Was Tom Brady Talking About Kyle Trask?

May 28th, 2024

Buccaneers backup quarterback Kyle Trask is one of the great mysteries of this Tampa Bay sports decade.

Is the 2021 second-round pick a quality starting quarterback in the making? Is he a decent No. 2 QB? Trask simply hasn’t played enough to judge, and he hasn’t exactly wowed the masses in practice.

Yesterday, Tom Brady joined The Herd and talked passionately about keys to successful young QBs.

In Brady’s mind, the mentors and coaches exposed to a young quarterback are a massive key.

“Show me the people that are around them that our helping to develop them,” Brady said. “It’s not necessarily about someone’s physical potential all the time. So much of it is about, ‘Can you retain information? Can you process it? Can you use the information? Are you willing to study and go through the intricate details of the game?’ …”

Brady continued, noting quarterbacks can have coaches that are a terrible fit for them.

Brady celebrated Bill Belichick, Charlies Weis and Josh McDaniels for helping develop him, and for having former Belicheats starting QB Drew Bledsoe to study and learn from daily.

“I had a real mentor to look up to in Drew, and you look at Jordan Love, he had Aaron Rodgers to watch. That’s the best type of training in my opinion,” Brady said. “Watch someone else do it at a very high level and then try to emulate them with your own personality.”

Of course, Joe heard all that and couldn’t help but think of Trask.

Heck, Trask had Brady himself as a two-season mentor. Trask also had Tom Moore and Bucco Bruce Arians. He also has learned from dynamic Pro Bowl QB Baker Mayfield and budding quarterback whisperer Dave Canales.

Shouldn’t that mean Trask is primed for a breakout if he gets a shot?

If Brady’s values are shared, Joe would think team executives around the NFL are whispering about Trask’s ability and readiness. But that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Joe is very intrigued to see what the Trask saga brings now that he’s in his contract year.

82 Responses to “Was Tom Brady Talking About Kyle Trask?”

  1. Travis Says:

    If Baker ever misses some time I believe Trask is gonna ball out.

  2. Bucben61 Says:

    I think you waste a lot of good breath talking about trask…he’s a backup qb…nothing more nothing less…if he makes meaningful starts this year that means things have gone terribly wrong

  3. George Says:

    Who knows, no one was sure about Love until he got his shot.

  4. SlyPirate Says:

    Baker’s style of play will eventually get him injured. Love to see Trask show out in preseason. He’ll likely play in a few games this year.

  5. SteveK Says:

    Hoping Trask has a chance to put more positive film up this preseason. He’s a great backup and has been groomed by the game’s best, as Joe points out.

    We lucked into 3 years of the Goat, and a former #1 pick who proved it. No fault on Trask. I hope we can see him showcase talent in the preseason and thst we can resign him as a backup.

    It would spark joy for me to see Trask get a new contract and all the anti-Trask, pro-Jameis FSU Honks, would melt down. Maybe even some Freemanites too.

    The Trask occult and Glennon mob were manufactured as a label of fans whose were skeptical of Jameis Turnover King and Josh Freeman’s erratic play. Go Bucs!

  6. 1sparkybuc Says:

    We will see what Trask can do when he’s playing for another team. There was never a legitimate competition for him with the Bucs.

  7. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    As you wrote, Trask hasn’t played enough to judge. We do know that he took a big step forward last year before the season began and looked decent in some of the preseason games. And if he tied with Baker in last years competition it wasn’t realistic for him to win the job given Baker’s experience and his lack of it. And Baker has been handed the starting job already this upcoming season so just like when Brady was here Trask isn’t going to compete for the starting job.

    At a minimum, the team believes he is a decent backup. If that were not the case, they would probably already have moved on from him. We should get some clarity during training camp when he battles Wolford for the backup job.

  8. Mr. Editor Says:

    And now, Trask can learn from Mayfield. One sign that the Bucs are hopeful about Trask as a long-term option is the fact that Licht hasn’t drafted a QB since selecting him, and Mayfield’s contract is not so long-term. The mystery will continue for the foreseeable future.

  9. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    This should stir the Microsoft Surface thumping Traskites

  10. First Name Greatest Says:

    Trask is a waste of a pick

    If Licht didn’t lack foresight h would’ve drafted an offensive or defensive linemen or a secondary player but he was too keyed in on bringing back the whole roster

  11. Tampabaybucfan Says:


  12. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    1sparkybuc Says:
    We will see what Trask can do when he’s playing for another team. There was never a legitimate competition for him with the Bucs.
    It’s true that he’s not had much of a legitimate opportunity to win a starting job with the Bucs. Baker had a huge advantage in last years “competition” given his experience. Trask would have to dramatically outplay him to have won that job. A tie would go to Baker. And there was not a snowballs chance in hell that he was going to compete against Brady.

