Deep Ball Baker

March 11th, 2024

What a steal of a deal Buccaneers Ring of Honor general manager Jason Licht got for Baker Mayfield.

Joe almost thinks Mayfield should be embarrassed as a former No. 1 overall pick coming off a special Pro Bowl season at 28 years old.

Mayfield is no Geno Smith dropping a great season out of nowhere in 2022 for an established offense at 32 years old. Mayfield got the job done for a first-time playcaller with a dreadful running game.

How did Mayfield do it?

One reason is he threw the ball deeper than most other quarterbacks. Consider the graphic below from the official NFL NextGen Stats. It was shared today on X by the NextGen account.

Mayfield played a huge share of long ball. Many laymen knew that without the benefit of NextGen stats, as Mayfield ranked second in the NFL in completions of 40 yards or more and sixth in completions of 20 yards or more.

Joe is so impressed that Licht got Mayfield to sign for $30 million in each of the next two seasons.

Lots of Browns fans cried themselves to sleep last night.

46 Responses to “Deep Ball Baker”

  1. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Now lets hear from all the negative doom and gloomers. GO BUCS

  2. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    He’s already 14th in franchise history for passing yards, and 12th in TDs. Should be 9th in both by the end of next seasons.

    (Holy smokes, Brady is second in TDs and third in yards.)

  3. BucsFan Says:

    Bucs made a good offer and Baker wisely accepted, a win win.

  4. Doc Says:

    Give us a break please, stop trying to convenice yourself that Mayfield is a super bowl quarterback. Ask him what happen with the other three teams he was cut from.

  5. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    With a QBR of 94.6, he is already third all time among Bucs QBs with 40+ attempts – after Brady and…Fitzpatrick (!).

  6. Gipper Says:

    Baker is just getting started. This coming year will be better. Licht needs to focus on firming the O line for both pass and run blocking. Usually can find good O line players in 2, 3 and 4 rounds. Really need a blocking and pass catching tight end. Otton is a good #2 tight end. There will be times when new OC will want a 2 tight end set. This position should not be overlooked in draft.

  7. CTBucs Says:

    How about a LG, a new Center and a power back to seal the deal.

  8. Rich Says:

    Don’t get carried away Joe….I like the signing too but it’s as it should be, a fair deal for both sides

  9. Buc Prophet Says:

    It will not be a great deal when Baker gets injured this year like he usually does.

  10. Conner50 Says:

    Joe acts like we signed a Mahomes,Allen type quarterback lol, just glad that it isn’t crazy amount of money and we can cut him with little cap hit if he starts to fall off. Need to get the interior oline fixed in the draft and a bell cow rb. Hope baker plays more consistently now that he’s getting paid well

  11. TomBucsFan Says:

    Go Bucs

  12. Marine Buc Says:

    “Joe almost thinks Mayfield should be embarrassed”

    Embarrassed for signing a fair deal and getting ready to earn $115M… LOL!

    The entire NFL became leery of giving QBs these huge guaranteed money deals – the Giants, Cleveland, Arizona, Denver, etc., all got hosed recently and I am proud of our GM for not falling for the same trap.

    The Bucs need to improve their interior offensive line and Baker will have an even better season in 2024. We had way too much pressure up the middle last year which made it difficult for Baker to step up and into his deep throws.

  13. Marine Buc Says:

    Hey Joe – you know where you can stick your moderation?

  14. Buc1987 Says:

    Go Bucs!

    Go Baker!

  15. Joe Says:

    Hey Joe – you know where you can stick your moderation?

    Why lash out at Joe? You think he enjoys this sh!t??? Been over this countless times. You really believe your base/ship uses the same IP address all the time? You know a new IP address triggers the spam/moderation sensors, right?

  16. Zman Says:

    Slow down. I watch a lot of college and NFL ball. I never watched Bake and sais he was a number 1 pick and Heisman winner. I doubt most of Buc fans thought Bake was the first pick coming out of OU.

    And.. yes a Buc fan since 76. Had tix for 16 years.

    Now.. I want a Franchise QB like us all, but Bake is not it. Bake had a career year and good for all. Now he has to live up to the contract. It’s different now because of the money. I feel Bake hit his ceiling last year. If we stay the same in all areas of personnel we won’t be better. Bake can’t elevate his game much more. That’s what a Franchise guy does.

  17. Tony Marks Says:

    “Mayfield played a huge share of long ball. Many laymen knew that without the benefit of NextGen stats, as Mayfield ranked second in the NFL in completions of 40 yards or more and sixth in completions of 20 yards or more.”

    Thats funny. If I had a dollar for every time I read in the comments that Baker can’t connect with the long ball and could only dink and dunk I would have had Half Baker’s yearly pay for 2024

  18. BakerFan Says:

    Typical, when facts are presented then they either deny that it is truth or they go on to the next thing….. Like he will be injured (even though he plays through injuries unlike so many) or he holds the ball too long, the list goes on and on. BucButtholes can never be satisfied.

  19. Capt.Tim Says:

    Already saw some different numbers on the Contract.
    115 mil is 38 mil a year.
    I dont think Jason Licht got off that easy. He got backed into a corner.

    We’ll know more in the coming days.
    Regardless, its great news for the franchise.

    Now- we have to fix that anemic pass rush, and pathetic offensive line

  20. Gipper Says:

    Don’t know where some of these turnips like Zman come from. Shouldn’t waste my breathe, but the long game data on Baker is telling. For those who still don’t get it. Mike Evans by saying Baker is “elite” is also saying he has an elite arm. That is supported by data right here on this blog. For those who have followed Baker’s entire career that is not new information.

  21. pmarcello Says:

    What kind of so called fans are more concerned and pleased by the ability to cut their franchise QB than to wish him well? This site reminds me of the political snake pits that slander and trash each other particularly the way the fake news constantly does a number on Donald.

