“People Still Think Todd Bowles Is Going To Get Fired”

January 9th, 2024

Todd Bowles

Interesting chatter from a plugged in NFL insider.

Pat Kirwan is a top producer on the CBS gameday studio show, and he’s also the big voice on SiriusXM NFL Radio, routinely interviewing general managers, head coaches and owners while traveling to the NFL’s annual major events. The former Jets personnel director and linebackers coach is tight with many of these suits and coaches, current and retired.

Kirwan also has Bucs head coach Todd Bowles on his radio show nearly every week. So Joe was very intrigued to hear Kirwan start early in his show yesterday with a defense of Bowles.

“You know, people still think Todd Bowles is going to get fired. You gotta be kidding, man,” Kirwan said. “This is his first year without Tom Brady and he’s going to the postseason.”

Kirwan called on “owners” to listen up, though he did not mention Team Glazer by name. “He’s a leader of men. He passes the criteria. Don’t screw this up by firing Todd Bowles.”

Hmmm, what prompted Kirwan to fire away like that?

When Kirwan says “people” think Bowles will be canned, Joe is confident those “people” collect checks from the NFL and/or its partners; they’re not fans.

Team Glazer and general manager Jason Licht have every opportunity to spread the word publicly that Bowles will coach the team next season. They haven’t done that to Joe’s knowledge.

132 Responses to ““People Still Think Todd Bowles Is Going To Get Fired””

  1. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Oh please make it happen…

  2. SteveK Says:


    The Saints game two weeks ago was a “must” win statement game.

    We laid a colossal egg.

    We scored nine points against a 2-15 team to win. Woohoo!

    And now: win on Sunday you’re back. Lose and peace out.

    Joe- a loss on MNF would leave you feeling “ok” with Baker and Bowles nest year? Forget it. Take a shot at Harbaugh and let him do his thing.

  3. SteveK Says:

    Win a big game, coach, and use your damn 1st half timeouts.

    If your defense sucks on MNF, then goodbye. If you win, welcome back for 2024!

  4. Beeej Says:

    The team believes in him (contrast THAT with the Eagles situation)

  5. Slacker Says:

    As he should….Bowles will get you an inconsistent. 500 team. Playing safe ball and thinking he can bank on his defense. Get a young offensive minded HC in here not named Canales

  6. infomeplease Says:


  7. SteveK Says:

    5 losing seasons out of 7. Not inspiring. I think he’s a great defensive mind, but we need a head coach if we can’t win this home game. No more excuses.

  8. RichieRich Says:

    The One thing they never talk about is the amount of bad PR they(Glazers )would get from the national media for firing an African-American coach who just won two consecutive division championships with a new OC, new QB and 80 million in Dead cap….Not going to happen. For all your malcontent a hole on this who hate the Bowles, who hate our quarterback who’s in the top 10 and almost every statistical category this year do me a favor don’t watch Monday night get a f****** life

  9. Davenport Says:

    Is Bowles capable of leading a team to the Super Bowl?


    Then why waste time by keeping him on? If the organization is truly committed to winning, he should be fired. If 9-8 or 8-9 is the goal, then he’s your man.

  10. Joe Says:

    The One thing they never talk about is the amount of bad PR they(Glazers )would get from the national media for firing an African-American coach who just won two consecutive division championships with a new OC

    Nah. Glazers have all sorts of street cred there. Sure, you may have a couple of cranks scream but the proof is in the pudding.

  11. Dan the Bucs fan Says:

    Our fan base might be dumbest in sports. This dude took us to playoffs with everything stacked against him. His defense is 7th in the NFL. 60 million in cap space second youngest team in football future is so bright. You don’t fire a guy who is doing a great job. Draft a olineman that can help run block draft a cover corner for depth resign Evans and Winfeild and run it back next year.

  12. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “ His defense is 7th in the NFL”

    Again, misleading stats. Nobody watched that defense this tear and thought “thats a top 10 defense”

    Although, the defensive woes were more due to poor personnel than they were coaching.

    That being said, Vrabal would be an awesome pickup.

  13. NE Fan Says:

    Mike Vrabel just got let go, there is your savior!!!

  14. lambchop Says:

    Todd Bowles is Tony Dungy 1.5. The only reason we’re in the post season is because the NFC South is garbage. Dave Canales has been good enough, but I would have liked to see his development earlier on.

