Pay Baker Mayfield (But Not Too Much)

February 8th, 2024

Joe can tell from the body language and just the King’s English language spoken by Baker Mayfield. Unless the Bucs lowball Mayfield in contract negotiations, it sure has the feel that Mayfield will re-sign with the Bucs.

Kevin Patra of types that the Bucs have one job this offseason. And that’s to make sure Mayfield doesn’t escape Tampa Bay.

But, Patra cautioned, don’t go overboard.

The Bucs gave Mayfield a prove-it contract, and boy, did he ever. The former No. 1 overall pick played the best football of his career in Tampa this past season. I don’t think the Bucs should blow the doors off to keep Mayfield, but a shade better than the Geno Smith deal could make sense for both sides. After years of looking lost, would Baker take that sort of contract? He’s said he values stability. It would behoove the Bucs to get a multi-year deal done with Mayfield soon, which could free up cap space and the franchise tag for one of their numerous other free agents. Tampa should try to avoid having to tag Baker and letting Antione Winfield Jr. hit the open market unfettered.

Look, Joe isn’t a capologist. He’s not sure what is fair or what is not fair compensation. If the Bucs don’t offer Mayfield a fair wage, his agent makes a call to the Dixie Chicks. Just what the Bucs need, facing a p!ssed off Mayfield twice a year for who knows how long?

On the flip side, the Bucs don’t want to get in a Daniel Jones situation. Of course, Mayfield is better than Jones but we do know Mayfield in the past has been up and down.

Joe doesn’t necessarily think Mayfield will have a career year like he had last year. That’s unrealistic. But he can still have a good year and maybe lead the Bucs to the NFC title game, or beyond.

105 Responses to “Pay Baker Mayfield (But Not Too Much)”

  1. BucDan Says:

    I understand the Bucs ‘can’t keep everybody’, but the team employs one of the best (if not #1) Salary cap ‘gurus’ in the NFL. I am confident the front office will find a way to keep Baker, Mike and LVD.

    Mike and LVD on deals with voidable years would not give me any heartburn as a fan. Those guys deserve all the Glazer Greenbacks available.

    Just my opinion.

  2. Cobraboy Says:

    I dunno. Mayfield could easily have a duperior season to ’23. It took Canales half a season to get his stuff together when Mayfield flourished.

    I suspect Coen >>> Canales.

  3. GP Says:

    Difficult decisions to be made, glad I don’t have to make them!

  4. Dom Says:

    Bucs have the ability to retain everyone. According to Over The Cap they have 36.8M in cap space now without making any moves to increase that. Then looking forward, they got 105M next year and 231M the season after that according to over the cap.That’s a lot of money to play with.

    They need to use their next couple of drafts to find cheap replacements for players like Dean, CD3, CG, Vita, Shaq, and Jensen imo to keep a healthy cap situation in future years if they do in fact resign the core of Baker, Mike, AW Jr, LVD, and Money Mclaughlin

  5. SlyPirate Says:

    1. If the Bucs don’t resign Evans, what’s the point of signing Baker?
    2. If the Bucs sign Baker to too large of a deal, they won’t be able to sign Evans (and Winfield).
    3. If Evans really doesn’t want to play with Baker (he said the same about Winston the off season before he departed), the Bucs shot themselves in the foot. If Evans does want to play with Baker, he’ll be motivated to sign sooner so Baker doesn’t depart.

    The reality is there are only 2-3 teams that would sign Baker. He’s still a huge risk. Evans has a big market. A lot of team would give him $25-$28M for 3 years.

  6. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    @slypirate – Makes zero sense. None. A quality starting QB is worth way more than a WR1. That’s called economics. Read a book lil fella.

    Evans is replaceable. Mayfield? Not so much.

    I know you Evans fanboys are having trouble with this but unless ME takes a hometown discount. He won’t be here.

    Guess what? We’ll be ok. No one believes Evans is most important. Not Licht or the Glazers. SMDH.

  7. Todd Says:

    As long as we don’t let Devin White hit the open market, we’re good. We can afford to let the others go.


  8. Dom Says:

    No real notable FA’s next year besides CG so far either. Some other somewhat notable FA’s next year are Hanisey, JTS, and Britt. Two of these being players the Bucs should draft replacements for anyways. Britt might be a player for us. Bucs will be able to defer a lot of the cap hits of resigning the core FA class this year to the 2025 and 2026 seasons since they won’t really have to worry about re-signing anyone notable in 2025

  9. ghost Says:

    sign baker, sign evans, tag winfield, and trade godwin

  10. Dom Says:


    You’re talking about an All Pro WR that is projected to be top 10 all time in Receiving yards and TD’s if he sustain his level of play for 2 more years. Top 5 in both categories if he can do it for 3 years. Baker imo is going to be between a top 12-18 QB in any given season. He’s solid but not necessarily a difference maker. He will look like what his team is. If his team isn’t good he won’t look good. If his team is good he will look good. Baker will get paid more than Mike. QB is more valuable than WR. But talent wise its not close. A guy that will likely finish top 5 in both yards in TD’s all time and the franchises greatest offensive weapon is far more difficult to replace than a B level QB. I want Baker back but let’s not get ot twisted on who is harder to replace

  11. Dave Pear Says:

    The market determines Bake’s ceiling. His love for his team and mates will determine how much, if any, discount he gives the Bucs in return for putting him back on the map. Agree that it would be awesome not to have to tag him. Tagging AW2 or Mikey would be better.

  12. Kalind Says:

    Def want Bake back. But I dont agree w the notion you cant bring Mike back without him. If we have a rookie QB…wouldn’t his development be best/easier w premier WRs? Look at. Bryce Young. You want that situation?

  13. ATLBUC Says:

    Having no income tax allows us to sign players for 3-5M less

  14. Joe Says:

    Def want Bake back. But I dont agree w the notion you cant bring Mike back without him. If we have a rookie QB…wouldn’t his development be best/easier w premier WRs? Look at. Bryce Young. You want that situation?

    This is a very good point. If the Bucs do go the rookie quarterback route, that would leave cash to sign Mike Evans. And yeah, you want to surround your rookie quarterback with quality players to ease his transition.

  15. Baking with Coen Says:

    So many scared GMs. lol

    In Licht we trust!

    Aim for the fence Jason! You got this!


