Your 2024 Buccaneers Schedule!

May 15th, 2024

What a glorious hour it is. The annual NFL schedule holiday has reached its holy moment.

Nine Buccaneers home games and eight road games — plus three glorious appetizers known as preseason games — now have dates and times. Oh my!

Life from August to January now has more purpose and meaning.

Your 2024 schedule, via


Day Date Opponent Time Network
Sat. Aug. 10 at Cincinnati 7:00 PM WTTA-TV
Sat. Aug. 17 at Jacksonville 7:30 PM WFLA-TV
Fri. Aug. 23 MIAMI 7:30 PM WFLA-TV

Regular Season:


Day Date Opponent Time Network
Sun. Sept. 8 WASHINGTON 4:25 PM FOX
Sun. Sept. 15 at Detroit 1:00 PM FOX
Sun. Sept. 22 DENVER 1:00 PM FOX
Sun. Sept. 29 PHILADELPHIA 1:00 PM FOX
Thurs. Oct. 3 at Atlanta 8:15 PM Prime Video
Sun. Oct. 13 at New Orleans 1:00 PM FOX
Mon. Oct. 21 BALTIMORE 8:15 PM ESPN
Sun. Oct. 27 ATLANTA 1:00 PM FOX
Mon. Nov. 4 at Kansas City 8:15 PM ESPN
Sun. Nov. 10 SAN FRANCISCO 1:00 PM FOX
— bye week —
Sun. Nov. 24 at N.Y. Giants 1:00 PM CBS
Sun. Dec. 1 at Carolina 4:05 PM FOX
Sun. Dec. 8 LAS VEGAS 1:00 PM CBS
Sun. Dec. 15 at L.A. Chargers 4:25 PM FOX
Sun. Dec. 22 at Dallas 8:20 PM NBC
Sun. Dec. 29 CAROLINA 1:00 PM CBS
  • All times Eastern and subject to change.
  • Sunday night games in Weeks 5-17 subject to change.
  • Monday night games in Weeks 13-18 subject to change.


49 Responses to “Your 2024 Buccaneers Schedule!”

  1. Leopold Stotch Says:

    4 prime time games! Wow. Looks pretty good.

  2. Ugo Says:

    Definitely front-loaded woth a perfectly placed bye. If the team can come out swinging early on and string a few wins, while the playoff contenders (Lions, Eagles, Ravens, Chiefs) are still getting up to their full potential/momentum, I think we have a decent chance to make it to the postseason.

  3. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Glorious appetizers LMAO

  4. RIs_Buc Says:

    Lots of prime time exposure early on in the year.

  5. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    That’s a pretty tough stretch there before the bye. Buckle up!

  6. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Finally some respect! Hopefully the Bucs follow through. Weeks 5-11 is brutal. Hope they go into the bye at least 5-5 and can finish the back half 6-1.

  7. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I never expected they’d give us 4 prime time games. kind of a silent admission that we will be good from the league. We will take advantage of them

  8. BakerFan Says:

    That December schedule is all warm weather. Advantage Bucs

  9. Lt. Dan Says:

    I absolutely LOVE glorious appetizers!!

  10. jarrett Says:

    Great Schedule

    I see 12 wins

    Super Bowl or Bust Year

  11. Woodenman Says:

    Put Dallas where we could be flexed off Sunday night football if either of us has bad record by that game.

  12. Rod Munch Says:

    Bucs get three home games in September when they can actually use the heat to their advantage. Amazing!

  13. GumboIsForWinner Says:

    Bucs have never fared well against rookie QBs and especially against QBs making a first career start. I am dreading game one where Daniels will throw for 500 yards then suck the rest of his career.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    Week 1 – Sept 8, 4:25p ET start time.

    Might as well show up at 7p, because that game is getting delayed. You can’t play a game if there’s lightning within 10 miles, you know, because of the thousands of people that have been stuck and killed in the stands at NFL games.

    But, for fans, it should make it dramatically more bearable.

