Todd Bowles: Bucs Didn’t Get Bullied

January 2nd, 2024

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

It sure looked to Joe like the slimy Saints owned the line of scrimmage on Sunday. The only way to do that is to be more physical.

Bucs coach Todd Bowles was asked about it in his day-after presser yesterday. And he pushed back on that notion. If anything, Bowles said, since the slimy Saints played on a Thursday night the previous week, they had extra rest and had a padded practice last week.

“No, I thought they played a heck of a ball game,” Bowles said. “I mean, they had an extra rest day, because they played on Thursday, so they were allowed to do that and get people healthy.

“We’re playing with people that we are trying to get to the game on Sunday, so you really can’t afford to be in pads [during the week], but we’ve been like that during the whole four-game win streak. So, that didn’t have anything to do with us, we just didn’t play well.”

Joe’s not sure what rest or getting guys ready has to do with slamming the ball up the middle on offense time and again — even if the Bucs trailed by three scores — even if it was in the middle of the third quarter.

Joe also isn’t sure how extra rest or getting guys healthy had anything to do with scheming Mike Evans and Chris Godwin open or using Rachaad White in short passes in open space.

So yeah, Joe thinks Bowles is right, to a point.

Joe still doesn’t think a team can own the line of scrimmage by being weaker and less physical.

For the record, slimy Saints head coach Dennis Allen’s postgame locker speech praised his team for bullying the Bucs in the trenches. Apparently, that was the Saints’ gameplan.

34 Responses to “Todd Bowles: Bucs Didn’t Get Bullied”

  1. Buc4evr Says:

    Geez, either Bowles is in denial or he is just full of coach speak. It’s on film, the O line and D line were both owned big time. Both lines are made up of mostly mediocre players. Poor coaching did nothing to adapt. No matter what happens this season, coaches need to be fired.

  2. Joe in Michigan Says:

    The Saints were obviously more physical, wanted to win more, and the Bucs got bullied. It was disturbing to watch as a Bucs fan, especially because how important that game was. To have an “Oh well, we’ll probably beat Carolina” attitude shows something is missing, and that starts with Todd Bowles.

  3. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    JTS is so cringe.
    Dude needs to grow up.
    You can tell he’s not comfortable in his own skin and is really insecure

  4. I remember 21 Says:

    More coach speak and lies. I don’t know if bowles has ever said an honest straightforward word at the podium. Always excuses, always denials. I’m just so sick of it. He makes everything so difficult. He makes watching my team play difficult. I’ve had enough. How about the Glazers? Do they need to see another season of this? I sure hope not.

  5. HC Grover Says:

    Hey Mr Space Man

  6. Caleb M Says:

    I’m lucky enough to live in WA and have been a Huskies fan for a long time.

  7. VOT Says:

    Todd must have been watching a different game on his tablet

    The one we all saw had us getting our lunch money taken all afternoon

  8. teacherman777 Says:

    Round 1: the best center in college football.

    Round 2: the best guard available. (Preferably with some center experience)

    Round 3: ILB with 4.5 speed.

    Round 4: Tall FS with 4.4 speed.

    Round 5: Freak CB project (tall and fast)

    Round 6: RB

    Round 7: A stud who dropped because of a recent injury

  9. Senor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    We should be happy with our record… I say BS

    What the Bucs has is a disaster. TB won enough games that he will be back next year. Isn’t that just frigging great!! (sarcasm)

    TB won enough games the Bucs will have a lousy draft position this year!!

    Oh, rejoice, rejoice. What a great record. What a bright future we have!!

  10. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Whatever you say, Todd. You’re the football genius.

  11. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Todd is delusional. JTS9 is cringe, my goodness that is hard to watch. Both need to not be Bucs

  12. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    Baker will lead us to the Glory Land.

  13. Since76 Says:

    Bucs got man handled period. Carr is a better QB. The saints will continue to get better while we are mired in mediocrity praising a team for being 8-8. The Glazers don’t have the same standards that was expected before the lost decade I guess. Disappointing.

  14. Hodad Says:

    Todd Bowles is no Mike Thomlin when it comes to telling it like it is. Just like he covers for Betty White, he’s doing his players no favors. Even the players admitted they got their lunch money stolen. You got bullied, outplayed, out coached, you looked like fools at home. Just own it, and try not to repeat it.

  15. BucU Says:

    That performance Sunday was beyond awful. This coach and all his staff need to be fired. If he’s back next year I’ll be playing alot more golf on Sundays.

  16. garro Says:

    Me thinks Todd may be in for a heavy dose of reality.

    Not practicing is a good thing? Not being physical in a big game where you know the other guys are gonna come out swinging? A passive game plan on both sides of the ball? Insisting on playing two guys who should be riding the bench for lack of effort? Purposely not getting the ball in to your play makers hands in any consistent, effective manner. Passes to White out of the backfield have yielded positive results coach Canales…

    BTW I have never and will never Boo my Bucs! Classless fans do that! Philly and Saint fans do that!


    Doses coming Todd.

    Go Bucs!

  17. garro Says:

    Baker… dude …You gotta hit some of those fly routes for us! If not expect lots more poblems.

    Go Bucs!

  18. Bosch Says:

    Agree with most of above posts. In summary. Worst HC and worst DC in the NFL. not even. Lose.

  19. NE Fan Says:

    Ya know what the worst part of this while season is going to be for Bucs Fans? They get smoked by Carolina and Saints lose to Atlanta and Bucs make the PO’s at 8-9 again and the fans are stuck with Blowzo yet another season. Don’t worry though all the Faker fans will be cheering as he throws for 25 yds in the first half and 220yds and 2 ints and 2 tds in the second losing 30-17 but he got his 400p yds and 30 tds keeping him in the BS MVP conversation.

