Will Team Glazer Or Jason Licht Publicly Announce Todd Bowles Will Return Next Season?

January 7th, 2024

The big bosses of the Buccaneers have a decision to make.

Will they let their beloved fans know their intentions this week when it comes to the Tampa Bay head coach? Or will they leave Todd Bowles and his staff and their families to twist in the wind, wondering the fate of the team leader and the jobs that come with him?

Joe would think if Team Glazer, a highly experienced ownership group, knows now that Bowles will return after winning the NFC South, they will share the news.

That would take pressure off Bowles and his staff during this playoff-preparation week. And it would allow fans to process the decision. Some fans like the job Bowles has done, most do not.

Bowles reached his goal today, a winning record and a division title. But man, Bowles did it without scoring any style points, losing at home to the Saints in a win-and-your-in game and then struggling today while beating the Panthers 9-0.

Team Glazer and general manager Jason Licht surely know FOX insider Jay Glazer was talking about Bowles’ job security on TV today. And they must be aware of the Bill Belichick speculation surrounding multiple teams in the NFC South.

If Bowles’ job is secure, Joe expects a public congratulations from management and a Bowles blessing for 2024. If that doesn’t come before the playoff game kickoff, well, then perhaps there is exploration happening behind the scene.

86 Responses to “Will Team Glazer Or Jason Licht Publicly Announce Todd Bowles Will Return Next Season?”

  1. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  2. HC Grover Says:

    Yes of course they will. Or may not even have to. How could they fire him with a Division Championship and a playoff? Fergit about it.

  3. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Bowles needs to go

  4. Thomas Edrington Says:

    Sunday’s “win” — an Impressive Offensive showing against one of the NFL’s premier teams……..

  5. optimisticbucfan Says:

    No way you fire a POC that won B2B division titles.

    The outrage would be insane.

    Sad but true. We are stuck in mediocrity.

  6. Dewey Selmon Says:

    We suck and we won the worst division in football. twice!.

  7. Colonel Angus Says:

    Heck no. Gotta win a playoff game or lose a close hard fought game at worst. He did good keeping team together after falling to 4-7, but never should have been 4-7 after a 3-1 start.

  8. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Wait until after the playoff game. Take the time. Besides, what sexy names are out there to replace them ?

  9. Zzbucs Says:

    4mm QB
    Nobody have a dime for the Bucs
    No Interesting free agency add
    First time OC

    I am not a big fan, but Bowles should be resigned now!!

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    I was not big on Bowles at all, but I don’t see how he’s not back. He did a good job this year, in particular late in the season making adjustments on defense instead of just sticking to the garbage zone that was killing the team.

    But we’ll see how next week goes, no reason to announce anything before that game.

  11. Bubby Says:

    Will Jason be back? Outside of two years with Brady, we have been pathetic since he took over.

  12. NYbucsfan Says:

    Good God I hope not. If they do plan on having a s*** season next year.

  13. Couch Fan Says:

    I dont think the Glazers have the football savvy to let Bowles go. The only way that happens is if Licht jumps on a table and demands a new HC. And I dont see that happening.

  14. MadMax Says:


  15. Just Saying Says:

    No reason to take the pressure off. Win a Superbowl and that might change my mind. If there is someone better (there definitely is) I’d gladly see the team led by someone who likes points on offense and isn’t a wet dish rag for a personality. But GO BUCS win it all.

  16. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Bubby is 💯.

    This team is pathetic, and he’s the architect.

  17. Jack Clark Says:

    “Bowles reached his goal today, a winning record and a division title. But man, Bowles did it without scoring any style points, losing at home to the Saints in a win-and-your-in game and then struggling today while beating the Panthers 9-0.”

    We should bring Bowles back for another year. Let’s see what he can do when we have more money to purchase better talent. Bowles has always had sorry as offensive coordinators like Super Bowl winning OC byron leftwich and first time rookie OC dave canales. If Todd Bowles had a genius OC he’d probably be respected as an elite head coach. Todd Bowles defense played outstanding today by not allowing the Panthers to score any points. Todd Bowles turned lemons into lemonade because Dave Canales offense is ABSOLUTE TRASH. Go Bucs!

