Chris Godwin Gives Stamp Of Approval For Jalen McMillan

May 23rd, 2024

Thoughts on new teammate.

Joe could understand if Chris Godwin didn’t want to go there.

Godwin is in a contract year. He wants to get paid, just like Tristan Wirfs wants to get paid and just like Antoine Winfield got paid.

Joe’s not suggesting Godwin should break the bank, but if cash doesn’t come from the Bucs it will come from someone else. Surely.

So when the Bucs drafted Washington receiver Jalen McMillan in the third round last month, a blind man could see what may be going on. If McMillan works out, he could replace Godwin (in theory) if Godwin jumps the pirate ship next spring.

Like McMillan, Godwin was a third-round pick.

So when asked about his initial take on his rookie teammate that could be his replacement someday, Godwin took the high road.

“I like him, man,” Godwin said. “He seems like he’s a good kid. From Day 1 you can tell he’s come in here eager to learn.

“He’s got real good movements about him. Good hands. You can tell that he was coached really well. I think he is going to be a great fit for our room.”

Joe didn’t expect any less from Godwin. Class guy with class comments.

Could McMillan be the next Godwin? That’s a huge ask. Does anyone expect McMillan to be a Pro Bowl player? We all sure hope so but that’s a helluva guess.

28 Responses to “Chris Godwin Gives Stamp Of Approval For Jalen McMillan”

  1. Austing Says:

    Evans, Godwin, Palmer, J Mac = A+

  2. Dude Says:

    I honestly like what we can potentially have with Jmac, Trey, & Rakim playing behind Mike & Chris.

  3. SlyPirate Says:

    Gonna need to groom new #1 WR next year. Expect a WR in Round 1 of the draft.

  4. Mike Says:

    Godwin is a class act for sure. Either way, he knows his future is in his own hands, whether that be with the Bucs or some other team in FA.

  5. JimBobBuc Says:

    Joe, are you seeing him mostly wide or mostly slot?

  6. BillyBucco Says:

    I assume you are talking about J Mac who will probably be outside and inside. If he is gonna start, it would be outside obviously. Either way, whatever his answer is, it’s too soon to glean any real information from it.
    Unless Palmer takes a HUGE step, J Mac is the better receiver, so I get your curiosity and hope that it is outside.

  7. Boss Says:

    does not matter.

    bake only sees mike

  8. Dude Says:

    Stare down city

  9. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Boss/Dude, for about 3/4 of the year last year, you were 100% correct til Godwin’s wife unleashed her fury…..

    Seemed like Baker started going thru his reads a little better those last few games….

    I saw more Otton & Godwin getting involved…
    Even Trey Palmer contributed some…

    You’re right though…
    All these weapons are depending on Baker to go thru his progressions and not just fix himself to ME13.

    If he can’t do it, Trask I know wants the chance…

  10. Scott Says:

    Baker is one of the highest check down Qbs. If he doesn’t see Mike open or his first read he checks it down. I wouldn’t call him a one read guy but kind of in a way.

  11. Joe Says:

    Joe, are you seeing him mostly wide or mostly slot?

    Who is “him?”

  12. BakerFan Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:
    If he can’t do it, Trask I know wants the chance…


    BucFan, damn give it up already. Trask will be out of the league next year. You tards are insufferable.

  13. Boss Says:

    they changed the playcalling late in the season too…to a lot of quick passes to the rooks behind the LOS….which meant no look to mike.

    but to say bake has progressed to see the field… well, I aint buying it.

  14. SlyPirate Says:

    Boss Says:

    bake only sees mike


    Mike is the #1 options but not by much.

    Targets by Receiver
    Evans 136
    Godwin 130
    White 70
    Palmer 68
    Otton 64

  15. A Bucs Fan Says:

    McMillan played predominantly in the slot but the coaches at one Buc said he can play X Z/F and Slot. They’ll train him at all and see which one is he adapts to the fastest. His most direct path to the football field is the Z/F by beating out Palmer. He could also give Mike and/or Chris a break when either needs one on the outside and in the slot depending on how fast he grasps the playbook.

  16. Bucfan1988 Says:

    BakerFan, you’re obviously a yard if you think Trask will have no job next year 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️….

