Rachaad White Fed Up With Kirk Cousins Slurping

May 3rd, 2024


Joe couldn’t figure it out then and can’t figure it out now.

From the moment the Dixie Chicks signed free agent quarterback Kirk Cousins, just about everyone somehow connected to #NFLMedia has been singing the praises of the new powerhouse team in the NFC, the Dixie Chicks.


Look, Joe has dealt with Cousins a few times. Awesome guy. Hard not to pull for. Easily could big league all sorts of folks but is really down to earth and chill. But there is this little thing called an Achilles that Cousins blew last year in Minnesota.

Those are nasty injuries to overcome. It ruined O.J. Howard’s career. It ended Bucs sack king Shaq Barrett’s Bucs career.

For a 36-year old quarterback to just pick up where he left off and be one of the better quarterbacks in the league is sort of a stretch. Joe’s not saying Cousins can’t do it but Joe sure as hell isn’t laying cash on him balling out this season.

It was like the three-peat NFC South champion Bucs didn’t even exist. Cousins arrived in Atlanta so it is all over; the South shall rise again with the Dixie Chicks.

Well, Joe got tired of reading it. And apparently so too is Bucs running back Rachaad White.

A Twitter football news aggregate that goes by the handle @_MLFootball pumped out what it believes is the best quarterback in each division.

Yup, you guessed it, Cousins rules the NFC South. White retweeted that with the message, “not Cousins is definitely not try again.”

White is right. The defending Pro Bowl MVP and the man who guided the Bucs to the division title last year, Baker Mayfield, who nearly got the Bucs to the NFC title game, is still in Tampa.

Joe agrees with White. Unless Cousins can demonstrate he’s healthy, Joe cannot think of crowning him the best quarterback in the NFC South.

39 Responses to “Rachaad White Fed Up With Kirk Cousins Slurping”

  1. LetsBucs Says:

    *MVP-YEAR* Cousins went 1-1, 4 TD’s, 3 INT’s and 3 fumbles last year against the NFC South. The win was a 1 score game against the Panthers.

    Yet, the NFL just *assumes* he’s going to enter our division and just dominate our defences because it’s the *worst* division.

  2. Drunkinybor Says:

    Falcons stink. Raheem let Aqib Talib punk him when he was head coach. He’s a weenie and got lucky coaching Aaron Donald and that Ronde really liked him. Falcons are going to be terrible. Bank on it.

  3. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I think the reason why is the Brady/Bucs effect. Since Brady came to our stacked team in ’20, and then the Stinky Rams did the same with Stafford in’ 21, any team that has a good offensive players that’s “a qb away” will get hyped up incessantly. Kyle Pitts has been severely underutilized, because of Artie Smith and his stupidity, as well as London, and even Robinson. A competent qb, who only had maybe a year or two of elite weapons, coming into that situation, it’s easy to see why…

    However few things the media seems to be forgetting, or ignoring. Cousins is coming off of an achilles injury. I don’t recall him being known to have a strong arm, so that’s going to be an issue right off the bat as he’s recovering. Their defense was not good last year. Perhaps with Raheem, it will be improved, but they didn’t address it all too much in the draft, which leads me to my next point. They drafted a freaking qb in the first round in Michael Penix Jr. Could have been a stud receiver or defensive player, but they went with a qb.

    All in all, it’s all talk until the games are played. Cousins has not done very well against Bowles before. I distinctly recall that every game he’s been hounded by the defense all game, he’s not mobile and his injury will exacerbate that even more than normal.

  4. heyjude Says:

    The sports media is trying to make Cousins a Tom Brady. He is far from it and Brady has the SB rings to prove it. I am over Cousins at this point too. Yes, he is a nice guy, but isn’t the Goat on a comeback season. The sports media will have egg on their faces this season again for over promoting Cousins and the Falcons. It will be a bust. Remember all the hype with Rodgers and the Jets…

  5. BucU Says:

    “”not Cousins is definitely not try again””

    Can someone decipher what that means? Apparently I’m the only one who doesn’t understand the quote.

