Welcome Back, Todd Bowles!

January 15th, 2024

Joe knows Todd Bowles has many haters, but Joe sure hopes that number drops significantly after Tampa Bay just hammered the Eagles to win their playoff opener tonight.

The Bucs were ready to play. They played faster and harder and more relentlessy than the reeling Eagles, which landed in the Super Bowl last season.

The Bucs were tight in all phases of the game when they needed it most, and Todd Bowles is now 10-8 this season.

Bowles has earned another year. “Arrow pointing up,” as Team Glazer might say.

Joe doesn’t consider Bowles to be one of the game’s great head coaches, but Joe also sees Bowles improving, and that’s important. Bowles certainly made a solid hire of Dave Canales last offseason. And Canales just turned in one hell of a game call under the glaring spotlight of the postseason.

The Bucs have won six out of their last seven games. Hard to believe … but believe it.

This Bucs team, Bowles’ team, is one win from the NFC title game.

83 Responses to “Welcome Back, Todd Bowles!”

  1. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    He earned it…..nuff said….

  2. Rob in Land O' Lakes Says:

    I’ not the biggest fan, but you have to give him credit. That defense was amazing tonight. He’s earned the right to stay.

  3. BucsBeast Says:

    I’ve been down on Bowles all season.
    He got his team to play hard and Win!
    Good job Bowles.
    See ya next year!

  4. Herbiebuc Says:

    One win from a title game gave me goosebumps!

  5. godlovesbucs Says:

    I thought the Houston game should have done him in. But they played aggressive since then!

  6. Bucsalltheway Says:

    Todd bowles is the man…everyone here is haters but we have a good group that is forming into something special revenge tour #lfg

  7. Francisco Guzman Says:

    Rematch game with detroit. Detroit beat us earlier at home 20-6. Better get some revenge.

  8. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    I’ve had total confidence in our Head Coach Todd Bowles, all year.
    He and the rest of the staff have done an amazing job this year.

    Go Bucs!

  9. Dewey Selmon Says:

    As long as the OC doesn’t jump ship we should be in good shape next year in the NFCS. I don’t think he is ready to be a HC yet.

  10. Zzbucs Says:

    Iban so hapoy for him!!!
    So many stupif fans should appologize!!

    Why don’t you Make a confidence poll right now Joe

  11. ModHairKen Says:

    The Comebacl Coach.

  12. Jack Clark Says:

    Hey Joe, you see how much better Rachaad white is when he’s not getting hit before he can even cross the line of scrimmage? It’s like run blocking is actually important 😱

  13. HC Grover Says:

    Super Bowles!!

  14. D-Rome Says:

    Welcome back. He deserves it next year. I’m rooting for him.

  15. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Very happy for Todd. Whatever happens from here, this was a special win.

  16. HC Grover Says:

    Now I wonder do we get home game v Packers? They will beat the Ninnies.

  17. Drew Says:

    Where’s David at??? Lol

  18. Leighroy Says:

    I was peak 9/10 Bowles hate mid-season. But after tonight I’m down to 2/10. Well said article; no he’s not perfect, but yes he’s getting the job done.

    Somehow, Canales played possum the last 2 weeks of the season, and then showed up aggressive in the playoffs. Very few 1 & 2 yard run calls on 1st down tonight.

  19. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    That’s our coach

  20. Rod Munch Says:

    I had no faith going into the season with Bowles, and half-way through the season that lack of faith felt completely justified.

    But Bowles did what I never thought he’d do, and he changed. He stopped playing that God awful zone defense that let other teams move the ball at will and switched back to a defense that is more in line with the 2020 SB defense. The Bucs were running zone literally 95% of the time going into that Houston game. But during that game, when it wasn’t working, they started to play a little more man – which failed miserably at the time, but needed to be done. Then they slowly, over weeks, started playing more and more man, and eventually the results started to show up as the defense started to stop people.

    Also the one game, vs the Saints, where the defense didn’t look good over this last part of the season, was the game that Davis missed.

    In any case, give Bowles credit, because when this team was 4-7, and looked terrible, like the season was over, changes were being made to fix things, and it really paid off, with the Bucs finishing #7th in points against on the year.

    Now they’re #2 in points against in the playoffs!

