Will “Science” Be A Factor For Mike Evans?

February 20th, 2024

Mike Evans talking to Tom Brady’s personal body coach on the Bucs sidelines.

The Bucs should want to reward pending free agent Mike Evans with a fat new contract. The Tampa Bay offense without Mike Evans screams ‘New York Giants.’

Some fans bark about Evans dropping a few balls while others are leery of Evans turning 31 in August. Bucs icon Rondé Barber made good sense on the age front during a visit to WDAE radio today.

Barber noted how safety Antoine Winfield Jr. “will be one of the all-time great Bucs” — in part because he takes great care of his body. Barber attributed Winfield’s body maintenance, in part, to knowing how to do it. “The science today is way better than it was 15 years ago when I was playing,” Barber said.

Well, if science is an argument for Winfield having a prolonged and special career, then the same must hold true for Evans. The greatest receiver in Bucs history has done an amazing job caring for his body, and he was one Tampa Bay player that bought in to the Tom Brady training methods.

It’s easy to say receivers decline after 30, but it’s a safe bet that Evans has slowed down his football aging clock and probably is two football years younger than many of his peers.

Is Joe the only one who remembers Joey Galloway having special 1,000-plus-yard seasons in Tampa at ages 34, 35 and 36?

Barber added that he’s confident the Bucs will not struggle to sign Evans and Baker Mayfield to long-term deals. “I know we have the ability to get them both in under the cap,” he said.

If the Bucs think Evans has at least two stud years left in his body, then it’s a huge no-brainer to bring him back on a sweet three-year deal, which should make Evans very happy.

36 Responses to “Will “Science” Be A Factor For Mike Evans?”

  1. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    I’m all for it as long as he takes a hometown discount.

    If he wants “market” value. Bye!

  2. TomBucsFan Says:

    Go Bucs

  3. zzbuc Says:

    I understand that science is for both, age is not…..

    Despite what I said I keep on saying that ME13 should be FA priority #1 Winfield #2, BM priority # 3 and LVD #4.

    That doesn’t make me a LVD hater, I love him to death.

  4. Boss Says:

    he should be in good shape…he avoids contact at all costs….even at the cost of a supebowl.

    besto of luck to him.

  5. HC Grover Says:

    Oh well

  6. BucfaninMi Says:

    They HAVE to keep Winfield, it will haunt them forever if they don’t.

  7. Pickgrin Says:

    What was amazing about Galloway was that he never lost a step – even in his mid 30s. That dude was blazing fast and a very reliable receiver as well.

    THANK YOU TB12 for helping to extend the career of Mike Evans!

  8. Hodad Says:

    Joe, you don’t reward players for what they’ve done in the past. Evans has been paid well for everything he’s done already. You pay players for what they’ll do moving forward.

  9. SlyPirate Says:

    Every article is about Evans and Mayfield. Can we afford them? Are they going somewhere else? It’s a completely fatigued topic … especially because we know Licht resigns 100% of the FA he likes.

    Let’s talk about IMPROVING. Licht typically plugs all the holes with inexpensive FA so he can draft BPA. So, what are the gaps and who are the potential fits?

    MLB – Bobby Wagner is out there? LVD and BW would be fun.
    S – Would Whitehead return? Dream scenario.
    LG – Zeitler
    C – Connor Williams
    DE – ? A ton of solid vets.

  10. SB~LV Says:

    I am sure that ME had long talks with Tom Brady about this stage of a pros career.
    He has been a unselfish player and leader by example during his 10 years here. It is certainly complicated but at this point in life he should do whatever is right for himself and his career.
    If it was be I would go with the team set up for success in his remaining years. Money is secondary.

  11. JimBobBuc Says:

    If Evans walks, and I don’t think he will, when do we target a WR in the draft?

    Baker signs, Evans walks:

    Baker and Evans walk:

    Go with Wolford/Trask


  12. BakerFan Says:

    I just don’t get why Fans of Bucs always want players to take hometown discounts on contracts. It’s like you think they should pay the Bucs to play for them…. Weird.

  13. Capt.Tim Says:

    Galloway was fast. You cant teach that, and you can play longer if you run away from the hits.
    Mike isnt a speed Receiver. Hes taken alot of hits.
    I want Mike back too. But we cant make a 31 year old WR the highest paid Receiver in football, or sign him to a long term contract.
    Especially not with what we are paying Godwin.

    Hopefully Licht signs him to a great contract, that works for all of us.
    If not- Josh Reynolds, Michael Pittman Jr., Tee Higgins would all look good paired with Godwin. All younger- and a ton less money.

  14. WyomingJoe Says:

    I keep hearing from our fans on this site (me included) that both Mayfield and Evans will be signed IF they give the Bucs a hometown discount. Just curious, do we give our employers a hometown discount or do we try to make them pay us as much as possible for our services?

  15. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I agree that his current age should not be a factor. Baring injury, he probably has 4-6 more good years ahead of him.

  16. heyjude Says:

    I hope Barber is right. We must keep Mike.

  17. Capt.Tim Says:

    Mike Evans is the best WR in Buc History.
    Id love to see him back.
    But hes past his prime at 31.
    If he wants too much, you let him go.

    You team Chris Godwin up with Michael Pittman Jr., Josh Reynolds, Tee Higgins.
    Heck, Odell Beck is Mike Evans age.

    As long as you have a great QB, a Pro Bowl QB, Wrs will want to play here.
    Keep Mike and Lose Mayfield?
    Evans will end his carrer on a 3-4 year losing streak.
    And all you “we want Mike” guys will be posting everyday, about how stupid the Bucs were to lose a young Probowl, NFC South champion QB to keep an old WR.