    I don’t know whether he’ll ever get a starting job but do believe he’s good enough to have a long career as a backup. And if all he ever is in the NFL is a backup there are certainly worse ways to earn a paycheck.

  13. Buc4evr Says:

    Trask needs to be traded to a team that will give him a chance to compete.

  14. View from 132 Says:

    We are one play of Baker taking on a LB to gain 7 yards on 3rd and 20 to see if Trask is a starter. Would not surprise me to see him play this season in real game action.

  15. go dawgs Says:

    Trask is right where he belongs, period.

  16. go dawgs Says:

    If Trask is playing long term this coming year, the season is over.

  17. Mike Johnson Says:

    Trask just needs to be and stay ready. No QB in this brutal NFL is forever. They all go down in their careers with injuries that last from 2 to 4 games…even more. Trask will get his shot. But will he be ready?

  18. SteveK Says:

    Unknown Kyle Trask > Jameis in Cleveland.

  19. heyjude Says:

    Unsure if Brady was talking about Trask. But he is right about the perfect fit. Mac Jones didn’t have a good fit with the Patriots and may do well on the Jags this season. Same with Devin White, he could surprise us. Understandably, this happens a lot with players. Trask is only 26 years old, so he has time to prove himself too with the Bucs or somewhere else.

  20. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Trask is a career backup, at best.

  21. Dude Says:

    Kyle Trask aka D.B. Cooper

  22. drdneast Says:

    If there ever was a time for Trask to start it was against the Panthers last season. But the Bucs brass went with the very beaten up Bakernan himself. That was a huge tale right there.

  23. Dave Pear Says:

    Trashk is a career commercial real estate magnate. Anyone thinking he was the next Rudy Carpenter is going to be disappointed

  24. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Even if Trask spends his whole career as a backup, that could be 10+ years making millions of dollars and working directly with and getting to know true superstars. He’s laughing all the way to the bank and especially at all of the commenters who judge him on 9 passes, even if that is all he ever throws. As an NFL player, he’s also a member of a fraternity of which none of us will ever be. Not a bad deal.

    I think he can play a bit but it is unlikely to happen in Tampa. Is he a Super Bowl QB? Probably not, but only a few guys are. Only one way to find out.

  25. garro Says:

    This would be absurd with any other team but the Bucs. It pains me to say that! How do you draft a promising Heisman candidate in the Top of the second round and then all but ignore him! Did the GoAT mentor him? Not what I have heard.

    How many plays has he been in for? In Three Years? And we and he still don’t really know if he can play. That is Nuts!

    Go Bucs!

  26. Dave Pear Says:

    Garro – you apparently don’t realize that coaches and management have been evaluating Trask every day at practice for three years. His teammates have played with him and seen him for three years.

    Do you really think there is a conspiracy of ineptitude that Jason participates in that keeps the Bucs from their best chance to win? No one wants to lose, hence Trashk holds the clipboard

    Reason “we have t seen” Trashk is because he has t earned it. When a one legged Baker gives you a better chance to win than your boy, it’s all the data you need.

  27. Doc Says:

    Clickbait. Joe fails to mention that unlike Kyle Trask, Tom Brady and Jordan Love got to play with the starters to prove themselves. But that fact would take away from Joe’s goal of creating doubt about Trask and stirring up his fellow FSU alums into a reliable frenzy of neurotic clicks.
    This is so silly, Joe doesn’t know where to begin. It’s not Joe’s fault Trask hasn’t played. If Joe were in charge, he would have seen more snaps in his career. Second, Joe doesn’t need to create doubt about Trask, it’s there on its own. Joe asked GM Jason Licht point blank if he’s gotten calls about Trask on The Ira Kaufman Podcast, Licht said he hasn’t. Trask might be great, he might not be. It’s an unknown. Brady’s comments spoke to the Trask situation, so Joe shared. –Joe

  28. Scott Says:

    Trask will be fine. Whoever gets him will get a steal and a possible starter

  29. Doc Says:


    You are so right. The Bucs’ mismanagement of Kyle Trask is an embarrassment of epic proportions. I challenge anyone to find a second round quarterback who for his first three seasons was rostered but never played in a game with the starters, not even in PRESEASON!