    Speaking of which, I always though the 1997 home opener via the 49ers was a 1PM game, but looking it up, it was 4pm. That was the hottest game I’ve ever been too, and I don’t care what anyone says. That was when the NFL started in August, on August 31 to be exact, and my goodness – it was literally like a hair dryer was on full blast the entire game. The New York’er I went to the game with ended up going to the hospital because he’s a wimp and they told him he had sun poisoning, as if that’s a real thing. For me, I was wearing sunglasses, and everyone said I looked like a reverse racoon at work the next day – then my skin all peeled off, and was still hot to the touch days later. But to watch Warren Sapp single handedly take out Steve Young and Jerry Rice, was well worth it.

  15. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    I think we start 5-3 and then 2 losses in a row to go .500 into the bye. I think we win 3 in a row out of the bye, lose the 2 away games, and then win our last 2 home games to finish 10-7. I believe that will be good enough for another NFC South crown. GO BUCS LFG

  16. Rod Munch Says:

    I do this every year on schedule release day – not my final prediction, but it’s fun to have it on the record to look back at later… I’ve generally done extremely well at these, with the exception of last year, but I still had them 4-7, just not getting the W’s down the stretch.

    Again, just my first take…

    Sept. 8 WASHINGTON W 1-0
    Sept. 15 at Detroit L 1-1
    Sept. 22 DENVER W 2-1
    Sept. 29 PHILADELPHIA L 2-2
    Oct. 3 at Atlanta L 2-3
    Oct. 13 at New Orleans L 2-4
    Oct. 21 BALTIMORE L 2-5
    Oct. 27 ATLANTA W 3-5
    Nov. 4 at Kansas City L 3-6
    Nov. 10 SAN FRANCISCO L 3-7
    — bye week —
    Nov. 24 at N.Y. Giants W 4-7
    Dec. 1 at Carolina L 4-8
    Dec. 8 LAS VEGAS W 5-8
    Dec. 15 at L.A. Chargers L 5-9
    Dec. 22 at Dallas L 5-10
    Dec. 29 CAROLINA W 6-10
    Jan. 4/5 NEW ORLEANS L 6-11

    Hummm… That’s my first take going game my game.

    The games I could flip on are…

    @DET – I could see the Bucs winning this after getting swept last year, and I could see like last year, the Bucs are ‘hot’ getting ready to face the Eagles.

    SAN FRAN – If the Bucs are indeed bad, it means they’re going to beat some really good team – because they always do in a 6-win season. So I could see the Bucs win this game, but if they do, it’s likely part of a lost season.

    @CAR – I think the Panthers will be much improved, and the Bucs barely beat them on the road last year. I could see, however, the Bucs winning this game, but just the rule of averages, and Canales being their HC, I think the Panthers win, but I’m certainly not solid on that.

    @LAC – Again, a bad Bucs team normally beats a good team they’re not supposed to beat. I’m not sure the Chargers will be good, so if they don’t beat the 49ers, this is the other game where the Bucs might win. But if the Chargers are middling, and the Bucs are middling, well, there’s an old saying that you never beat on the Bucs on the west coast, and you’re generally right on that.

    @DAL – Just kidding. The Bucs never win that game, that’s an L.

    NO at home – I think the Saints will be playing for something, and the Bucs likely won’t – however if that’s not the case, then I could see the Bucs win.

    So anywho, that’s my first take. I’m more squishy on this than normal due to the Bucs way overachieving last year. I must say also that I’m not nearly as doom and gloom as last year, so I feel like I could up that win total if we hear the rookies look great – Barton is a stud at center day 1, etc.

    I’ll have my final prediction in the preseason.

  17. Pickgrin Says:


    Get a clue Munch

    If anything you’ve got it backwards. 11-6 is much more likely.

    Bucs will win at least 10 games in 2024….

    The middle of the season is rough – but I love the late bye and the Bucs can definitely go on a run and win most of their remaining games after the bye.

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    Pickgrin – I hope you’re right.

