  76. OHBucFan Says:

    This is why I love this site.
    The post is fantastic and the replies were off the chain.

  77. adam from ny Says:


    come on dude, you know the bucs will not have a last place run game this season with bucky also now in the mix…

    and barton stabilizing the middle and most likely getting a lot more push up the middle than hainsey…

    don’t become the new peter king

  78. adam from ny Says:

    i wonder who’s gonna sign rojo

  79. BucU Says:

    “””Don’t care what Brady says or does. Brady is dead and buried as a football player and I doubt he will last very long as a broadcaster. All I care about is how the team does this upcoming season.”””


  80. Joe in Michigan Says:

    adam from ny Says:
    June 11th, 2024 at 6:07 am
    i wonder who’s gonna sign rojo
    Nobody, if they’re smart.

  81. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    His personal life went to spit and he got divorced here. Pure speculation but….They were probably fighting the whole time he was in Tampa and she started sleeping with, errrr I mean dating her trainer before the divorce was final so he probably doesn’t look back at his time here fondly.

  82. Cobraboy Says:

    20 years in Boston > 2 years in Tampa.

    I’m not even sure he was all that jazzed about being in Tampa when his heart was in Miami.

    I praise what he brought to Tampa, but it is time to move on. Clearly, Brady has.

    Which begs the question: Brady in Tampa RoH?

  83. Jonny Says:

    Brady was a mercenary playing in Tampa. I don’t have issues with him not having much of an attachment to the franchise.

  84. BigMacAttack Says:

    The clock never stops moving for any of us. Because of Jason Licht, Tom Brady brought us a Championship. I’m thankful for that. I don’t really care about much else in the Bucs’ past. Michael Jordan was the GOAT but it won’t be long and a generation will not know who he is. Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Clyde Frazier and even Dr J were great ballers, but there’s more bb fans who don’t know them, than do. Brady’s popularity will continue to fade every year until he’s a distant memory. One thing is for sure and that’s the Pats were big time cheaters. Tom was there for all of it. Put Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame.

  85. captiva jim Says:

    the miami issue caused Brady to not only loose the team, but also the coaches who no longer felt they had to listen to him. particularly Bowles–who handed Brady the loosing season -when Bowles pulled him in the 2nd half of the last game with the Falcons

  86. Pittbucfan Says:

    Thanks for the SB Tom, but FO. All the covid BS, doesn’t feel like a real SB win to me. You got your final ring here and diss us? Your 2022 season shows where you’re heart was. 2002 team,for now will always be the highlight for this lifetime Bucs fan.
    And Baker, keep your head high. This Bucs fan watched you in Cleveland and know what you did for that franchise. Us real Bucs fans are behind you and believe you can do it.
    Btw, loved watching Baker beat the Stillers in their own house.
    Go Bucs and go Baker!

  87. James Says:


    Greg Auman posted this in January.

    Tom Brady, talking Bucs on his @SiriusXMNFL “Let’s Go” podcast: “The Bucs, who I watch a lot, they put together a hell of a season and they’ve got a chance to win the division playing against Carolina. That’s certainly one I’ll be watching.”

    In addition, I remember a podcast where he mentioned Mike Evans positively after one of his big games early in the season. Nothing else I could find. I’m surprised Evans didn’t go to his roast

  88. unbelievable Says:

    Man some of yall are so strange. You’re like bitter ex-gfs or something.

    He came here and won us our 2nd franchise Super Bowl, brought respect back to this garbage franchise for the first time in decades, and made us a legit place for free agents to want to come to again. He made watching the Bucs fun again after a decade of nothing but embarrassment and losing. What more do you want from the guy? Is he supposed to be singing the praises of a 9-9 team every time he opens his mouth?

  89. unbelievable Says:

    @Joe – you might be right about D Smith… but like I said, it seemed like all the players who spoke are legit close friends of his, and they also all do media in some form (tv, podcasts, etc). I think that was the basis more than anything else

  90. LakelandSteve Says:

    The Bucs were not Brady’s first choice, but looking at the team Brady thought he could win a Super Bowl here. Brady coming to Tampa was all about showing everyone in the Patriots organization that he was not washed up and he still had what it takes to win a Super Bowl. If the second season had not gone off the rails we most likely could have one another. Brady is a Patriot through and through, the Tampa stop was about nothing more than rubbing the Patriots nose in it. The love of his life (the Patriots) kicked him to the curb and he was pissed and going to prove them all wrong. That last season he loses his wife and kids and when he came back to play it wasn’t the same Brady. Who knows what happened behind closed doors between the Bucs and Brady. Maybe he blames the Bucs for his divorce.

  91. Tampa Bay-ker Says:

    I said it when we got him and I’ll say it again; I hated him before and I can’t stand him now, he’s just an a**hole. But he did win us a SB.

  92. Adam Hamilton Says:

    SlyPirate Says:
    June 10th, 2024 at 4:43 pm
    TB12 probably wants to be remembered as a Patriot first and foremost.

    I have no problem with that. Michael Jordan will never be a Wizard.

    Agreed. Tom will always be a patriot, but MJ never won with the Wizards… Tom had some of his best seasons of his career in Tampa including a superbowl. I personally don’t care what he does but it’s not right to just ignore this team and fan base after they were so good to him. But hey, patriots are ass now and the Bucs are still making the playoffs so he can go chill in the cold 🥶

  93. ‘79 Defense Says:

    Very late reply, but Joe, you asked for a link. Brady sounds very positive about his time in Tampa. From last December:
    Joe mentioned not counting Gronk. Not meeting Joe’s standard here on the requested missing link. Appreciate it, though.–Joe