CBS Not Impressed With Bucs Offense

May 26th, 2024

Sad but expected.

Man, you’d think the guy bound for Canton who led the NFL in touchdown catches played for another team or retired.

Joe has a really difficult time putting stock into this detailed offensive ranking of the Bucs by Jared Dubin of CBS. Sure, Joe expects folks to mock the Bucs because of quarterback Baker Mayfield. That’s just the way it is, unfortunately.

Before last season, Joe never knew how much folks loathe Mayfield.

This Dubin has Geno Smith and Jayden Daniels as Mayfield’s equal — how many NFL passes has Daniels thrown, exactly? — and he has Derek Carr, too. LOL

But as far as receivers/tight ends, Dubin really believes the Titans have receivers and tight ends just as good as the Bucs’. Is Dubin aware Evans is still on the team? Or that Evans led the league in touchdown catches? Or had 1,200 yards receiving?

How about Chris Godwin, who is going back to slot full-time where he was once one of the better receivers in the game?

Dubin even has Kyler Murray rated higher than Mayfield. What the hell has that guy ever done? (Joe doesn’t count fantasy football.)

Overall, Dubin has the Bucs tied with the slimy Saints as having the No. 23 offense in the NFL.

Joe can only guess that’s because the Bucs ranked 23rd in total yards last season.

68 Responses to “CBS Not Impressed With Bucs Offense”

  1. Mort Says:

    Jared Dubin? Who? Keep it moving.

  2. LouisFriend Says:

    The Joe’s collectively are running out of their own content for the worst part of the offseason. It’s mostly commenting on other people’s commentary from now until camp starts.

  3. Trask To The Future Says:


    Anyone that actually watched the games last year and dont just look at stats knows damn well that Mayfield had many, many PATHETIC games last season. All those frustrating first halves where he barely threw for 100 yards.

    He DID have quite a few “garbage time” yards when the Bucs were down multiple scores.

    This isn’t about hating on Mayfield it’s about the facts of his actual play. His QBR and other ratings weren’t great. He has to play much better or the team will continue to struggle against decent teams like last season.

  4. Escobar Says:

    True @ the track fan

  5. WiscoJoe Says:

    Joe’s- I love it when you comment on other people’s content/commentary. Plus when you do that you bring content to my attention that otherwise I wouldn’t have noticed. I’m on this site to hear your thoughts/Ira’s thoughts on anything related to Bucs football. I appreciate this site more than you know and F the haters.

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    I keep wondering why you keep trotting out articles like this by ‘analysts’ who obviously don’t do their homework. Decided to investigate a little Joe. Looked up Jared Dubin of CBS and here’s what he says in his bio …

    ‘Jared Dubin is a New York lawyer and writer. He joined in 2014 and has since spent far too much of his time watching film and working in spreadsheets.’

    Note to Jason: Rewrite your bio. You haven’t spent nearly enough time watching film of teams who don’t have ‘New Yawk’ in their name. And oh ya, telling national readers that you’re a New York lawyer probably isn’t a wise move.

  7. Beeej Says:

    LouisFriend Says:
    May 26th, 2024 at 11:26 am
    The Joe’s collectively are running out of their own content for the worst part of the offseason. It’s mostly commenting on other people’s commentary from now until camp starts.


    Well unless Wirfs is signed, or a player gets shot in a titty bar, this is about all there is until training camp

  8. Scott Says:

    It was a mediocre check down offense. Evans had a great year. White almost won me a FF championship. I think with a much improved line and run game that’s going to open it up for us and Baker to make more reads and get others lore involved. It will be a big improvement if that all comes together.

  9. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I could care less what CBS thinks…….Bucs only need to impress their coaches, management, ownership & fans……

    I can’t wait to get to the “worthless” preseason games… least the subject will be changed.

  10. Buc1987 Says:

    Tbbf…lol yer so funny with the “worthless”.

  11. 1#bucsfan Says:

    The disrespect thrown at the Bucs is ridiculous but let it fuel their fire. Division champs 3x and a SB before that. We got the best WR in the NFL

  12. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    I have CBS tied with the WB for last place in my Network rankings.

  13. Durango 95 Says:

    The absurdity of the national media both news and sports. Sometimes I wonder if they print stuff like this just to see how gullible the general public actually is. But that would be giving them too much credit.

  14. BigMacAttack Says:

    The Bucs offense definitely had some problems last season but IMO much of that blame can be laid at the feet of the former OC, Carolgina new HC Run it up the middle. Anyone want to lay odds that the first play for the Panthers this season is a run between the tackles? Btw didn’t Jason Licht just shore up the offensive line? Didn’t the Bucs shed some oft injured and or malcontent dead weight as well? This idiot sports writer is talking when he should be listening lol.

