Cody Mauch Is Pushing 320 Pounds

May 28th, 2024

Right guard Cody Mauch is on a mission.

Man weight is a beautiful thing if you’re a young NFL offensive lineman.

Not so good if you’re a buffet-inhaling, beer-swilling, fried-shrimp-munching, sushi-grazing media slob.

Thankfully, second-year Bucs guard Cody Mauch is the former.

Back at the NFL Scouting Combine, Bucs head coach Todd Bowles talked about wanting to be bigger along his offensive line. A few weeks later at the NFL owners meetings, Bowles delivered clarity to that wish when he noted that Mauch was working on transforming his body.

Fifteen months ago at the 2023 Combine, Mauch checked in at 6-5, 302 pounds. Then the Bucs drafted him in the second round and he started last season at right guard. Maybe Mauch added five pounds during his rookie season.

Today, Mauch chatted with local media at One Buc Palace and not only looked bigger, he said he’s added 12 to 15 pounds.

And training camp is still two months away.

So in Joe’s mind, Mauch is about 320 pounds right now and is probably shooting for that to be his playing weight at a minimum.

If Mauch can get there in a healthy manner, then Joe feels comfortable saying the 2024 starting Buccaneers offfensive line may be among the very biggest in the history of the franchise, rivaling the 2020 and 2021 seasons with manbeast bookends Tristan Wirfs and Donovan Smith.

27 Responses to “Cody Mauch Is Pushing 320 Pounds”

  1. PNW Buc Says:

    Well done Cody! Keep working hard kiddo!!!

  2. The Truth be Told Says:

    Yes- but what is he Benching for a single? Every NFL Offensive Lineman should be/is benching at least 400 pounds if they want to be considered strong. They all weigh over 300 pounds for crying out loud. Let’s get Baked. Go Bucs!

  3. SlyPirate Says:

    Look how enormous these guys are. It’s hard to fathom Shaq O’Neal playing basketball at 359 lbs.

  4. CTBucs Says:

    Gaining weight is good, but hopefully it’s in the lower half legs and glutes where it matters most for power. Mauch showed potentially but often times could get ragdolled and weeble-wobbly. If he can gain strength to match that new weight he can be really good.

  5. Baking with Evans Says:

    The Licht House is fortifying its trenches just fine.


  6. Bojim Says:

    I remember when 260-270 was huge.

  7. Buc4evr Says:

    That’s great, but he needs foot work and ability to lock on to defenders with good inside moves. Sounds like he is making improvements just like Ali did in his second year. The O line should be much improved this season.

  8. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Great to hear! He’s plenty tough and mean, now bigger and “better”. Let’s grab another guard after cuts – or let’s trade for one. The missing link.

  9. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    I’m with you, Bojim! I remember when the broadcast announcers would gush over Dallas’s offensive linemen all being 300+ pounds back when Dallas didn’t suck in the 90s.

  10. Usfbuc Says:

    Bench is good but squats are better. What is he squatting?

  11. Capt.Tim Says:

    “Best line”?
    A first year guard, a rookie, a career backup cut loose by the Eagles

    Am I missing something?
    Lets not be last in the league in rushing, before we proclaim our line to be a heard of GOATS, shall we?

    We do have some fantastic building blocks.
    Love our Tackles. Think Mauch is gonna be really good. Think Barton is gonna be a fixture in the probowl. Both these guys just need experience and time.

    But Left guard is a back up that the Eagles let walk for nothing.

    An O line is like a Chain. Only as strong as its weakest link.

    Opeta is extremely strong. Hes also extremely slow and inflexable.
    Will never be able to run sweeps with him trying to pull.
    Think” Frankenstein”
    If we are starting other teams cast offs- we wont run effectively.
    Just like the last 2 years. Worst in the league.

    Still gotta fix either center or Left guard, and give it a year or two to jell.
    Then Im with you 100%
    But looks like another year of “suck” this year.

  12. Dave Pear Says:

    Hopefully he can push a DT a yard or so downfield and help open a hole. That’s what I’ll be surprised to see him push.

  13. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I suggested (last year) this might happen after his rookie year. So long as he is adding strength as well, this is a great thing.

  14. Big Red Says:

    I don’t like when we draft an OL who played a particular position in college and then plug them in somewhere all willy nilly.

    Or draft a DE from the 4-3 and try to make him an OLB having him drop back in zone and cover TE or RB.

    Drafting FB’s and trying to turn them into TE’s.

    This isn’t Madden and that s#!t usually doesn’t work. Every now and then there are exceptions.

    Go Bucs. Let’s hope this Madden OL carousel experiment works out better than our DE / OLB carousels have.

  15. Colin in Canada Says:

    I wish that the NFL would post current weights for players. It would be good to know how much these guys actually weigh on a weekly basis. They just show their combine weight for their whole careers. I remember Donald Penn was listed at 305 his whole career when he was more like 360. Same for playoff Lenny listed at 225 or whatever when he was closer to 250. On the other side of it I bet Brady was about 190 at the end of his career and not 220. Anyway that’s my rant. I know these players are weighed multiple times per week. That info should be shared. Keep up the good work Joes.

  16. LexBloodstone Says:

    What’s the secret to keeping your weight up let alone putting on weight in this heat.? I’m soaked and drained just working on my car outside for a short time.

  17. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Cpt knows everything you mean

  18. Dude Says:

    My good brothers, it is May and we’re not even close to figuring out who’s starting where on the interior. Now is the time to embrace the spirit of competition because that’s all there is going to be for the next two months.

  19. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Not so good if you’re a buffet-inhaling, beer-swilling, fried-shrimp-munching, sushi-grazing media slob.

    I didn’t know Ira liked sushi…….

  20. garro Says:

    They are gonna throw flags on the Ginger Giant because he blocked that guy too hard!

    Go Bucs!

  21. adam from ny Says:

    the bigger the ginger bread man…the better the ginger bread man

  22. BigBucsFan Says:

    Captain Tim shut up….. The comment you’re rambling about meant the potential. And yes we do potentially unprovenly have a really good, if not our best offensive line in quite some time if ever. I know, still hasn’t been proven yet, point of fact it needs to be proven. But giving the state of our offensive line last year they did their job as rookies, backups, and last minute replacements mainly. This year everybody comes in (unless the injury bug hits) with either more experience or a better talent at each owns positions of the offensive line plus the fact of this size of the line that has taken place. the natural fits of the players into their positions, now with versatility and along with the size we have agility and movement in our guys. So you tell me where there’s not potential? That there’s no reason to have any excitement coming up for this new offensive line you can’t compare what happened to last year. Same as you can’t expect the last year to happen exactly the same for you this year

  23. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    All muscle. Dude is gonna be scary good. Athleticism out the a$$ coupled with NFL strength? Might not be Papa Wirf but the blue crew is forming

  24. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Sara Walsh as Smurfette (Wirfette). Tepper has to be Gargomyle

  25. Shane Callahan Says:

    Gosh I hope this helps him GREATLY improve!

  26. David Says:

    he needed muscle, hopefully that’s all it is. O Line starts with the legs, just look at Wirf’s tree trunks.

  27. FrontFour Says:

    Ginger Giant…. I like it…..