    This game against the Eagles in Prime Time will answer a lot of questions. Pat Kirwin hasn’t factored the worst division in football into his homer analysis. Jason Licht, on the other hand, is waiting to see what we do against the Eagles.

  15. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Keep Baker. Make sure it’s for a team friendly deal.

    Fire Bowles.

    Hire Eric Bienemy or hire LaFleuer from the Rams and reunite Baker with him or hire Raheem Morris for a second time from the Rams and reunite him with Baker and keep Canales.

    The Glazers have street cred. Firing a minority coach will not harm them.

    I think they are the only owners in the history of the NFL who have hired the most minority head coaches.

    Dungy, Morris and Bowles.

    I don’t think that there is any other NFL franchise and owners who have hired 3 African American Head Coaches.

  16. Jimothy Says:

    I’d be on board with keeping him but I’d also jump out of my seat if they went after Vrabel. I’d love to see what Vrabel can do with this roster.

  17. Joe Says:

    Mike Vrabel just got let go, there is your savior!!!


  18. stpetebucfan Says:


    Agree with your take. This place is amazing. The Bucs picked to be trash..2 wins in SI…high water 6.5 wins in Vegas. They’ve exceeded the “smart money” by 30%!!!

    It would take an EXTREME opportunity for the Bucs…ala when they got Brady…somebody like Harbaugh who can write his own ticket right now…other than an exceptional circumstance like Harbaugh Bowles will and SHOULD come back.

    What are the freaking standards? Win? He’s done that if only barely. Win despite being totally hamstrung by the SB salary cap hangover and a brand new OC and brand new QB. In what world has Todd Bowles NOT succeeded?

    Oh that’s right. Not in the world of gymnastics or figure skating where “style points” and “judgement” calls not scoreboard measure success!

  19. stpetebucfan Says:

    BTW Much credit has justifiably been given Licht and the Bucs scouting department for their draft and UDFA selections. They hit the jackpot.

    STILL…when you play a LOT of young guys in critical positions there is a learning curve and a period of inconsistency. Sometimes the team played like a bunch of kids…that’s ok because the kids flashed a lot of talent and improved as the season continued.

  20. HC Grover Says:

    Give it up

  21. Boss Says:

    they love baker…they hate him….they love the toilet, then they hate him…..

    they have no clue IMO. just filling air time.

    this coach is TUUUURIBLE!! Barkley turrible.

    fire turtle todd. do it this week before the game!!

    then start trask and we might make the Superbowl!!

    it aint happening with baker and bowls

  22. DoooshLaRue Says:

    SteveK Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 1:12 pm
    Win a big game, coach, and use your damn 1st half timeouts.

    If your defense sucks on MNF, then goodbye. If you win, welcome back for 2024!

    Totally agree.
    We got whooped by the Saints 2 weeks ago and the Panthers ultimately beat themselves.
    The only way Todd should stay is if he can lead this team to a solid victory against the Eagles.
    Backing into the playoffs should not be rewarded even if “on paper” it looks good.

  23. BucsMinisterFuller Says:

    Just think of all the roll over time-outs he will get to take with him when he is let go. What’s that? Time-outs don’t roll over? Sorry Todd, better luck next time!

  24. Boss Says:

    and with a wionning record I would bet money this team lost a lot of fans this year. unwatchable!

  25. NE Fan Says:

    Joe, why the LOL LOL? 6 seasons 4 winning and 2 losing. His entire career at Tenn with Tannahill and still won. Let’s see if Baker gives you 4 winning seasons under Bowles. Bowles 42-58 versus Vrabel 53-45.

  26. HC Grover Says:

    The man won the division and got a playoff game. I have been a critic but I am starting to feel sorry for Blunderman. Heck give him another year at this point. There is even an outside chance they beat Philthydelpia.

  27. NYbucsfan Says:

    He should be fired he stinks as a head coach. We play in the worst division in football and we barely won it. We beat what two teams with a winning record all season. My guess is if we played the Bears or the Vikings at the end of the season where the middle of the season we probably don’t beat both of them.

  28. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    The Ravens and Texans have 2023 salary cap issues similar to the Bucs.

    The Lions, Saints, Steelers, Chiefs, Eagles and Dolphins had salary cap issues that were worse than the Bucs in 2023.

