Remember The Jaguars

January 6th, 2024

History tells a story.

Joe loves watching all NFL games. Yes, Joe savors seeing the best game in the world played by the best players in the world.

So Joe remembers watching the Jaguars-Colts 2021 season finale.

It was one of the great upsets of the century.

The 2-14 Jaguars (sound familiar?) were facing a division rival with its slowly maturing No. 1 overall pick quarterback under center (sound familiar?). The Colts needed the game to get in the playoffs (sound familiar) and hit the road to face the struggling Jags, a team Indianapolis beat earlier in the season by one score (sound familiar?).

The Colts were 9-7 entering the game and were a huge favorite, bigger than the Bucs will be tomorrow against the miserable, two-win Panthers.

So what happened to the Colts? They got humiliated 26-11 by the Jaguars, led by an interiim head coach and Trevor Lawrence. The Jags led by 23 points midway through the fourth quarter.

Joe is super confident the Bucs will beat the Panthers tomorrow and secure their third consecutive NFC South title. But would Joe not be jump-off-a-bridge stunned if the Bucs find a way to lose.

If Joe were Todd Bowles, Joe would consider having the Bucs watched a condensed version of that Colts-Jags game on today’s flight to Charlotte.

88 Responses to “Remember The Jaguars”

  1. Cobraboy Says:

    I, for one, won’t be shocked if the Kitties embarrass the Bucs.

    I hope it doesn’t happen, for sure, but I have been a fan since Day 1 and have seen this s#!t before.

    And I do not trust these coaches for getting the team ready to play. Why? Look no further than last New Years Eve.

  2. David Says:

    Inconsistent team due to a journeyman HC and QB. One week you like a super bowl contender and look like a trash following week. Toilet Bowl will be gone even if he wins the division and lose the first round.

  3. adam from ny Says:

    joe i’m getting itchy all over for tomorrows game…not sure if that’s a good or bad thing…

    while tossing out some garbage, a neighbor told me that the hair on the back of my neck was standing up – as i quickly wiped some frothy foam away from the left side of my mouth

  4. David Says:

    It’s about time for you to separate yourself completely from this incompetent HC and the journeyman, qb and provide articles that reflects the results of your weekly polls. Bucs fans would like stop this mediocrity and re-build.

  5. Weebs10 Says:

    Here’s a weird scenario. What if Baker and the offense absolutely ball out while Bryce Young explodes for his arrival party and we lose in a shootout. Bowles gets fired and Baker gets signed to a two to three year contract?

  6. David Says:

    Baker fans:
    Stop your BS again posting comments as you are not a Baker fan. There will be no trash Baker here without Toilet Bowl. No other teams in NFL wanted Baker as the starter. He chose Tampa due to his relationship with his old daddy coming out of college.

  7. DoooshLaRue Says:

    If I were Bowles I’d screenshot this and send it to each and every player and coach on the team.
    Lord knows he can’t come up with any real motivation.

  8. Gipper Says:

    David Says:
    January 6th, 2024 at 2:16 pm
    It’s about time for you to separate yourself completely from this incompetent HC and the journeyman qb……….
    We all would prefer if Joe takes David to the vet and gets him rabies shots. Bowles has done a decent job incorporating 13 rookies into a team projected to win 6 games this season. Mayfield 4th best in passing TD’s this season and ninth overall QB rating 95.6 while playing without a running game. After the victory tomorrow this will have to be considered a successful season lead by a coach who has been steady all year notwithstanding some big disappointments like last week and the Houston meltdown in last 45 seconds.

  9. David Says:

    It’s so amazing how Baker fans are already panicking and so concerned that Bucs might lose to the worst team in NFL. Why ?
    I don’t blame them as Bucs almost lost to Panthers at home with another trash performance by their trash qb.
    Baker fans do not worry, my high school team can defeat Panthers with any qb’s other than Baker.

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    With so much on the line, you’d think we should be seriously motivated.

    Bpwles, Canales & other coaches’ jobs.
    Mayfield incentives & potential contract.
    A division title and the playoffs.
    Expectations from all of Buc Nation for a win,
    TBBF will be in attendance.

    Should we win…..definitely……will we win, maybe.

  11. NE Fan Says:

    That’s the game the starting QB was injured in and begun the game injured and most likely should not have played at all. That game?

