Which Bucs Team Plays Monday?

January 11th, 2024


At least there’s drama. And the NFL flourishes on drama.

Which Bucs team shows up? Jenna Laine of ESPN posed the question regarding what version of the Bucs arrives t athe Licht House on Monday night against the Eagles. It’s a fair question.

In the December win against the Packers, Joe didn’t expect such a well-rounded Bucs team to show up. The next week at home, Joe never dreamed this season’s version of the Bucs was capable of blowing anyone out. But the Bucs destroyed the Jags — got up big real early and put their foot on the Jags’ throats. That’s football!

A week later, the Bucs played like they were hungover. They mostly sleepwalked for 60 minutes and got their tails kicked in at home by the slimy Saints. Then on Sunday, half the Bucs team showed up: the defense.

The offense, well, were they still on the tarmac at Tampa International?

So Laine has a strong question. Which Bucs team shows up?

Maybe this is why Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales wants to run the ball so much. Good running teams don’t suddenly forget how to run. Problem is, the Bucs are not a good running team.

Will the Bucs team that thrashed the Jags arrive, or will it be the team that had its heads and hearts anywhere but on the field against the slimy Saints?

This Bucs are a really weird team, very unpredictable and too often they try to run a lot even though they are built to throw and can’t run.

Just an odd team, man.

44 Responses to “Which Bucs Team Plays Monday?”

  1. Dlavid Says:

    If it is not obvious to the Glazers that this crap show is not working then we will keep getting mediocre results at best !

  2. Please Says:

    hopefully it is not the team that, in the third quarter, we are hearing Troy Aikman and Joe Buck exasperatedly asking “ I am not sure why they are still trying to run the ball?” like the announcers the last two weeks.

  3. NE Fan Says:

    Which team? They only played 2 games decent. If you’re a betting person, go the under. Belichick is officially gone, strong rumors going to Atlanta. Bowles worst nightmare!

  4. LOL Says:

    Odd is a great word. I think mediocre fits too.


  5. Boss Says:

    lets just hope the season was a smokescreen and they come out riskit biscuit offense.

    we can dream…

  6. WillieG Says:

    If Bowles throttles the offense, as I suspect he did after the Packers and Jags aggressiveness, the Bucs will lose. If he allows Canales to be aggressive, they will win.

    All of us Bucs fans will pretty much know after the first drive or two whether or not the Bucs will win. Run, run, pass punt each drive? We will lose. It’s really that simple.

  7. jugheadfla1 Says:

    I’m fully expecting them to come out flaccid, similar to the flaccid and banal nature of their coach. Tell me the last time this team under Bowels came out on fire especially in prime time games in the last 2 years?

  8. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    I 100% agree with you Joe, this IS an odd and unpredictable team.

    It was shocking how bad they were against the Saints with so much on the line after they played so well the prior two games. It seemed as though our offense turned a corner, taking a big step forward.

    I have no idea what to expect Monday night. If Baker was 100% I’d expect a victory against a beat-up Eagles team. If Baker plays but can’t throw a ball more than ten yards (like last week) it could be ugly.

    If I was the HC I’d use both QBs, rotating Baker with Trask, maybe even put Wolford in as well, and confuse the F out of the Eagles. Their heads would be spinning by the end of the 1’st quarter.

  9. SlyPirate Says:

    1. Bowles 0-4 in meaningful games
    (Philly – Battle of undefeated, Atlanta – Division Lead, Lions – MNF, Saints – NFCS)

    2. Bowles 1-4 against playoff teams
    (L: Phi, Det, Buf, Sfo W: GB)

    3. Bowles 0-1 in playoff games as HC

    Bowles and Canales get outcoached when the game actually matters. They beat bad teams that sleepwalk into the game. Philly isn’t sleepwalking. They crush the Bucs 31-13.

  10. Allbuccedup Says:

    Eagles have lost 5 of the last 6 if the Bucs lose look for Belichick being the next head coach. Kraft said no compensation if he gets another job.

  11. Bucfan Says:

    IF they play a competetive game & get beat, I’m okay with that. If they get slammed, boy wonder needs to get replaced as h/c.

  12. BakerFan Says:

    I believe you can say this about a few teams this year. Example the Packers… they loss to the Lions, Broncos, Raiders and Vikings 4 straight and then beat the Lions and Chiefs.

    The almighty Chiefs are losing to teams and playing close games to teams that should be beaten by 20 points.

    Heck look at the Eagles, what team is going to show up?

    This is what makes the games interesting and for hard core fans painfully exacerbating to watch their team under perform in big moments.

    But for some guys on here that claim to be fans, they are nothing of the sort. They get more satisfaction seeing the Bucs and players fail so they can say I told you so or if you play my guy we will win.