    Like Tony Marks posted- it would almost be worth it!

  18. Ed Says:

    Evans is fantastic but there are many good teams that have won Superbowls without bonafide Hall Of Famers like Mike Evans.

    The Bucs have a weird offense, they run the ball very poorly, they don’t have good tight ends and Evans is the only big play guy downfield.

    It would benefit them greatly if they shored up the offensive line, got good running backs and big physical tight ends.

    If they do resign Evans and continue be weak up the middle and slow at other positions like tight ends I see an offense that isn’t steady enough to go further in the playoffs whether they have Evans and Mayfield or not.

    Evans is a great big play receiver but so is Tyrek Hill and Dolpins weren’t tough enough to run the ball and they also lack a dominant tight end.

    No coincidence the 4 best tight ends in the NFL all ended up in the championship games Kittle and LaPorta. Andrew’s and Kelse.

    Good tight ends mean wins. How did the Gronk move work out for the Bucs?

  19. Dave Pear Says:

    Shoulda been done already.

  20. Beeej Says:

    re-SIGN! Grammar people!

  21. kaimaru Says:


    Keep racking up 1k seasons seems like a reason to pay someone

  22. Texasbucsfan.com Says:

    I can’t understand the constant love affair with ME. He is an aging receiver with his best years behind him. Do the Bucs need another player with a fat contract
    in one or two years that can’t perform & counts against their cap & hinders the Bucs for years. He got paid for his performance in years past. Let him go & save the money for younger players. Go Bucs..

  23. geno711 Says:

    Texasbucsfan.com Says:
    February 20th, 2024 at 6:06 pm
    I can’t understand the constant love affair with ME.

    Because he is the greatest offensive player in Buccaneer history and will be the Bucs first offensive player in the HOF.

    Let him go & save the money for younger players. Go Bucs.

    I can accept this to some degree. But just understand that just because you sign younger players instead, do not mean they will be productive. Who are the young offensive players you have in mind where the money would be better spent?

  24. heyjude Says:

    Absolutely right, geno711. And also look at QBs that are supposed to be superstars coming out of the draft, and then are not.

    Evans has proven time and time again how valuable he is.

  25. Buc1987 Says:

    Texasbucsfan.com Says: ” He is an aging receiver with his best years behind him.”

    Hold up Tex…didn’t Evans just get through having one of his best seasons?

  26. Since76 Says:

    Zz I agree you keep Evans and Winfield but both are must haves.. They are both game changers and consistently productive. I would love it if David came back too. They are the Keys to going back to the playoffs. Go bucks.

  27. Woodenman Says:

    What are you a secret agent for the Texans. Texas bucfan yea just let him go to the Texans. The bucs will either pay Mike or they won’t but your opinion does not matter nor do I think many bucs fans agree with you. And you can’t understand because you only been a fan since Brady was here.

  28. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    I’m a Bucs lifer. I can think of a lot of games where Evans was shut down in the half or sometimes whole games. He’s got lots of stats in garbage time. He can be replaced just like Rice, Moss, Tim Brown AB, etc. Time to spotlight Godwin & Co.

  29. Ethan Says:

    Jerry Rice had his most productive season in 1995 at age 33 – almost 30 years ago. So I don’t think it’s necessarily true that “the science today is way better than it was 15 years ago.”

  30. Rod Munch Says:

    I still stand by the idea that Evans will be an all-pro level WR for the next 3 years, then fall off to being a productive starter in year 4, then in year 5, he’s perhaps a #2 WR.

    To me, that says give him the 5-year deal he wants.

    Keep in mind that a WR like Christian Kirk is making $20m a year, the market for WR’s is what it is, and they aren’t going to get cheaper.

    Also keep in mind that Godwin only has one year left on his deal – and while I like Godwin, it’s clear he’s not quite the same guy he was before his last injury and personally – I’ll take an older Evans than a younger Godwin if I have to choose (although I’d like to keep both – to be sure).

    This is another reason to go trade for Justin Fields, who is making only like $6m next year I think – then only $21m in 2025 I believe. That gives you a lot of cap space for other guys, and you get a QB who was more constant than Baker down the stretch, and gives you a huge weapon in the running game, plus he still has a big ceiling, so he can improve.

  31. Mike Johnson Says:

    If I were Mike Evans, I would make my paper while I can. He knows at his age, this is his last chance for one large payday with another team. You can’t blame him for sayin to hell with a hometown discount. Personally, I would go to the highest bidder. Wouldn’t you?

  32. Big Red Says:

    We should overpay to keep Mike. Let Baker walk if he wants more than 15 a year. I don’t think a lot of teams are going to be throwing him the bag to lead their franchises. He may not realize the market. I certainly hope Licht’s strategy with Baker is “Go out there. Find your value. Call me in a few weeks/months when you’re still a FA”

  33. BillyBucco Says:

    It’s NOT surprising to me that BAKERFAN is confused about why you take a Hometown Discount. I mean why do you care? Are getting part of the money? Are you his agent? Are you Baker?
    Brady did it his whole career. I mean how much money is enough?
    You do it so you can sign OTHER quality players. Only KC has the ability right now to pay TOP DOLLAR for a QB and he PROVED why.
    Baker isn’t even close to that scenario so you NEED them to take leas. If he wants to make bank and go play for a horrible team, he will relive the Cleveland years all over again.

  34. dalvincookrules Says:

    I think letting Evans walk is very similar to New England letting Brady walk.

  35. Brandonbucc Says:

    Let Evans walk. Too old, losing a step, dropping balls….too much money for an old man

  36. heyjude Says:

    Fully agree with dalvincookrules. You try everything to keep your superstars.