  12. David Says:

    Don’t get so upset/nervous and bite people and come down you trash Baker fans. The decision was made to move on from Toilet Bowl with Bucs at 4W-7L at the time which means the end of your trash qb in Tampa.
    We are 8-8 you moron Baker fans in the toilet bowl of NFL.
    You can take all Baker inflated 28 Td and pass yards that he accumulated mostly at the end of the games with the opponents in preventive defense into the trash can.

  13. infomeplease Says:

    Only a TB led team could find a way to lose on Sunday!! It would probably look a lot like last Sunday!!! Let’s hope the coaches and players play a better game! There’s very little room for errors in this one!

  14. Zoocomics Says:


    For everyone on these boards that talk inconsistency and throwing shade at the coaching staff, welcome to Tampa, since this must be your first rodeo with this franchise. Don’t just blame Bowles, there’s plenty to go around, from Jason Licht’s draft misses to Canales doe-eyed “didn’t see that coming from the def” remarks. And lets not forget Bakers 2 ints, and 2 horrible drive killing fumbles.

    God I hope we win tomorrow, and we get another year of Bowles and Canales, just so that I can hear some of you bitch and moan about how the grass is greener on the other side. LFG. Another NFC South Title!

  15. BucsBeast Says:

    I hate to be this damn down on the guy, but WTF!

    Bowles defense is like Swiss Cheese left outside.

    Yellow, moldy, and full of holes.

  16. Since76 Says:

    Have them watch last week’s game. The game where the offense forgot to get off the plane.

  17. Aceofaerospace Says:

    After not be able to get up for a home game against our most hated rivals to secure a division title and a home playoff game, nothing would surprise me. I’m shocked Toilet Bowels and Anal Canales aren’t resting starters.

  18. MacNupe Says:

    It’s so exhausting listening to “Buc fans” consistently trash “their” team. I always support the coaches, they are doing a way better job than I or any other fan will do. I support our players because on their worst day they are better than I or most people on this board at knowing and playing the sport. I am not always happy but I will support the people hired to do the gig.

    We can always get better and I believe they are doing that. I will continue to support my Bucs…just wish more fans came from a place of love than hate. But we all know it’s easier to criticize than to create something on your own.

  19. infomeplease Says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong. Wasn’t it TB that cut GMc? And deprived him of a SB ring? Now he’s rooting for him?

  20. ElioT Says:

    How could anyone be “super confident” in this team.

    They’re hit and miss at best.

  21. infomeplease Says:

    Oh maybe he was cut one year earlier. My bad

  22. DoooshLaRue Says:

    MacNupe Says:
    January 6th, 2024 at 3:12 pm
    It’s so exhausting listening to “Buc fans” consistently trash “their” team. I always support the coaches, they are doing a way better job than I or any other fan will do.

    So how many days have you been a Bucs fan?

  23. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Davey Downer: The journeyman QB that beat out your favorite player, Kyle Trask? What does that say about Trask? 🤡

  24. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    After tomorrow, it may be more like “Remember the Alamo!”

  25. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    David is either 14 years old or a relative of Trask. I think Kyle is a fine backup, lacks an NFL arm and mobility. Gonna see a team win tomorrow. Wirfs, Stinnie, Hainsey Mauch and Goedecke gonna block their a$$ off. Evans, Godwin, Palmer, Otton gonna fight to get open. The D is gonna do the same. And your dumb a$$ is focusing on Mayfield. It takes a team

  26. Weebs10 Says:

    info I don’t think anyone “deprived” gmc of a wrong. He was on the decline and Suh was an upgrade over him at that stage of both of their careers.

  27. Weebs10 Says:

    Ring* not wrong

  28. Mike Johnson Says:

    This is not Bowles 1st rodeo. He knows if he loses on Sunday, he is fired immediately. Still might get fired but his staying chances are on reprieve if he wins. The Panthers will fight hard I believe. This is their superbowl. They got nothin to lose. Expect a good game with the Bucs prevailing in a close one.

  29. billyboy Says:

    Billy boy is BACK this team will not win a superbowl so why win? We need a whole new system this team was built for brady he left.. if he left this team is going no where hes smarter then us always rememeber that! Hes the greatest football player of all time he wouldnt of left it this ship wasnt sinking! all there doing is PATCHING THE WHOLES!

