Baker Mayfield Spinning For Mike Evans

February 11th, 2024

“Let’s work together, Mike.”

It is comical to Joe when people — in 2024 — say Mike Evans doesn’t get enough credit for his game.

Consider that national and local media say publicly, without hesitation, that he’s a future Hall of Famer. Ex-receivers gush over his talent, versatility and consistency while former QBs wish Evans was their target years ago. Fans adore Evans and the Bucs gave him a whopper of a five-year contract in 2018.

But wait, there’s more!

Evans is a five-time Pro Bowler in his 10 seasons, a steady presence on the NFL Network top-100 players list and he spent four seasons on a huge national stage as Tom Brady’s No. 1 receiver, and he was a fantasy football superstar with Baker Mayfield this season (and in a few other seasons).

So who really thinks Evans is a little disrespected? Baker Mayfield. That’s what he SiriusXM Mad Dog Radio last week.

“I can’t say enough about the guy. He doesn’t get enough credit for exactly how talented he is,” Mayfield said.

It certainly wasn’t the only time Mayfield has referred to Evans as underappreciated publicly during his many interviews the past month. And Evans has called Mayfield “criminally underrated” and “super-underrated.”

It really smells to Joe like Evans and Mayfield agreed to jack each other up at every opportunity in a quest to get bigger free agent contracts.

19 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Spinning For Mike Evans”

  1. CTBucs Says:

    They’ll both be back. Don’t worry Bucs fans. It will take some cap maneuvers, but honestly we have a lot more money than last year to start. I’m not worried about losing either of them

  2. stpetebucfan Says:

    “It really smells to Joe like Evans and Mayfield agreed to jack each other up at every opportunity in a quest to get bigger free agent contracts.”

    Isn’t that a GREAT thing. Shouldn’t teammates who care about each do precisely that?

    Here’s a thought from the blog pollyanna. Perhaps we could lose our cynicism for a day and think…hey these guys really like and respect each other and they honestly hope they get to play together next year because of friendship, respect, and YES the chance to WIN. Is it always about $$$?

  3. Bucsfanman Says:

    HOF’er! Keep them both in Tampa Bay.

  4. Pickgrin Says:

    “he spent four seasons on a huge national stage as Tom Brady’s No. 1 receiver”

    Did I Rip Van Winkle through 1 of Brady’s 4 seasons in Tampa Bay?? LOL

  5. dbbuc711 Says:

    I believe that both will be back but I sure hope Licht gets it done soon.

  6. Tony marks Says:

    Who cares ? MIke Evans doesn’t know a thing about Football and certainly not anything to do with how QBs deliver the ball to receivers

    SillySince76, The Mush and the robber

    all know NFL QB ball more than Evans


  7. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Every since Evans got into the league he had been a model for consistent greatness. A ground floor of where greatness starts. The people who under appreciate, devaluate and disrespect his greatness are the “yeah but” crowd who off handedly “acknowledge ” his greatness but point out different things he does or doesn’t do that disproves it.

    Baker suffers from this same type of group but for different reasons. He’s never shown himself to be consistently great nor very good. One year he does very good, the next poorly and his detractors point to this, but the other side are the ones who only look at the good and ignore the not so good and expect others to only see that.

    Evans can make any qb look better, but Baker can’t make mediocre players better

  8. Boss Says:

    Of course he does. Mike makes average QBs look good. The one great qb we had……not so much. He made the other receivers look great because he could spot weakness and identify coverages.

  9. Tampa Bay Ray Says:

    Joe thank God you said “free agent contracts” at the end of that! 🤣

  10. ModHairKen Says:

    The heat will turn up in the next week.

  11. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    Why do I suspect this is the same “Joe” that wants us to draft a QB in the first round?

  12. Donald G Says:

    We will keep the four horsemen Bake Evans Winfield and David I am 100% sure. We need to draft Powers Johnson Ol has got to be better Games are won in the trenches

  13. Beeej Says:

    “agreed to jack each other”


  14. Marky Mark Says:

    Both guys are no dummies. Going to a bad team will not help their long term goals.

  15. Since76 Says:

    Evans with any other QB continues his march to the hall. Mayfield without Evans would be benched by game 5. But it wouldn’t matter his quarantined will still be paid. The team that signs him will be cap strapped.

  16. Chad Says:

    Evans led the team in drops not counting dropped touchdown passes, but let’s put all the bad on baker. Show your hate a little more boys

  17. Joseph Gaspar Says:

    He better. The only reason he won a game was Mike Evans bailing him out. BM did exactly what I said. Win around 8 games, lose in the playoffs and kill our draft pick.

  18. Daniel Dream Says:

    I said it here before, BM6 will agree to a more ‘team friendly ‘ deal if it will guarantee Evans is back. You heard it here first!!!

  19. Chief Says:

    ME is great and makes any QB look better.
    BM6 is an improving QB with high potential. Add ME to the equation and now you have a Pro Bowl QB.
    We won a playoff game and have opened up another contending window. All we need is to resign our guys and add a few interior pieces and we’re knocking on the door again.
    BM6 is way better than any of us hoped. Now we get to see playoff football for years to come.