    Keep it up next week – let’s do it again.

  21. Francisco Guzman Says:

    I am still not a fan of Bowles. This team still did go 9-8. Let’s see how they play next week.

  22. SteelStudBuc Says:

    Dave Canales isn’t ready to make that jump yet. Don’t be a fool Dave. Stay with a winning team. You’re still green, but doing well.

  23. David Says:

    Toilet Bowl will get his ass blown out next week. He doesn’t deserve to be back next week. He might be considered if he beats Lions on the road next week.

  24. VATom Says:

    I didmt have much confidence. I really thought Hurts would run and pass short quite a bit. Good D scheme by Bowles. Hate seeing the long passes
    clanging off finger tips. Great job Bucs and coaches!

  25. Zzbucs Says:

    Guzman you are a pain in the a@@

  26. Craig Says:

    He is still Hot Toddie to me.

    Boneheaded thing tonight was to let Baker go back in at the 3 minute mark. Baker had already done what he needed to, Trask should have mopped up the garbage time.

  27. Dave Pear Says:

    I am here to eat crow. Todd shocked me and everybody. He attacked on offense. Attacked on defense. Overcame the misses.

    And for you Baker haters and Traskophiles – go see a donkey in need of pleasuring.

    Go Bucs.

    Oh and Oralyuc – there’s a donkey waiting for you in your mom’s shed.

  28. Leighroy Says:

    Bowles game plan yielded the eagles going 0-9 on 3rd down. WOW.

  29. Jack Clark Says:

    I gotta admit #TEAMPOSITIVE was on life support this season

  30. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles did this and so did Bakefield….the old fashioned way…they earned it.

  31. D-Rome Says:

    Joe, how about another article on how Jason Licht’s name being put in the ring of honor. This should happen next year.

  32. Francisco Guzman Says:

    @Zzbucs no you’re 🤡 they went 9-8 and got in the playoffs barely.

  33. Rod Munch Says:



  34. Larrd Says:

    Baker did all right, too!

  35. dmatt Says:

    Bowles is beginning to listen to fans that he needs to be aggressive and come out fast pushing the ball down the field. Also, I’m sure he watched how Green Bay n Houston game planned to win their games, respectively. That defense was better than ever this year and a clone of the SB defense.

  36. Francisco Guzman Says:

    So because we beat an iggles team that collapsed down the stretch now we have to worship todd bowles lol

  37. Zzbucs Says:

    9/8 but you are still a Pain in the a$$

  38. 1#bucsfan Says:

    He gets credit for having his players ready. Bowels took the handcuffs off canales. Several drives they only ran the ball1 time. Bowles defense played lights out too. I’d said it before and I’ll say it again if Bowles players came out and looked like they did today keep him canales and baker 1 more year and see how this goes but if they played like last years wild card game against the cowboys then give him the ax. Glad the latter happened. Sign baker to another cheap year and see if he can play more consistently in year 2 of canales offense canales should be better in year 2 and give baker a freaking running game and man this team could be lethal also if bowles let’s canales air it out like they did tonight

  39. Pewter power Says:

    Bowles is the coach next year no getting around that fact but you earned it so On to the next one and looking for some payback Detroit

  40. Francisco Guzman Says:

    I am happy for bowles that he got a playoff win. I believe it’s his first playoff win.

  41. Dlavid Says:

    Fire Todd Bowles ! Gave us a s*** show all season !

  42. Jerseybuc Says:

    Great job tonight by bowels all the credit in the world. Loved canals game plan also. Came out throwing. Gotta hold onto the ball next week

  43. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Topic: The Achievements of HC Todd Bowles and His Staff This Year

    1. Financial Challenge: Overcame a staggering $81 million over the salary cap.
    2. OC Hire: Brought on an OC who hadn’t called a play since high school.
    3. Team Youth: Managed the second-youngest team in the NFL.
    4. Quarterback Situation: Navigated the season with a journeyman quarterback.

    Historical Query: Can you name the last NFL team that was over $80 million above the salary cap and still won a playoff game?

  44. Rod Munch Says:

    Leighroy Says:
    Somehow, Canales played possum the last 2 weeks of the season, and then showed up aggressive in the playoffs. Very few 1 & 2 yard run calls on 1st down tonight.