    What did Baker ever do to earn such vitriol? The kid is straight up no BS straight talking All American competitor who has slugged his way to where he is. And he delivered. If you have a problem with a guy like that then you aren’t real Americans in the sense that we all grew up sharing what the world knows as our own unigue American values and our view of what constitutes humans excellence or character or quality.

  22. brooks Says:

    Spot on zman. Prove yourself win championships!!

  23. Let em bake Says:

    So true, Tony . Apparently , his long ball is anything but “middling”.😊

  24. Gipper Says:

    pmarcello Says:
    March 11th, 2024 at 12:53 pm
    What kind of so called fans are more concerned and pleased by the ability to cut their franchise QB than to wish him well?
    The guys who ooze negativity about Mayfield have earned their negativity. Most are stuck in an unhappy job, unhappy marriage and a complete inability to improve their lot in life. The poll Joe conducted about Mayfield resigning is telling. Overwhelmingly readers approved but the diehard naysayers (around 8%) persist. Your characterization is spot on. The best is yet to come.

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    Now imagine if he wasn’t so incredibly inaccurate on those passes.

    That really is one huge area for improvement for Baker, where if he improves it will greatly up his game.

  26. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Joe

    My comment gets put into moderation jail – yet this comment is OK?

    “BucButtholes can never be satisfied.”

    Ridiculous but whatever…

  27. HC Grover Says:

    Sounds about right.. 65 million for three years, A bit over 20 million a year.

  28. Boss Says:

    The guy can throw the ball, thats for sure. just needs to take some heat off of some of them.

  29. JB Says:

    Tampa is building another Super Bowl contender. This is gonna be fun.

  30. Saskbucs Says:

    Baker haters… you lost. You were wrong, you are wrong and you will continue to be wrong. Kick rocks.

  31. Citrus County Says:

    Drew Brees Two Point O….?…..You tell me.

  32. BUCarino Says:

    Upgrade the OL?

    Well that’s the same OL that Won a Super Bowl protecting Brady when we Won only our 2nd Lombardi trophy.

  33. Joe Says:

    Well that’s the same OL that Won a Super Bowl protecting Brady when we Won only our 2nd Lombardi trophy.

    Not really. Gone are two Pro Bowlers, Ryan Jensen and Ali Marpet.

  34. BakerFan Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    March 11th, 2024 at 1:11 pm
    @ Joe

    My comment gets put into moderation jail – yet this comment is OK?

    “BucButtholes can never be satisfied.”

    Ridiculous but whateve


    Deal with it, you a few others are part the Buc Body of Fans, just you and a few othes are the butthole part of that body.

  35. White Tiger Says:

    We got a good deal – and one that allows to add some pieces Baker needs – to make this team better!

    Let’s Go!!

  36. Bucswin? Says:

    Baker hit his ceiling against Green Bay last year. Only visiting QB in GB history with a perfect rating. I’ll take that. Just needs a solid running game more beef on online. Which will lead to more consistency. Go BUCS!

  37. altmaniac Says:

    Draft Johnny Wilson to pair up with M1K3 and baker can just no-look lob it to the end zone every time. “he down there spmewhere”

  38. Zman Says:

    Gipper… I watch football, lots of it.
    Bake is not an elite QB. If so, he wouldn’t have been on the scrap heap last year. Fact. What’s his win percentage? How healthy has he been? Who was interested in him this FA?

    Mike stayed for money, convenience and a little bit of loyalty.

    I’ll say it again, WE had two elite QBs, Williams and Young. That’s it. TB is debatable. Two years yes, his last yearb, no.

    I want us to have The Guy for 15 years. I don’t believe Bake is The Guy. If you do, then good for you. Greatness doesn’t hide, it jumps out early and often. Watch more football.

  39. Pickgrin Says:

    “Mayfield ranked second in the NFL in completions of 40 yards or more and sixth in completions of 20 yards or more.”

    That sounds pretty good…. until you read the following and realize just how misleading some ‘stats’ (or in this case rankings) can be….

    “Despite historically having a quality deep ball, Mayfield struggled with connecting with his receivers 20+ yards deep.

    He was just 22 of 74 (29.7%) for 744 yards with nine touchdowns and four interceptions on deep passes”

  40. CJBucsFan Says:

    Doc says… I’m an idiot.

  41. Ugo Says:

    Baker at 33 millions a year is looking pretty good now seeing as Cousins is making 45 a year now.

  42. Daniel Dream Says:

    Let’s go Bucs! Now we got all our horses coming back and we got some cap$ to get a couple more and maybe someone like Jared Verse in the draft? Is there an edge who could make an impact as a rookie we might be able to steal in the draft, if everyone else is chasing QBs and WRs? The we could target O-line and back 7 D in FA and we will be right back in the Superbowl baby!!!

  43. Marky Mark Says:

    Average in this year and that is 25 m for 4 years. Everyone wants him to fail so that means Baker gets to prove em wrong again. This is still a prove it deal. Expect Baker to do better than this year with the Rams offense.

  44. Davyboy Says:

    You tell em Pmarcello, 110%

  45. Pablothepoolboy Says:

    I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell….. Davis traded with 2-6 rders for a 3rd rounder. Looks like Jason and crew are targeting people early, like it. Kicker re-signed, Get David and a few others locked up if possible and we are looking good while NOT mortgaging the future. Some seriously great work by the front office over the last few years.

  46. RR ohio Says:

    Baker is still missed in Cleveland. The front office butchered the best quarterback they had since Bernie Kosar. Baker is 100 percent competitor. He is also a top 10 when healthy. Bucs can definitely win a super bowl with him. The kid lays it on t he line all day everyday. Tired of Baker haters. Front office has done a great job so far this off season.