Phil Simms On Bucs Collaborating With Baker Mayfield

February 8th, 2024

Super Bowl XXI MVP Phil Simms.

Super Bowl-winning quarterback Phil Simms has seen a lot of football in his day and he’s seen how the game has changed. Radically in some cases.

Simms noted how the NFL has changed for quarterbacks on and off the field.

In a CBS media availability at the Super Bowl Media Center at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas this week, Simms was telling a reporter how in the youth quarterback camps he works with his youngest son, they teach quarterbacks to throw like Patrick Mahomes using unorthodox motions because that is the way the game is going.

When Joe asked Simms what he thought of how the Bucs consulted with Baker Mayfield on potential offensive coordinators before hiring Liam Coen, Simms grew wistful if not a tad jealous.

Quarterbacks were line soldiers in Simms’ day, said the CBS analyst. They received an order and carried it out. Input or even guidance was never sought from a quarterback.

“That shows you what they think of him,” Simms said of the Bucs reaching out to Mayfield in a form of collaboration. “That says a lot.

“That’s a world I have no experience in. If I would say something on the sideline, it would be, ‘Hey, shut up! I will f’ing call the plays and manage the game! You just f’ing play, OK?'”

Anyone need two guesses to figure out who Simms was referring to? 🙂

Yes, the game has very much changed in that respect. And in Joe’s eyes, changed for the better.

47 Responses to “Phil Simms On Bucs Collaborating With Baker Mayfield”

  1. bob in valrico Says:

    Even though Simms spent way more time with Bill Parcells as coach than Ray Perkins. I am picking Ray Perkins whose inflexibility was also on display here in Tampa.

  2. Hodad Says:

    Yeah Joe the game has changed, but not as much as people have changed.

  3. Hail2dabucs Says:

    That was 100% the big tuna telling Phil that Bob.

  4. stpetebucfan Says:

    I’ve always admired Chris way more than his father Phil.

    Phil is just a dour sourpuss. Chris is engaging and energetic.

  5. Marky Mark Says:

    Phil Simms is the text book case of a game manager. He had a dictatorial coach who told him what to do. Phil would not survive in today,s game. Despite washing out on drugs and alcohol the guy that changed things to more of an improv style was Johnny Manz. Klingenberry said in the Netflix docu that he just let JFF do his thing. He went to Texas Tech had Baker for a year than pushhed Bakes out for Mahomes. Direct connection between Mr. Football, Baker and Mahomes.

  6. Allbuccedup Says:

    I guess its up to them but you should pick the best coach for the job not someones buddy.

  7. Obvious Says:

    Yes he does. He/they also set up to have comments of let’s say a negative content and then they won’t let it/the/they/them be posted if it doesn’t say just what they want. Or more like they hold your comment/comments for up to 8 hours Or MORE or it simply dissappears. And if it’s held then the story is so old that nobody is really interested in it anymore.

    This IS NOT an actual open forum…. The narrative is absolutely steered here and if you believe otherwise, they have Lots of propaganda to sell you hook ~line ~ and sinker!

    I still enjoy most of the reads but everything is at arms length.

  8. Capt.Tim Says:

    Baker is the Bucs future.
    It is intelligent to do everything to help him succeed.
    He should have imput on every aspect of the offense

    He can pick the cheerleaders, if he thinks it matters.

    People have gotten smarter, and realize Collaboration is more effective than a dictatorship.

    Thanks Joe

  9. Beeej Says:

    If this was an open forum we’d have cat videos and funny memes

  10. Brandon Says:

    Simpletons always being simple… Parcells never called plays on offense in New York… or anywhere. Nice try though.

  11. Defense Rules Says:

    Obvious … ‘This IS NOT an actual open forum…. The narrative is absolutely steered here.’

    Perhaps being a tad ‘polyanna’ Obvious? JBF is a blog. Whereas most websites typically have ‘static’ content that doesn’t frequently change, blogs have more dynamic content that allows the owner to SHARE OPINIONS with a wide audience on a variety of topics & make money (duh).