  15. MadMax Says:

    yep. we’re nothing….already down 0-12…keep that mindset and play like that the whole season….we dont win games, we’re losers….until that final game! Then maybe, just maybe, nothing turns into something.

  16. Bucswin! Says:

    Haters get clicks. How well did the goat do with that offensive line and last place running attack? Last I checked it is a team sport. Joe’s there are 90 some players on the roster that could be articled about. You Joe’s help the off season move along smoothly keep up the good work. Is Hainsey getting stronger? Which players use the BUCS facilities regularly? Go BUCS

  17. Bucben61 Says:

    BA’s Red Pen Says:
    May 26th, 2024 at 12:48 pm
    I have CBS tied with the WB for last place in my Network rankings

    I have them between pbs and metv

  18. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Well, I am not impressed with the cbs nfl announcers so 🤷🏻‍♂️

  19. dmatt Says:

    Im doing my best to support Mayfield but at some point I have to do a double take when he repeatedly have his passes batted down at the line of scrimmage. Make one wonder if he gets joy out of the batted balls. We had that problem with 6’5 Chris Simms back in 07. Just like Bill Parcell put the responsibility on coaches when his rb repeatedly fumbled the ball, I too, put just as much blame on coaches as I do mayfield when his balls are repeatedly batted down at the line of scrimmage. Coaches need to step up n coach players n stop with the blah blah blah at the press conferences.

  20. Beeej Says:

    MIGHT it have to do with the poor pass blocking from the middle?

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    The Bucs have a head coach who wants a 1974 offense.

  22. Beeej Says:

    sigh, nobody does the I formation anymore

  23. Boge Says:

    He’s using the past to predict the future and that doesn’t work because we’re not the same team.

    Dave was a great QB coach but terrible play caller. I think that will be the biggest difference on offence. And a much improved o line.

  24. Boge Says:

    Is it possible Todd has finally figured out you have to play to win?

    I was surprised how much he was willing to go for it on 4th down last year. And Liam doesn’t seem like a conservative offence play caller. Guess we’ll see.

  25. heyjude Says:

    I had to look Dubin up because I never heard of him. Maybe because he never gets any NFL picks right. He obviously is way overpaid. Derek Carr 😂!

  26. Cobraboy Says:

    Only casuals care what a casual opines.

  27. dbbuc711 Says:

    Personally, I’m not impressed with CBS

  28. Brian in St Pete Says:

    Another receipt for Licht to frame.

  29. KABucs Says:

    I agree with a lot of the previous commenters, it’s an absolutely worthless article by some New York bar member hustling a side gig (he’s probably a mediacre lawyer). We have a brand new offensive coordinator with a brand new system that is going to have a lot more motion in it, more complication, options for the players to have more control. This system could be awesome but it’s all about how the coaching/teaching goes, how quickly the Bucs offensive players pick it up and how quickly our O-line gels. Bucs don’t even know where they’re offensive rank at the moment… but I like the players we have in this system. Lets rank them again around week 4… AT THE VERY EARLIEST. Probably more like week 7.

  30. Dude Says:

    Our offense was streaky at best last season, and you’re absolutely kidding yourself if you think Coen doesn’t have a laundry list of things he wants to wants to instill in this group personnel, play calling, and the overall attitude of this offensive unit.

    Me personally, I want to see this offense establish its identity with the run game. I’m 100% convinced we get that side of the offense established and are able to lean on that from the outset of games or when we get ourselves in a pinch success in the pass game will come organically. Don’t care who it is, whether it be Chaad, Edmonds, Bucky or whomever else we need to get our dawgs pulling the sled,l al

  31. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Bucben61, that’s fair.

  32. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    This team should adopt a Rodney dangerfield mascot. It just gets no respect!

  33. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    What’s up, I said it before, those people always got some load of crap and a wise crack to follow when it comes to the Bucs. In one ear and out the other. And when the Bucs get on the field and all is said and done, we can all say What was that??
    Let’s Go Bucs!!!! Remember when the Eagles beat the Patriots in the Superbowl ?? That kind of Shut The F- Up…

  34. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If judging last year, I would agree.

    But this is a new year and a new offense. Only time will tell.

  35. Ugotrobbed Says:

    Lazy reporting is the norm now a days, just tow the party line!