  30. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    We either win or we don’t. Doesn’t matter which.

  31. Let em bake Says:

    Cliffs notes for those who simply scroll past David’s rants: “ toilet bowls! Trash! Baker!! Trash!!! “ rinse . Repeat.😊

  32. adam from ny Says:

    around 2017 a friend of mine who’s a jacksonville fan, used to refer to them as the “jacksonville jugulars”…

    back when they had fornette and bortles……and were good

  33. Zzbucs Says:

    JBF has become the toilet of so many morons, posting stupid and negative things that do not make any sense.
    I hate to say, this site has become boring and predictable.

  34. adam from ny Says:



    man up and call out heads…

    blanket statements are for puss!es 🙂

  35. A Fan Since 1976 Says:

    This will come down to veteran players on the team leading by example and instilling in each player, an unmatched “will to win”. The coaches are ultimately accountable, but execution is about the players on the field. Our Buccaneers will show us what they are made of tomorrow @ 1pm. Godspeed to the men in Pewter and Red!

  36. Fansince76 Says:

    Hope it don’t happen but i could totally see it as a Buc’s like loss.
    The upside would be Bowels would be fired which is fine by me.

  37. sdm5821 Says:

    I won’t list them all, but they can collectively be grouped in the -> ‘Al (I scored 4 tds in one high school game) Bundy and I’ve won my fantasy league 3 years in a row'<- and thus know everything there is to know about football. Doesn't matter that they, like much of the media, barely know where One Buc Palace is, and even if they can get there without a MapQuest, they can't admit that the amount of available time to fans, media, anyone else you can think of that isn't working for the Bucs, is limited to a few hours at best any day of the week. But for the sake of this discussion, less go with the thought that they are certified geniuses and know all about the owners, front office, coaches, players, et al.

    According to them, they get their wish as the Bucs lose to the Panthers and Bowles and staff get fired. 50/50 on whether Licht survives, but let's say he does. Mayfield is not resigned, so now we need a QB. Sorry, forgot Trask is under contract, which is the Bucs' only option as they will be drafting in the 15-20 range and so-called, can't miss, 'Franchise Quarterbacks' are all off the board by then. Of course, the Bucs could follow Carolina's example from last year and trade their future picks, possibly some talented players they still have under contract and/or can't resign and move up. That's a proven strategy for long-term success.

    Don't forget, that the Bucs have only one 'Franchise Tag', so expect Mike Evans to be gone, as highly unlikely he wants to go through a rebuild with new coaches and a rookie quarterback. Same for Winfield, Wirfs, and David. I'm sure I missed a few, but you get the idea. Still need a edge rusher, linebacker, corners, safety. Oops, almost forgot, with a new coach and staff, there's a very good chance their system on defense is not a 3-4, so that means even a greater, major personnel overhaul. Probably a few marginal FA's the Bucs can attract, provided the cap situation can be juggled.

    Offensively, figure an upgrade needed at the very least of two o-line spots, a running back, wide receiver, and TE. Maybe more, depending on the new OC and their system. Yup, let's fire everybody and start the rebuild on Monday.

    Ask the teams, that have been in constant rebuild mode for the last few years, how it is working out for them. How many have sniffed the playoffs, or even gotten close to the Super Bowl. I'd much rather have a team that competes for the division title every year, even if they don't make it very far in the playoffs, like say Baltimore.

  38. David Says:

    Trash Baker fans;
    You still haven’t ansewr the question;
    Why do you always refer any questions back to Baker’s back ups whenever anyone criticize your trash qb ?
    1. What Baker back up Trask had to do with his trash performance last time we played Panthers (48% comp. 1Td, 1 Int. 26 qb rating).

    2. What Baker back up Trask had to do with his trash performance last week (2 late garbage Td’s, 3 int’s) ?

    Not only he didn’t help the team to win, he was on eof the main reasons the Bucs lost those two games. We wouldn’t have been so desperate to win a road game tomorrow if just 50% of your trash qb had showed up last week.

    Again, answer you moron stupid dumb Baker fans and leave Baker’s back up alone. He has no NFL official record to compare him with your trash journeyman. You have attacked his back ups in Cleveland, NC and Rams. You have been following Baker’s garbage truck and it has reached its legal weight capacity. Go find another garbage truck to follow.