    I think it’s more about playing the 31st ranked pass defense, vs playing some very good defense in the Panthers and Saints.

    That’s not meant as a negative or a shot at anyone, you should beat up bad defenses – and hopefully that gives the team a lot of momentum going into next week.

    If Baker comes out and plays like he did tonight… that would be something.

  45. johnny Says:

    if you ask me, Coach Bowles has been great. but the season aint over yet.

  46. unbelievable Says:

    Not his biggest fan but I give him all the credit.

    This team was ready! and the game plan was perfect, on both offense and defense. The only play I had an issue with was the drop back on 3rd and inches when Baker got sacked.

    Congrats Mr Bowles.

  47. No Mercy Says:

    Bowles might not be a top 5 HC but he does know how to build a defense, and how to get them to play fast when it really counts. Also does a great job developing young talent. If Canales can get the offense firing on all cylinders this team is extremely dangerous

  48. Pewter power Says:

    Canales game plan won this game. Eagles had no answer for our offense and the horrible tackling helped. You have to put up points in the playoffs to win games.

  49. Francisco Guzman Says:

    Rod Munch gonna need more than 6 points to beat detroit. Goff went off in that october game. Surprised we only scored 6 against them. You can make some plays in that secondary.

  50. Dave Pear Says:

    Anyone thinking Baker takes another 1 year deal like he did this year is ignorant to the business of football and just plain stupid. The market determines Baker’s value. He’s gonna be in the $30 large range, putzes .

  51. Times Up Says:

    Hell yeah!!!! Way to turn the back the hands of time, maybe times not up after all. What a performance tonight!m! Let’s go get Detroit next, Go Bucs!!

  52. Frank Pillow Says:

    Credit where it’s due. I’m in shock. Most complete and electric performance since the SB. Good on you Coach Bowles. Stay aggressive!

  53. orlbucfan Says:

    Dave Pear, you know where you can shove your donkey, you fraud. Hope you die eating crow. It’s orlbucfan so spell it right. I am cheering!!!! Bucs came out and played an offensive gameplan similar to the Packer O scheme. It worked even with an injured QB. Go Bucs!!

  54. David Says:

    I have posted all season Toilet Bowl is a good DC not HC. He might maintain his job if he defeat a good team for the first time on the road.

  55. Luis Says:

    Kancey is a terror

  56. Since76 Says:

    The defense kept us in it all season. The defense just shut down the eagles. I’ve been critical most of the season. Not of the defense but the other side of the ball. If bowles can get the offense as consistent as the defense this team will be hard to beat. Great win today.

  57. Weebs10 Says:

    This was Todd’s best game as a head coach. Very timely!

  58. Obvious Says:

    We’ve been so hot and cold it’s made me skittish through the year.

    With that said, at the culmination of it FINALLY coming all together has me “reinvested” into Todd Bowles. If this man can continue to put it together on a far more regular bases,…. He’s got my vote to stay and that goes for Baker as well.
    I’ve been critical of every qb and especially Baker but he showed me tonight that He Can Be a QB that I can stand behind and be proud of going forward. As always, “at arms length” but it seems he has shortened that arm quite a bit tonight.
    I’m feeling pretty proud of my Bucs tonight. Best football night of the whole year.
    We OWNED the Philly team Front to Back!

    Yo Ho Yo Ho, a pirates life for Me ~ GO BUCS!

  59. Rod Munch Says:

    Francisco Guzman Says:
    January 15th, 2024 at 11:50 pm
    Rod Munch gonna need more than 6 points to beat detroit. Goff went off in that october game. Surprised we only scored 6 against them. You can make some plays in that secondary.


    That was back when the Bucs were running almost an exclusive zone defense and not getting any pressure. This isn’t the same defense.

    Also Baker played as bad as anyone can play that game, so there’s just about no way he can possibly be that bad again – and that’s not a slight, I mean that there’s nowhere to go but up and he will play better.

    For a road game in January, the fact they get dome helps as well.

    Hopefully the team shows up and keeps it going – but this next game will be a lot more difficult. But if you get good QB play, you always have a chance.

