Style Almost As Important As Substance In New Offensive Coordinator

January 27th, 2024

Dave Canales is one of those rare guys who treasures every moment and believes it’s his duty to uplift all players and coaches with positive energy.

When Canales is home, Joe is confident Canales says, ‘I get to pick up dog poop in the backyard’ rather than ‘I have to pick up crap in the yard.’

He brought that approach to his Bucs offense this season every single day.

Joe is thinking about that now as head coach Todd Bowles is interviewing candidates to replace Canales as offensive coordinator. Canales bolted Thursday for the Carolina head coaching job.

Bowles was open many months ago about how Canales represented a juice and positivity that the Bucs needed. Perhaps Byron Leftwich and Tom Brady were too old-school cranky?

Bowles also said recently that he learned a lot from Canales.

Joe saw the smiles that immediately emerged when Bucs offensive players were asked about Canales, especially in the second half of the season. To a man, they appreciated his endless positivity, belief, inclusion and energy.

So Joe has to think Bowles has to be very careful about his next OC pick when it comes to the guy’s style. Bucs offensive players are human. It’s damn hard in any business to go from a leader like Canales to a whip-cracking, chew-you-out, mistakes-are-for losers coach. It’s way easier to transition in the other direction.

Of the Bucs’ current candidates for offensive coordinator, Joe really can’t speak to their day-to-day personalities and approaches, though Joe will assume that Rams QB coach Zac Robinson is slightly in the Canales mode if he’s spent years with Sean McVay and Raheem Morris on the Los Angeles staff. Those guys bring a lot of juice and have very open minds for young players.

41 Responses to “Style Almost As Important As Substance In New Offensive Coordinator”

  1. D-Rok Says:

    Oftentimes, after a person gaining competence in X’s and O’s, a winning coach has a magnetic personality which players tend to gravitate towards. Canales seemed to be such a person.

    Hopefully the Bucs can land a coach that the players and staff enjoy working with and being around. Personality is important!

    Pick the right OC, coach Bowles!

  2. KnoxvilleBuc Says:

    Out of the candidates reported so far Thad Lewis intrigues me the most. I do give him a lot of credit with the development of Mayfield and Trask, especially Trask since I’m sure Canales spent more one on one time with Baker.. Being more hands on with the QB’s clearly shows there was significant improvements made at that position and Lewis has to get some of the credit for that. Joe, personality wise how does he measure up to Canales?

  3. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    The new oc has to realize it might be a one year gig if Bowles gets fired. Then again, he might be the successor. I’m hoping it’s Zac Robinson from what I’ve heard.

  4. Marine Buc Says:

    Just pick an OC that is smart enough not to run the ball up the gut when your interior O-line is THE WORST in the NFL.

    For some reason the past two OCs had their heads implanted deeply into their rears… Canales finally learned but not until 2/3rds of the season was already over.

    Gesh… It’s not rocket science folks.

  5. Lt. Dan Says:

    My very serious concern is that Zac Robinson follows Raheem Morris to Atlanta and then they go after Baker Mayfield. Robinson has a brief relationship with Mayfield. Atlanta has two stud RB’s, two stud TE’s and a stud WR. Ruuut Rhooo!

  6. Crickett Baker Says:

    To me, he has become a money-grabbing egotistical traitor. Yes, he was offered a big contract but so was King Midas, and we know where that got him. Dave exhibited NO loyalty for all he was given with the Bucs. His “goodbye” message was too short. I do not wish him well in his new position.

  7. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Thad, Zac Robinson, or Brian Griese are who interest me the most. If I had to list a 4th it’d be Brian Johnson.

    In any case if the Bucs resign Winfield, Evans Baker and LVD then they would do well to draft any of the following players

    1. EDGE Latu, Verse, Trice or Braswell
    2. Center Powers-Johnson or Van Pran
    3. RB Corum
    4. TE Theo Johnson
    5. OG Isaiah Adams

    If LVD retires the Bucs need to figure out how to get another pick in the first three rounds and select LB’s Marist Liafu or Tommy Eichenberg.

  8. Boss Says:

    Never been a fan of leaders who are well liked. I’ll take an a hole every day

  9. Pickgrin Says:

    LOL Crickett

    “No Loyalty”???? “money-grabbing”???

    OK – so lets say YOU make $50 an hour at a company you started working for about a year ago…. – (about $100k per year)

    All of a sudden, another competing company comes along and says they love your potential – want to put you in charge – and offer you $300 an hour ($625k per year) with a SIX year guaranteed contract.

    Would YOU be “loyal” to the company that hired you a year ago and stick with the job that pays $100k just because they gave you a chance for advancement and helped groom you for better positions while you were there?