  18. NE Fan Says:

    So the Bucs managed to beat Carolina,
    Though they all looked like they have a vag$$a

    They stunk up the place,
    Same look on Bowles face,

    Come on Eagles, come play in the sun,
    It really doesn’t matter, Bucs will be one and done

    Faker showed who.he is, he chokes in big spots,
    They’ll say he was injured, but really he’s not

    So off to the playoffs, Bowles did it again,
    Too bad the pr&%k has no idea how to win

    Come Blowzo, come Bowels, come toilet bowl,
    Call him what you want, the man sheds no tears,
    Guess what Bucs fans, he’s here four more years!!!

  19. Patrick Says:

    Even though I’m not necessarily a fan of Bowles, I think he should return. This team changes coaches too often and if you want some key players to return (Evans, Mayfield, etc), I think that’s the way to go. No one will stay for another staffing change. Take into account that this team wasn’t expected to contend or even make the postseason this year. Bring Bowles back, give him a rushing attack, and address some other areas on the roster this offseason.

  20. MacNupe Says:

    Any person, including the Glazers, who think Todd Bowles should be fired for taking a team with 80M dead cap space, 13 rookies and a consensus last place prediction at the beginning of the season to coaching his 2nd consecutive NFC South championship of professional football is ignorant in professional sports and football and clearly has no understanding of percentages and probability. Haters, continue to take your logic and approach to Las Vegas. They love your business. #Go Bucs!

  21. RuKa Says:

    He has a contract, right? So why would they confirm anything?

  22. Davenport Says:

    It’s a sign of the times we’re in. Mediocrity is viewed as success, failure is rewarded, and skin tone is a factor in decision making.

    Bowles should not be back. But i feel like he will be. Unless forced, the Bucs organization is committed to being solidly average.

  23. Dan the Bucs fan Says:

    Bowles might win coach of the year. He did a great job. Resign him resign Baker let’s get better in off season.

  24. ModHairKen Says:

    OptimisticBucFan, see Tony Dungy.

  25. MF Bucs Says:

    whoever thinks Bowles is COY is clearly smoking crack

  26. johnnymoon Says:

    The team lost Brady and had 80Mill in dead cap went to a journeyman QB..They should win the Superbowl anything less the Coach has to go nevermind everyone had them as a 4-6 Win Team .

  27. StormyInFl Says:

    I hope not. 9 points against the worst team in the NFL and won the division by default. Not impressed.

    He’s still a bad head coach.

  28. Jack Clark Says:

    MadMax Says:
    January 7th, 2024 at 4:08 pm

    Dave Canales offense only scored 9 points today and has been trash all season. And you think he can do a better job coaching our defense than Bowles? Take your meds dude

  29. ModHairKen Says:

    Bowles earned it. So did Mayfield. Sorry David and the fellow Traskies.

    Imagine what Canales can do after they find a replacement for Hainsey, the Pillsbury Dough Boy, Stenchie and the Double D of Disconnect, Davis and Dean.

  30. David Says:

    Fire Toilet Bowl with his loved son. We finished almost at .5 and thanks to playing stinking Panthers end up with the same record as Saints.
    TB/HC might have chance if they win the first round but Bucs had moved on from Toilet Bowl with Bucs at 4W-7L at the time.

    This was the second trash game from Baker getting ready for playoffs.

  31. Couch Fan Says:

    Anyone that takes “predictions” as a meaningful stat and base a teams success on how much better they are than those “predictions” is clueless and shouldn’t be took serious.

  32. All_da_way Says:

    This team I believe could have won many more games if Bowles didn’t make so many poor clock management decisions and not using time outs.

  33. sasquatch Says:

    I would not expect a Bowles endorsement. If he’s not fired next Monday after our playoff loss, then I doubt the Glazers will say anything.