  16. Gipper Says:

    Mayfield has an elite arm and elite leadership ability. He wants long term stability after being screwed by Browns while trying to play through an injury. Five years at $40M/yr is the price that ATL or Pitts pays. There isn’t going to be a Bucs discount. Tampa got that last year. No Fla state income tax a plus. Mayfield a better QB than Browns Watson who is getting $235M 5 yr guaranteed.

  17. D Cone Says:

    Seriously doubt the Falcons will even call Mayfield’s agent. Although Ridder has just barely a year under his belt and was prone to the mistakes a young QB makes he throws a better ball than Mayfield and is a lot more mobile. He has a much higher ceiling and taking Mayfield would be a step back.

    Ridder was 5-6 as a starter in ’23 and Heineke was 1-5. Smith had no choice but to bench Ridder as a wake up call and when put back in he made fewer mistakes but it caused him to play tight and it showed.

    If Atlanta gets a QB it will be an upgrade at Back Up and Ridder will win the starting job.

    Quite possibly be Mayfield and Carr fighting for third best QB in the NFC South with Canales at CAR to help Young grow.

  18. BakerFan Says:

    There is something to be said about having a balanced attack, being dead last in Rushing Yards makes me wonder how Tampa even won 9 games. Ravens had more rushing attempts (541) than anyone with 4.9 YPC, which I think helped Lamar Jackson, because he does not have much touch on his passes, imo.

    These new coaches have to be less predictable and coach the hell out of blocking for rushing and pass protection. The offensive weapons are there with this team but they have to be better in the trenches.

    Can you imagine the results that these weapons could have if they average 5 yds. per carry like the Dolphins and Ravens.

    So sign all the top free agents and let’s see what they can do against this 2024 tough schedule.

  19. Boss Says:

    I don’t think our DB’s would mind too much if baker went to atlanta. I wouldn’t.

    He’s good for 2 picks a gaime if the DB’s can catch.

  20. Boss Says:

    BTW…along with those picks would and will go bake’s confidence. it’s just a matter of time.

  21. BakerFan Says:

    Joe Says….If the Bucs do go the rookie quarterback route, that would leave cash to sign Mike Evans. And yeah, you want to surround your rookie quarterback with quality players to ease his transition.

    What makes you think that Evans would want to have to play with an unknown when he can go and play with a lot of known qbs with proven abilities. I really think if Mayfield goes, Evans will want to know who his replacement is going to be before signing the dotted line.

    In fact, I have not heard Evans say that he wants to return, unlike Baker. Every thing I have read is he is looking forward to Free Agency.

  22. WyomingJoe Says:

    Three things this season limited Baker from cashing in on $40M/YR contract:
    Below average interior O-Line … Poor running game… and the rib injury late in the season.

    Unless you’re a close-minded Hater, who hasn’t watched Baker’s professional career carefully, you know that he hasn’t reached his ceiling yet. Mainly because he played for organizations that were unstable. C’mon, the Browns and Panthers?

    Additionally, NAME A STARTING Top 10 QB who’s played for organizations like those two and reached their potential. How many different QBs had to learn a new offense 5 out of their first 6 years in the league and reached their “ceiling?”

    Is Baker completely exonerated from his failure to be called elite? Of course not. His stubbornness and the Browns willingness to let him play with a major shoulder injury sabotaged his young career.

    But he looks comfortable and happy with the Bucs, and I feel his best days lie ahead of him. Because of that, he’ll sign a team-friendly deal in the $35M/YR range and he’s worth every penny. The Bucs won’t low-ball him, and he won’t hold them hostage.

  23. Dave Pear Says:

    Conehead – hilarious! Ridder better than Baker?


  24. BakerFan Says:

    Boss Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 11:43 am
    He’s good for 2 picks a gaime if the DB’s can catch.

    You understand how ridiculous you sound. Yeah if the Bucs DB’s could catch a pass they would still be playing the next week against the 49ers.

    Every game has if’s and buts with no matter who the QB is. Do you only watch the Bucs games or do you watch other teams, because if you did you would be saying the same about every QB in the league.

  25. Bucs fan in NC Says:

    I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion, but I would rather try and get Fields from the Bears and let Baker walk. He is not worth the amount they are projecting. Fields, with a talented WR corps could flourish for cheap, and if not, we would have bank the next couple of years….. Baker is a solid QB, but the team was average overall, barely above .500 with him.

  26. Conner50 Says:

    Agreed Mike Evans is harder to replace he’s a lock for HOF vs Baker who will never be in that category.

  27. Boss Says:

    @bakefan… I am guilty of not watching other teams. I watch some playoff games and the bucs when they are on. bake literally throws 3, right in the breadbasket-hits em in the numkbers-they must be chasing butterflies picks per game.

    In my 30 plus years watching the NFL I have never seen a QB consistently throw that way and still have ANY confidence or long term success.

    yall got me, a bucs fan, confused with an ME and BM hater. I want them to win just like everyone else. but betting on a WR that just signed a big deal on the wrong side of 30 and a qb that is historicall inconsistent is a bad idea for long term success. AND THEY ARE GOING TO THROW HUGE MONEY AT THEM??? yall need to wake up and take off the pewter shades.

  28. Allbuccedup Says:

    Evans makes an average QB very good. Without Evans Mayfield would suffer especially with new OC whether they are buds or not. Based on Mayfields past no team but Tampa with offer him a lucrative contract.

  29. Conner50 Says:

    Evans isn’t as replaceable as Baker, let’s be real baker is good when the team is good. Toe to toe at their positions Evans is far better and it’s not even close. Without Evans I am sure Baker will struggle a lot more than he did this past season.

  30. Dave Pear Says:

    Plenty of maroons around here.

  31. Defense Rules Says:

    BucDan … ‘Mike and LVD on deals with voidable years would not give me any heartburn as a fan.’

    Uhhh, Mike & LVD are ALREADY on contracts with VOIDABLE years. So are Winfield, Mayfield, Gaines & Feiler. THIS YEAR.

    For 2025 Bucs ALREADY have $62.3 mil committed to 13 players for VOID YEARS. That’s for 13 players who’ll be free agents (players named Godwin, Barrett, Jensen, Davis, Evans plus 8 others). Are you REALLY sure BucDan that you want the Bucs to tack on ADDITIONAL VOIDABLE YEARS for even more players? That’s not even close to being sound fiscal management (you know, like that needed to build a competitive team?).

  32. Allen Lofton Says:

    Saw this in [Joe will have further updates on this in the coming days. Thanks. — Joe] with Gronk and Kay interviewing Baker Mayfield. Baker as well as Gronk spoke highly of the Bucs Front office. It was really good.