    By simply signing with the new company – and whether the job lasts long term or not – you have just guaranteed financial security for your family – and in just 6 years will earn (guaranteed) what it would have otherwise taken 37.5 years to earn at your previous job……

    It was a total no brainer for Canales to take that HC job (whether he is truly “ready” or not) and everyone on the team from front office to coaches to players is happy for Dave and his family on a personal level….

    GTFOOH with that “no loyalty” nonsense!

  10. Pickgrin Says:

    And I can only imagine what kind of boss you would be – “Boss”…..

  11. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I think Zac Robinson is a good candidate but my only concern is we went through growing pains with Canales as a first time play caller and we will have to go through this again and our schedule is harder this coming season it will be rough and then if Bowels has a 7-10 or 6-11 season everyone will probably get fired

  12. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    A few points….

    Of course it’s second guessing but we should have signed Canales to 2 years

    An internal promotion makes more sense at this point….continuity

    Baker will, once again, be working with a different coach……I suspect he has learned a great deal from his multiple coaches and will do well.

    While I wish Canales well…..I actually hope he fails miserably….all we need is the Panthers to do well.

    Hopefully, Bowles has learned the difference between chicken salad (Canales) and chicken $hit ( Leftwich)

  13. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Pickgrin looking at this very practically, like we all would do! If he absolutely sucks, he gets fired and bought out. It truly is a no brainer!

  14. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Agree, nobody wants to work with a whip cracking boss. But substance is easier to buy into than style. Bowles kept the dream afloat when the offense was floundering and all big Dave had to counter with was wait for it. Would have been so easy for Todd to deflect pressure on his rookie OC but he didn’t. IDGAF who they hire as OC, Todd Bowles will keep the boat afloat

  15. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I’m also happy for Canales on a human mortality standpoint but I do not want him to succeed. I hope he fails badly.

  16. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Pro-tip. Canales will be fired after a year and 6 games. Tepper has no idea what a vision and a timeframe mean. Sort of significant they hired the only guy who had no other interviews lined up. A desperate club throwing $ at a guy with stars in his eyes

  17. sdm5821 Says:

    No one has mentioned AVP, Alex Van Pelt, as a possible OC. He was with the Bucs back in 2010 in the same position under Raheem Morris and also was with the Browns during two of Baker’s best years. Curiosity alone, makes me hope the Bucs at least interview him, but I guess that’s up to Licht and Bowles.

  18. Bojim Says:

    I’m kinda with Cricket on this. If he was a good candidate this year he would be a good one next year. Bucs gave him a nice chance. Maybe he thought the Bucs wouldn’t be good next year and it would look bad for him next year. From all the articles I read about him here and other sites, he’s supposed to be a good example for players. I’m disappointed. Not sure he’s a money grabber but we can only speculate. Anyway, go Bucs.

  19. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Pickgrin and it was only a one year contract to boot. Canales had no reason to resign unless Bowles promised him a head coaching gig.

    The only gripe I have is Tepper seems like a bad owner and has questionable character which is the opposite of the value and ethic Canales preaches. But I guess a six year guaranteed contract and chance to be one of the 32 men leading a team outweighs that.

  20. sasquatch Says:

    I think having a young and enthusiastic positive presence is important when you have the staid and fairly reserved Bowles as head coach.

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    Canales left before Todd sucked all the juice out of him. I don’t blame Canales for not prolonging the obvious.

  22. Pickgrin Says:

    Canales was already under contract with the Bucs for 2024 – he wasn’t here on a 1 year contract…..

    Assistants usually sign 2 year contracts. Coordinators 2-3 years….

    Sure the Panthers job was far from an ideal scenario for any coach to step into. With a a trigger happy owner who seems like a d!ck – and a lack of talented players on offense – there is serious work to do and perhaps not much time allowed to be successful….

    But – “a six year guaranteed contract and chance to be one of the 32 men leading a team outweighs that”.

  23. Since76 Says:

    It’s great that he was positive to the players when the offense was or wasn’t getting it done. But I would rather have an offense that comes to play and is prepared to face every defense. The bucks were inconsistent and had 5 good games the rest were not very good or really bad. Which means he wasn’t doing his job every week.

  24. Marky Mark Says:

    Joe saw the smiles that immediately emerged when Bucs offensive players were asked about Canales, especially in the second half of the season. To a man, they appreciated his endless positivity, belief, inclusion and energy…..Keep the players away from this comment board. The negative energy is suffocating. Many of the worst think their posts are helping but as you can see from Canales positive energy works not negativity. Dont know about Alex Van Pelt,s energy but we should find out in an interview.