  34. MF Bucs Says:

    We better keep McLaughlin around, he’s a hell of a weapon for us

  35. MadMax Says:

    @Mac, welcome…believe me its deeper than that…and we all know, the constant run up the gut….the non-peddle to the floor mentality….if its not that obvious yet to you, then ok…..”dont ice a kicker with 3 timeouts in your pocket with 40 seconds to go”

    but yeah…..

  36. stpetebucfan Says:

    The Licht/Bowles team have done a masterful job of steering this team through very troubled waters. A combination of Lichts masterful drafting provided just enough infusion of critical talent, and the luck/smarts? of getting Baker Mayfield for just 4 million.

    There is no need to blow this team up…YET. They deserve at least another season to see if they can improve. To see if Baker can actually win in the post season and if he can back up this years performance.

    This year will more than likely be “one and done”. However with another great draft and some judicious contract decisions the Bucs could be challengers next season and real contenders the year after that.

    STYLE POINTS!!! Thats for Figure skating, gymnastics, football relies on SCOREBOARD. SCOREBOARD says the Bucs have won 3 consecutive Division titles. History is not going to say…yeah but the Bucs played in a bad Division!!!
    TITLES ARE TITLES!!! Wins are wins! Never look down your nose at either in the NFL!

  37. adam from ny Says:

    no joe they won’t announce it…

    if it’s a mop job blow out at ray jay next weekend, he’s gone in 60 seconds


  38. Front Four Says:

    Well said @MacNupe

  39. BucsFan81 Says:

    I think he will be back. Wish that wasn’t the case as I don’t think we are ever winning a Super Bowl or a playoff game with Bowles.

  40. TampaBayBob Says:

    Just fire the dude and start over

  41. Bucs Fan Since ‘76 Says:

    3-1 and 5-1 sandwiched around 1-6. Up and down season and one that won’t win any style points for sure. And yes, the NFC South was bad, bad, bad. But, we were predicted to finish dead last. First time OC, far and away the most rookies playing significant minutes in the league, another solid year defensively, revamped OL, and $80M in dead cap space. Objectively speaking Todd Bowles did a nice job.

    That said, I would wait until after next week to make a decision. We must be competitive in that game at the very least.

  42. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    I would bet big money that the Glazers have done some exploration in recent weeks to see who might be behind door #2.

    Under normal circumstances, I believe that Bowles must win a playoff game to prevent being shown the door. But he was put into a difficult situation as a HC. He was hired late in the off-season before his first year, making it difficult to make changes in the coaching staff he’d of wanted. And this season the team is having to pay off the Super Bowl credit card so there’s a LOT of dead cap money requiring they shop at the Dollar Store.

    I’m sure the Glazer’s will consider all that. But it may not be enough to save Bowles if the Bucs get embarrassed next week in the playoff game.

  43. Bubby Says:

    For those that think Todd Bowles should be given another chance… he should have been fired last year! This is the same crap. Life isn’t fair, but Todd Bowles is not a head coach. It’s very clear.

  44. RGA Says:

    Ticket sales will plunge if Bowles is the head coach next year, they will plunge even more if mayfield is brought back.

  45. Rod Munch Says:

    Davenport Says:
    January 7th, 2024 at 4:14 pm
    It’s a sign of the times we’re in. Mediocrity is viewed as success, failure is rewarded, and skin tone is a factor in decision making.


    You’re an idiot.

    Flashback to last year…

    Buccaneers coach Todd Bowles spoke to the media recently about the Steelers game, with one reporter asking what it meant for him to coach against another black head coach in Mike Tomlin.

    Bowles responded by saying he didn’t think it was a “big deal,” and that he and Tomlin “don’t look at color when [they] coach against each other.”

    Bowles continued, “I don’t think it’s a big deal as far as us coaching each other, I think it’s normal.”

    But another reporter — who appears to be ESPN’s Jenna Laine, a white woman — continued to press the issue with him and even condescendingly says, “You understand that representation matters, too, right?”