    Like I said, I don’t have the same sense of doom and gloom as last year, but that’s just my first take of thinking about everything game by game. Obviously, doing that this early, is generally useless – but the season records, I’ve been dead on accurate in 7 of the last 9 seasons, and only missed by one game in another year. The only season I was really offbase with was last year, and hopefully they prove me wrong once again. Not rooting against them at all, just my honest feelings at this point in time. We shall see.

  19. NJbucs23 Says:

    cant wait for the usual home opener steam bath and definitely lightning delay !

  20. Shane Callahan Says:

    Barring injuries, a better defensive backfield, and hopefully a much-improved IOL this could be a great season. 🤞

  21. adam from ny Says:

    4 freakin’ primers…!

    with a quick run thru i’m still at 10-7…

    gonna be tough to go 5-5 before the bye…

    the key is to somehow be 5-5 going into the
    bye week…because i somehow see us going 5-2 down the home stretch…

    5-5 before the bye…then 5-2 to fin out the season

    wowzers and yowzers at the freakin’ schedule

  22. adam from ny Says:

    3 back to back home games…….and 3 back to back aways

  23. Defense Rules Says:

    Rod … Don’t understand why you have the Bucs going 2-4 in the NFC South. You’re giving both New Orleans (2-0 against us) and Carolina (1-1 against us) more credit than they deserve IMO. I can see splitting with Atlanta & New Orleans, but convinced we’ll beat Carolina twice (to go 4-2 in our division).

    One thing that concerns me about this schedule is that we play Atlanta TWICE on short weeks (once on a Thursday after a Sunday game, then on a Sunday after a Monday night game). The good news for us though is that Atlanta has a brutal first 4 games (Steelers, Eagles, Chiefs, Saints) before they play us in their 5th game on Thursday night.

    Personally I think the Bucs have a good chance to go 10-7 IF we go 4-2 in our division. Our first 10 games before the BYE are tough, but if we can go 5-5 before the BYE, I think that 10-7 will be doable. The Thurs night game away (at Atlanta) and the Mon night game away (at Kansas City) don’t excite me though. Over the past 10 years, Bucs are 4-4 on Mon night games & 3-7 on Thurs night games. Not liking that.

  24. LexBloodstone Says:

    Is Fox going to have an app this year that will show games, without cable?

  25. adam from ny Says:

    yeah rod……………

    we aren’t going to be that bad…

    the floor is 8 wins this year and the ceiling is 11max…

    i see 10 winnerooskis as an early prognostication

  26. Brandon Says:

    I said last year we were a 10+ win team, this js a 12+ win team. Big things are expected this season.

  27. Joe Says:

    Is Fox going to have an app this year that will show games, without cable?

    Thought they did on Tubi? (FOX owns Tubi.)

  28. Brandon Says:

    What did you predict last season, Rod? I predicted 10+ wins and including the playoffs, I got it. I’m going with 12+ this year… and I guarantee we’re a lot closer to 12 wins to your prediction of six wins. Some people know talent and some have no talent. I know talent, you’re the other people.

  29. Please Says:

    9-8 or 8-9 seems realistic – I would have thought way more optimistically in years past, but I’m tampering my hopes… yet will still go into every game fully expecting them to win.

  30. firethecannons Says:

    After the Bye we can/should kick ass.

  31. Dadgumit Says:

    Pre record talk is like pre draft talk.. worthless, but a good waste of time? (Get a life?). Personally, because of work demands, I’d rather see Sunday afternoon games. There are 9 @ 1PM & 3 @ 4 ish so I’m happy – good for 12 cook outs. Full knowing that the NFL can change these times on a whim or weather.

  32. David Says:

    It really depends on how their pass rush and Oline come along – could be as high as 13 wins or as low as 7.