  36. TampabayDJ Says:

    Funny how Evans, Baker, and L.D. were the hottest players at their position before our Bucs resigned them . Now they are ghost ? If Evans would have left ( I knew he wouldn’t ) they would still be talking about whatever team he signed with as SB favorites.. But our Bucs resigned ALL of them , so I guess we are worse off now.. Talking heads that don’t do their homework before pooping something out for the world to see. Just like these rookies that are ranked higher than Baker, who led the Bucs to a division title, won a playoff game, came 20 seconds short of the NFC championship game, and made the pro bowl. He also won the skill competition at the pro bowl. But Caleb Williams is better than Baker ??

  37. TampabayDJ Says:

    Bucs are going to pound on teams this year. Especially the Falcons , Panthers, and AINTS ! Falcons lost all their Dline and weren’t good at the position with the players they lost. AINTS keep kicking that can down the road to cap hell that will take years to get out of. And then we have the stinking Panthers, with a rookie HC , a tiny QB , and a lot of overpriced FA .. Bucs win the division 10-7 if not 11-6

  38. Capt.Tim Says:

    Ok. That guy is an idiot.
    Teams that rank last in Rushing offense and last in Tight end production are gonna get ranked low in overall offense.

    That shouldnt surprise anyone. Tom Brady couldnt pull off a winning record with those obstacles.

    Whats amazing, is that Baker Mayfield could.

  39. Pittbucfan Says:

    Opinions are like a$$holes. Everybody’s got ’em. Let the stooges predict their s(p)it. I guess we’ll all see at the end of the season. (BTW, I hate censoring my lewd still mill a$$ mouth. Lol)

  40. Dave Pear Says:

    TampaDJ – excellent points about LVD ME13 and AW2. If they’d signed with Jets, Texans and Cowboys instant SB dark horses but since it’s the Bucs they’re all assumed to suck.

  41. Dave Pear Says:

    And Baker, sorry.

  42. Mark Says:

    I would bet $$ that nobody at CBS ever played football.

  43. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Capt. Tim is correct. Bake had a 106 qbr in the playoffs. With a weak running attack. And Hainsey gettin shoved in bakers grill.

  44. Don'tBmad Says:


    Look at numbers, never played the game

    “They’re not very good”


  45. Dave Pear Says:

    There are circus clowns, birthday clowns, bachelorette party clowns, homeless clowns.

    This guy might be the latter. But we probably need to start specifying the type of clown. There are too many.

  46. Dave Pear Says:

    Coen brings some juice. Todd seems to be implying he’s willing to release the hounds. I hope he doesn’t lose his nerve.

    Come out flying against the WTF on opening day and do t stop.

    Can Todd really do it?

  47. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Well with the worst running game they made it to the playoffs which means what?? Nothin to a bunch of Haters haha, Baker was baking !!!!

  48. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    Baker has been in the league 7 years now. He’s proven he can be capable, but he’s not elite in any category. His ceiling seems pretty defined and pretty low (

    I think Coen will be an upgrade over Canales, who had zero creativity. But let’s remember, as an NFL team we didn’t hire Bill Walsh. We hired the OC from the U of Kentucky. Let them s not pretend we automatically became the offensive masterminds of the league.

    We just gave our QB a 10X salary increase, yet many suspect a regression. Take off the homer glasses, there are many reasons to suspect the his team isn’t as grandiose as you suspect. Hope I’m proven wrong.relatively speaking, if we’re to consider him a franchise QB.)

  49. siant141 Says:

    Trask for the future. I guess Green Bay wasn’t a good team last year. Huh

  50. Dave Pear Says:

    Trashk to the Past’s judgment is as clouded as the Trashk poster hanging on the wall by her bed. Pay her no mind, but if you feel sorry for her, send her another tube of petroleum jelly.

  51. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Awwww pohhhh Bakie Bakie😭! Him the most misunderstood and hated player in all sports! He’s greater than Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and Patrick Mahomies combined but no one likes him! Fanbois unite and Poitier the honor of your teen idol! 😅🤣😂

  52. What it is Says:

    Yeah Hearty being ranked 4th in playoff passer rating with a 106.3 amoung all active quarterbacks isn’t elite. Do you know the definition of elite?

  53. What it is Says:

    It’s interesting that you people complain about Baker how he can’t get a team to a superbowl and how everybody he beats is a subpar team in a subpar conference. Check this out, we could have just as easily beat the Lions as we lost. The Lions had the 49ers down 24-7 when their coach made several bad calls that cost them dearly. Then the team they had down 24-7 went and lost in the superbowl by a couple of points, a field goal i believe. In case you missed the point, last years Bucs quaterbacked by the lowly Baker Mayfield was awful close to winning a superbowl by the numbers his first year with a new team. Your words don’t jive with reality boys. The lowly Baker Mayfield is more than capable of not only going to a superbowl but winning a superbowl.