  39. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Yeah ZZ, ever since the scholarly likes of:

    and many others that no longer post on here, the quality of OPINIONS has truly suffered.

    I blame the skools…..

  40. David Says:

    By the way, your trash qb did not defeat his back up. Go watch Bucs vs. Jets. Did your trash qb played in that game as it was announced by the toilet bowl before the game ? Was he injured or was he in the side line in the uniform chatting with his daddy, toilet bowl laughing at Bucs fans for their clever mock set up. Trask shined and the toilet bowl plan back fired on him. TB again announced that everyone will play in the last game of the pre-season including Baker. Well he lied again. Why ? He had Baker as his qb and one of his conditions at the moment he was promoted to the HC.

  41. Trask To The Future Says:

    Baker will have another stellar less-than-100-yards-first-half games.

    It’s a JOKE how very few realize that most of his passing yards have come in the 2nd half when defenses are playing prevent and the game is out of reach.

    So many games this year Baker has been terribly UNPRODUCTIVE in the first half when scoring matters most.

    Just don’t get the love for this guy.

  42. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Hey David, get a job!

  43. darengibo Says:

    Sheesh can’t I just be a TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS fan and cheer for whomever is on the field?
    I cheer for Baker and I would cheer for Trask. I don’t get all the division and name calling… and no, not a new BUCCANEERS fan.. 1978 and counting…

    Same goes for coaches. Cheering to win regardless if you “like” the coach or not is much easier and enjoyable… if the team doesn’t win, then yeah,, bring in new coaches.. I just dint get cheering AGAINST your team due a player or coach… guess I am just old! Haha

  44. NE Fan Says:

    If Baker loses tomorrow, I don’t think he will but let’s say he does, this site will blow up with Faker, Hatfield, below average etc. The clock is ticking, will he be the hero or zero?

  45. Cobraboy Says:

    David is like the homeless, flea-infested, crazy drunk on the corner screaming at passers-by about the end of the world…

  46. Cobraboy Says:

    I have NEVER not wanted the Bucs to win. But I also expected some s#!tty losses along the way.

    I’m OK with Mayfield. He’s tough and focused and isn’t a sporadic turnover, W-eating idiot like ATM. His ceiling is not mega stratospheric, but his floor is higher than most.

    Plus, his teammates love him and don’t (ahem) tune him out.

  47. HC Grover Says:

    If it can be lost, which I doubt, Bowles can lose it.

  48. David Says:

    Baker fans: Shut up and go away for now. You have a lot of you know what after your trash boy denied Bucs from wining the division at home front of their home crowd. He didn’t just play bad. He plays as trash he has been in his career to lay turds in meaningful games.

    I have never seen such fans as these top five trash Baker’s to post pro and trash anyone else no matter how bad or efficient their trash qb performs every week.
    Go brag and post and celebrate when your trash qb, defeat Panthers . Uh, wait. Will he ???????

  49. Cobraboy Says:

    David’s lips are moving, but no sound is coming out.

    I suppose it’s more angst wailing into the dark night…

  50. Beeej Says:

    David to the future!

  51. orlbucfan Says:

    I laugh when I get on here. How many actual Bucs fans do we have in the comments today? Right now the Steelers are tied with the ‘almighty god’ Ravens in Baltimore in a pouring cold rain. Back when the climate wasn’t wrecked, they would be playing in a snowstorm. Halftime and they’re tied 7-7. I am a proud Tampa Bay Bucs fan. Been that way ever since I found out about them back in 1979. Sad fact is all my fellow Bucs Buddies have passed away. I just lost my BFF who lived in NC, and rooted for the Panthers right before New Years. Still, I will have it on Bucs Radio and cheering on a win. Go Tampa Bay!!🏈🙂

  52. J Says:

    Apparently Davids mom has been taken away his ps5, again.

  53. Tony marks Says:

    David Says:
    January 6th, 2024 at 2:35 pm
    It’s so amazing how Baker fans are already panicking and so concerned that Bucs might lose to the worst team in NFL. Why ?


    WHose panicking silly? IF Baker is heslthy


    I just want to see hm in the first quarter to see if he is healthy.