    Anything that gets published (even on X formerly known as Twitter … yuck yuck) has a certain amount of responsibility (and yes, liability) associated with it. WordPress (and the like) is frustrating to all of us, but probably a LOT more to the Joes than it is to the rest of us. It irritates me when I take the time to write a comment and then poof, off it goes to Never Never Land, but I consider that part of ‘the price of admission’. The vast majority of my comments don’t get bogged down like that. And kudos to Joe & his team for that.

  12. Beeej Says:

    Cat videos are funny

  13. Defense Rules Says:

    Capt Tim … ‘Baker is the Bucs future.’

    Whoa, time out Tim. Last year at this time very few would’ve given Baker the time of day. But then he goes 9-8 in the regular season, makes it to the playoffs because (admit it) the NFC South really sucked last year, and all of a sudden he’s ‘the Bucs future’? I know that the bar isn’t set very high when it comes to Bucs QBs, but periodically it’s nice to look behind Door 2 or Door 3.

    I like Baker, but I’m not seeing him as ‘the Bucs future’, particulary long-term. He COULD be an near-term solution though … for the right price … but so could any other number of QBs IMO.

    San Fran hung in there in 2021 with a ‘name QB’ (Jimmy Garoppolo) posting a 10-7 record but losing in the Conference Championship. Garoppolo started for them again in 2022 but got hurt after going 7-3 to start the year. Some ‘irrelevant’ QB named Brock Purdy relieved him, went 5-0 to get the 49ers to a 13-4 record and all the way to the Conference Championship again. That same ‘irrelevant’ QB took them to a 12-5 record this year and here they are playing in the Super Bowl.

    Is Brock Purdy the second coming of Tom Brady? I doubt it. But he has been extremely effective IMO at ‘playing within the system’. He’s got a great supporting cast on offense (#3 rank scoring 491 points … 29 PPG) AND defense (#3 rank allowing only 17.5 PPG). Purdy has learned well how to drive the race car (69% completion rate for 4280 yards passing, 31 TDs against only 11 INTs. I’m guessing that it helps though to have guys like Christian McCaffrey, George Kittle, Deebo Samuel & Brandon Aiyuk to throw to.

    Gut feeling is that’s the model that Todd Bowles is shooting for.

  14. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Obvious Says:
    “This IS NOT an actual open forum…. The narrative is absolutely steered here and if you believe otherwise, they have Lots of propaganda to sell you hook ~line ~ and sinker!”

    1. It isn’t supposed to be an open forum. It isn’t even supposed to be a forum.
    2. If by a steered narrative, you mean Buccaneers-related, then yes.
    3. So far as the articles, most of the times they are telling us what someone else says, and the Joes get quoted as though they say it.
    4. If you mean you do not have the freedom to voice your real opinion on Buccaneers-related topics…you are 100% wrong. So long as your comments do not open JBF to litigation, you can state your opinion freely.
    5. It’s not so much what you say…it’s how you say it. WordPress is the software used for this website…and I worked with WP for decades. It’s automated mod system is pretty strict…and things that get through once, may not get through another time. For example, if I use code to bold a word in my comments, most of the time the system allows it. But sometimes it will block it until approved…just to make sure it’s not dangerous code.
    6. The only control that I know of that the Joes would have control over would be setting up certain words as no-no’s.

    I confess however, that even though I worked with WordPress (and others systems) for decades, I have not done so for…well…over ten years? So changes has been made since then. I’m just speaking of what I experienced.

  15. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Defense Rules, I feel the same, but technically, Baker is the Bucs future…their immediate future.

  16. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Brock Purdy is just a great story…one that people will point to for years to come when they say good QBs can be found anywhere in the draft.

  17. ATLBUC Says:

    Capt.Tim Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 7:44 am
    Baker is the Bucs future.
    Only until he goes in and he way of Bledsoe

  18. Buc4evr Says:

    Baker is a good QB, but he is not the long term future. Need to re-sign Baker and try to draft a QB and actually develop him.