  20. Mark hardt Says:

    Stop deferring. If we win the coin flip take the ball. That long drive by the saints to start deflated the Bucs and they never recovered. Baker was coming off a great game. Give him the ball first. Same with next week. Baker ended with a TD. Let it carry over and give him the ball first if you can.

  21. Frank Pillow Says:

    Holy Moses! What a bunch of BS excuse making, Todd. You lost b/c the Saints had an extra 24 hrs rest? Seriously? How about OWNING your own sh!t, boss? YOUR defensive game plan was about a creative as Soviet era architecture. Your OC’s offensive plan looked like it was lifted from Mike Shula circa 1996. What a joke. There’s no legitimate leadership in the building. Nothing really happening on that front. It’s all a Potemkin’s Village. We will lose to Carolina 23-17.

  22. orlbucfan Says:

    The real problem is Canales, and his inexperience. Why did he stop the wide open gameplan for this one? His calls throttled the Offense. Hopefully, the dimwit will see it, and let his players play.

  23. NE Fan Says:

    Oralbuc, you don’t see a pattern? This happened all last season. They never opened it up until it was too late and in those cases the D just let the opponent go straight down the field and take the lead again. Rinse, repeat.

  24. #99 the big fella Says:

    NE Fan, Don’t you have your own quarterback problems to worry about? You have nothing better to do than be a troll on a bucs fan site? You should of stayed away

  25. Adam's Angry Says:

    There was a third down on Sunday, where the ENTIRE OL was pushed backwards right into Baker’s lap and he was sacked by 5 red jerseys. Took like 2 seconds too. It was in the second half.

    The Bucs were bullied, pushed around, and humiliated. The only thing missing was a wedgie.

  26. SlyPirate Says:

    Same guy who said he wouldn’t rest players against Carolina if they clinched just acknowledged the Saints got extra rest as the reason for their dominance.

  27. unbelievable Says:

    As if you needed any more proof that Bowles is clueless and incompetent.

    No, the effort was NOT there.

    No, you did NOT start playing well in the 2nd quarter.

    Yes, your ENTIRE team, save for maybe Mike Evans and Chris Godwin, got bullied and pushed around ALL. GAME. LONG. Most especially your o-line and d-line. Derek Carr could have ordered a steak in the backfield.

    Toilet Bowlzo strikes again.

    oe’s not sure what rest or getting guys ready has to do with slamming the ball up the middle on offense time and again — even if the Bucs trailed by three scores — even if it was in the middle of the third quarter.

    Ding. Ding. Ding.

    Canales gameplan was a complete failure, and all those vaunted “adjustments” he was bragging about earlier in the week never came until halfway through the 4th, when it was way too late.

    And Todd Bowles gave the team an extra day off that they clearly didn’t deserve, so please spare us the lies about needing more rest.

  28. Capt.Tim Says:

    Bullied yes.
    But Im disgusted by the Bucs lack of balls.
    That hit by Tyran – Honeycoved ahole-Mathieu was nothing but a dirty hit.
    Yet the Bucs just stood around, heads down, rubbing their vayjays.
    Donovan Smith or Ryan Jensen would have destroyed that mouthy lil POS.

    And why arent you talking about it, Joe?
    After we stomped the Chiefs in the SuperBowl, Tyrann said that Brady had insulted him. He implied that Brady had mad a racial insult- until a teammate told him that Brady had been micced up for the game.
    Tyrann shut up immediately, knowing he would be proven a liar.
    I brought this up several times on JoeBuc
    Now tyrann hits Our starting QB withan obvious and blatant dirty hit.
    Its been mentioned in numerous other Sites.
    Again, JoeBuc (crikets)
    You guys related?

  29. BucaneroJim Says:

    I agree… the Bucs did not get bullied, they sullied their own shorts.

  30. Jerseybuc Says:

    Controlled both lines of scrimmage and played faster on both sides of the ball.
    Lastly, they were fired up from the jump, going crazy when they made stops so it was clear they were challenged and pumped up for this game. Us? We looked like we not prepared to me.

  31. D-Rok Says:


  32. Bobby Says:

    So this video of is from Jan 1 right? The day after the Vita and JTS and the rest of the Bucs played one least energetic team performances I have seen in along time. Vita and JTS don’t look too upset about that horrible play of there’s the day before this video was taken. JTS, his career has been a disappointment up to this point and he is spending big money on bling for his teeth. He will be lucky to be a career backup at this point. Man it just really urks me that these players aren’t upset about that performance. They don’t look like guys playing like everygame is the most important game. Those guys should be mind bending themselves into thinking they can win a Super Bowl this season and preparing for this next game like s championship caliber team would prepare for the final game before a playoff run. Disgusting this team’s lack of a sense of urgency is. This is a both a coaching and player problem. Glazers and Jason Licht may want to consider cleaning house this offseason of players like this that don’t have the right mindset to win games.

  33. Bobby Says:

    Bowles and this staff are too passive. This team doesn’t have a the never say die mindset that is needed to win games consistently in this league. It’s like Baker said, guys on the Bucs aren’t preparing and playing pissed off. Licht needs to purge this roster this offseason of every player and coach who doesn’t have a championship winning ritual of preparation and a pissed off way of playing this game.

  34. unbelievable Says:

    JTS ain’t no dawg.

    More like a scared puppy that gets bullied by kitty cats.

    What a fraud.