  33. Tony Marks Says:

    Dom Says:
    A guy that will likely finish top 5 in both yards in TD’s all time

    and who will NEVER be considered a top five receiver all time anywhere outside of Tampa.

    You all are crazy. You whine about signing baker at 30 million as a starting Qb but want Mike to get nearly 30 mill for 3 years and he’s over 30

    Mike is great player and future HOF but you guys sill manage to over rate him.

    Father time is undefeated and yes baker can still have a great season without Mike. You all also act like Mike throws the ball to himself.

  34. Tony Marks Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 11:56 am
    Conehead – hilarious! Ridder better than Baker?



    Even Bob Marley would think the kind of smoke in that room is too rich.

  35. JustVisiting Says:

    My gut feeling is that, with the team coming together this year and Coen at OC, Baker will be as good or better in 2024. Of course, that’s assuming his targets, protection, and the TB run game are no worse than they were in 2023.

  36. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Evans will be gone if Bucs go with a rookie QB and let Mayfield go
    ….and so will half the fan base by mid season.

  37. geno711 Says:

    BakerFan Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 11:42 am

    Can you imagine the results that these weapons could have if they average 5 yds. per carry like the Dolphins and Ravens.

    Fair enough. If we run better, we will be a better offense. But by all measures, the Bucs pass protection was better for Brady and Mayfield these last few years than the Ravens or Dolphins. In fact, over the last three years, the Bucs were number 1 overall for those three years in allowing the lowest percentage of pressures on drop backs.

    So, if you think it is all Bakers success in the pass game, give huge credit to the pass protection as well.

  38. HC Grover Says:

    Inflation….Pay will not match the hyperinflation.

  39. Dom Says:

    @Tony Marks

    Where did I say he is a top 5 WR of all time? I said statistically there is a strong possibility he will finish top 5 in yards and TD’s. He would be considered an all time great for sure but I didn’t say he’s a top 5 WR all time. I also haven’t advocated for Mike to get 30M a year. I think 23-25M is a fair deal.

    My main point of my post was pointing out a future HOF WR coming off an All Pro season is harder to find a replacement for than Baker who is a B level QB. Also Mike will always be underrated from outside fan bases. That’s the reality of playing for a Bucs team always under the radar. Why would I care about those other fan bases opinions? It doesn’t take away from the fact that Mike will go down as one of the greats when his career is over.

    Also I don’t believe Baker would play well here without Mike next season. The team would be setting him up to fail. Who on this team is a number 1 WR besides Mike? Who on this team is going to score TD’s on a consistent basis besides Mike? Mike lead the team with 13 TD catches. Almost half of the teams receiving TD’s. Cade Otton was next at 4. Mike has been Mr. Consistent, opposite of Baker who has had a rollercoaster career. No one has had as many consecutive 1K seasons to start their career as Mike. He’s done this with QB’s like Josh McCown, Mike Glennon, and Jameis Winston throwing to him. So yeah excuse me if I think Baker is more dependent on Mike for success than vice versa.

  40. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    SMDH. You’re not getting Evans at 24 or 25. He’s gonna be 31. His best days are behind him. Right now, in today’s NFL…you need a quality starting QB. You don’t need a top 3 WR to win. You don’t. Y’all way too emotional about a greedy mike evans who has stated more than once…he wants to GET PAID ONE LAST TIME. Sorry not sorry…we have bigger needs.

    Wait…let me do the Brady thing to Mike Evans…If Evans really wanted to win he would take less money. Right? He already has $110 million in career earnings. He should take a home town discount if he really loved Tampa. Right?

  41. BakerFan Says:

    geno711 Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 1:35 pm

    So, if you think it is all Bakers success in the pass game, give huge credit to the pass protection as well.

    I would like to see a stat on that, wonder if anyone measures that, amount of time before Pass. I just know in that Detroit game that blocking was atrocious. Where I live I can only listen to game on XM and catch a few National Telecast games. Listening is a lot different than watching a game.

  42. Conner50 Says:

    @Tong Marks
    Mike makes any quarterback look good and has since he’s been in the nfl, did it to baker this past year as well. Facts

  43. BakerFan Says:

    Boss Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 12:17 pm
    @bakefan… I am guilty of not watching other teams

    Where I live I get a heavy dose of KC Chiefs and Dallas Cowboys. Then other games when there are double headers going on. I can tell you there are really some amazing plays and then plays on how did that guy miss that ball, It gets crazy and I I am sure there is a stat out there that someone keeps on miss interceptions. It would be interesting to see it.

    I have watched Mayfield quite a bit from college to pros. I think that he will sometimes force things into windows and gets away with them and then all of sudden it backfires on him, too much confidence in his arm.

    So much goes on that we don’t get, that is why I like Greg Olsen, he breaks it down pretty good during the game on whose fault it is. Like that last interception was it Otten’s fault that he did not run a correct pattern? Should he of cut it off sooner and not drift back or Mayfield’s fault for trying to force it. Not getting that pass interference call on the 2pt conversion sorta of disrupted the momentum that Bucs had going.

  44. Dom Says:


    Mike just came off one of his better seasons at 30. His game is designed to age well. He isn’t going to get shorter, he’s a good route runner, and hasn’t lost a step yet, nor has his game ever really relied on his speed. Hes not going to suddenly fall off the cliff barring any major injuries. I think he’s capable of playing at a number 1 WR level for 3 more years. I don’t think that’s unrealistic or emotional given the level of play he’s shown and his physical attributes.

    And calling Mike whose been one of the most unselfish WR’s in football greedy is laughable. If you want to throw the Brady paycut thing with Mike why not also with Baker? We could play that game all day long with every single player.

    This offense was terrible in the redzone last year. Think how bad they’d be in the redzone without their only legitimate redzone threat.

    Most of the people calling posters emotional for wanting Mike back get emotional about Baker and want to overpay him 40M a year. This is all projection. There is no way you can feel good about giving Baker 40M a year while simultaneously not re-signing his best guy to throw to. I guarantee that if Baker comes back but Mike doesn’t that the posters saying he deserves 40M a year will be the first ones to complain he doesn’t have anyone to throw to when he regresses

  45. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Mike is known for pouting on the sidelines. Google it. There’s many entries.

    Mike is also known for running crappy routes and being lazy at times.

    Then we have the OPI and the drops at crucial times.