    Then, she implies that all Black people have the same background, saying that when young, aspiring Black coaches and players “see someone who looks like them, maybe grew up like them, that has to mean something.”

    Bowles not only wasn’t having it, he fired right back.

    “When you say ‘you guys,’ and ‘look like them’ and ‘grew up like them,’” Bowles said, “it means that we’re oddballs to begin with.”

    Then, Bowles delivered the knockout blow.

    “I think the minute you guys (media members) stop making a big deal about it, everyone else will as well.”

  46. Couch Fan Says:

    You all are giving the Glazers a whole lot of credit to wait and see after this next game. I think they’ve already made up their mind, its just a matter of announcing it.

  47. Beeej Says:

    You fire a coach of an under-achieving team. Nobody was predicting the Bucs could win 9 games

  48. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Based off expectations he has earned another year. But now expectations for 2024 should be much, much more.

    12 wins, or no fewer than 10 and playoff wins with some extraordinary circumstances. Another year like this one, it’s “thank you for your service” time

  49. Mike Johnson Says:

    Bowles will be here for another year. Had he lost, he was gone. Dungeon teams ae hard to beat. Esp when its their superbowl. Carolina played hard. They left 2 for sure TD’s on the field and missed a sure shot FG. Nobody wants to recognize this but..we won one more game this year than ww did with the God Brady last year. Despite all the problems, we have a winning season. it does not feel like that. But we did

  50. Frank Pillow Says:

    I hope not. Canales is a joke. No home playoff win= no return.

  51. Rod Munch Says:

    This was expected to be a very bad team. The Vegas over under was 6 1/2, they were picked for last place in the division and they very much overachieved and made the playoffs.

    We’ll see what happens next week, and I think that will determine what you do at QB, Baker can not be brought back if he ends the season with 3 bad games and the Bucs get embarrassed in the playoffs – but who knows, maybe Baker steps up and has a big game when it matters. There’s always a chance that happens.

    But for Bowles, if you take a 6 win team and get 9 wins, you’re doing something right, and you get another year.

  52. MadMax Says:

    @jack, get off your “MEDS” dude

  53. Destinjohnny Says:

    Todd had a winning recorded with 6 win talent
    Not bad
    Is he Bill Parcels, no
    Should he get another year
    Hell ya

  54. Jeff Says:

    No way. Todd’s 50/50 at this time.

  55. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Step away from the alcohol, people. You’re talking nonsense.

  56. heyjude Says:

    Rod Munch Says: “This was expected to be a very bad team. The Vegas over under was 6 1/2, they were picked for last place in the division and they very much overachieved and made the playoffs.”

    Agreed. From the beginning the Bucs were counted out. No one was even talking about them. They came back. Many thought they wouldn’t get this far. Here we are.

    Unsure if the Glazers will say anything until after the next game about Bowles. But I doubt they release him.

  57. Ed Says:

    Why not wait until they play a playoff game. They have been destroyed by 2 10 win teams at home, Detroit and Philadelphia.

    Now they most likely get a rematch vs Philadelphia. All he Eagle fans are saying that their secondary can’t cover.

    So will Bowles attack that weakness? Doubtful since his quarterback cab barely throw ball downfield and is limping around.

    If the Bucs shut out the Eagles and can win a game only kicking field goals then I suppose you can make a case for more Bowles boring football.

    The chances of this staff going into an attack mode is unlikely. They play it slow and cautiously. None of the division winners play offense like the Bucs.

    Next week will be how to determine where this franchise is heading. Buc fans want to see far better than this 9-8 meandering running the ball into the defensive walls.

  58. NYbucsfan Says:

    We played 7 teams this season that had a winning record. Can you guess how many of those games we won? Yeah, it’s time to fire Todd. He was gifted the easiest schedule in the league and couldn’t scrape together two wins against a team with a winning record.

  59. catcard202 Says:

    2x NFC South Champ sounds good for Bowles resume…But underachieving with both teams, yet being just good enough to win the weakest division in the NFL is nothing to hang your hat on!!!!