    Pull your face out of Mayfield’s a$$, and understand that Trask does have skills. Hasn’t been able to show the fans yet. Maybe this year, maybe not…..

    He’ll get his chance somewhere…

    He’s obviously #2 at this point for a reason…

  17. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Sly & Boss I think it was more Canales than Baker.

    Baker followed what Canales told him to do which was get the ball out in 2.7 seconds. That means he was throwing that ball 90% of the time on his first read.

    What’s telling is that Mike Evans didn’t get double digit targets for the rest of the season after Godwin’s wife made public comments and Godwin did 3 times and led receivers in all of them except the last Carolina game. CG actually out paced Mike 45 targets to just 33 over the last 5 games of the season.

    That tells me it was a Dave Canales problem. Not a Baker problem.

  18. Dude Says:

    “I think it was more Canales than Baker.”

    QB makes the reads and throws the ball, it’s not some sacred science. The OC gives you the options to throw to on a given concept, you as the QB post-snap make the decision where the ball goes in real-time. You can’t blame 100% of the poor play on the playcaller and be mums the word on the QB. Baker Mayfield, believe it or not, has his flaws as a player too.

  19. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Dude you must be new. I despised Baker. I thought the competition was fake and it infuriated me. I thought Bakers leadership was snake oil and pounded the table to let Trask play. He proved me wrong leading a winning season last year with an awful redundant dead-last run game and terrible pass protection in the middle of the line.

    You are right though Baker does have flaws like every player. He gets too high and can’t calm himself so he makes bad throws, the same happens when he’s discouraged. His arm is big but I would say his ball placement is mostly average for the NFL. He also takes unnecessary hits, and he too often has his balls batted down.

    It’s also true that Baker made 90% of his throws on his first read in Canales’s offense and after Godwin’s wife’s comments and Chris meeting with Canales for the rest of the season Godwin got the most targets.

    That is definitely play calling.

  20. Dude Says:

    @A Bucs fan

    He’s also not good throwing over the middle of the formation and there was a reason that Canales had him working on footwork last offseason and I imagine Coen has him working on his footwork this offseason and that’s because it’s inconsistent which will make our OL look bad because when he’s working his progression, then stepping up into his throws, he’s got to get closer to the LOS 7 the rush.

    It’s decision making and arm ability on the QBs part, playcalling is a 3rd of the issue at best becuase bad play can make every call look bad or were you not around for 2022?

  21. Buc85 Says:

    Devin culp 6’3″ 240, Mike Evans 6’4″ 230. If Culp has the hands and speed everybody talks about sit him behind Evans for two years and we might have found another gem.

  22. Buc85 Says:

    All of Devin culps weaknesses are of blocking. Ultimately he sucks at it. All we do is send evens on go routes anyways. So there it is

  23. View from 132 Says:

    Why wouldn’t you keep Godwin, not Evans, in future years. Yes, 13 has been good, but look at the age. Godwin has a lot more great years ahead.

  24. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Guys – Baker stated openly that we was determined to not be the QB who broke Evans 1000 yard season streak. He targeted Mike early and often. Once the 1000 yards was reached – what happened – the ball was spread around more.

    Not saying I agree with that philosophy as you always want to find the open receiver – but if Mike just so happens to be that receiver, then so be it.

  25. LouisFriend Says:

    View from 132 Says:

    Why wouldn’t you keep Godwin, not Evans, in future years. Yes, 13 has been good, but look at the age. Godwin has a lot more great years ahead.


    Godwin is younger, but his body has more miles on it than Evans. Look at his playing style over the years and convince anyone he’ll have a longer career than Evans.

    Evans will still be catching passes in the NFL by the time Godwin’s physical style wears him down and out.

  26. kaimaru Says:

    Week 12 1,000 game: Mike Evans had 61 receptions to Godwin’s 53. Not exactly an all Evans show

  27. adam from ny Says:

    is it me or is godwin looking a little gaunt in face ^^^

    or has he just slimmed down a bit…

    i saw this interview a few days ago and i was thinking he looks slimmer – and now looking at the pic above from the interview, his face looks a lot slimmer than usual…

    maybe he just wants to bust out big time this year and is in peak shape right now…

    joe is he looking gaunt, or slim and chiseled ?

  28. Shane Callahan Says:

    Godwin is a great dude. I wish him the very best.