    He is talented but he’s the end all be all at WR. He’s not. He’s been consistent.

    Mayfield just took a $4 mill salary and bet on himself. Well, Baker flopped the nuts and won a big contract. That’s reality. Baker already played last year underpaid. Why would he take less AGAIN? SMDH.

    You sound extremely emotional about Evans. Take some midol and turn off Hallmark buddy.

  46. geno711 Says:

    BakerFan Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 2:31 pm

    I would like to see a stat on that, wonder if anyone measures that, amount of time before Pass.

    Profootball reference keeps a stat that is called “Times pressured per dropback”
    Over the last three years, the Bucs have allowed pressure on their dropbacks only 13.9 percent of the time. That is the best of any NFL team by far. Most teams are at over 21 % of the time during that same time period. No other team over that time period is under 17%.

    Diving into further they say: “Percentage of dropbacks where the quarterback was forced to alter his throwing motion, footwork, or release due to duress applied by the defense. Charted by game charters watching video.”

    I just know in that Detroit game that blocking was atrocious.

    I agree. But by far the worst game of the year.

  47. BucsDan Says:

    @Defense Rules

    As I said, not worried. Still believe in Mike Greenberg and Co. to continue to make smart decisions with the Salary Cap.

    Sound fiscal management has been the Bucs bread and butter and I’m confident that will continue.

    I could also be wrong. It happens. Just my opinion.

  48. geno711 Says:

    optimisticbucsfan Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 3:04 pm
    Mike is known for pouting on the sidelines. Google it. There’s many entries.

    I googled it. Found one time at Texas A&M.

    No really, there is a difference between pouting or sulking and be demonstrable when you missed a pass.

    Mike is not a pouter. He is an ultimate team player. He does not gripe if he does not get the ball. Every single quarterback he has played with, he has said something extremely positive about.

    Further, you never hear him comparing quarterbacks and what they do well or what they do less well.

    To me Mike is known to put physicality into his routes better than any NFL wide receiver today. To say he runs poor routes is like comparing musicians.

    There are some musicians that can read music all day long. They are technically in the right position.

    Then there are the musicians, that sometimes do not actually read music as well as others. The thing is some of those guys are true artists because how extraordinary that are at interpreting the music. They are the true virtuosos in music.

    Godwin is the precise route runner – he reads music well. Think Jeff Lynne lead guitarist of ELO. He understood how everything worked together.

    Evans is the ad lib freak, that gets all the crazy success and most TDs in Bucs history. Think Jimmy Hendrix.

    One will be remembered as a good strong guy.
    The other will be remembered by the HOF.

  49. Dom Says:

    Optimisticbucfan should change his name to optimisticbakerfan lol. The only one getting emotional here is you my guy

  50. Gipper Says:


    You have some sort of anti Mayfield agenda, no doubt, still trying to rationalize being wrong about him all season. That’s OK, doubt that Licht really needs your input. Won’t take long to find out how much Baker is worth in the open market. You talking him down doesn’t matter to most. You have been wrong all year. Why start being right now?

  51. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Baker will get a deal to stay that everyone can live with. The Bucs have the leverage with the franchise tag, and regardless of the payday, Baker does not want another prove it contract. Nobody is wrong here. I think we keep the guys we want and clear enough space to pick up another free agent that can help the team out.

  52. Student of the Game Says:

    Anyone of you that keep talking about “Baker’s inconsistency in the past” please name a consistent QB in the last 10-20 years for Cleveland or Carolina? The entire organizations are inconsistent.

  53. Bucsmarley Says:

    Worst case he goes to Atlanta. He can only win 1 of of the 2 games we would meet. Meaning he’s still a .500 qb

  54. mark2001 Says:

    Just stop. If Baker will sign for a reasonable amount, sign him. And figure out the rest of the pieces of the puzzle. The QB position is the hardest and most important to fill correctly. And some of you would start all over again, hoping a low first round pick hits.

  55. Conner50 Says:

    “Mikes known for being lazy and running bad routes” lmao your a fool. I realize your crushing on mayfield hardcore, but Evans has never been lazy in any game in his career or he wouldn’t have the yards/tds to prove that your wrong. He’s not declining or on the wrong side of 30, he’s got at least 3 more years of very high production. Without Evans the Bucs offense will not be that good as they are now. Evans is a hall of famer, baker will never be a hall of famer. So quit crying about Evans not being worth the money he wants to get paid because he is, where as bakers not worth 40 or even 30. Baker and him will both get paid though so don’t get your panties in a wad.

  56. Tony marks Says:

    Conner50 Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 2:31 pm
    @Tong Marks
    Mike makes any quarterback look good and has since he’s been in the nfl, did it to baker this past year as well. Facts


    🙂 You wouldn’t know a fact if it ran over you on I75

    Go do some homework. You will then find that Baker’s year this year was fairly close to the three years years ago in Cleveland before he was injured.

    How do we know Mike isn’t what made Baker’s year all by himself? Because last time I cihecked Evans never played for the Browns. case closed

    the claim Evans makes any Qb lok goodi s just drivelling fanboy nonsense which I don’t have to bother with for a simple reason.

    No one at Buc’s front office believes it. How do we know?

    They would have resigned Evans when he asked for an extensoin this year. After all if Evans makes any Qb look good then they couldl save tens of millions of dollars at the QB position.

    Smh the nonsense i read in comments on this blo.g

  57. Zoocomics Says:

    Just an observation, it appears whatever we’re gaining back in deadcap is going to be spent on a handful of players. We can do some cutting, don’t know how many contracts we have that are guaranteed, but I hear cutting Shaq will cost us. Signing Baker, Evans, Chase, Winfield, Wirfs, is going to be a king’s ransom.

    Whereas there’s not enough “good money” to sign a key free agent, that could help us improve upon last season, i.e. a veteran center or a premier edge rusher. Not saying that these guys grow on trees and/or any team would let a stud player walk, but much like Evans, Devon White, there’s just not enough money to go around so there’s always potential to land solid guys that teams may want, but they out price themselves. The fact is, and everyone knows this, we need more than just Baker and Evans. This is what frustrates me. If we are the EXACT same team as we were this past year, we still don’t beat the best teams in the league, just not going to happen. With minimal cap, we’re simply switching role playing guys like Neal out for another veteran, we either need to hit a home run in the draft or we are no better than a 9-8 team again.