    NOrmally aginst the Panthers it shouldn’t matter but our secondary is often swiss cheeese so you need a heathy QB ( that can throw better than 30% …. lolol) to sccre point should you need them

    Now lets not kep our eyes off the oveririding point thst matters

    Trask Sucks! Wolford for number 2 Trade Kyle for a McFlurry

  54. Since76 Says:

    Just noticed the bucks are fourth in points allowed in the NFC. 10th in the NFC in points scored. The NFC is not doing well overall. That alone tells you this offense is holding the team back. With Evans and Godwin. Almost impossible that the offense isn’t playing better. I will say canales for the most part does not impress. But who on the offense is not performing well and causing the consistent bad results.

  55. Tony marks Says:

    David Says:
    January 6th, 2024 at 5:09 pm

    Again, answer you moron stupid dumb Baker fans and leave Baker’s back up alone.


    We wish you would have thrown for at least ten

    Then we coud have dreamed that you were Ben

    BUt there you go you could only throw for 9

    and so must your back side caress the pine.

    32 teams passed you by

    in the second round we chose you – we don’t know why

    We ike that in college you threw those high Mcdonald arches

    BUt int h NFl …… well lets be honet – they are just pick 6 fartses

    David willl love you for eternity and back

    but since you can’t move you will always take the sack.

    a work in progress To be continued.

    He has no NFL official record to compare him with your trash journeyman

  56. Tony marks Says:

    Since76 Says:
    But who on the offense is not performing well and causing the consistent bad results.


    Good job Since!!

    so you finally opened your eyes and noticed the line and running back are not geting the job done

    who said you can’t learn?

  57. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Tony Marks, I’m high, but that was pretty f*cking funny!
    David, you are a tool.

  58. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Davey Downer: If your boy Trask has to play, I hope he does well. I’m a Buc fan, not a fan of any certain Bucs player. Can you say the same thing, with your hatred of Mayfield?

  59. Capt.Tim Says:

    Im nervous. Ive watched this team, since season one.
    They’ve frequently snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
    They’ve dropped the ball more times than theyve caught it.
    Still the worst record of any pro team, anywhere. Ever.
    Yeah. Biggest losers of all time.

    And this is a bad team. Pass rusher rarely bothers anyone.
    No running game. Bad Oline. Bad secondary.

    But I think we win tomorrow. Since midseason, the team has bought in.
    They are playing hard. And the guys we have that are good- are REALLY good!
    If Mayfield can play- we’ll win. Godwin will have 1,000 yard season.
    And we win the NFC South.

    And if Mayfield is anywhere near 100%- Ill put some money on the Bucs vs. the eagles.
    One if the few times in team History- I think the team will succeed instead of failing.
    After near 50 years of watching these guys- you have to have faith.

  60. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Baker has led our salary cap strapped, inexperienced rookie and young player ladened team to the verge of a division title and a playoff berth. Give credit where credit is due. Baker is our quarterback and our best hope to make the playoffs.

    Trask is an unproven backup quarterback. Arguing from ignorance is foolish. We are all literally ignorant of whether Trask would be good or trash in an NFL game.

    My favorite baseball player Mariano Rivera was horrible in his first game pitching. He started the game, pitched just 3 innings, got clobbered by the Angels for 8 hits, 5 runs and he lost. His ERA after that first game was 13.50. Needless to say you wouldn’t have wanted to judge the only unanimous MLB Hall of Famer in the history of baseball in the Sandman on that first game. Not saying Trask is going to follow the same path as Mariano, but just giving people an example of why you need more than just 3 innings of baseball or 1 series of plays in football to judge a player by.

    John Wolford is the literal definition of a hot garbage trash quarterback that Pro Baker fans label Trask as and Pro Trask fans label Baker as. He’s a one read and run second quarterback.

    In summary:

    Baker isn’t trash, he’s been good for our team.

    We don’t know anything about Trask so arguing about the “ifs” is pointless.

    Wolford is a port a potty on a hot sunny July day in Florida level of stench as when its been his his time to shine as the backup coming in for the starter he’s proven that you can’t polish a turd.

    Go Bucs!

  61. Since76 Says:

    Tony marks thanks…..the offensive line and running back are holding the team back in a passing league. Got it thank you for your unbiased information. I thought maybe holding on to the ball too long might have factored in to the offensive line……but I digress. That wouldn’t have anything to do with it.

