Atlanta Answers Will Come In A Hurry

May 15th, 2024

Joe loves, loves, loves the Bucs’ 2024 schedule, especially for those who want to see the overhyped Falcons early in the season — and for those who love to sweat their asses off during early-season home games.

Tampa Bay gets Kirk “You Like That” Cousins and the rival Falcons, the nation’s favorite in the NFC South (not Joe’s), in Weeks 5 and 8.

The Week 5 matchup is a Thursday night affair at Atlanta, and Week 8 is a Sunday at 1 p.m. at The Licht House. What a nasty, physical rematch that Week 8 in the October swelter should be.

Joe is so happy not to have to wait to determine how the Falcons stack up to the Bucs. The answers are coming in a hurry.

Bring on the knockout blows early. Joe wants no part of a split decision.

13 Responses to “Atlanta Answers Will Come In A Hurry”

  1. Alexandre Nascimento Says:

    Go Bucs!!

  2. Rod Munch Says:

    Did you see the Falcons schedule announcement video. Embarrassing. Really really embarrassing.

  3. D Cone Says:

    Once the Falcons face the Steelers, Eagles, Chiefs, and Saints you’ll have a pretty good idea on what they have or have not going on.
    Koi’s to me by week 5 there will be two 1-3 or 2-2 teams fighting for top of the worse division in the NFC again.

  4. SlyPirate Says:


    They have an impossible start. Mia, Phi, KC, Bucs x2, NO in the first 8 games. Jax and Pit are tough, too.

    They’ll be out of the NFCS by week 8 and throw in the towel.

  5. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Everything the Falcons do is embarrassing. I eat it up.

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    Ben the GA Buc – absolutely true, but even by those d-bag standards – wow, it was terrible and trying way too hard. I literally felt embarrassed for them, in a cringe sort of way.

    If anyone out there hasn’t seen it, go look it up, then tell someone you low key don’t like how it’s the best thing you’ve ever seen and got you ultra pumped, and just talk about it non-stop until they watch it – then when they see it, they’ll just think you’re tarded and stop talking to you.

  7. Dave Pear Says:

    Cousins is the only revered QB Todd’s wormhole theory defense works against.

  8. MadMax Says:

    You know, I kind of wonder….were we eyeballing Penix, and thats how McMillan and Kulp popped out to us?

    Just an observance 🙂 Both great picks btw, so I think we won there.

  9. MadMax Says:

    Culp…. sorry for the spelling

  10. heyjude Says:

    Unsure what will happen but the NFL seems to be favoring KC. The team brought them in a lot of revenue last season with the Swifty edge. It is no doubt that was all fine-tuned into their scheduling. Their first three games are home. Two being prime time. If they win all three, that will be all we hear as they go to Atlanta for another prime time. Altogether it looks like five prime time plus the two in preseason for them. I don’t mind not having a bunch of prime time. Uncertain, but I think on a whole we may not do well with them. Haven’t had time to research the stats on night game wins in the past few years. At this point, I am tired of the Chiefs and Falcons. Too much hype does that to the fans across all teams when your own team gets none.

  11. BakerFan Says:

    Hey the Falcons schedule before the Bucs is brutal…..You have the Steelers, Eagles, Chiefs and Saints. They absolutely could lose all 4, but who knows until the games are played.

  12. Sooner44 Says:

    Cousins will be the next Deshaun Watson…but with better character. Big contract for a QB that won’t live up to all the cash!

  13. RamblingRhino Says:

    Just got our tickets for 6, in row 10 section 325. We are all excited. Haven’t yet been to the the new Falocins stadium, I hope it is a nice October night and they open the dome.