  58. Dom Says:

    @Tony Marks

    We know Mike makes QB’s look better because he has produced WR1 production every year, for 10 years straight, no matter who was throwing him the ball. 6 of those 10 seasons he had bums throwing to him. Baker meanwhile hasn’t had two consecutive good seasons in the NFL yet. Look how long Johnny Football lasted in the NFL without Mike. Dude was drafted in the first round because of Mike. Mike made him look so good that Joe was creaming in his pants over Johnny Football.

    I really don’t get the “Bucs fans” taking shots at Mike to try to prop up Baker. Baker even said Mike is the best WR he’s ever played with. Baker had one solid season with the Bucs and even that season is over hyped by some here.

    Just going by a game by game basis he played well vs the: Vikings, Bears, Saints first time, Texans, Titans, Packers, Jaguars, Eagles the second time, and Lions the second time.

    He played poorly vs Eagles the first time, Lions the first time, both Falcons games Bills, 49ers, Colts, both Panthers games, and the second Saints game.

    So overall he played well in 9 games and played poorly in 10, with 5 of those being division games. I’ll give him a mulligan on the second Panthers game though because he was clearly playing on 1 leg and played much better in the playoffs. The trend is looking up and he closed the season strong playing well in 4 of his last 6 so he deserves to be back. Especially after his playoff performances. With continuity I think he can improve on his consistency and I want him back at a fair price for that reason, but some of yall Baker fans are exhausting

  59. Kidfloflo Says:

    If ur gonna use the argument that Baker COULD have throw more picks if Dbs didn’t drop them, then u can’t conveniently leave out the opposite where he could have better stats and points if our receivers didn’t drop catchable balls i.e Evans in key moments! So there’s that…and as much as I love Mike and believe he should retire a buc, a QB entering his prime years is more valuable

  60. stpetebucfan Says:


    “The Bucs have the leverage with the franchise tag, and regardless of the payday, Baker does not want another prove it contract.”

    That is an excellent point IMHO. Yeah he might get 35 million but no security.
    At 25 million he might be able to get 3 years security.

    BTW Duane…don’t know how often you commute to Tampa but I have some job opportunties coming up in Orlando. My last two trips over on I-4 have been nightmares!!! Talk about congestion mixed in with CRAZY drivers and traffic jams when you get to Disney.

    Any ideas for a better way…60 isn’t really that much better..know of any good side routes?

  61. OlBoy Says:

    If I were a player, I wouldn’t give two sh/ts about income tax differences. If a team wants to use a tax reason to pay me less I’d take issue with that. I don’t play for less b cause of taxes. That’s my personal business after the fact

  62. BucaneroJim Says:

    Stpete… next time you are in Orlando look for a hot tub Time Machine at Umiversal. No easy way to drive Tampa to O-ville in this day and age.

  63. BucaneroJim Says:

    Joe is the most beautiful sweet wonderful intelligent man. Can I post again?

  64. Tony marks Says:

    Dom Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 5:38 pm
    @Tony Marks

    We know Mike makes QB’s look better because he has produced WR1 production every year, for 10 years straight, no matter who was throwing him the ball.


    first let me say thanks for coming off your ludicrous claim of 28 million. Yes you said 25-28 million which is why I said near 30 million. Go look at your post.

    second no mike getting a thousand yards every year is NOT evidence that Mike makes every qb look good. Mike is a solid HOf player but lets be honest – he also gets the targets. Don’t tell me that has nothing to do with it. Besides which with Baker he did better than many of those other years so your point is DOA.

    “Baker meanwhile hasn’t had two consecutive good seasons in the NFL yet. Look how long Johnny Football lasted in the NFL without Mik”

    What a silly statement. Everyone knows johny flaked ot of the leaue due to personal and drug isues. That had nothing to do with Mike as a reciever.

    and yes Baker has had two good seasons consecutively. He also has gotten his team to the playoffs half the time . so name the average Qb that does that ?

    “I really don’t get the “Bucs fans” taking shots at Mike to try to prop up Baker.”

    too funny. I dont; get why a “buc’s fan” has to trash another player and call him average jsut to push up Evans. Hear me call Evans anything selse bu a HOFer? Eh fake buc’s fan?

  65. Conner50 Says:

    @Tony Marks
    The only thing you know is Baker stats and his time playing football cause you idolize him so much. Also he had one good year at Cleveland that you proudly throw at everyone out of four seasons. Quit crying he was hurt, if he played then he should have produced. Also he had obj and Landry who was a really good duo so he should have done better. Meanwhile Evans has done what no receiver in the nfl has ever done which is get 1k yards since being in the league for 10 years and he’s done it with bad quarterbacks. He did it this year with baker who struggled in most games cause he’s not an elite qb. But he was bakers go to like he is for every qb he plays for, also they didn’t extend him cause he was still under contract and due to cap reasons. Licht fully intends to resign him so that is a stupid comment from a baker fan boy who don’t know anything but baker nonsense. Btw I like baker and he can be good if the teams good but you baker nutt huggers that aren’t real Buc fans are terrible so called fans.

  66. Tony marks Says:


    YOu touched on a good area with the offense. Want to know when it turned around that you left out ? when Mike got his thousand yards and Baker and the OC felt free to move the ball around. Making sure Mike got his slowed he whole team down.

    Heres the point that will make your blood boil. The offense woudl be better if we lost Evans and we were to pick up two really good receivers. EASILY. Thats not because of anything with Mike or because losing him would be good . It has to do with the team make up. We couldn’t even name a number 3 receiver and godwin disappeared in games regularly. We depend entirely too much on Mike for targets. Better to have Mike and some more options? Sure but impossible to be better without mike if he does bale – nope.

    Three targes beats one even if is a great one because teams can take one out as often happened during the losing streak.

    So IF Mike leaves it woud be sad but with some tweaks from Licht the offense might even be more dynamic. Again if it really was as you said and any QB looks good with Mike then the front ofiice would have reupped him when he demanded it and then saved millions getting any ole QB.. They OBVIOUSLY do not agree with you. Why ? because its a dumb take.

    I am beginning to think Evans moving on might be great for you Baker haters ( but bad for BUcs nation in general). You obviously have more to learn. As for us being tiring. Too bad. Get over it . One of us is the coach and aapparently people in management. Baker BOis are in charge. You are on the outisde looking in..