  6. Marky Mark Says:

    Team mates should stick up for each other. The national media was so wrong about Baker that they are rooting for his demise so they can be right. See that one story predicting the Bucs would draft the Texas Long horns QB to replace Baker. One line snidely predicted Baker would return to his injured years form.

  7. Baking with Evans Says:

    Last year Carr was owning the NFC South. This year Cousins. I’m soooo worried.
    We will be BAKING ALL DAY!!!!!

  8. richbucsfan Says:

    The best way to shut the press up is by dominating the division.

  9. Beeej Says:

    “BucU Says:
    May 3rd, 2024 at 6:38 am
    “”not Cousins is definitely not try again””

    Can someone decipher what that means? Apparently I’m the only one who doesn’t understand the quote”

    Same here. I’d have gone with “You spelled Baker Mayfield wrong”

  10. 2023 Surprised the Hell out of me Says:

    all this talk is highly motivational for the players…

  11. geno711 Says:

    I guess I have a different take.

    Atlanta had a bad defense, bad quarterback, and bad head coach the last two years and ended up 7 and 10 the last two seasons which was competitive in the NFC South.

    One of the things they did was upgrade at quarterback.

    It was not as much of an upgrade when the Bucs went from Jameis Winston to Tom Brady.

    But it was more of an upgrade then when the Bucs were switching between Fitzmagic and Jameis.

    Then the other things they had to do is improve the coaching – not that hard considering – Arthur Smith. At least Raheem knows how to coach defense.
    Now, I do not think Raheem is as strong as Bowles as a defensive guru but he has proven himself around the league overall.

    The last part of the puzzle was to actually get a defensive stud with that early 8th pick or move down and get two guys for the defense. They failed in that.

    I like the Bucs chances, but I see Atlanta did an upgrade at both QB and coaching though not huge upgrades.

  12. Senor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    @ Beeej… Great response “you spelled Baker Mayfield wrong”! love it

  13. Paul Says:

    “It was like the three-peat NFC South champion Bucs didn’t even exist.”

    And two of those seasons…Brady was the quarterback. Mayfield had one good year. Until he can put together consecutive high performance seasons, he’s still a mid / back-up quality quarterback. Had Kirk stayed healthy, Mayfield wouldn’t have even sniffed the the Pro Bowl.

    Kirk isn’t Brady, he’s more like Brees. FYI: the reason that Kirk is getting so much hype is that he takes care of his body better than Brady unlike every other quarterback. It’s probably why this is his first injury in his 12 year career.

  14. BakerFan Says:

    That is not all, Prescott’s #’s dominated Hurts in 2023. I can’t believe these people make a living in the sports media world.

  15. David Says:

    Not Cousins, definitely is not. Try again.

    Thought I’d clarify for those having trouble without punctuation. The lack of punctuation in texts & tweets is annoying.

  16. K2 Says:

    BucU Says: here is my best decipher

    Not! “Cousins is definitely not”…. “Try again”

  17. Mort Says:

    Did they forget about Tua, Lamar Jackson, Jared Goff and Baker?

  18. Pa Bucs fan Says:

    Baffling that people completely neglect the fact that Baker Mayfield and the Bucs absolutely embarrassed Cousins just last season, where he had one of his worst games of the year..guess that’s not relevant somehow lol

  19. First Name Greatest Says:

    National Media unintentionally motivating the Bucs again this offseason.

  20. Ol' Boy Says:

    Cousins will do Cousins things. So far in this league, that means a fat nothing burger. It seems perhaps the falcons were in the mind set of being one QB away from a championship run? I don’t know , I still can’t fathom the contract they gave him. There is nothing substantial to his play or his results to plant a flag on and say, “this is worth every penny”.
    I’m not sure what the details of the contract are but I’m thinking the falcs organization has an out at some point and I’m pretty sure it’ll be exercised. They’ll be under. Alot of pressure from the fanbase to put their new QB on the field asap. It’ll be a crappy show there

  21. Bojim Says:

    Take the ‘is’ out. I think.

