“Grow And Grow And Grow Together”

January 24th, 2024

It’s in-person interview day for Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales with Carolina Panthers ownership, per NFL Network.

It sounds like Todd Bowles’ name will come up.

Fun fact: Canales’ second interview with the Panthers is on the same day former Bucs head coach Raheem Morris gets a second look from angry Panthers owner David Tepper. Man, if those guys are at the same hotel, Joe thinks they would get along incredibly well, loaded of energy in that room.

There’s no question that Canales will be asked to talk about what he learned this season and how he grew.

Listening to Bowles on the Buccaneers Radio Network last night, it sounds like Canales got a lot of attention from Bowles — and that Bowles was open to learning from his first-year playcaller.

“If you want to have a good staff, you’ve got to continue to develop coaches. They’re not going to come in ready-set-go polished,” Bowles said after being asked about Canales. “You have to constantly grow and grow and grow together. I’ve learned a lot of things from Dave as well, so we’ve helped each other.”

Great to hear that, and to hear the reverence for Canales in Bowles’ voice.

Joe sure would like to see what Year 2 of this tandem looks like in Tampa. Plus, Raheem as the big boss in Carolina would be great fun.

36 Responses to ““Grow And Grow And Grow Together””

  1. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    I hope we can keep Dave. But, I will say that if he goes, the Bucs will be a very attractive destination for their next OC. It’s not often you get to sign up to coach a 29yo QB with 4,000+ yards and 28/10 TD/INT ratio. Not to mention those WRs and a RB who can catch. Plus, Bowles looks like a much more stable boss to sign up for than he did a year ago.

  2. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I would like Todd to grow a set and not give up until the clock expires.

  3. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Nich. What happens if the QB and Evans bolt during FA?

  4. Lt. Dan Says:

    Dream Team: Todd Monken as HC, Canales as OC, Rex Ryan as DC.

  5. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Nicholas Carlson, very good point. Dewey Selmon, I don’t see the Bucs losing Evans, Canales and Mayfield all next year This team is a contender and has decent ownership. I think Mayfield and Evans get signed. I think the 2 has created a bond and will only get better If Bowles just tightens his defense up a bit, I can see the Bucs in the same place they were this year, a game away from the title game. But again I am not a GM and this is just my option

  6. Mr. Editor Says:

    @Dewey: from what I understand, the Bucs can opt to put the franchise tag on Mayfield if they really want him to stay.

    It’s surprising that David Tepper would want to turn his franchise over to someone who has no experience as a head coach and barely enough experience as a coordinator, particularly with so many other prospects out there. We also know that Tepper is not very bright. Owners are always looking for the next Sean McVay (who helped develop Kirk Cousins), but at least he had several years of experience as an OC (to “grow”) and an owner willing to do whatever it takes to win a championship.

  7. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Canales is a head coach in training. I just believe it should be with the Bucs after Bowles leaves and he could build a winning franchise and man it for years to come.

  8. Buc1987 Says:

    Can’t say how….but I think they all come back next season.

    Canales, Bowles, and Baker with Evans too.

    It’ll all shake out soon enough. Go Bucs!

  9. Dave Pear Says:

    Too bad Canales didn’t teach the Toadster how to use a timeout to give yourself a chance at the end of a game your defense (Toad’s specialty) totally soiled the sheets in. Cave at the end, a Bloweso specialty.

    Trade Toad to the Panthers for a used clump of lint.

    Hire Harbaugh .

  10. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Maybe Bowles can develop an understanding of how to use timeouts.

  11. Boss Says:

    I’d be happy with Canales as HC over TB all day every day.

  12. Buccos Says:

    You’ve got to remember, hiring Canales is a double whammy. Not only do the Panthers get a bright young coach with a great offensive mind but it also sets the division champs back by throwing them into a state of turmoil. Not just by losing their coach but also the domino effect of losing players as a result of losing the coach. Even possibly stealing Mayfield and Evans in the process

  13. NJbucs23 Says:

    Shut up about the timeout !!! You are the same people who complain to your sons coaches when your son gives half effort. Constant whiners

  14. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Highly doubt Canales jumps. He loves him some Todd Bowles, and Todd got burnt being HC for the Jets. Tepper is worse than the Johnson boys. Yes there are only 32 of those jobs, at least 8 of them are career killers. Take a year and run it back, there will be better openings. Pretty sure Todd won’t try to hold an assistant back, but he’s also gonna tell them the real deal. Choose the owner, not the team

  15. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Really hope they’re able to run it back with the major players. Todd and Dave, Baker, Mike and Antoine. Lavonte. Sprinkle in an edge (Chop Robinson), killer IOL, Safety and a certain RB from Wisconsin in the draft. Very dangerous team. Best part of the coaching staff is their ability to develop players. Not every team excels at that.

  16. Beeej Says:

    It’s possible tepper is intrigued about how Baker couldn’t do anything on his team last year and THIS year Canales has him near all pro level?

  17. Gipper Says:

    Beeej Says:
    January 24th, 2024 at 1:47 pm
    It’s possible tepper is intrigued about how Baker couldn’t do anything on his team last year and THIS year Canales has him near all pro level?
    Baker didn’t change he just escaped from a dysfunctional organization. Feel sorry for Bryce Young he will be the fall guy for the mess is Carolina. Wonder when all these owners and fans start to understand that you win football games in the trenches.

  18. cometowin2 Says:


    Agree about Braelan Allen for RB1. Have seen virtually all his snaps during his career with the Badgers. He will be a force. White will be one of the best 3rd down backs in the league. Instantly will have a real running game with these two plus some changes to the offensive line. Would think BA is going in the 2nd round before our pick though.