  67. Tony marks Says:

    Conner50 Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 6:32 pm
    @Tony Marks
    The only thing you know is Baker stats and his time playing football cause you idolize him so much. Also he had one good year at Cleveland that you proudly throw at everyone out of four seasons

    said the hankie holder crying like a newborn because someone is not quite into Evans worship as he is .

  68. Bucs Guy Says:

    Don’t forget about free agent K Chase McLaughlin. It may be only ~$4M, but we need to re-sign our leading scorer.

  69. ScottyMack Says:

    “Joe doesn’t necessarily think Mayfield will have a career year like he had last year. That’s unrealistic.”

    Why is that unrealistic? I think he could have an even better year, operating in a similar system with a coach he knows and teammates he is far more comfortable with than he was when he was new to the team. Shore up the O-line with draft picks or FAs and there is no reason to think he couldn’t have an even better year this year than last. The Bucs schedule is not intensely more difficult than it was last year at all!

  70. Zoocomics Says:

    @stpetebucfan…you know I’m starting to like the franchise tag idea a bit more now as well. I think a multi-year contract has a way of reducing some of the cap hit, and/or allows us to push some of it down the road a bit whereas expiring contracts could make up the bigger hit at another time, make it more palatable, but it also commits us more to Baker, and frankly I don’t think Baker has been able to pull together solid back-to-back seasons in his entire career.

    Ideally, I would love a lower yet solid base salary with incentives. For many skill players, its risky because of the higher probability of injury, I think QBs injury risk is much lower, and should be held a bit more to performance incentives instead of guaranteed money. imo

  71. ScottyMack Says:

    Boss wrote: “[Baker Mayfield] is good for 2 picks a gaime [sic] if the DB’s can catch.”

    Well, by and large, DBs CANNOT catch, which is why they are DBs and not WRs. Just look at how many drops the Bucs defense had this past year – balls that hit them right in the hands!

    Most QBs have multiple passes that could have been picked by DBs each game if DBs could catch like WRs.

  72. Dom Says:

    @Tony Marks

    Please pull up the post where I said Mike should make 28 million. I know I’ve said in this thread 23-25M. I think that’s the first time I’ve even mentioned an Evans contract number on this site. I think you got me confused with someone else.

    Mike did something no one ever done before of getting 10 conseutive 1K seasons to start a career and you want to sweep it under the rug because of targets lol. Why is he getting the targets Tony lol? Could it be because he’s a HOF WR?

    This why I said “Bucs fans” you are just easily discrediting the greatest offensive weapon this franchise ever had. I was also commenting about “Bucs fans” making things up about Mike like he’s lazy, pouting not running good routes, or mentioning OPI when he generates a lot more DPI to make up for the few OPI calls. The one valid criticism is he has some drops but not everyone can be Fitz. He’s been preforming at a high level 10 straight seasons with no on/off field drama in a position dominated by divas.

    And how is my argument DOA because he had a good year with Baker? His best couple years were 2016 and 2018 with Jamies so I don’t know what your point is. Didn’t produce as much with Brady because you also had pre-ACL tear CG, AB, and Gronk on the team for 2 out of 3 years.

    Johnny Football definitely flamed out for off the field stuff but he also just wasn’t a good NFL player. Mike made him look a lot better than he was. The overall point of him making Johnny look better than he was still stands despite all his personal stuff.

    Where were the two consecutive good seasons for Baker in the NFL? Had a great rookie year, sophomore slump, good 3rd year, hurt 4th year and played poorly, bounced around the NFL year 5, rebounded and got CPOY in year 6, and now we are here. So yes its been a rollercoaster career with no consistency so far. It isn’t all on Baker but some of it is. There has to be some accountability here. He isn’t just a blameless victim.

    Bakers play throughout his career has been an average QB. He was one bad season away from being a career journeyman. That isn’t trashing him at all. It’s just being honest. Mike’s career has been a HOF career. Those are just the facts of what has happened so far. You can get emotional about it all you want but it doesn’t change anything.

    I know MarineBuc had a proposal of 3 years 100M. 30M the first two years with an option for a 3rd year at 40M. I think that’s a fair deal especially if you add incentives to it. Will probably have to add a void year or two in order to keep the year 1 cap hit low

  73. ScottyMack Says:

    Bucs fan in NC wrote: “Fields, with a talented WR corps could flourish for cheap”

    What makes you think that? I have no reason at all to think that Fields would not cost as much or more than Mayfield to sign.

  74. Marky Mark Says:

    Why is everyone trying to save the Glazers money? For starters The Man united payroll is 249,874,476.60 United States Dollars. They have the money.

  75. Rod Munch Says:

    ScottyMack Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 7:19 pm
    Bucs fan in NC wrote: “Fields, with a talented WR corps could flourish for cheap”

    What makes you think that? I have no reason at all to think that Fields would not cost as much or more than Mayfield to sign.


    Fields is on a rookie deal still, for two years — although the 2nd of those two years will cost a lot more. But for 24-25, Fields would only be about a $3m cap hit, giving you money to get Mike and Winfield and David done. In 25-26, that number would increase a lot, to $22m, which is still a lot cheaper than Mayfield.

    I’ve been saying for a while to go get Fields, but I’m fine with Baker coming back, on a deal the Bucs can get out of. Also for Fields, I was thinking a 3rd roudner would get it done, but I’m not sure anymore on that cost, if it was more than that, then I’d shy away from it as he’s still a risk. But Baker is also still a risk, guys who are busts and suddenly have a big year, generally return to the mean – but not always. If someone wants to give Baker a lot of money on a multi-year deal, then you big him up as much as possible, then say ‘seeya’ – that gets Baker some money, and helps destroy that teams cap as well.

    The entire point is that there are other options out there. For example, I don’t see Minshew as much of a drop off from Baker, and he’d be a lot cheaper – so if you’re talking about Baker but losing Evans, well, I’d much much much rather get Minshew and Evans.

  76. Rod Munch Says:

    Boss wrote: “[Baker Mayfield] is good for 2 picks a gaime [sic] if the DB’s can catch.”


    I’m not a fan of the ‘would have’ stat, but it’s fair to bring out since the Baker Bois push the idea that Baker had an outrageous number of drops that hurt his stats, and if only the Bucs had good WRs Baker might have broken the top 15 QBs ranking in QBR.