  29. Arians4President Says:

    “Dungy 1.5” is a compliment. In the last five seasons of Dungy and Gruden’s Bucs tenure, Dungy averaged more offensive TDs per game. Look it up! Gruden got a lot of credit for those defensive scores. Hmmm…

  30. Bill in Seminole Says:

    Our chances next Monday night depend in large part on Baker’s health. During the games against the Panthers he was visibly limping and his shoulder must have been painful. What’s his status?

  31. No Mercy Says:

    Keeping him ensures another 8-9 win season, meaning worse draft picks and without a deep playoff run. I like winning the division, I hate going into the playoffs knowing we are going to get clapped at home with Todd coaching. Hes the polar opposite of Arians, we always play down to our opponents, with a huge disadvantage against teams that are actually good.

    Meanwhile ATL is quietly building a young talented team that is only a good QB/HC away from dominating this division for the next 5 years

  32. Saskbucs Says:

    Appreciate Bowles contributions here but he has peaked. He’s a .500 coach. It’s not good enough for this roster. I look at what Ryans, Steichen, Gannon have accomplished and I will gladly take a chance on B.Johnson, Bienemy, Slowik… Vrabel is available now, I’d take Vrabel over Bowles in a heartbeat.

  33. NE Fan Says:

    Hey Joe can you lift the freaking moderation on EVERY post? It’s not like I’m cursing or politics. By the time the post goes through your moderation process most are then irrelevant. There are far more aggressive posters on this site than me.

  34. Beejezus-belt Says:

    I don’t feel like the Glazer’s will fire Bowels, but if he stays I feel there should be stipulations. Who will be your defensive coordinator? He just isn’t good enough to do both, unless you truly just want to be a 500 team. Very few head coaches can do both it takes a certain kind. Find yourself someone you trust, not one of your friends because that isn’t working. Mike Vrabel is out there, no way he is coordinator next year because he just got hosed by the titans, it isn’t his fault he doesn’t have talent. Anyway there still needs to be minor changes or nothing will change.

  35. Mlucky Says:

    With Mike Vrable on the market, why not demote Todd balls to defensive coordinator and hire Mike Raible as the head coach?

    If bowls won’t take the demotion, let him go.

  36. Pewter power Says:

    I can only hope he gets fired. Those people saying this likely expect us to get blown out by a bad eagles that’s banged up. Going to the postseason in this division isn’t saying much especially if you barely beat anybody with winning record

    The reload didn’t work and my hope is the Glazers are ready to reboot this roster and if they do there’s no reason to keep the coaching staff. Bowles isn’t taking this team to. Super Bowl and neither is the roster.

  37. MrLucky Says:

    With Mike Vrable on the market, why not try this?

    Demote Todd Bowles to defensive coordinator where he excels, and hire Mike Vrable as the head coach? Space if Todd doesn’t except the demotion, let him go.

  38. Mike Johnson Says:

    There is a very definite pulpable hate for Bowles amongst some Buc fans. In defense of Bowles I’ll just say, the man is one of the lowest paid NFL coaches in the league. He has taken a team with..the lowest paid starting QB in the league and made the playoffs. He has a rookie OC and has survived quite a few injuries throughout the season. The man has won 5 of his last 6. And…had like 2 or 3 games lost that were winnable within a 3 point range. Todd Bowles will be back and deserves to be here. As does Mr. Mayfield. Get us a pass rush next year.

  39. sasquatch Says:

    Bowles may be a leader of men, but apparently not enough to get them up for a big game, and his attitude about offense is from the 1950’s. I like the man and want him to succeed, but even when you win it feels like a loss with Todd.

  40. Pewter power Says:

    The leader of men cliche is nonsense. That should be a basic criteria for being a coach in the nfl let alone a head coach. Ok the players love Bowles and follow him that’s great but you still have to actually “coach”. Bowles proved his teams either lacks effort or focus. No way should you get your doors blown off by anyone in this division

  41. Joe Says:

    With Mike Vrable on the market, why not demote Todd balls to defensive coordinator and hire Mike Raible as the head coach?

    If you don’t like Todd Bowles you won’t like Mike Vrabel. They are one in the same.

  42. Joe Says:

    Joe, why the LOL LOL? 6 seasons 4 winning and 2 losing. His entire career at Tenn with Tannahill and still won.

    Mike Vrabel = Todd Bowles.

    Todd Bowles = Mike Vrabel.

    They are one in the same. And you could make an argument Bowles might be better.

    Anyone wanting Vrabel over Bowles tells Joe they have no clue who/what Vrabel is.

