Cody Mauch Staying At Right Guard — For Now

May 28th, 2024

Guard Cody Mauch.

With the Bucs drafting center (?) Graham Barton and signing veteran guards Ben Bredeson and Sua Opeta, there was some question whether second-year guard Cody Mauch would be moved to the left side as the interior of the offensive line is retooled.

So far, no need to order the moving vans for Mauch.

Joe asked Mauch today after OTA practice if he is staying at right guard or if he is moving to the left side — and if there was chatter with him from the Bucs about moving.

Mauch said he didn’t rule out a move to the left side but he’s staying at right guard as of now.

And if the Bucs wanted to move him?

Mauch said he doesn’t have any issue. He can handle it, he says, and it would be a minimal adjustment. But, he said he would cross that bridge when he comes to it.

Thus far — and it’s still May — the Bucs plan to start Mauch at right guard.

23 Responses to “Cody Mauch Staying At Right Guard — For Now”

  1. joe dimisa Says:

    He does not play right tackle. He is playing right guard.

  2. kgh4life Says:

    It seems like Mauch has been in the weight room. Mauch was thrown to the wolves last season, keep him at right guard and let him develop, stop moving guys around.

  3. JimBobBuc Says:

    Lots of possible IOL combinations of players and positions. I’d like to hear from Carberry when the lineup will be locked down? Certainly he wants to test some combinations early, but then lock down the lineup to build chemistry and timing.

  4. Dave Pear Says:

    Of course he’s staying at RG. He can’t move far enough to get to either position next to him. Matador.

  5. heyjude Says:

    Sounds like a great conversation. Thank you for the information. Mauch has a good attitude and is ready to be where they need him. He said he can do it!

  6. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    May 28th, 2024 at 1:55 pm
    Of course he’s staying at RG. He can’t move far enough to get to either position next to him. Matador.
    I know you know everything, or think you do, but I’m not sure you know how this kid is going to do this year. Come to think of it, do you know how to spell Todd Bowles name? It’s one of three things: either you’re too dumb to spell Bowles (you spell it Bowels), you’re in the 6th Grade, or you have the mentality of a 6th Grader.

  7. SlyPirate Says:

    Didn’t Sua Opeta play LG for Philly?

  8. Pickgrin Says:

    I never understood the decision to put Mauch at RG in the 1st place.

    Cody played LT in College – so was already very used to being on the left side of Center…

    Stinnie was a better RG than LG….

    Feiler started at RT for 3 years in Pitts before moving to LG – so he as a vet could have most easily handled a ‘move’ to the ‘opposite’ side….

    Decision makers surely observed how much Goedeke struggled moving position AND to the opposite side of the line as a rookie….

    None of it makes any sense to me.

    Cody Mauch should have been placed at LG from day 1 – next to Wirfs for the next 10 years.

    Its time to rectify that bad decision NOW by moving Mauch to LG where he has the best chance to let his talent shine.

    Unless Cody doesn’t want to move – which I didn’t get that vibe from Joe’s telling……

  9. Dave Pear Says:

    LOL – Hoe, thanks for letting me live in your head. Todd’s Bowels say hi.

    Too bad we overpaid that washed up hack Brady to become a Buc just for the splash. Shame he didn’t win. Thank god you have Jason’s ear.

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    BIG question – please tell me that his coaches, or himself, talked about how he got stronger in the offseason. Last year the kid knew what he was doing, but he was often just not strong enough. I’d hope he’s leveled up this offseason in terms of strength – and if he did, I’d expect him to be a lot better (and he improved greatly as the season went along, although fell off over the last few games as he got worn out).

  11. Hogg Wild Says:

    From that picture it looks like he’s put some good weight on. That’s encouraging. Left guard right guard doesn’t mean spit if he’s getting thrashed by NFL power the way he was last year.

  12. Shane Callahan Says:

    This kid needs to seriously improve. I know he looks like a pirate and fans dig that, but he was a TREMENDOUS liability.

  13. Saskbucs Says:

    I hear ya Pickgrin. Never made sense. Not sure switching now helps anything unless he feels he will be just as comfortable.

  14. Bucfan1988 Says:

    To me, Mauch looks like he’s put on weight.,,
    Hopefully stronger this year as well…

  15. Dave Pear Says:

    A matador who puts on weight becomes a fat matador. Hopefully it’s strength. Dude was about as effective as a tub of elephant dung last season.

  16. Marine Buc Says:

    Let’s be honest – it doesn’t matter which side Cody plays on.

    What matters is – how much size and strength did Mauch add during this off-season?

    He got man-handled last season and he looked like a fat tight end especially toward the end of the season… He couldn’t have weighed more than 280 or so.

  17. drdneast Says:

    Joe in Michigan, every board has a clown like DavePear on it. They say stupid petty annoying things just to aggravate people. His mother probably refused to breast feed him and doted on his older brother who was her favorite. For the most part, the parents fed Dave Pear dinner scraps under the table.

  18. Fred McNeil Says:

    From that picture Mauch looks chiseled. Mauch actually played pretty well in first halves. I’ve seen him push people out of the picture and throw a few to the ground. I almost never noticed him at all late in games unless he screwed up. He sure looks stronger. Hopefully he increased his stamina.

  19. Dude Says:

    LFG Cody!!!

  20. Bojim Says:

    I thought he played well for a ROOKIE.

  21. teacherman1983 Says:

    He was very small to start at RG.

    He was 302. He’s a former TE guys. Like Marpet was.

    Most DT’s are 320 and up.

    Playing guard at 300 and a rookie? Ouch!

    He was thrown into the fire 1-2 seasons too early.

    He needed 1-2 years before starting.


    I like his flexibility. I like his work ethic. I like his toughness. I like his pulling ability. He’s fast.

    He will bounce back. Like Goedeke did.

  22. garro Says:

    The under 12 debate team is very active today. All kinds of former O linemen in here today as well. They have apparently had experience stonewalling 330 lb nose tackles, and picking up LBs out of the corner of their eye. Go try to get two blocks on the same run play guys! It ain’t easy! I saw Mauch pull that off.

    I don’t think Mauch looked all that bad for a smallish rookie last year. He certainly did not look All Pro but he did battle with some toughness to him. I also think PFF needs to adjust their algorithm a bit, for those of you who go by their “stats”.

    Also, be fair we had a QB who was hanging on to the ball a bit to long at times last year. Trying to make plays. That resulted in pressures, hits and sacks. Even Wirfs allowed more pressure last year. Nobody run blocked. Especially our TEs. People here do not understand when a TE whiffs it tends to end badly. Run blocking was made worse by our RB dancing around doing a poor impression of Barry Sanders.

    Don’t be too hard on Mauch. I think the Debbie downers here will be surprised this year but won’t admit it. LOL

    Go Bucs!

  23. Proudbucsfan Says:

    drdneast, I almost spit my coffee up while reading your post. Spot on