  30. Doc Says:

    @Dave Pear

    We know you are a Trask hater extraordinaire. That said, if the vitriol you have written about Trask in the past is even half true, why have the Bucs kept him for 4 years?

  31. Doc Says:

    If Trask sucks as all the FSU dropouts who infest this board say, how did he outplay Mayfield – with had many more years experience in the NFL – in last year’s training camp.

  32. unbelievable Says:

    Except Trask wasn’t Brady’s backup… Gabbert was. Trask was behind Gabbert.

    So while yes, he was in the same QB room, he was probably busier with the scout team duties once OTAs were over, vs picking Brady’s brain and learning the nuances of our own system.

  33. Zoocomics Says:

    I’m sure Trask learned something under Brady on the practice field, but not being his right-hand-man on game-day for 2 straight seasons as QB2 didn’t help his progression.

    Lot of Trask haters will tell you he could not beat out Gabbert, so how good was he really?…and perhaps Gabbert was better, but in all fairness, even if Gabbert wasn’t better than Trask, Brady isn’t planning on game day to get hurt so I think he wanted a seasoned vet like Gabbert to chat with, be his sounding board on game-day vs him teaching/showing Trask what he’s seeing, while perhaps looking for a Trask opinion. I don’t think that’s something Brady truly cared to do given his finite timeline left in football.

  34. Beeej Says:

    I always looked for Trask on the sideline last season, to see who he sat with. (Gabbert always sat with Brady) Never saw where Trask was, but it wasn’t with the starting QB, which I find troubling

  35. Tony Says:

    Hey I’ll sit there & be Kyle Trask & collect my paychecks if it means not having to go in there & get my brains scrambled or my body bruised.😃

  36. Hodad Says:

    Now that Baker is the unquestioned starter, we’re about to see a lot of Trask this preseason. He’s going to have the most meaningful snaps he’s ever had in his career. He’ll have some talent around him to work with, time to show what he’s got. We’ll soon see what he’s learned. Hope the best for him.

  37. JD Still Says:

    Is Kyle a SuperBowl quarterback? who knows, and regretfully I doubt if we will find out here, Tampa has had a terrible history of not developing Quarterbacks, ( We have had more Quarterbacks leave our team , go elsewhere, and win SuperBowls for other teams than any other team in NFL history ) , and I’m afraid that will not change .

  38. Capt.Tim Says:

    “ Can you retain Information? Can you process it?”

    I think what Brady was trying to say, is that KYLE TRASK CANT do those things.
    I think Brady is explaining why Kyle Trask is such a huge bust, and failure as a pro Back up.
    Rumor has it, that Brady was always very upset with Buc front office, for not getting him a young QB he could mentor.

    Some say Kyle Trask.is the reason Tom Retired.

  39. KABucs Says:

    I can’t say I’m a Trask lover or hater. He just hasn’t had the opportunity to show what he can do. He may end up being a very good quarterback because there are other QB in the league that start with a.similar level athleticism, similar size, similar arm strength… they just had an opportunity. He just needs a situation in when to show iwhat he can do. He hasn’t had that yet and who knows if he’ll ever get one. I don’t think San Francisco really wanted their 7th round the Mr Irrelevant Purdy to have to be the starter but they were thrust into that situation and things worked out pretty well. I don’t want the Bucs to be stuck in that situation either, and if we end up there, I will be pretty nervous about it. But who knows, maybe Trask will surprise us with good QB play. If he suddenly has to start, you know I’ll be rooting for him. Better him than Wolford at this point. I mean, I rooted for Jameis when he was our starter and he seemed to just regress as time went on. 2019 wasn”t fun.

  40. Lynchmob47 Says:

    Brady retired cause he knew his numbers would go down.and he didn’t want to go out like that. Lol.

  41. Woodenman Says:

    Really Capt. Tim now you are speaking for Brady what a idiot you are.

  42. Brandon Jeff Says:

    “ I Think “, “ I Think “, “Rumor has it “, “ Some say “. Just Wow!
    Any chance to throw shade at Trask. Why do you feel so threatened by him that you have to constantly take pot shots at him? Obviously, he wasn’t play with Brady here and Brady was known for not helping rookies. He also was not threatened by Gabbert. Nor did he stand a chance against Baker due to lack of experience and the stated fact that Bowles was in love with Baker when he entered the draft.
    Trask apparently scares you or he wouldn’t be worth your time and effort to keep bashing him.