  54. Captain ahab Says:

    I wouldn’t take Geno Smith over Mayfield, I’d roll the dice with Daniels all day long. Mayfield is at best an average QB. Daniels presents possible upside, Mayfield has been sketchy over his career.

  55. garro Says:

    More bulletin board material for Baker! Keep building that big ole chip on his shoulder Joe!

    I gotta go get me one o them thar jernalistic jobs! I got me a keyboard and the interwebs!

    Daniels? Oh, the latest Mahomes sure fire All Pro. He will likely have broken bones by seasons end.

    Go Bucs!

    Go Bucs!

  56. LANshark Says:


    Shorter QBs are at risk of having a LOT of passes batted down… IF the pocket in front of them is collapsing. One of the reasons Drew Brees was so successful despite his lack of height is that the middle of his o-line did a great job of setting the pocket at the line of scrimmage and NOT being driven backwards into the QB. Now go watch Hainsey and LeftGuard-of-the-day… they are on roller skates being driven back into the QB.

    Hopefully, the drafting of Barton will stop that this year.

  57. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    I don’t get you guys. At least the traskies have an excuse- – hopelessly biased. Baker took the same team that Brady flamed out with and took them deep in the playoffs. But, you all rag on him. What do you want- -Penix?
    Penix = Jamis 2.0.

  58. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    When Mayfield can put together a complete well played game against at least a decent defense then he’ll deserve the accolades from Buc fans. He takes entire halves just to get the team back into striking range because half of the time he sucks in the first half. Quit crying about no rushing attack. He’s been in the league for 7 years and if he’s so great as you fanbois say he is then his 1st half disappearances shouldn’t happen. Outside of lower turnovers, he’s only slightly better than Jameis the ATM

  59. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Really so baker had a bunch of really bads or pathetic games is this for real? I cud run a bunch of stats with fa to to shut stupid post by knuckleheads but I won’t give them cover for ignorance jackass it is!

  60. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    CBS who the hell watches anything to do with that woke joke lefty BS Co?

  61. Oneilbuc Says:

    Look I hope Baker plays so good that he is our franchise quarterback for the next 5 years. But the way he played last year was to inconsistent to be a franchise quarterback at his age. But he is better than Carr all day long and now that Cousin is coming off that injury at the age of 36 he should be better than him . But it’s no more excuses for Baker Mayfield he has to play better than he did last year and if not the bucs must draft a quarterback in the first round in 2025 .

  62. What it is Says:

    How about this fact Trask to the future, the difference in the nfc championship game and the superbowl was 7 whole points and Tampa Bay could have just as easily been in the nfc championship game as the Lions were. So what you call pathetic and what was is 7 points. That’s a long way from winning 4 games isn’t it? Never mind its obvious you’re a half glass empty kinda guy.

  63. What it is Says:

    They will never get it Oregon. They are either too stupid or just don’t like Baker. Either way they will never get it.

  64. What it is Says:

    7 points, but Baker could never get anyone to a superbowl.

  65. What it is Says:

    Oh and by the way, the team that we almost beat had the 49ers down 24-7 until their coach made several bad decisions that cost them. And where did the niners go? Oh they went to the superbowl and lost by 4 points.

  66. Dave Pear Says:

    The quarterback e pert who knows more than Licht, players and coaches belches out more “wisdom.” Same guy (girl?) who hated Tom Brady winning a SB with the Bucs.

  67. Oneilbuc Says:

    Dave Pear. I forgot you just a little boy and again you didn’t come on this site until Baker came. So you don’t nothing about the bucs and as far as Brady goes I gave credit to the team as a whole not just one guy . But all you do is make up a bunch of excuses for Baker Mayfield. And this year when Baker has bad games you will blame everyone but Baker. And all the name calling man grow up any one can be tuff on the Internet lol 🤣🤣 !!

  68. Debbie⁴ Says:

    No one person wins the Superbowl. Stats don’t win a game. It takes a team who works together. Mike had great stats, but was there a great therapist to keep his hamstring working, or a happy home life? Bakers qbr was impressive, but there were other players involved, in keeping him safe, recievers open, there are doctors and dietary keeping the Bucs working smoothly. Everybody counts.. I love the Bucs. I believe we can do it this year. Make it 3. I am partial to boat parades. #Go Bucs!!