    But those same people never bring up the countless ‘almost’ INTs that Baker throws. Like that last game vs Carolina that the Bucs have to win. Baker does everything possible to lose that game, he threw what, at least 3 should have been INTs? I know in the 49ers game, he threw 5 should have been INTs. Every QB goes has a number of dropped INTs, but Baker seemed to get unusually lucky – and from year to year, those tend to even out. That’s another reason why not to pay Baker on a multi-year deal big money – not unless you can get out of it after next season, but the odds say Baker will not be as good as he was this year, and he was still just 18th in QBR and 20th in scoring – and when you fall off from that, you’re looking for a new QB. Of course, to be fair, it’s always possible something did click and he’s leveled up and improves again – or at least doesn’t get worse, which is why I’d be fine with him coming back for one more season.

  77. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “Joe doesn’t necessarily think Mayfield will have a career year like he had last year. That’s unrealistic. But he can still have a good year and maybe lead the Bucs to the NFC title game, or beyond.”

    Okay, so the reason I flipped to support Mayfield is because he showed that he had the POTENTIAL to be better.

    If he has reached the top of his potential, then he would not be worth signing for more than $15m/year…for 2 years.

    Seriously, most of the year was not great. The easy schedule helped a lot. But we can’t rely on an easy schedule again.

    I think Mayfield showed that he is ready to finally take a big step, but if he can’t top last season…I’d rather not give him a longterm contract.

  78. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Rod Munch nailed it all the way in.

  79. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If we lose Evans…well, this team will go downhill fast.

  80. Conner50 Says:

    @Tony Marks
    I definitely don’t worship any of those guys they couldn’t care less about me. I just like calling out guys who don’t know anything about football like yourself who thinks Mayfield is a god send when he’s average most games and good for a handful.

  81. Since76 Says:

    Let’s look at Mayfield’s last 4 games as a buc. Saints game. Game was over early in the third Quarter. No offense the entire game until trash time. Then the Panthers game. Defense was was absolutely dominate. Mayfield gets the offense in field goal range 3 times. Two embarrassing games when the season was on the line from Mayfield and the offense. Then the eagles game Mayfield played well and the team played well. Bucs rolled. Finally the last playoff loss. Early pick by Mayfield. Bad hard throw. Then in crunch time when great QBs earn their greatness by scoring a late TD drive Mayfield throws a pick to end the season. That 4 games is an exact representation of the season. Let some other team pay him. he over achieved here still didn’t do very well. Let him walk

  82. mark2001 Says:

    Don’t know what people are smoking if they think Fields is the answer. He isn’t accurate enough, doesn’t read D’s well enough, and gets hurt too often scrambling to make plays. He would be little better than Jameis.

  83. Shane Callahan Says:

    Baker wants to win. He will sign a fair, team-friendly deal. I just hope the interior o-line vastly improves and that his new playcaller doesn’t hold him back all the way up until the playoffs like Canales did. I’d also like a more consistent defense. If these things fall in place, the sky is the limit for this team.

  84. stpetebucfan Says:


    WOW. No bias there eh. You didn’t bother to mention that Baker had the first perfect QB in Lambeau Field against the same Packer team that went on to be the vaunted Cowboys in the first round playoff game in the Cowboys house?

    Oh and you also neglected to mention that brilliant come from behind win in Houston that the Defense squandered in the last minute,

    Oh and by all means Since76 NO MENTION of the bruised ribs and nagging ankle injury in the final games.

    No mention that the first INT in Detroit was on ME13 NOT Baker. You have to rocket a ball when throwing into the middle of the field!!! But of course you’d also neglect to point out that Baker was under assault from the Lions DL the entire game!!!

    Prejudice of that magnitude renders your post as laughable. We get it you hate Baker! Perhaps you’re a Trasker eh? If not you are literally a hater! Only viewing the mistakes while omitting any of the successes for a team you supposedly cheer for is otherwise hard to explain.

  85. Capt.Tim Says:

    Probowl QB Mayfield is our franchise QB.
    He will be our answer long term.
    Sign him up for 7 years. Do it now, before he strings together 3-4 straight Probowl appearances.

    Then he will be outrageously expensive.

    Better to sign him now

  86. Exbrownsfan Says:

    Car, Goff, Stafford, Jones, and Prescott all are around 4 years 160 million with 100 million guaranteed. This is where Baker fits in the marketplace. He’s younger than all of them except Jones and actually won 2 playoff games. We have the QB but we better get the D and run game figured out to take advantage of that. Long-term contract tell your QB he is him and spread that guaranteed money out for cap space to build around him. Geno was a one-hit wonder at 33 and was paid as such. Comparing his and Baker’s careers for a contract is apples and oranges with Baker throwing for way more yards and TD in less time. Baker already proved it for Tampa. Pay the man and move on to what needs to be fixed.

  87. BucFanDMV Says:


    I think because the quarterback play for the Bucs has been so erratic over the course of the franchise other than some outliers (Williams, Brady, Johnson) that people see what Mayfield did and they are afraid to lose him. Even though he has bounced around the league. Honestly who is to say he isn’t another Derek Anderson, made the pro bowl after that “great year in Clev” and never did anything else or Tommy Maddox in Pitt. So, let’s not act like we haven’t seen this song that Mayfield produced this year, you just hope that he doesn’t turn into the latter.

  88. Since76 Says:

    St Pete fan was anything that was mentioned not what happened the last 4 games. Stop with the excuses. If you play your not hurt. If you play hurt you hurt the team. “Team” it’s a team sport. I want a QB who shows up every week and plays consistent ball. He didn’t do that this season. I don’t care what he did anywhere else or why they cut him. He did not play well in at least half the games this year. I guess I didn’t pass by the cool aid stand this year. I really wish I could see the glass half full. Oh you brought up games from earlier in the season and they were cherry picked. You don’t want to point out the bad ones do you. There were quite a a few you didn’t mention. Hmmm.

  89. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Well Joe I guess you want clicks and discussion.

    This is beating a dead horse,

    Bake really has no say. He either agrees to a deal, or its a Franchise Tag.

    Simple really.

    All this talk whether he will go somewhere lolololo.

  90. Tony marks Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 7:59 pm

    If he has reached the top of his potential, then he would not be worth signing for more than $15m/year…for 2 years.

    this is why you think Rod Mush nailed it – because you are as delusional as he is. A starting Pro bowl Qb for $15 mill and two years?

    Thats jsut crazy . Why bother even wriite such nonsense?

    Simple. Just hating because your beloved Trask did not pan out.

  91. GhostofBrady Says:

    optimisticbucsfan Says:
    “Evans is replaceable. Mayfield? Not so much.”