    My two cents is the Bucs over achieved of what was expected of them, should of won a few more games in reality and Bucs fan should be happy to have a home game in the playoffs. Enjoy it for what it is.

  13. ir8oldman Says:

    Entice Belichick here, so he can prove he didn’t need Brady to win all those championships. Trask is better than what he had in the stable in NE. Baker will follow the money to wherever I’m sure. Bowles would get Tannyhill or maybe Flacco before he used what we have.

  14. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Bucfan, I agree with you. We all want a win but if it’s a loss then be competitive and not roll over. At this point it seems Bowles is returning. So win the game but certainly don’t get “slammed.” There will be cries for Bowles to go even if we win and I’ll admit I wouldn’t shed a tear if he is gone. But if it’s a blowout, then the cries for Bowles head will just be louder and more often next season. If he is the HC for 2024 and if we get a good season of say 10-7 or better but don’t go far in post season, I would pull a Dungy and get an offensive HC. He could prove us all wrong but it’s do or die next year if he is back.

  15. BakerFan Says:

    Paratrooper Buc Says: If he is the HC for 2024 and if we get a good season of say 10-7 or better but don’t go far in post season…

    Have you seen the teams they are to play next year? It is a very tough one, if those teams stay at the level they are this year.

    I would predict a losing season.

  16. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    The past is a good predictor of future behavior….we will try to run even after it’s proven we can’t.
    It will be up to our defense to win this game.

  17. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    BakerFan – that’s my point. Even if Bowles does well there will always be calls for him to be replaced even if it’s a 10-7 against a tough schedule. I don’t think Bowles has a high ceiling but we will know for sure next year how high he can take the team. The cap space will be manageable. He and Licht will have tough choices on who to re-sign or to get. It will be his second year with his hand picked “krewe” of coaches and players (he didn’t have that for his first year). That will be his year to shine and even if he does, people will want him gone. If he can get the Bucs to the playoffs and do well then he should be back but I think his ceiling is playoffs but no Super Bowl. I would love to be wrong and next year is his true year to prove everyone the type of coach he is once and for all.

  18. Matt Says:

    A lot of negativity on this post. I mean, if you were a buc fan 10 years ago let alone 5 years ago there was no chance of sniffing the playoffs. Todd has done a lot for what he’s been given. No money this year, a lot of rookies. He’s won 2 division titles in a row. Bakers been hurt last 2 games and both saints/panthers are solid defensive matchups. Phillys d is beatable. Better matchup for us to throw the ball downfield. Let’s go boys!

  19. TOMMY MORDUE Says:


  20. infomeplease Says:

    Both of these team haven’t been playing their best ball. The one that does will win. I stay hopeful!😊

  21. Craig Says:

    Neither team is going to play a Stupor Bowl worthy game.

    Forget that the Eagles have lost 5 of 6, or remember that the Bucs went 0 and 6 this year.

    Before injuries and blase stopped the Eagles they had won 10. The Bucs haven’t managed that.

    Even Bucs wins, except GB, were more about who lost than who won. Bad football and good luck define this team.

    Eagles 24, Bucs 3

  22. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Has anyone bothered to ask Bowles or Canales why they insist on running the ball so much when they are obviously and statistically the worst at doing so?

  23. Bucco Bruce14 Says:

    We are wasting great talent on this team with a horrible coach. I am actually going to sit and watch with no expectations, cause we should have never been here.

  24. Jack Clark Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    January 11th, 2024 at 9:10 am
    Which team? They only played 2 games decent. If you’re a betting person, go the under. Belichick is officially gone, strong rumors going to Atlanta. Bowles worst nightmare!

    LOL you think the coach of a 4-13 team is a nightmare to anyone? What are they putting in your clam chowder? Belichick without Tom Brady is a trash HC with a losing record

  25. orlbucfan Says:

    AS a Bucs fan, I hope Tampa plays their A+ game. They do, they win. Go Tampa Bay!!

  26. Hodad Says:

    We’ll lose, and Baker will get exposed. I’ll take Hurts over Baker any day.

  27. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    I’ve been defending Bowles based on the devil you know scenario with some of these “hot assistants”. In the last 24 hours two quality head coaches became available and if the Bucs move on from Bowles they would have a 50/50 chance of:

    Ben Johnson

    Kind of changes things, ya know. The tough part is I don’t think anyone has a bad thing personally to say about TB and I have great appreciation for the D that won the Superbowl. Also, it is a feather in his head coaching cap that he never lost the locker room this year. But an upgrade is an upgrade.

    And for those who want TB gone but like Dave C, isn’t Pete Carroll being out there interesting?