  62. Tony marks Says:

    Since76 Says:
    January 6th, 2024 at 7:45 pm
    Tony marks thanks…..the offensive line and running back are holding the team back in a passing league. Got it thank you for your unbiased information.


    You are welcome. when you get out of grade school I can teach you that when you run the ball you can’t throw it so if your OC is going to insist on running it takes away from the passing. You might even get it by the time you enter sernior high.

    “I thought maybe holding on to the ball too long might have factored in to the offensive line”

    I was talking about run blocking but of course it went over your head. However ah yes – the silly claim the online is so great because it givs up less sacks _ really due to Bakr’s eacape artistry – but if he does get hit its him holding the ball too long

    the old tails I win Heads you lose gambit of fools.

  63. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Tony Marks: That’s a hilarious Davey Downer poem! Thanks for the laughs!

  64. Joe Says:

    Yeah ZZ, ever since the scholarly likes of:

    and many others that no longer post on here, the quality of OPINIONS has truly suffered.

    I blame the skools…..

    Thomas 2.2!

  65. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Belle: it was interesting how the Bucs made a roster spot available for Wolford earlier in the year. The rams were set to sign wilford off the practice squad, but the bucs, wisely, prevented that from happening. Granted, he’s a back up, but to those paid to make roster decisions, he apparently has a value that is under appreciated by some. Possibly baker made a push to keep him ( they were teammates last year with the rams)

  66. m milligan Says:

    I’ve never heard more BS in my life, and u guys r fans????
    GO BUCS,
    Why is NE and Dave one the site, are they fans, they’re bad karma and spastics

  67. m milligan Says:

    We’re trying to go out and get the W and got this BS, wonder how that would go over in locker room u pathetic birches

  68. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Comment of the day! Bravo!

    Moment of silence for Ndog, webster, Tmax, DB55 and 813BucBoi.

  69. It's Corn Says:

    I am a Bucs fan but rooting for a loss so we can blow out this dumb and lying regime.

  70. Buc You Says:

    I don’t feel so bad about the Bucs losing against Indy or the Texans like I did when they did lose.

    Bucs strength of schedule was pretty tough afterall.

  71. Mike C Says:

    Joe Says:
    January 6th, 2024 at 8:10 pm

    Yeah ZZ, ever since the scholarly likes of:

    and many others that no longer post on here, the quality of OPINIONS has truly suffered.

    I blame the skools…..

    Thomas 2.2!

    Wow, Tmax and Ndog, troll legends! Oneilbuc is still with us spewing Brady hate and ATM love 😆

  72. NE Fan Says:

    There stands Bowles, stoic as can be
    If not for his blunder the Bucs would have three

    The only coach to take the ball from Brady,
    Not very nice, since he lost his lady

    BA set the stage, that senile old man
    Invisible he is, in Geogia getting a tan

    Tomorrow’s the big one who’ll win no one knows, it didn’t have to be this way but last week Bucs froze

    Along came Baker, many teams passed him by,
    He loses tomorrow you may see him cry

    For Bowles it don’t matter he’ll just make the call,
    Like poor Ole leftnut, Canales will take the fall

    Come Blowzo, come Bowels, come toilet bowl,
    No matter what he’s called he never sheds tears,
    Good or bad tomorrow, he’s here four more years!

  73. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Tony Marks = George Carlin

    NE Fan = Carrot Top

  74. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Well said BelleGladeBuc, Baker has played well and Trask has not had a chance. There is no use in arguing about that. People just like to fight with each other and argue about something, putting one another down for their variety of opinions.

  75. m milligan Says:

    Baker comes to Bucs,
    Lord and behold,
    Bucs in playoffs against the cold,
    How did it happen,
    No one really knows,
    BM and Evans threatening the old.
    NE, Dave LGBQRx5 for sur
    Buc’s tomorrow will cause a stir.

  76. Mike C Says:

    Ne fan has AI, impressive…… Go watch your team and hang out on that site, Didn’t you say you were gone?!? Should of known you wouldn’t be a man of your word.

  77. Richard Dickson Says:

    Some of you acting like we hadn’t just won four games in a row largely due to Baker before that Saints game.