  19. Tony Marks Says:

    Obvious Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 7:34 am
    Yes he does. He/they also set up to have comments of let’s say a negative content and then they won’t let it/the/they/them be posted if it doesn’t say just what they want


    Not buying it. Here’s the thing. On a lot of things I disagree with you and guess what? – a number of my posts gets vanished. I just don’t whine about it.

    So JBF censors comments they like and that they don’t like. If you know anything about WordPress the Joes aren’t sitting down reading each post. Its using an algo with filters. Some days I bet they don’t get to read everything that’s caught in filters awaiting moderation. Thats just life.

    and no you can’t have even a half way popular blog without moderating comments though some use of automation.. The spam and garbage that would fill the pages makes that impossible. Bots created just to spam alone would put up more comments in an hour that no team could remove fast enough manually.

    It such a pain that many sites that use to allow comments just shut down the comments entirely.

  20. BillyBucco Says:

    Neither SB came from “Developing “ a QB.
    It’s a lot like the transfer portal in college.
    You identify guys that can play and then go get them.
    Teams throw good players to the curb all the time because they don’t have good coaching and they become the scapegoat.
    I think Kirk Cousins or Russell Wilson would do well here.
    Either would probably LOVE the warm weather over their current habitat.
    IMO either would do just as well as Baker so don’t get attached.
    I think Baker will be back, but under the TAG.
    Is it the right decision?
    Time will tell.

  21. ScottyMack Says:

    Drives me nuts when people attribute a team’s stat to the QB. Baker Mayfield WAS NOT 10-9, robbie, the Bucs were. By your logic, the following QBs must also suck – Trevor Lawrence, Matthew Stafford, Herbert, Love, Stroud and more.

  22. DBS Says:

    So now it’s robbie. By the way the FSU Joe and FSU fans gave you away the other day. Now the 6’5 guy that won training camp. The only hope you have is if they don’t re-sign Baker. Then maybe? But I doubt Bowles will start your boy then either.

  23. ScottyMack Says:

    Yep, Robbie. He had top 5 defenses for all of them, too.

  24. Proudbucsfan Says:

    So Bowles is a direct branch off the parcels coaching tree and it was a military style shut up and do your Job system. I guess Bowles asking for Baker’s input on hiring an OC is proof Bowles is growing and adapting his coaching. I have respect for that and I hope it continues to get better so we have more success.

  25. geno711 Says:

    robbie Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 10:51 am
    Defense Rules Says: “Gut feeling is that’s the model that Todd Bowles is shooting for.”

    If so Bowles would have gone with the 6’5″ guy who won training camp.

    Typical strawman fallacy. You take something that someone said and try to make it a point about something you favor when it actually had no specific relation to Kyle Trask.

  26. Defense Rules Says:

    robbie … ‘If so Bowles would have gone with the 6’5″ guy who won training camp.’

    Don’t know where that came from.

    Brock Purdy is 6’1″ and 220 lbs. Maker Mayfield is 6’1″ and 215 lbs. I won’t quibble over 5 lbs. They seem pretty close to me.

  27. HC Grover Says:

    With the inflation if wiibe better to stretch his pay over a few years.

  28. cmurda Says:

    Joe says: Some days I bet they don’t get to read everything that’s caught in filters awaiting moderation. Thats just life.

    Yeah, I often like to have my comment as close to being deleted as possible without actually being deleted. About 80% of the time the algo gets me so I soften the language slightly and save the Joes the trouble. It’s usually in the heat of a game so I want that comment out there when its relevant.

  29. cmurda Says:

    Ironically my comment about moderation is awaiting moderation. Not sure if it’s solely because I wrote Joes in the comment. Even when I use soft language, it seems like it’s an automatic for me. Even when tame, the filters have me on lockdown.

  30. cmurda Says:

    Ironically my comment about moderation is awaiting moderation. Not sure if it’s solely because I wrote the word J o e s in the comment. Even when I use soft language, it seems like it’s an automatic for me. Even when tame, the filters have me on lockdown.