  43. ModHairKen Says:

    None of you keyboard clowns know what the Glazers are going to do. None of you know whether he’s “capable of winning a Super Bowl” or not.

    Calm yourselves, sit back and relax and watch the game this week and see what happens, okay?

    You are some of the worst fans in the NFL. Probably as bad as the Eagles or the Saints.

  44. NE Fan Says:

    One and the same??? Vrabel is more like Campbell and nothing like Bowles. The only similarity is he is a defensive coach. Their personalities couldn’t be more further apart. Joe, I think you’re losing it, too many late night stories.

  45. Statisticly Insignificant Reader Says:

    Todd Bowles hasn’t had many breaks.
    Lost starting pro bowl center to injury before season.
    Lost #3 wide reciever before season.
    $75 mil short on payroll.
    Rookie Offensive coordinator.
    Dumpster pic your QB for $4mil.
    Start 10 rookies.
    Lost or traded 13 players from last year. (Mike Edwards hurt the most)
    NO ONE, except the liars, expected this team to win 9 games much less make the playoffs.
    Enjoying the ride till it ends.
    Much more fun than spreading the brown stuff.

  46. jugheadfla1 Says:

    add me to the “people” that think he will get canned…….when this team doesn’t show up once again, three weeks in a row, when they are actually playing for something. A loud fart would have more effect on getting this team fired up to play a game than flaccid Bowels.

  47. RustyRhinos Says:

    All these No-It-All Negative Nellies. Here on JoeBucsFan.com
    amaze me. AS I SEE IT!! Every team in the playoffs is 0-0

    The Eagles are our Playoffs opponent Monday night who look to be having some injuries and difficulties in adjusting to that. This is an “Opportunity” for “our” BUCS to stand up or sit down. STAND UP!!!

    That would be just another day in “It’s a Bucs Life” Fire the HC who has helped to set an NFC South Division Record for THREE CONSECUTIVE DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP SEASONS, 1 Division Banner as DC, and 2 Division Banners as HC. So yeah. We should be excited and supportive of “our” BUCS, as Bucs fans.
    Beat the feathers off the Eagles!!


  48. Joe Says:

    Their personalities couldn’t be more further apart.

    Joe doesn’t give a damn about their personalities. They are typical defensive coaches. Turnovers more important than points. Establish the run. Bowles wanted Baker Mayfield. Vrabel wanted Ryan Tannehill.

    If you can’t see how those two guys are just alike, you don’t much if anything about Vrabel. They both come from the Bill Parcells tree only they haven’t figured out what Parcells knew: You have to have a top shelf quarterback.

  49. NE Fan Says:

    Joe 42-58 versus 53-45, Vrabel wins, Bowles NOT so much!!!

  50. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Bucs overcome $80+ million in dead-cap space to make another playoff run

    The Bucs have more than $81 million in dead-cap space this year, the majority coming from Hall of Fame quarterback Tom Brady’s previous contract. With a total cap of $223 million and change, the Bucs have more than a third of their cap in dead money this season.

    For most teams, that would be enough to send a team into tank mode, but not the 2023 Buccaneers.

    Sounds Familiar???

  51. WyomingJoe Says:

    NE FAN: Im certain that the “Bucs organization” is behind your “moderation” issues. Too many poison pen comments about Baker and just the fact that many on this site see you as a jerk! Not me, only your haters.

  52. WyomingJoe Says:


  53. simeon97 Says:

    Bowles has this team playing better than anyone expected.
    People quickly forget the bucs lost decade+ of mostly terrible teams and clown show coaches. 2008-2019 seasons.
    Bucs are in the playoffs, without Brady, with 25% of the starters being rookies.
    I think he should stay and perhaps get some help with clock management (among other things, no one is perfect).

  54. Dave Pear Says:

    Bowles needs a come to Jesus session with Tony Dungy. Tony hated offense with the Bucs and it got him fired. Then he went to Peyton Manning and the Colts and won a Super Bowl.

    A real head coach loves both offense and defense and plays to the strengths of his players, doing whatever it takes to win. This includes scoring more points than the opponent.

    How many games are you going to win scoring 9 points, Todd?

    Throw the damn ball. And if Baker is too beat up, put Wolford out there.

  55. NE Fan Says:

    Luvmybucs@ the only player they lost of any value was Brady. The team is pretty much the same as last season. It’s your GM that choose to pay players like Shaq, Davis, Dean, Godwin outrageous contracts.