  19. Daniel Z Says:

    If I’m Canales, I would hesitate to enter the HC carousel this year, primarily because of all the legendary names you’re competing with. That means you’ll probably get one of the crappier jobs (like Carolina) and that could kill your HC career before it even starts.

  20. Allbuccedup Says:

    Dan Morgan was named the panthers new GM 2 hours ago. He was with the Seahawks for 8 years seems like more than a coincidence!

  21. Davenport Says:

    If the worst happens and Canales is given a shot in Carolina, the right move is to cut Bowles loose and make a move for any of three OCs available (Miami, Houston, Detroit).

    It’ll be tough to get a decent OC this late and with Bowles future tenuous at best – he could be done after a losing year in 2024. Canales was the star of the staff and without him, we have nothing but a poor HC and a bunch of no name assistants.

  22. BoricuaBucFan Says:


    Lmao you aren’t lying. I will give Bowles this : he definitely has grown as a HC and as a play-caller since the that horrendous losing stretch we were on mid-season.

  23. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    @Dewey Selmon, that’d be a disaster! (So I don’t think Licht will let it happen.)

  24. unbelievable Says:

    Hmmm, so tell us Todd, how was the development of Keith Armstrong been going after 5 years?

  25. TF Says:

    I’m gonna try and not dump on Canales but it’s CRAZY to me how some candidates become the flavor of the week WITHOUT really producing. Half the hype is on “potential”. Canales did a good job moving up into a first year OC position but did he really show head coaching candidate material after ONE mediocre AT BEST season? He had HOF talent in a number of key areas. We run back our season and we could have easily been 7-10. And not likely to improve on our 9-8. Every single year OC coordinators are the hot, next great head coach ticket. It’s the STANDARD. Is he a Monken, Steichen, Slowik, B. Johnson, Kafka, Brady and about 6 others. NOPE. He is 3 years away. He has DONE NOTHING. It’s all hype until he does something “sustainable”. Wins more. It’s 1 year folks. He has a HOF loaded team and gets them to eke out a 9-8 record in a historically bad division. He has potential people but so do about 10 other coaches I mentioned. He may turn out to be great but he is no “prodigy” like a Sean McVay or similar.

  26. Conner50 Says:

    Well Jim Harbaugh is the chargers new head coach, Tampa missed on that one. Say what you want about Bowles he’s no where as good as Jim

  27. BakerBucs Says:

    Man oh man u guys & al u r predictions my head is spinning non stop with this site posting people with all the answers I can’t wait to c what really happens then I will get on this site & remind all the know it alls how wrong u were this season on knowledge u all lack with u r crystal (balls) u got some of them big ones

  28. Baking with Canales Says:

    How about Pete Carroll and Canales coaching for the Bucs?

  29. BakerBucs Says:

    Conner50 who the hell compared j.harbaugh to t.bowles bowles is head coach in NFL & harbaugh is college how can u compare the 2 doesn’t he have to have a years or 2 in the new NFL before u compare

  30. Ranger Says:

    BakerBucs… I can’t tell if you’re serious or not but Harbaugh took the 49ers all the way to the Superbowl so even with his brief time he’s done more than Bowles as a HC in his whole career

  31. Conner50 Says:

    Harbaugh coached San Francisco in 2011-2014 and was successful more than Bowles has been. Do your research man, Harbaugh would take the bucs and mayfield to the next level but it’s too late for that. I’ve been saying throughout the season to fire Bowles if you can get Harbaugh, I’m glad Bowles made it to playoffs and he surprised me but I don’t think he will win a Super Bowl imo. Jim definitely could though

  32. OlBoy Says:

    I think canales has a real shot at the job. Yepper doesn’t need a hc, he needs to be right about his choice of Bryce and all he gave up for it. He will look a fool if his choice was a bad one. He needs someone, anyone, that can teach a QB to be a great QB. Enter canales. Whether he has been in the right place at the right time or maybe he just has a knack, two qb’s that have been around him have become better than they were. He has the track record and that is what Tepper needs at this time. Canales can grow into a head coach but he alr ady has what tepoer needs

  33. ReturnGrudenToRing Says:

    We should not lose the Mayfield/Canelas combo even if it means firing Bowles and making Canelas the HC. There is synergy there.

  34. GhostofBrady Says:

    “We should not lose the Mayfield/Canelas combo even if it means firing Bowles and making Canelas the HC. There is synergy there.”

    The trend definitely appears to be offering Head Coaching slots to OCs and QB coaches so the team don’t miss out or get poached of the McVay and Shanahan acolytes.

    I would not feel bad to lose Canales. It is a lot of money to be HC instead of an OC. He did his dues in Seattle. He’ll have a #1 pick QB. And no weapons and most the picks for 2024 on the Bears’ team. Sounds like a good opportunity for the Bucs to win 2 games against the Panthers next year :). Okay those are reasons not to leave the Bucs for the Panthers.

    Bowles, Dan Campbell, John Harbaugh, Sean McDermott, Demeco Ryans – all divisional playoff coaches that aren’t OCs. That’s 5. 3 teams had HCs that ran the offenses (Dallas, Green Bay and SF). Hiring QB Coaches and OCs as head coaches maybe in style. The numbers still say having a great defensive HC and rotate OC still provides plausible deep playoff runs.

  35. Bradenton Beach Buc Says:

    I’d like to see what this group can do with another year and a few upgrades. Everyone is giving Canales props but the team repeatedly struggled against the blitz in the divisional game. No adjustments as the game went on. Isn’t that on Canales?

  36. 941Boltsfan Says:

    Personally I hope that all the other owners are in cahoots to force Carlionas owner TepperTantrum to hire Bill bellicheck just as a you want to run through coaches like water….have fun in Monday meetings with this guy!