  78. Obvious Says:

    Haven’t heard anything new from Joe Bucs Fan in oh 5/6 hours. Maybe more. Wonder why nothing new on such a Critical Eve such as tonight with no reporting on anything…

    Maybe they are emulating the Buccaneers game last week. How ironic and boring…

    Interesting. Hopefully Red Chinese haven’t gotten to them, shut them down via cyber attack,.and decided to take over! If we start getting random photos of the Joe’s in women’s clothing at a funny sort of bar then we know for sure that the Commies got them right where they want them and Baker Mayfield is your qb going forward like it or not! Or is that the WOLFORD supporters taking over? It’s getting hard to tell anymore….

    Where’s that next exciting report???

  79. Capt.Tim Says:

    I dunno.
    You guys keep posting poetry, people are gonna think we ALL went The university of Florida.

  80. David Says:

    My fellow Bucs fans;
    Do you know when I was assured the Baker fans are trash and lunatic?
    I tell you. Whey they started to comapre him to the GOAT and claimed that trash Baker is better fit with Bucs and will increase Bucs chances to win a super bowl.
    Do you know when they started the comparison? I tell you. Right prior to the Saints game last week.

    Guess what happened ? I tell you. Trash Baker was booed by the entire stadium and he was worst that the trash.
    Do you know what is worst than a trash ? I tell you. Baker Mayfield.

  81. Since76 Says:

    Sdm …..enjoyed your take. I feel if the team stays as it is the other south teams are going to get better. Which means we don’t get in anymore with 7-10 to 9-8. Records. Really this team has too much talent to have this record. Like last week team showed no fire. Time to cut bait.

  82. David Says:

    Uh, wait, did Tom win us a super bowl couple years ago ?

  83. Frank Pillow Says:

    Great pull Joes. We are so very capable of laying down like dogs. And I think we will. The game plan, rooted in Ray Perkins’ run, run, punt, will be absolutely miserable. The D will fail to pressure their Smurf QB and leave a nice 10-12 yd buffer in soft zone for him to exploit.

  84. David Says:

    Trash Bake fans take credit for Bucs wins and they claim the four games wining streak before Saints game was all due to Baker’s plays. The last game blow out game against Saints was on OC and the rest of the team. Bad Bad coaches.
    At the same time, they are so careful not to insult their grand daddy, the Toilet Bowl and blame it mostly on the same OC that they had admired for Baker’s success this season.

    When do we get ride of these trash out this site ? I tell you with the first hit on trash Baker sore rib tomorrow. Wait, is he really injured ?

  85. gp Says:

    No matter who we play, where or when, I always expect a win.
    Every loss is a disappointment, regardless of who, where, when, or the circumstances(such as draft placement).
    When I am disappointed, I tend to look for reasons.
    This season, for the most part, the reasons for our losses are almost all directly the result of incompetence from the coaching staff, especially the HC.
    Getting into the playoffs should not be a magic bullet excuse to keep such an incompetent staff.

  86. David Says:

    Bowles has been in this situation before with another trash qb named, Ryan Fitzpatrick back in 2015. He needed to win against Buffalo but his trash qb, threw three picks and he lost. Can history repeat itself with TB and another trash qb, named, xxxxxx. You know who ?

  87. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    HC Grover had the best comment of the day. If this game can’t be lost then you best believe Blowles is the one who can lose it! We have an OC with his archaic pound her up the middle like it’s worked all season and didn’t learn from his 2 best called games all season plus we have a journeyman qb whose teams have always played like his record at 41-47, you win some you lose some. Since he got here his toxic feminist fanbois who consider him the most wonderful qb in the whole wide world ignore his hand in all our losses and blame everybodyelse. The Faker Fanbois are like a group terrible back up quartet; Wynona Joelina, Tonya Harding Marks, Baker Gulper, tbbucs3 and a host of others who love Bakers Napoleonic struggle as a short qb because they identify with him. So now the most outspoke anti fanbois come out trashing Baker getting their panties in a twist.

    We went from ATM to the GOAT and 3 years of playoffs and a Championship to Baker with his win some lose more record who is more liable to throw for less than 100 yards in the first half like he did in the first game against the Stankin Putty Tats and the defense will forget how to stop them and we’ll probably be down 17-3 at the half. I think the only way we win is if Baker does what he hasn’t done all year, throw an opening drive td in the 1st quarter.

  88. adam from ny Says:

    you guys gotta admit tho………you do feed the trolls…

    big dogs gotta eat…but trolls do too 🙂