  56. BakerBucs Says:

    Bad showing against the Panthers did we win ? I do know who lost to the Panthers & u never hear diddly bout that but cj.Stroud & Texans lost 12to13 & there in the playoffs but we won & u jokers say we don’t deserve to be in playoffs plz.its hard to throw a completion if no one is open & u will b sacked when the all mighty ME ain’t open we got problems

  57. BakerBucs Says:

    2 games in row Mike Evans was bottled up very little production out of him against the Packers the other guys had to step.up this has to happen monday

  58. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Not a big fan of Bowles. I think he is too stubborn, lies, and no credibility with the fans. I can see his guys are still playing hard for him, and in a season where the predominant notion was that the team was going to sink, they stick it to the rest of the nfc south. Another division championship, young guys picking up their game, an offense that will get better with more investment, he likely needs to stay around.

  59. Buc1987 Says:

    BelleGladeBuc….4 with Lovie.

  60. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Coach Todd Bowles’ Achievements

    Let’s Reflect on Coach Todd Bowles’ Achievements

    Head Coach Todd Bowles

    Overcoming Financial Constraints: Tackled a massive $80+ Million in Dead Cap Space.
    Bold Coaching Decisions: Took a chance with a greenhorn Offensive Coordinator.
    Quarterback Strategy: Entrusted the quarterback role to Baker Mayfield.

    Additional Challenges

    Young Talent: Managed the second youngest roster in the NFL.
    Note: Achieved this without the contribution of Ryan Jensen.

    Good Job Dude! These accomplishments lay a solid foundation for future growth. Now we’ve got something to build on.

  61. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    WTF? Lol, all head coaches lie!!!

  62. HC Grover Says:

    I would not fire Blunderman until he does not win NFC South.

  63. ocala Says:

    Bowles is not a good NFL head coach. The Bucs have a number of Championship level players on the roster and got unexpected excellent QB play this year. Bowles has the worst pass defense in the NFL and that is with what were considered two high level CB’s and a safety that should be up for NFL defensive player of the year.

  64. 40Forever Says:

    “Mr. play it safe“ lacks energy and never put a stop to the OCs poor play calling or he’s personally responsible for it.

    Underutilizing our weapons is a mindless and repeated error. Let Jason light go back to the patriot shed and grab Vrabel.

  65. Craig Says:

    We hope he is going, but not if the Bucs go the cheap route.

    Hot Toddie might have the best chance to see a decent next season with the Bucs. I say that, not because he is good, but because he is on par with all of the rest of the bunch that is currently available.

  66. 40Forever Says:

    LUVMYBUCS – Albert coaching up the rookies were largely Jason light responsibilities and successes. I’ll agree with you on the Rockies doing so well this year but that largely falls on the skill position coaches and not Bowles. And again, Jason light gets credit for choosing them.

    Sadly it looks like we may lose “Greenberg“ from our head office this year.

  67. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    What we’re mostly witnessing now is the fading presence of fair-weather fans.

    These are the supporters who only emerge from the shadows when the going’s good. They’re nowhere to be found when the chips are down.

    These are the guys who roar with the crowd when we’re on top but turn as quiet as a church house mouse when the going gets tough.

    They know nothing about the struggles of building a playoff or championship team

  68. LUVMYBUCS Says:


    Go back to the archives at the beginning of the year; their plan was laid out for success. I gave them their do

  69. NE Fan Says:

    Luvmybucs@ After losing so long and get a taste of winning, guess what winning feels better.

  70. 40Forever Says:

    Bowles was a “ placeholder coach“ as soon as Brady retired.

  71. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Hopefully, we don’t lose Greeny

    Move Jason up to Executive Vice President and Greeny over GM

  72. Rod Munch Says:

    I was not a fan of Bowles, I thought for sure he’d do a terrible job this year and get himself fired — and he nearly did. But around the time the team was 4-7, he finally stopped playing that God awful zone that couldn’t get the defense off the field, and went back to playing more like the 2020 man-to-man aggressive defense that the team won the SB with. That change saved the season, and he should get credit for not being willing to change, like most NFL headcoaches are.

    The defense ended up finishing 7th in points against.

    Meanwhile on offense, if they could get more consistent QB play, they could improve vastly there, where they finished 20th in scoring.