  43. bucnjim Says:

    I really think it has more to do with Trask being a pocket passer. Brady was probably the last of the true pocket passers because D’s have become too good at applying pressure if the QB is in one spot. You might not need to scramble, but it’s a necessity to be able to move the pocket and throw on the run.

  44. Peck Says:

    Anyone who knows Bakers history also knows last year his injuries were minimal and almost every year in the NFL he’s had an injury. So I expect at some point his play style will get him injured. Also Trask looked great on last years 2 home preseason games so idk what most of y’all saying “he’s a 2nd string QB” nah Trask hasnt had real playing time. Trask is far better then Blaine Gabbert ever could be. Some Bucks fans are just delulu. We should absolutely retain Trask for future seasons .. can’t stand when teams waste their draft picks on people they just have no belief in.

  45. Capt.Tim Says:

    I just talked to Tom, and we agreed on 3 things.
    1) you’re a wanker.
    2) Kyle Trask just aint no good
    3) as easy as your guys are to aggitate, It must be real easy to get into the U of F.


  46. Capt.Tim Says:

    I also think that what Baker Mayfield was trying to say,
    Was that John Woolford is the Backup. Not Kyle.
    ‘Cause Kyle jus’ aint no good.
    He would never have started for a REAL UNIVERSITY!

    Lmao again

  47. Pickgrin Says:

    Odds are high that we will see Trask play meaningful snaps in a real game(s) this year.

    Whether thats 2 dozen snaps or 200+ remains to be seen.

    Baker is tough – but was very close to being too hurt to play in the final regular season game last year….

    Mayfield was 1 of only 9 NFL QBs to start 17 games in 2023…

    Its a rough league…

  48. JimBobBuc Says:

    Showcase Trask in the preseason games. Another team will lose a QB in preseason or early in the year.

  49. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Trask was taken with pick 64 that’s third round material and he was way over drafted

  50. Dave Pear Says:

    The Trashk support above is proof that Ron White is correct.

    You can’t fix stupid. The “Trashk has been abused” outrage looks past the simple fact that he’s not good enough to be put in a real game even to mop up.

    The Traskophiles all need to converge on One Buc Place and confront Todd, Jason and the Glazers and let them know why they are wrong, since they’ve watched every snap of Trashk for three years and you boobs have been soaking your Trashk posters with fluids.

  51. BuucccNASTY Says:

    I would love Trask to be a Cinderella story but anyone who thinks this is delusional. He never looked good for the very limited time we’ve seen him under center and by the moves we’ve made in recent years I don’t think this staff thinks so either. The only mystery to me is why he’s still on the roster if the staff doesn’t believe in him? I guess he is still a cheap backup QB which saves a few million but we didn’t even ride with him as the backup last year

  52. DBS Says:

    4 responses already and Someone wants to talk about a reliable frenzy of neurotic
    clicks. Like you do every Trask thread Doc? New low for you. Using another posters user name. But the same attacks on Joe. FSU garbage and Trask can’t play with out starters and beat out Baker because Joe said so.

    Trask will play if Baker gets hurt and the coaches want him . Or they decide to play him. Next year he will probably resign for backup pay. Other wise he and you and all your names will be gone.

  53. Dave Pear Says:

    The simple conclusion is

    Kyle’s Trashk is a swell underdog story, but the story has run its course for the fine fellow, and he’ll be a successful business tycoon or raccoon or cocoon. He has proven to coaches, staff, players and ownership, he is not NFL material .


  54. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Yep, Trask will get a HUGE workload in preseason this year.

    If he balls out, what’s Licht gonna do???

    Mark my words, if they try to throw a contract at Trask to resign him as a backup, he will give Licht the middle finger along with an “F U”….

    Why this reason…..
    Trask was LIED TO BY BOWLES and possibly upper management about this being an open QB competition…….

    Reality -> there was no competition. Bowles was starting Mayfield no matter what. Preseason didn’t mean jack spit….

    Bowles was also stupid in not giving Trask work in some games at the end…..There were a couple that he should have been given the 4th quarter to play…

    Unless Baker gets hurt, Trask will go to another team for a TRUTHFUL open chance to win a starting gig….

  55. Fan of the South Says:

    Love started sluggish last year and hit his stride at the perfect time.

    If Brady sees something in Trask he will be in Davis’ ear should the Raiders struggle this season.

    With next years QB draft pool being shallow it is a good time for his contract to be up.