    Sales & Marketing has a hell of problem to face real soon…It’s been 2yrs of unattractive & mediocrity on/field product. And the Brady 2yr commitment season ticket holders are not locked in for 2024…What’s there to really sell the average Bucs fan to bring them through the turnstiles and to re-up their merch??? Baker may have rejuvenated his career but he ain’t the guy to get seats filled.

  60. Bubby Says:

    I could agree we overachieved this year, while the nfc south underachieved. I assume these two factors are related. Overachievement doesn’t play into this decision though.

    Todd Bowles is not going to captain this ship to a Super Bowl. Not with the jets, not with the Bucs.

    Todd was oddly given this job by Bruce. There was no national search and it’s time to fix that.

    These guys fired Tony Dungy! Think about that.

  61. SlyPirate Says:

    Bowles is terrible coach and Canales is even worse … BUT they won the NFCS handcuffed with $75M in dead cap. They earned another year.

  62. Since76 Says:

    They fired Dungy. Has bowles Coached better than Dungy. Funny cause we have won with defence this year with a very Dilfer like production at Quarterback. Dungy could get to the NFC championship game with that Defence and Dilfer. Bowles will not with this Defence and Mayfield. Dilfer>Mayfield Dumgy defence> Bowles defence. So my opinion is next……

  63. DFW Buc Says:

    With Carolina we averaged 15 points against a defense that averaged giving up 24 points. We suck. Our defense has been less than average and when it comes to upper tier teams we have down right sucked. Next year our schedule is filled with numerous upper tier teams due to winning the NFC South. Good luck with Bowles handling next year. I forsee a lost year with Bowles

  64. Bosch Says:

    There is nothing to gain by firing him now. It would look better to wait for the inevitable embarrassment that is to come.

  65. #99 the big fella Says:

    NE fan, who does the patriots play in the playoffs?
    Oh that’s right! They don’t play anybody.. Get the hell out of here with your criticism. I will listen to it from a buc fan but you no way!

  66. McBucky Says:

    God I hope not (and Belicheat sucks too!)

  67. Miller5252 Says:

    2-15 team and you can only score 3 field goals. The Bucs D didn’t do anything spectacular. Yes Winfield and JTS had big plays, but as a team they just act like they barely have a pulse! Win and you’re in the last 2 games and they sure didn’t seem ready. If they play the same way next week I would send the coaches packing

  68. lanshark Says:

    Bowles has definitely earned another year. Go back and read what the predictions were at the beginning of the season – most people were predicting 6 wins or less… They definitely out-performed the predictions.

    This team is FAR, FAR from a successful playoff team. Hainsey was absolutely OWNED in pass pro today – Baker literally could not step up into the pocket because Brown and/or Luvie were pushing Hainsey all over the field. I also could not figure out why we kept throwing to Horn’s man… he’s easily their best defender. Didn’t matter if it was Evans or Godwin or Palmer, Horn was covering him – screw up by Canales, or did Carolina’s DC completely fool them?

    We didn’t get a lot of pressure with 4 man rush – and Carolina’s line is NOT great. And our secondary seems to think being within 5 yards of a guy count’s as “coverage”… while our WR’s mostly couldn’t get 2 feet of separation.

    Baker was off today, clearly. Part of that was his ribs, so we decide to run all 20-30 yard patterns that force him to step up and throw? Why not screens, short crossers, quick outs and 10-12 yard patterns? That’s on the coaching, specifically the OC.

    A LOT of this is ‘first year blues’… DC will go back and study the films for the year, and figure out how to do better. And he will get better.

    In the draft, we need to first go after the top interior lineman available from Georgia, Alabama, or Michigan – preferably a center. Then find a corner who can actually cover man-to-man. Third round, find a good running back. Fourth round, look for another young Edge to develop or another interior lineman (can never have too many). Re-sign Mayfield, Evans, and Winfield for sure – get creative on the financing. Pick up another DT to spell Vea in free agency.