    In any case, this was a team which had a 6.5 win O/U, and got 9 wins, that’s a good job, even if it was a cupcake schedule in the worst division in sports. You can only play who is on the schedule.

    As for him getting fired … if the Bucs get blown out on Monday, and the Glazers see a clear chance to upgrade with a big name, then maybe they do it. But I think Bowles earned his opportunity to come back for one more season.

  73. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    there is nothing particularly exciting about this team and that is because of Bowles….
    BA had the personality to make his teams exciting.

    Even with the same personnel…..a coach makes the difference in the overall personality of the team.

  74. Aaron Says:

    I’ll admit I had the Bucs winning 3 games. Mostly due to all the issues others have pointed out in the comments. But the Bucs are not playing well (outside of Greenbay and Jax). We are going to the playoffs due to our Turnover margin ranking at #9 – we were tied with #1 – two weeks ago.

    I think the Glaziers with the eye test – see a boring team that has struggled to be prepared for games at times over the last two seasons. Wasn’t it a rumor the Glaziers asked Gruden to make his offense more exciting and he cussed them out – leading to his firing? Maybe season ticket renewals are way down? I hope the Glaziers do their due diligence and at least kick the tires on the possibility of hiring a “Better” coach. They are known to make splash hiring’s at the coaching level. I don’t want them to force it, but check things out…they may have made up their mind 2 months ago.

    I’m a born and raised Tampa guy – I remember those really bad Bucs teams, but it was way cheaper to go to games back in the day. I guess I’m spoiled now, but if my wife and I are going to spend $500+ to see a game, I’d like to be entertained a little too. I’ve watched some horribly boring games over the last two seasons.

    Go Bucs – Beat the Eagles!

  75. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Archives: He’s Never Done It!

  76. geno711 Says:

    I will give Vrabel credit for his good record. But let’s face it, I know he also had the most freak athlete in football with Derrick Henry. There probably was never another running back like Derrick Henry other than Jim Brown.

    When Henry declined these last two years. Guess what. Vrabel ended up a little below average. 13 and 21.

    Personally, I am not sure why NEFan sees Vrabel as a home run coach. He certainly does not have the experience or depth of knowledge of either Todd Bowles or our last coach, Bruce Arians.

    Maybe NEFan will get excited when Vrabel becomes NE’s next coach. As a Bucs fan, I would not mind that one bit. I do not think he is a real difference maker as a coach like I thought Arians would be when he was hired here.

    Ring of Honor for Arians needed. Vrabel never will make that anywhere, IMO.

    BTW, NEFan your prediction for the Bucs was they would be the cellar dwellers of the NFL before the season. Oops.

  77. Pewter power Says:

    This is what it’s come down to. People asking aboutMike Vrabel over Bowles. I know I know it’s gotta be real hard reaching the playoffs with two 1000 yard receivers and Tom Brady or baker.

    Navigating the dead money cap and young players I mean honestly stop with the dumb takes unless toilet Bowles is the first and only coach in the history of the nfl to have no cap room and rookies to coach up!

    A first time coordinator is no trophy excuse uh Byron leftwich. Canales has one more 30 point games than leftwich. The head coach is a defensive coordinator and his defense has fallen off. Mr cover zero cost us another nfc championship chance against the rams because he is a bad below average coach

  78. heyjude Says:

    Interesting. I can’t see them getting rid of Bowles.

    Happy we made it this far!

  79. Ugotrobbed Says:

    Todd for President! Vote for Todd!!

  80. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    When Bruce arrived, both the personnel and the offense system were already well established and in place. Sure, the verbage changed. But the offense was locked and loaded.

    This year marked a significant transformation in our offensive philosophy, representing a complete overhaul of previous strategies. So I’m expecting bigger and better things next year.

  81. Davenport Says:

    ModHairKen Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 2:07 pm
    ……None of you know whether he’s “capable of winning a Super Bowl” or not.

    What makes you think that this career loser HC can win anything?

    All he has shown in two seasons is a terrible team that is consistently unprepared to play.

    Trust me, if he’s fired, there won’t be a team out there that will give him a HC interview.

  82. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    What makes you think that this career-losing HC can win anything?

    Coaches Who Turned It Around After a Challenging Start:

    Tom Landry (Dallas Cowboys):
    • First six seasons (1960-1965): 25-53-4 (.327)
    • Later success: Landry led the Cowboys to two Super Bowl victories and is considered one of the greatest coaches in NFL history.