    Some on here must think that all Trask might do is Reps of clipboard right hand then Reps of clipboard left hand.

    If he took anything from Brady Trask has been working his butt off the entire off season.

    He will have the majority of three preseason games to get some good work on tape.

    I’ve seen Mayfield’s ceiling in 2023 so it will be nice to get a look at how far Trask has actually progressed.

  56. Capt.Tim Says:

    Bucfan 1988.

    I TOTALLY AGREE! There was no Fair competetion. Trask is the Far superior QB on the Bucs roster.
    In fact, hes the best QB in the NFL.
    Its a conspiracy that keeps him on the bench. Bowles knew that Trask would play SO great, that we couldnt afford him!
    Hed leave, and everyone would hate Coach Bowles for letting the greatest QB of all time leave the team.
    And Coach Bowles would get fired.

    So, to save his own job, Coach had to bench the Greatest QB of all time.
    It makes perfect sense

  57. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Capt.Tim, are you trying to win the jackass of the day award????

    Congrats man! I’m giving it to you….

  58. Dave Pear Says:

    Colonel Tim is using a mix of sarcasm and irony to make the point that the blind Traskophiles can’t accept.

    If he were good enough, you’d have seen him by now.

    He’s not.

  59. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Dave, but he was good enough last preseason??
    He outplayed Mayfield for a majority of OTA’s and TC…

    Don’t tell me he didn’t deserve some action in some of those games that we clearly had sewn up by 4th quarter……

    That’s just plain stupid on Bowles in to not have allowed Trask to get some work in. And yet they say he’s the back-up QB ???

    If you’re tell the entirety of Buc fans that Trask is #2, then get him some playing time when you’re up in games. If not, bring in a veteran backup that has experience. It’s just moronic to do that to a guy that you’re claiming to be the
    If Mayfield puts his body on the line and gets hurt, then Bowles will be paying the price by not giving Trask some experience…

    That’s all I’m saying…

  60. Daniel Hammond Says:

    Traffic is going to be a great starting quarterback at some point in the league whether it’s with us or for someone else he may be the next Steve Young the Buccaneers are pretty good at getting rid of that type of qb

  61. Daniel Hammond Says:

    Trask will definitely be a starting quarterback somewhere in the NFL if not with us hopefully he’s not the Buccaneers next Steve Young

  62. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Dave Pear, Ryan Tannehill is sitting out there with no team?? Probably can get him on a bet minimum….

    Wonder why Licht hasn’t pulled that trigger if Trask is so “bad” ????

    We’re gonna find out a lot about Trask this offseason, I’m sure..

  63. BigMacAttack Says:

    Baker hits like a linebacker

  64. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    Baker also stuff arms like a running back

  65. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    Dave pear are u the 1 says nasty garbage bout baker on a daily basis u r post have little to no value

  66. Capt.Tim Says:

    Who said Trask EVER outplayed Mayfield? You Traskovites always spout that nonsense as Gospel. Its idiotic.

    And Thank you, Dave Pear, for appreciating the comedic stylings of Captain Tim.

    And yes Bucfan1988, I am trying for the Jackass of the day Award. The level of ignorance among the Traskovites has reached such an unfathomable level, that lve lost all respect for you.

  67. SenileSenior Says:

    And oh, by the way, Jason Licht stands by his pick of Trask in the second round. I still have not seen enough of Trask to come to any conclusion of whether he is NFL capable or not. Maybe I willl learn something during the upcoming camp.

  68. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Tannehill. Please. Too much talent on this roster to entrust a playoff run to Kyle ( if baker gets hurt )

  69. toad bowels Says:

    If we have the $10 million to sign Tannehill, use that to sign a solid LG

  70. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    The lunacy of the Fakerbois is phenomenal! This dude has never shown himself to be a solid consistent qb. He’s never put together back to back great seasons. The great thing Trask had over other than height is he’s not a rah rah look at the Napoleonic short guy who craves attention. Looking like a cartoon character with that perpetual 5 o’clock shadow all the time. It’s surprising the fakerbois have time to type, too busy playing with their blow up Faker dolls. They’re threatened by Trask because they read the stories and saw the games and Trask was on his way up. Lucky for them Blowels is a Fakerbois too

  71. Usfbuc Says:

    Idk what some of you are talking about BM and Trask sat together all the time. Like after nearly every single offensive series.