  60. firethecannons Says:

    Ok Todd Bowles another year, his defense is so good I would hate to lose that if he got fired. Keep Todd Bowles and Baker and Canales but also please draft a QB (J Trav) in later rounds.

  61. sunbunny Says:

    1#bucsfan Says:
    January 15th, 2024 at 11:44 pmSign baker to another cheap year and see if he can play more consistently in year 2 of canales offense canales should be better in year 2 and give baker a freaking running game and man this team could be lethal also if bowles let’s canales air it out like they did tonight


    you’re dreaming if you think baker is going to be signed to another cheap year. he’s had top 10 stats in almost every measurable and just led a team that no one expected to do better than 4 wins this season to a playoff win.

  62. FortMyersDave Says:

    Give Bowles his due, the guy won a game tonight that a lot of people thought would be a loss, including myself. He has won 10 games, he is coming back next year whether fans like it or not. That being said, there a lot of things that indicate that the coaching staff still has a lot of room to improve. The meltdown in Houston was completely on Bowles. The Bucs were also unprepared in key games in Indy and the game which was extremely troubling for me was how the Bucs let the rival Saints boat race them 20-0 before the team woke up late in the third quarter at home? Still, I predicted 6 or 7 wins tops, the team has 10 and I want to see 11 next weekend! It seems that this win has exposed who are truly Bucs fans but cynical of either Baker or Bowles or both and those trolls who really wanted to see the Bucs crash and burn. For those simpletons who come on the JBF forum time after time and talk trash, well I hope you mortgaged your house on the Eagles tonight, a fool and his money are soon parted.

    BTW, sunbunny is right, Baker earned some coin tonight, he will be a starter somewhere in the NFL, my guess is the Bucs figure out a way to keep him.

  63. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I barely go to watch…but with a score like that, it had to be good. He earned it.

  64. T. McGee Says:

    Beat a team that isn’t in disarray with their top WR on the field and I’ll be far more convinced. Nice game, but Philly was in bad shape and was very beatable.

  65. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    My special little guy Jeff won’t be back with his negativity till mid next week poor guy has to wear his helmet the rest of the week

  66. Dave Pear Says:

    Oralyucfangirl, how’s that donkey tasting? You must be sore after all your Pom Pom action. I’ve been a Bucs fan since inception, hence I know what bad football looks like and can tell the difference when I see good football. It must suck for you, not knowing the difference, just yelling platitudes and looking foolish no matter what kind of excrement the team spreads on the field.

    Tonight was awesome. Too bad you don’t know the difference, but keep cheering!

    Oh, and wipe your chin.

  67. Brandon Says:

    The players like Bowles. They play for him. He’s a good coordinator. That’s always been enough for me.

    Y’all can get off JTS as well. He’s played well and has far outperformed Barrett this season. He night not be in line for a big extension but he will battle someone for the right to start opposite of Diaby. It might be Nelson, it could be a draft pick. We’ve got a good rotation right now. Eagles have a solid line.

  68. BucsBaby808 Says:

    I’ve been reading these posts all season watching most of these thread posters show just how knowledgeable they are about the game. Trashing Bowles, as if his struggles as a HC with the Jets was exemplary of his potential caliber as a HC. As if all that lack of success for a team that shoots themselves in the foot more than most teams in the leauge was solely on him and had nothing to do with the GM, the owner, the QB, etc. (same team that picked Hackenberg in the second round when I’m sure Bowles wanted an edge rusher to stack that blitz, but GM knew best). Then when he got promoted last year just shy of training camp starting last year and the staff couldn’t be changed, he was solely responsible for a struggling Bucs as Brady dealt with off-the-field issues and Byron tried to sabotage the team because he wasn’t the one that got selected to take BA’s place. Now this year, he has the most dead money in the league, a new offensive coaching staff, a new QB, and one of the youngest teams in the league and you guys act like they should’ve been 17-0. What we just watched this season, and now in the first round, is just shy of a miracle and the entire time you act like the guy is a bad coach. This team is catching fire and seizing momentum at the right time and everyone needs to settle down on the Bowles hate. I just want to remind you all, that this is the same coach that didn’t allow Mahomes and the Chiefs to score a touchdown in the Super Bowl….I repeat, the same coach that didn’t allow a single touchdown to one of the best offensive teams in league history in the biggest game of the year. Yet I watch so many comments that he can’t coach in big games. He will be around, and if all goes well, he will be around for another Bucs Super Bowl and a long run. Does he need to make adjustments from time to time, for sure but get off his ass. FIRE THEM CANNONS and give the man his credit.