    So the initial prediction, before the final roster even, is 10 wins

  33. Bucswin! Says:

    9 -1pm games, 6 out of nine home games at 1pm. Uncovered stadium, Florida sun. (Native Floridian here). Glad I cancelled my season tickets. My only real complaint. Imagine why the stadium never really fills up. Many people leave their seats during game in search of shade. Lifetime original fan here. It’s a BUCS life. Go BUCS… can we get a sail over the stadium for some shade. Naaahhh

  34. unbelievable Says:

    This is honestly a really good schedule for us. Late bye week, pretty equal balance of stronger and weaker opponents throughout.

    I’m kinda shocked TBH.

    At KC on Monday night followed up by the Niners at home is prob the toughest back to back, but then we get a bye week.

    Think I’m going to try to make my way to the Chargers game… assuming we’re not like 3 – 10 at that point lol.

  35. unbelievable Says:

    I have a hard time seeing less than 8 wins. Too much talent.

    My prediction would be 10-7 for the season, maybe 11-6 if we can get some CONSISTENT pressure on QBs week in and week out.

  36. MadMax Says:

    I see 6 wins before the bye and 6 after

  37. CallTheSaltTruck Says:

    I actually think this schedule favors us. We get two rookies before they’ve had a chance to get their feet wet against the NFL, which is good. We get Atlanta twice early, before Cousins fully jells with his receivers and the defense learns their new scheme. Nice. Philly before their new coordinators fully lock in. And the back half of the schedule is packed with teams that aren’t scary and that I don’t expect to become scary this season.

    Sept. 8 WASHINGTON W 1-0
    Sept. 15 at Detroit L 1-1
    Sept. 22 DENVER W 2-1
    Sept. 29 PHILADELPHIA W 3-1
    Oct. 3 at Atlanta W 4-1
    Oct. 13 at New Orleans L 4-2
    Oct. 21 BALTIMORE L 5-2
    Oct. 27 ATLANTA W 6-3
    Nov. 4 at Kansas City L 6-4
    Nov. 10 SAN FRANCISCO L 6-5
    — bye week —
    Nov. 24 at N.Y. Giants W 7-5
    Dec. 1 at Carolina W 8-5
    Dec. 8 LAS VEGAS W 9-5
    Dec. 15 at L.A. Chargers W 10-5
    Dec. 22 at Dallas L 10-6
    Dec. 29 CAROLINA W 11-6
    Jan. 4/5 NEW ORLEANS L 12-6

    That seems very doable, to me. The back half post bye is where we can really run away with the division, especially if as I believe, we put Atlanta down early.

  38. CallTheSaltTruck Says:

    Whoops. Change that last game against the saints to a W.

  39. heyjude Says:

    Thank you for the games including the networks. Marking my calendars.

    The away night games look edgy, but our Bucs can do it. Love the appetizers and love where the Bye week is.

    I think it was Geno that had posted the leak earlier yesterday and the more I look at it now, agree we are in a good place. The first game being Washington is a toss up with me. QB Daniels could come out looking fantastic. I agree with others that we seem to make rookie QBs look great. We need to start shutting them down.

    Christmas Day: The Chiefs vs Pittsburgh and the Ravens vs Texans.

    Joe – I didn’t know Fox owned Tubi. Wow! I need to get out more. And here I thought Tubi was only horror movies streaming.

  40. BucU Says:

    That was when the NFL started in August, on August 31 to be exact, and my goodness – it was literally like a hair dryer was on full blast the entire game.
    September down here is just as brutal as August. We should be able to take advantage of that.

  41. Doc Says:

    All this talk about hot weather early in the season is BS. The vast majority of NFL players hail from these hot southern states: Florida, Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Mississippi. If you think those states aren’t as hot as Florida you didn’t spend your Augusts as a youth working my uncle’s cattle ranch in Louisiana lol. In point of fact, in 2023 we lost 3 of our 4 early “hot” home games. In 2022 we lost 2 of our 3 early “hot” home games.

  42. Ol' Boy Says:

    Heyjude- and currently John Wick 1-3. Awesomeness!