  72. Dave Pear Says:

    Trashk is simply a one read, slow-to-process college QB who had far superior talent in his targets at UF than his opponents. He has the pocket presence of Glennon, if Glennon ate 6 valiums before stepping under center. He sees the field at the speed of smell. He runs like a gazelle – if the gazelle had three legs amputated.

    Lots of college QBs put up the stats, and too many sub-80 IQ maroons think that’s an indicator of NFL success. LOL.

  73. Ron Says:

    I think he’s speaking more to Bowles inability to manage the game and the players. He could involve Trask more in the game in case he has to come in, but he doesn’t. He’s a proven DC but lacks aptitude to be a SB caliber coach. He’s the weak link the Bucs refuse to address.

  74. IE Buc Says:

    Trask will shine whenever he gets the chance to play in-season games. He was constantly screwed over in the depth chart. Should have been QB2 the year he was drafted. He constantly beat out Gabbert every preseason during the preseason games. But Brady had to have his buddies as his backups so Gabbert always backed up Brady due to friendship. because talent wise, Trask should have been QB2 to Brady. It wasn’t until Brady was gone that Gabbert and Griffin were gone too.

  75. Bucfan1988 Says:


    Never been a Traskovite ya clownshow!! But sounds like you might be a pre-Madonna Mayfield jock-sniffer 🤷🏻‍♂️….myself, I’m a die-hard nutjob BUCS fan who just wants them to win.
    Mayfield played OK overall last year. Much better toward the end of the season…

    As far as Trask’s performance last offseason, for the record, maybe you need to look at some of the past articles from the Joes last year commenting how Trask was doing in pre-season. Maybe that will refresh that memory of yours…..

    Dave Pear, NOOOOO WAYYYYYY you can compare Trask with Glennon. Glennon was the statue one-read QB that had no moxy….Trask definitely more mobile as we saw that last offseason after he lost like 15-20 lbs….Definitwly goes thru reads as well. Just needs playing time to knock off the new QB rust.

    Just for the record, I have ZERO desire for Bucs to bring in Tannehill…Just trying to show that evidently Trask can play because Bucs are choosing to have the kid as the #2 instead of grabbing a QB with experience in that position.

  76. vadertime Says:

    Trask was a system QB out of Florida. Even there he was not considered an elite QB, but one who could competently manage the game. Baker, on the other hand, can think and improvise on the fly if things start to break down and he can give his receivers time to get open by scrambling. Trask, at best, will make a serviceable backup QB, but not much else. That is why no other teams have expressed any interest in signing him. Go Bucs.

  77. Doc Says:

    JOE SAYS: “Joe asked GM Jason Licht point blank if he’s gotten calls about Trask on The Ira Kaufman Podcast, Licht said he hasn’t.”

    Well, that’s shocking! I mean, NFL teams should be interested in a quarterback who has no film whatsoever other than a few snaps with UPS drivers in preseason. I can’t believe the Bucs’ renowned quarterback development program doesn’t get more respect! Right?

  78. Doc Says:

    vadertime Says: “Trask was a system QB out of Florida. Even there he was not considered an elite QB.”

    What an idiot. If he was a “system” quarterback, how come the receivers he threw to – Kyle Pitts and Kadarius Toney – have done nothing in the NFL? Trask was a Heisman Trophy finalist, one of 4 in the entire NCAA. He broke almost all Florida passing records and many SEC passing records. “Not considered an elite QB” my ass. He actually could have won the Heisman if his coach (Mullen) had not pulled the reins on him in the second half of that season. You’re obviously just another FSU boi who lives and breathes hatred for all things Florida.

  79. Kelly Bowman Says:

    When Kyle Trask got his chance in college, he turned out to be the best pro-style quarterback in the NCAA. I have the feeling that he is another Brady waiting for that shot in the NFL.

  80. infomeplease Says:

    KT must yearn to be the next BG ” professional backup QB”!! Millionaire bench warmer!! If not, why doesn’t he bust his ash and earn a starting job???????? You know like the other 32 QBs in this league? Oh sure, “the man” is keeping him down! Sorry I forgot.

  81. Alstott40 Says:

    Trask wasn’t a starter in high school or in college until he got his opportunity and he nailed it. Did extremely well at Florida when he took over as their starter and even was a heisman candidate. If Mayfield gets hurt I believe Trask would do just fine or maybe even surprise people. Don’t get all the hate he receives though

  82. FrontFour Says:

    No one outside of One Buc knows what’s going on with Trask. I thought he looked good last preseason, but recognize it’s just preseason. We’ll find out over the next few months. I’m pulling for the kid.