  31. cmurda Says:

    Ironically my comment about moderation is awaiting moderation. Not sure if it’s solely because I wrote the word the name of the moderators in the comment. Even when I use soft language, it seems like it’s an automatic for me. Even when tame, the filters have me on lockdown.

  32. Kevin Says:

    Baker is the Bucs future. . I totally understand Ohio state fans will always hate Baker for planting that Oklahoma flag on their 50 yard line. Plenty of room for all you haters on the shake n bake bandwagon. Jump on and ride it for the win.

  33. cmurda Says:

    Nowhere near cursing and I can’t throw a comment out there without getting put in moderation purgatory. Come on man. It’s gotten ridiculous.

  34. cmurda Says:

    Forget it. Apparently, I’m not allowed to comment.

  35. cmurda Says:

    This algorithm nonsense is extreme and annoying.

  36. Capt.Tim Says:

    Baker is the Bucs Future.

    He won the Heisman Trophy
    He was the first pick in the draft.
    He took the worst franchise in the NFL to the playoffs, for the first time in decades. A play away from beating KC in KC.
    Browns sucked before Mayfield, suck again after Mayfield.
    He played hurt, and the brainless Browns turned on him.

    Noone could save Carolina. With no Practice, he won games with the Rams.
    He took a bad Bucs team to an NFC South Championship, then two games deep in the playoffs.
    With no running game.
    This kid is special. Hes lighning in a bottle.

    We will sign him. We will sign him for years to come.
    And we will be glad we did

  37. infomeplease Says:

    Capt. Try not to confuse the other posters here with facts!! They prefer fabricated BS!!!

  38. kaimaru Says:

    Testing Joes

    Seeing if this is quoting

  39. Dave Pear Says:

    Anyone thinking that Trask “looked good” has been looking at the sun without eye protection. Simpletons argue “we haven’t seen him.”

    The professionals in fact have seen him, which is why we don’t.

    Face it. Trask sucks at football at this level. That’s not hate, it’s fact.

  40. BigMacAttack Says:

    Shut up Phil. No one likes you. 😂

  41. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    It’s a team sport plus qb not just qb.
    every announcer on the boob tube says baker deserves this job are they all wrong & the haters are rite i think not.plz be happy we have a good setup in place more good times on the way

  42. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Cmurda says now ur getting most of u r post r bogus that’s why David is Mia Mike says is Mia u guys r like an ex wife watchum cum watchum go

  43. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    I use the word jackass along this site it’s in the dictionary & it is such a good reference for knuckleheads on this site! JBF has their share of them jokers here

  44. Gene Says:

    This has been an interesting blog to read today. Ive read/watched the people break down just how incredible Baker’s QN skills are. I watched Baker throw 7 TDs to Mahombs 5 live. I’ve watched the film of him throwing into ridiculously tight windows 30 yards,40 yards, and 50 yards down field and listened to Superbowl winning QBs talk about just how well Baker plays. Today I watched Rome explain what astute football fans already know: Baker plays GREAT in big games. Then I get on here and hear some talk like Baker is a “take it or leave it” guy..less than top tier. I also see the same ones talk about being censored by Joe…well, clearly Joe is censoring that much because your bad, ignorant opinions are still being posted, even though they make you and, unfortunately, Joe own blog seem a little less intelligent.

  45. David Says:

    Well, in all fairness, he dealt with one coach a…hole (who I am still grateful to this day never came here). By the late 80s and definitely into the 90s, there were plenty of coaches and potentially GM’s that got input from their star quarterbacks.

  46. garro Says:

    Joe I dont mean to pee in anyones Wheaties but there were a few who never had a play called for them from anyone. John Unitas was one of the best ever. Bradwhaw, and i’m pretty sure John Brodie called his own as well.

    As usual Simms and son need to get educated.

    Go Bucs!

  47. Rod Munch Says:

    I highly doubt the Bucs ‘consulted’ Baker, he’s not under contract, and he’s had one middling year. It’s fine to get his opinion, but ‘consulted’ implies that it’s a lot more than an opinion.