    I’m not seeing an easy schedule. Not sure what the talking heads are on about, but I don’t see a gimme anywhere. Even the first game with a rookie QB. Todd Bowels has a magical way of calling plays that allow the rookie QB to play at his very best. Plenty of home games front loaded on the schedule to allow Bucs marketing to try and get butts back in the seats and I would normally venture to say that this would be a good thing for wins. And then the record at home over the past few years shows itself and we realize that homefield.advantage isn’t what it once was. No gimme there or anywhere.
    Four months to kickoff and according to the voices of OBP, we are going to be treated to another ‘competition’ for the iol. This really squeezes my nads, man. Gimme a coach that can evaluate talent, make the decision on which role that talent needs to take on based on the style and schemes of the offense and have them all working together for the? Nxt four months and leave that competition for the backup job. They should absolutely know right now, the starters. On the offensive line and those guys should be in a secluded spot working at becoming a juggernaut from game 1.

  43. Booger Says:

    Bowels has got to get them up before games & ready to play… We have to play MUCH better at home. Cohen/Bowles has GOT TO get Baker off and in a rhythm EARLY!!!! This is critical. We CAN’T continue looking up midway thru the 3rd Quarter and see a 10-3/7-6/10-7 ballgame every single week, & a “Baker” with 99-yards. It just cannot happen. We have to PROTECT OUR HOUSE… LET’S GOOOOO!!!!

  44. Tackleblockwin Says:

    We will start 6-0 before our first loss.

  45. heyjude Says:

    @Ol’ Boy – Absolutely, and hopefully they are working on it all right now. And home field advantage isn’t what it once was.

  46. Rod Munch Says:

    CallTheSaltTruck – That’s extremely optimistic in my opinion, but I hope you’re right.

    Also, kudos for actually putting some effort into your post and doing the game by game. 99.999% of the people put zero effort into anything they say, they’re as vapid as the people who call sports talk radio – so I like to just always say thanks to those who do put in some effort.

  47. Rod Munch Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    May 15th, 2024 at 9:47 pm
    Rod … Don’t understand why you have the Bucs going 2-4 in the NFC South. You’re giving both New Orleans (2-0 against us) and Carolina (1-1 against us) more credit than they deserve IMO. I can see splitting with Atlanta & New Orleans, but convinced we’ll beat Carolina twice (to go 4-2 in our division).


    Yeah, that’s fair, but it’s more about the timing, where the games fall in the schedule and overall long-term trends.

    The Saints, I think, are going to be very good this year – and while the Bucs did manhandle them in that 1st game last year, remember that Carr literally couldn’t throw the ball more than like 8 yards downfield. In the 2nd game, the Saints destroyed the Bucs and gave them their worst loss of the year, in my opinion. I think the Saints get the sweep – but, good news, in the Bucs two SB winning years, they got swept in the regular season by the Saints, so there’s that. Also the last game of the year I think will be meaningless for the Bucs, and they’ll be injured and playing backups – but that one I could certainly flip on depending on how the records play out.

    For the Falcons it’s more about the timing. That Thursday night game is an automatic loss, the Bucs always lose that game. It’s just timing.

    As for the Panthers, I think that’s a deal where they’re going to be much improved – and it’s going to be Canales’ Super Bowl. The Bucs barely beat the Panthers last year – and I think a split is about the best we’re going to get.

    Obviously, again, this is very early – I’m just going by gut based on how the schedule plays out, so it’s just for fun and to have something on the record.

  48. Dave Pear Says:

    It’s plausible that Todd could actually overthink the Bucs to an 0-8 start. His ability to have the team flat for games is strong, it could happen repeatedly.

    Watching the Saints annihilate Bowels at home last season with the division on the line is all the data anyone needs to show it’s plausible.

  49. Oneilbuc Says:

    Dave Pear. The last I check Baker has 40 yards in the first half. Baker played bad that game. The defense kept giving the offense back the ball and offense couldn’t score. It took them 3 quarters and 11 minutes just to score a TD and you put that game on Bowles?