    I don’t think either are replaceable. They are a package deal to be optimal. Mike deservers a full market value offer. He deserved it based on his prove it performance this year. If he leaves, I would hope with $20M in 2024 and $20M in 2025, the Bucs could re-invest that money on another #1/#2 WRs like Higgins, Pittman or Hollywood Brown. And go after the best WR in the draft in round #1 or #2. I think there are some good ones in the pick 20-40 range. The league is littered with late 1st round and 2nd round WR1.

    I can’t imagine Baker re-starting somewhere else. Cleveland screwed him so badly after all he did for them. Their pathetic leaks to the idiot local media and drama plays hurt his confidence and his market perception more than anything else. He broke rookie record on a team that was pitiful for 3 straight years before he arrived. He took them to a playoff victory after 3 decades of futility. He put his career in danger to go all out to try to make the playoffs. I have a hunch Baker would give up a few million to stick forks in Jimmy Haslam and Andrew Berry’s eyes with some team success. He already gave up $3M and lost his free and clear release in 2022 for an opportunity to fight for a starting job for Matt Freaking Rhule’s panthers. Baker just wants to play and now he wants to win to spite those screwed him over.

    He is the type that would take a team friendly deal but it has to be respectful. All these comments about taking $20M guarantee are delusional. Some fans would rather feel happy about saving $10M out of $230M in cap room to have lower-tiered QBs over a play-off winner. Do we really want to tank completely in hopes of another high draft QB? Baker could project a Kirk Cousin career but with playoff wins. And with a lot of help from the team, maybe a bit more. The Bucs have championship pedigree.

  92. Tony marks Says:

    Conner50 Says:
    February 8th, 2024 at 8:11 pm
    @Tony Marks
    I definitely don’t worship any of those guys they couldn’t care less about me. I just like calling out guys who don’t know anything about football like yourself who thinks Mayfield is a god send when he’s average most games and good for a handful.

    only problem is you team’s professionals who are trying to sign him think you assessment is the one thats uneducated so you lose.

  93. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    this thread is embarrassing…we found a qb…the bucs aren’t letting him go

    they didn’t ask evans about the oc

    game. set. match.

  94. Dave Pear Says:

    The more myopic inmates in this asylum seem to have made the argument about an “either/or” – either Baker or Mike.


    Jason Licht. Mike Greenberg. Watch and learn.

  95. David Says:

    I think he is excited about the new coordinator and is grateful the Buccaneers signed him and gave him this opportunity. So all these high numbers being thrown around don’t seem irrelevant. I think we’re going to see him sign for about 25 mill a year with some incentives real soon.
    Then I fully expect to see him recruit Evans’ return.

  96. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    @dave pear – if they can sign both…that would be best case scenario. I’m not a fan of carrying all these void years over and over. At some point you have to cut the cord. I hope the next CBA has a hard cap instead of this converting to bonus BS.

  97. GhostofBrady Says:

    optimisticbucsfan Says:
    “I’m not a fan of carrying all these void years over and over. At some point you have to cut the cord. I hope the next CBA has a hard cap instead of this converting to bonus BS”

    I am confused why they would change this in the next CBA? Players love it because teams that could normally not afford them and push their market ask would be able to credit card their price. Teams loves it so they can keep a run going longer and gives them to flexibility to crash when hope is really lost. i don’t understand why fans are so upset about how teams and players gain from the system. It’s not our money. Would you rather mid-level teams just tank and not try to improve when the opportunities arise to try to have a great season. In 2021 we didn’t make the Super Bowl again. But that was a great year. And all the starters from the 2020 SB run returned to try again thanks to the voided years. Only to be undone by Antonio Brown’s flame out and poor 1-minute defense at the end of the Rams game. We have the players now to make another run. Now would be the time to make use of the voided years again. Push that bill forward as the cap keeps increasing each year. We can blow it up and eat the cost in 5 years when Baker’s 34 and ready for a new team. Scout the High Schools for the next Mahomes.

  98. stpetebucfan Says:


    “If you play hurt you hurt the team.”

    From USA Today…

    “Philip Rivers played an AFC championship game with a torn ACL. Carson Wentz tore two knee ligaments, stayed in the game and threw a touchdown pass a few plays later.

    You obviously lack a sense of irony. I simply did what you attempted to do…present something with just ONE side of the story.

    Perhaps it was bad writing on my part. YOU LACK BALANCE!!! You point out nothing but the negative without ONCE mentioning any of the positive!

    Why? Is it really that difficult to present balanced views here? You are not alone that’s for sure.

    They did it willingly. Many other guys play hurt regularly in the NFL.”

  99. Conner50 Says:

    @Tong Marks
    Actually nobody’s trying to sign him right now not even Tampa because it’s not time to sign free agents or negotiate contracts yet. So your wrong again per usual

  100. Tony marks Says:

    Conner50 Says:
    February 9th, 2024 at 7:00 am
    @Tong Marks
    Actually nobody’s trying to sign him right now not even Tampa because it’s not time to sign free agents or negotiate contracts yet. So your wrong again per usual


    Negotiations are what trying to sign means to anyone with a a passable IQ.

    As Baker would say – get your weight up.

  101. Conner50 Says:

    @Tony Marks
    Well apparently it’s clear as day your IQ is low af because there’s no negotiations going right now either. Your one ignorant pos aren’t ya

  102. Tony marks Says:

    Conner50 Says:
    February 9th, 2024 at 8:47 am
    @Tony Marks
    Well apparently it’s clear as day your IQ is low af because there’s no negotiations going right now either.

    there is and baker said so directly days ago . again get your IQ weight up

  103. Conner50 Says:

    @Tony Mark
    Heard baker said jump off a bridge so go ahead since he’s your master

  104. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Tony marks, did Ryan Fitzpatrick make the probowl while playing for us?

    I’m not 100% percent sure…but he is the perfect example of what COULD go wrong with Mayfield.

    Hey, I’m hoping for the best from him…I really am…but his track record justifies extreme caution.

    And my statement above was that if he could not do better than last year, then he should not get more than $15m. The probowl means absolutely nothing. He was the MVP of the pro bowl…but it was only because he excelled at exercising. There isn’t even a real game anymore.

    The voting proess makes it a popularity contest, nothing more. And he wasn’t even a first ballet pro bowler anyway.

    Protect the team. Protect the future.

  105. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Tony marks Says
    “there is and baker said so directly days ago.”

    if I were you, I would read that again.