  69. NE Fan Says:

    #99@ not sure where you reside but I do have a vacation home in Delray so I qualify as a part time Floridian. The Pat’s do not move on you are correct but after today’s joke of a game Bucs shouldn’t be either. When a 2-14 team is trying to lose and Bucs won’t let them, ya see the problem there? Repeat after me, ONE AND DONE!!!

  70. TiredBucsFan Says:

    Please, please, no more Bowles

  71. Steven007 Says:

    Everyone mentioning the Dungy situation, that happened under Malcolm’s watch. That can’t and shouldn’t be used as a logical predictor of what the boys will do. And regardless, they are always secretive about these moves. That said, I definitely seen them leaning towards letting him get one more year with what will be a small escape from cap hell.

  72. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Or 16-0 but who’s counting

  73. Fansince76 Says:

    I am happy with the win!
    but I think Bowles needs a playoff win to cement a return.

  74. Juston Says:

    The grass isn’t always greener. I keep seeing the word mediocrity thrown around when it doesn’t apply. Any sane and logical Bucs fan was only wishing we could win the division coming into this season. Now that we have we’re screaming for change. That’s the problem with fans who are new to success. Todd Bowles won back to back divisions with a washed Tom Brady and an inconsistent Baker mayfield. Put some respect on his name. And the fact that the team didn’t fold after losing 6 straight games tells me the team will play for him. You don’t have to agree with how it looks and we could always hope for better but appreciate and respect the success!

  75. unbelievable Says:

    I sure hope not!

  76. Angry Since Kickoff Says:

    60,000 Eagles fans at RayJay will probably tip off management that our fan base is not sold on Bowles or Baker.

  77. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Bowles is going nowhere. Unfortunately.

  78. la48 Says:

    @MacNupe said it well.

    Bowles and company deserve another shot next season. Anyone who wants to dump them has to consider the possible alternatives (and no, Jim Harbaugh is not gonna come to Tampa – sorry, dreamers). Canales was a rookie OC – give him another season to mature as a play-caller. Find some better O-linemen and running backs in free-agency (Derek Henry?) since we’ll finally have the cap space. We will be more competitive next year.

  79. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    NYbucsfan Says: We played 7 teams this season that had a winning record. Can you guess how many of those games we won?

    Yeah the Bucs beat 3 of 7 teams with winning record, FACT, Jacksonville, New Orleans, Green BaY which shows you people don’t know what you’re talking about.

  80. Fred Says:

    After the game Bowles smiled as though he really accomplishes something. No touchdowns and struggling against a terrible team and he’s smiling. Amazing.
    She should, at best, be a defensive coach somewhere else next year. Sat…..Dunedin High.

  81. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    Tama had trouble scoring points against the 3rd best defense in the NFL which you all seem to overlook.

  82. BoricuaBucFan Says:

    I’m not the biggest Bowles fan but 1.) is rather have him than Bellicheck. That man is overrated and he is horrible at drafting.2.) we had the most dead cap space and the most rookies on the roster. Mayfield was supposed to be a dumpster dive QB and we weren’t supposed to win more than 4 or 5 games if that. Yet here we are, better than last year and playing meaningful football in January. No matter what happens in the playoffs Bowles has earned the right to come back next year with money to spend .

  83. Bucsfan1010 Says:

    I say we go after Harbaugh in the off season so he can bring his qb with him….
    Anyone agree???

  84. Bobby Says:

    I’m not satisfied with Bowles and his staff. Team Glazer keep exploring HC options.

  85. Bobby Says:

    I want Monken or Belichick as HC

  86. WyomingJoe Says:

    Bowles is staying.

    Canales is staying.

    Mayfield will be resigned.

    Bucs will draft/sign Center and Guard to improve O-Line.

    NE FAN, DAVID and MUNCH will be sent back to their asylums. Baker’s success drove them back to the brink of insanity. Much heavier doses of medications may be necessary.