  69. itzok Says:

    To the victor goes the spoils. He and Mayfield have proven they should be back.

  70. Gipper Says:

    Todd Bowles is a steady guy. I Like the fact that he never got emotional and just kept preaching the importance of all 11 guys on defense doing their individual part. He took a team with a new QB and new OC and overachieved when many predicted 5 or 6 wins this year. Hope he is gets a contract extension. Bucs players seem like they enjoying playing for him.

  71. Greg Says:

    Bowles earned it tonight. I am still very surprised that he adapted and changed some of what he was doing. That’s a rare trait in any human being but after 60? pffft Almost never!

    Cudos to him for getting it going in the right direction. He’ll be back next season because anything else would be a travesty of justice.

  72. Greg Says:

    For those thinking Bakers going to ask for a gajillion dollars? I don’t think so. He’s going to want to get paid a lot more than he did this year BUT I think he figured out what a lot of qbs don’t. The players around you matter. Mahomes took a team friendly deal if I remember because Brady always did that and got 7 rings out of it. Baker has seen the way that works. He might go for a paycheck because his brother and dad stole his money though. That might happen. If so, good luck with that.

  73. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    David&blavid says u r a true creep go *** yourself

  74. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    If it was just money for baker he wud have went to ravens for 12 mill as a back up

  75. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    What do unean if he can beat a good team on the road we had a prefect passer rating in green bay & dismantled them other road I wud say green bay is good so was the 1st win I f season on the road at vikings & I surely say that with cousins they are a good team get the facts rite jackass

  76. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Guzman or Goofman bowles has a SB ring moron so no its not his 1st playoff win

  77. David Says:

    Watching what they’ve done the last several weeks should have any objective football mind on board with keeping him as HC & DC and Canales as OC.

    As both the DL and OL improve next year they should be better on both sides of the ball

  78. Davenport Says:

    Not gonna lie, I didn’t like Bowles when he was hired, didnt like him through two regular seasons but he’s won himself another year with the result yesterday.

    My hat’s off to him. He battled through everything and won. I just hope that he can build off this and show some consistent success.

  79. SavageBucsFan Says:

    To all the Bucs fans on JBF…as we all know, it ain’t always easy to be a Bucs fan, but wins like this ease our pain a lot and we would love to not feel that pain again for a long time. So we will ride the horse until it kicks us off, hopefully a great ride for the remainder of the season, and I will say this……Dear Todd Bowles, I am sorry for the hate, anger, frustration, and disappointment I have shown you throughout the season…Sincerely, SavageBucsFan.
    ……………..p.s. to all you Baker haters/Trask lovers….SUCK IT!!

  80. TheMIGHTYVH Says:

    OK. I am eating crow right now. I was pounding the table to blow this thing up and rebuild… from last season. I was upset we were not sellers at trade deadline to acquire more draft capital for the re-build. I have ALWAYS been down on Todd Bowles and this staff. But this team has showed me something that back half of the year with the exception of the Saints game. Baker has NEVER been the issue, it’s been OL, lack of run gm, poor pass D, coaching, etc. I was wrong. Still dont think we win the SB but what the hell. Right? I think we match up pretty damn well against Detroit. If Bucs play the way they did last night, esp on D, they could very well upset the Lions. I am excited for Sunday afternoon!

  81. Cobraboy Says:

    Not a fan, but he earned his props.

  82. Saskbucs Says:

    As many have said, way to go Todd, you earned it with that one. I like Bowles but not enough to think he’s the HC we need for the future. Finish strong and keep trying to change my mind! It is mainly a consistency issue. Show up for 3 games disappear for 4, play well for 4 then don’t know how to play football or give low effort for 2 more. Now is when it matters so let’s string em together. Go Bucs!

  83. BucU Says:

    Buc U<<< Has been criticizing Bowles all season long but not today. The man has earned his stripes and deserves to come back next year PERIOD.
    This team is ONE game away from playing in the NFC Championship Game!