  28. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Almost forgot, Vrabel is out there as well. But I think he is a natural to be in NE

  29. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    Hold up, Beli loses Brady and his record in NE goes south. Bowles loses Brady and his record in TB improves! Bowles, therefore, must be greater than Beli.

  30. Alanbucsfan Says:

    The Bucs “have great talent” and “can’t run the ball” are false narratives.
    They can run the ball at times, just inconsistently.
    As for talent – they have some but are definitely not loaded.
    Alot of upgrades will be needed for a contender- 3rd pass receiver, pass rusher, Center for starters.

  31. BakerFan Says:

    Paratrooper Buc…. He and Licht will have tough choices on who to re-sign or to get.

    I really think that says a lot. I not for sure how they keep everyone that they want and need. Ranked 11th overall on cap space, but I just don’t see how they can keep all the key players they need. Guess that is why decent GM’s get paid well to do their jobs.

    Tennessee Titans are sitting pretty good on cap and will probably let their aging player Henry go and their middle of the road QB go also. It is a crazy world of Football and next year brings on a whole new set of challenges with a schedule not in TB’s favor.

  32. NE Fan Says:

    Stickenup@ you’re an idiot, Bucs went 8-9 in 2022 because Blows pulled the starters from the final Atlanta game. The.Bucs were leading 17-10 in the first half and low and behold Bowles D let up 20 unanswered points. Bowles lost that game causing the losing season, NOT the team.

  33. rrsrq Says:

    Had that conversation this morning with believe it or not a Carolina kitty kat fan at the gym this morning, he is not a Bucs fan, but a Philly hater and a Mike Evans fantasy owner. He hopes we win and I simply said, it depends on which Bucs fan show up

  34. Ran-D Says:

    With two new coaches coming in the Division this could get ugly in a hurry next year, if some team offers Evans, Mayfield, and Winfield a big bag they might be gone, money talks and great players walk.

  35. Ran-D Says:

    No Brady, no Belichick Super Bowl, No Brady no Ariens Super Bowl, get the picture, you can’t convince me other wise, I know one player can’t do it all but obviously it’s a huge deal.

  36. Woodenman Says:

    NE Fan you are the idiot for being on this blog I hope you go to the blog of where ever your idol the mumbler goes.

  37. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    Odd yes but so very capable. Frustrating to say the least.

  38. NE Fan Says:

    Woodpecker@ what I can’t be a Bucs fan?

  39. unbelievable Says:

    Someone tell Tommy Boy to take his finger OFF THE CAPS LOCK!!!!

  40. Defense Rules Says:

    Paratrooper Buc … ‘If he is the HC for 2024 and if we get a good season of say 10-7 or better but don’t go far in post season, I would pull a Dungy and get an offensive HC.’

    For those who insist that the Bucs would be better off with an offensive-minded HC, look back at our history. Gruden focused on offense; after our SB year (2002) he went 45-51 in the next 6 years. Koetter was also offense-focused; he went 19-29 over his 3 years here. Heck even BA was 7-9 in his 1st year until we got Tom Brady & a pretty good (and expensive) supporting cast.

    Gruden & Koetter were both dual-hatted as OC & HC, and for most HCs that’s the kiss of death. As good as Tony Dungy was as a DC, he knew that, and brought Monte Kiffin here to run the defense for him. Kinda wonder if Tony had been gifted with Tom Brady & that supporting cast, might he have won a Super Bowl as Bucs’ HC?

  41. 1#bucsfan Says:

    For this game bring the no risk it no biscuit

  42. Marky Mark Says:

    the truth is always in the middle. 2 great games is extremely low. I would add Vikings, Bears, Both Falcons games, Saints 1, Buffalo if Godwin had turned 1 second earlier we would have won, Texans, Titans, That is 10 by my count.

  43. Marky Mark Says:

    The drama is the GOAT retired and you replaced him with a former number one overall pick QB down on his luck. Not as dramatic as say Ryan Leaf coming out of Rehab and winning the super bowl but still dramatic. Furthermore, you have a new OC and a new offensive playbook. This all takes time to install. I would think true Buccaneers fans would be doing flips over having one more win than the GOAT last year and being in the playoffs. I think everyone is a bit harsh and judgmental here. As for being up and down that is expected with all the new pieces I mentioned above. Just like any new player or coach to a team consistency comes with time. As another poster mentioned no one was calling for Mahomes to be cut when his team lost earlier in the season and only scored 9 points. In fact that is more egregious based on how long Mahomes has been with the same system. Baker and Dave C are still learning each other.

  44. NE Fan Says:

    When posters start bringing in names like Brady, Mahomes, Allen etc in comparison to Baker, your post is nit worth reading. The guy has proven himself to nothing like those I listed. If either of the three I listed were the Bucs QB this season Bucs would have secured a PO spot weeks ago.