  25. Allbuccedup Says:

    Really any of the candidates on their list would be ok. I sure Robinson will go to Atlanta with Morris. That leaves Lewis, Johnson and Dorsey. Johnson and Dorsey left their teams on bad terms and Lewis hasn’t been a play caller. I believe Dorsey will end up is a QB coach somewhere so its probably going to be between Lewis and Johnson.

  26. Griesemonster Says:

    Darrell Bevell?
    Coached with Canales for many years to where you’d think terminology has similarities.
    Just spent 2 years creating/studying Miami’s exciting offense.
    Unlikely to be bolting as a head coach.

  27. HC Grover Says:

    Up the gut Canales….No big loss. Stupid trick plays lost a game or two. Get him out.

  28. Jack Clark Says:

    If Joe wants a happy positive person to be our next OC then we can just hire a cheerleader

  29. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    I think Canales’ hire was based on the similarities to the Detroit team this year. They turned the corner mid season last year and are on an upward path. I see Tampa in the same light. Turned the corner and everything started clicking. Next year was looking very promising. I feel that promoting in house is the best way to continue getting better.

  30. Buc4evr Says:

    Like Zac Robinson and Moore is kinda interesting. Moore runs a WCO, which I think would work with our O line and receivers.

  31. stpetebucfan Says:

    I loved Canales style, not a fan of Todd’s, but I respect both. Again, always more than one way to get the job done.

    In this case however I totally agree with this post. Todd and Canales had “complementary” personalities. Not exactly “good cop, bad cop” but similar.

    Taciturn, dependable, stoic, and determined are Todd’s strengths. His players trust him and he is a steady force in the locker room. I respect that but sometimes you need to add a little spice to the brew.

    Canales almost opposite personality blended well as a counterweight to Todd’s approach. Todd’s personality served the team well at 4-7! How many teams would have simply folded up shop and phoned it in at that point.

    I give Canales credit for the enthusiasm but Todd credit to building an atmosphere of steady perserverance and refusal to give up no matter what the geniuses here and elsewhere say about him.

    The Bucs still have Todd…I’m one of the few here who is fine with that.
    But I do hope the OC is able to replace Canales’ enthusiasm and energy.

  32. Tye Says:

    Greatest attribute: successful enough to take the HC position from the Bucs lousy place holder!

  33. Marine Buc Says:

    The Panter’s owner is a slick little weasel.

    He knew his choices were limited. Three coaches fired since 2019.

    The Bucs have won the division for three years in a row and a Super Bowl the one year we didn’t win the division.

    So he asked himself – “if I can’t get the coach I really want how do I do the most damage to the dominant franchise in my division?”

    “I know! I will poach their OC and take the best assistant coaches as well and perhaps a few of their WRs like Evans and Thompkins”

    Classic hedge fund manager weasel logic… If you can’t help yourself – then at least you can damage an enemy…

  34. Mike Johnson Says:

    Lets just try and trust the process. Guys here are talkin about good/bad/ugly. I remember just 2 months ago. Buc fans were willing to chop Bowles head off. We are not that far away. Bucs are gonna be fine. Just improve the defense and we will go further than this year.

  35. Crickett Baker Says:

    @ Pick, I can see why more money is a big draw but I am still entitled to my opinion. For your info I have been a boss (in an office) but I never was given an opportunity like the Bucs gave to Canales. I don’t think he is ready to be a HC and I don’t even think he does. He is basing his future on money alone. I do not wish him well.

  36. Sue Says:

    Me neither.

  37. StormyInFl Says:

    Robinson gone.

    No one worth a damn wants to work with Bowles.

  38. Dave Pear Says:

    Todd needs to hire a lying choke artist. Someone just like Todd.

  39. Keith Says:

    I’m sorry guys but I’d have to say baker is the reason Canales succeeded thus will now be his 9th fin offense he isn’t ever the issue on offense he’s highly highly intelligent it was Wr dropping balls not running the right routes online sucked and still sucks im sorry Maule is a backup at best the center and left gausrd also they need a true stud to solidify the middle I mean baker got killed and they cost the game that and the drops all year but Lewis or Vp I’d say Vp may be the best option

  40. HC Grover Says:

    If he is so good then the Panthers win NFCS no problemo. After losing this gem of a coach Bucs sink to last place this year.

  41. orlbucfan Says:

    Oh please. I see we’ve got the usual negative attention-seeking howlers on here. Anyone pay attention to some of the after game locker room vids posted? That was Bowles, not Canales, leading the cheers. Geez, Bowles’ FIRST season as an actual HC, and guess what? Bucs won a Division and lost in the post season. Nope, not good enough. Really? I, for one, won’t miss Canales. He better know how to invest his salary cos that Panthers’ owner is a hothead, Snyder type.