  22. Larrd Says:

    How does Vousins do in playoffs? Mayfield has had some big playoff games despite limited chances. Cousins has been going to playoffs a lot but I cannot remember any big games.

  23. Scotty Mack Says:

    An Achilles injury is not nearly as devastating for a relatively immobile quarterback as it is for a tight end or linebacker. Truly, the reason I see Atlanta as a favorite to win the division is their much easier third place schedule.

  24. SlyPirate Says:


    This is starting to make more sense. Baker is the source of the Bucs disrespect. I kind of get it, too. We’re standing too close to this. Baker is our guy. The Bucs are our team.

    Imagine if Winston had a good year. Would you believe he could do it 2 years in a row or would you think it was a fluke? You’re probably more likely to doubt him. That’s what is happening here.

  25. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    My only 2 preseason bets. Bucs over. Falcons under. Easy money.

  26. ModHairKen Says:

    Let Baker be disrespected. Let Cousins be the man in the South. That’s fine. Let everyone pick the Bucs to finish 3rd.

    That fire has started and it’s burning slow.

    An angry team is a focused team.

  27. Joe Says:


    You have to imagine punctuation marks (specifically two periods are missing). Then it makes sense.

  28. Dave Pear Says:

    Cousins is one QB who Bowels seems to be able to beat. That’s what the record shows and you are what your record says you are.

  29. D Cone Says:

    It ended Bucs sack king Shaq Barrett’s Bucs career.

    With the Bucs. Really it came down to Money because Shaq was far from the weakest link on the defensive side of the ball in 2023.

    Odds Bucs will see the Dolphins in 2024 have to be astronomical but in year two of his recovery Shaq could have a great year and the Bucs might get a taste in 2025.

  30. Denny Gay Says:

    I’m thinking Rashaad needs some more punctuation and vocabulary work to do. Is it so hard to type a sentence that can be understood by people>

  31. Gotti-Dog-05-20-84 Says:

    “Joe Says:
    May 3rd, 2024 at 10:48 am


    You have to imagine punctuation marks (specifically two periods are missing). Then it makes sense.”

    Every time two periods are missing panic and confusion ensues……

  32. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Baker – 2 playoff wins; Cousins 1 playoff win. Baker 28 y/o; Cousins 34 y/o. I may not be great at math, but ummmm…

  33. Chris williams Says:

    They absolutely got it right , cousins is better that’s why he’s being paid as such & baker is making pennies

  34. OR Buc Says:

    Reminds me of when Derek Carr went to the Saints… Preseason Division Champs, lol!

  35. Pewter Power Says:

    That injury It only affects scrambling when it comes to quarterbacks. But I don’t know who he’s throwing to that scares me

  36. unbelievable Says:

    BucU Says:
    May 3rd, 2024 at 6:38 am
    “”not Cousins is definitely not try again””

    Can someone decipher what that means? Apparently I’m the only one who doesn’t understand the quote.

    If you look at the tweet, there is a hat emoji at the beginning.

    Hat = cap, and “cap” is the new slang for the word “lie”.

    So White is saying “Lie, not Cousins is definitely not try again.” Which still doesn’t really make sense lol. Think he needed to remove the word “not” IMO.

  37. Mark A Swygert Says:

    What it means is that White respects and likes his QB. Not a bad thing for teammates who work so closely together every game. Loyalty is a virtue.

  38. westernbuc Says:

    For future reference, the blue cap means “cap” which means lie.

  39. BUCman Says:

    Cousins is one of the best quarterbacks in the league. His game doesn’t rely on mobility or running. As long as he can move around in the pocket his Achilles will not be a factor. The only thing that will hold back the Falcons is their idiot front office decisions.