    Chuck Noll (Pittsburgh Steelers):

    • First six seasons (1969-1974): 36-44 (.450)
    • Later success: Noll guided the Steelers to four Super Bowl victories in six years.

    Marv Levy (Kansas City Chiefs and Buffalo Bills):

    • First six seasons (1978-1983): 31-42 (.425), including five seasons with the Chiefs.
    • Later success: Levy led the Bills to four consecutive Super Bowl appearances.

    Bill Belichick (Cleveland Browns and New England Patriots):

    • First six seasons: 41-55 (.427), including 1991-1995 with the Browns and 2000 with the Patriots.
    • Later success: Belichick has become one of the most successful coaches in NFL history, leading the New England Patriots to six Super Bowl victories (XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XLIX, LI, LIII) and numerous division titles.

  83. toad bowels Says:

    I’m not going anywhere.

    Toad Bowels

  84. JayBucsBoi Says:

    Todd Bowles shouldn’t be going anywhere. Fans will be fans. Knee jerk reactions, knee jerk takes. The dude has done a good job. I’m not trying to start over as a lifelong fan of this team. Where do we go to upgrade from Todd and the continuity we’ve had going from BA to him?? This is especially true because of retaining Canales. Dave may have interviews, but he hasn’t done enough to get a head coach gig yet, therefore he stays and gives another year together for us on offense.

    STOP. Like the world has become today, some fans are just irritating and itching to b*tch about any and everything!

    Nothing to see here. Move on and b*tch about something else.

  85. Saskbucs Says:

    Joe … you might be mostly right about Vrabel I don’t know much about his philosophies but you can’t say they are the same. I have seen Vrabel work the sideline, I have seen him use timeouts properly, I have seen him be aggressive and I have seen the Titans walk into stadiums as underdogs and come out victorious more than a couple times.

    I’ve seen what Bowles can do with this team. I’d gladly see what Vrabel can do over more years of Bowles .500 ball.

  86. Buddha Says:

    You have no clue how much these players love Bowles. If Bolwes goes Evans goes; Wirfs goes; Baker goes; Barrett goes; Nelson goes; and Winfield goes and you are looking at a lost decade. If Tampa beats the Eagles, Bowles will get two years extended to his contract.

    Precisely which team and which coach did more with less than Bowles this year.

  87. Saskbucs Says:

    I like Bowles, all you fans defending him think there is irrational hate coming from the fans that want him gone. He’s a good guy who the players like and he did some good things here. Like a lot of you I have watched every game during his tenure as DC and HC, I guarantee if he comes back next year, 2024 will be a carbon copy of 2023. .500 ball, team doesn’t show up some weeks, we will hear it’s a process blah blah every week, games will be lost in the last 2 minutes cause he’s playing soft zone and the Bucs get shredded.

    Why would we sign up for that again? Yes we could hire someone worse and backslide. Bowles ain’t winning the SB next year. Or we could take a chance and hire someone who gets more out of this roster. It was a 10-11 win roster this season in our division with our schedule and Bowles got 9. When we have a roster that should win 14 games Bowles will deliver 12. Is that gonna inspire playoff confidence?

  88. NE Fan Says:

    geno@ please study up before you voice your opinion. You claim ONE player is the reason for a teams success? Vrable had 4 straight winning season, his last two his starting QB got injured. Malik Cunningham played 11 games in 2022 and a rookie Levi took the helm after another injury to Tannahill. Vrabel knocked Patriots out of the PO’s in 2019 Pat’s were 12-4. His team also took out Baltimore out of PO’s. when they were favored to go all the way. The man is a winner and Bowles is not.

  89. NE Fan Says:

    Buddha @ the only reason these player are in Tampa is for the tax breaks. Have you EVER heard any players really talk up Bowles like they love playing fir him??? The guy doesn’t even communicate with his QB during crucial game situations.

  90. Miller5252 Says:

    Fires Bowles and go get Monken. Last 2 games have been must win and they’ve looked horrible. Canalas must have had his p$$ p$$ slapped after the Jags game because we’re back to playing 3rd and long again. For some reason we don’t like playing down the field and we only like running up the middle over and over again. Ole Lefty isn’t even here anymore and we still run up the middle all the time. That tells me it’s Bowles call. Fire him and get Monken.

  91. Saskbucs Says:

    Buddha that is quite a presumption that players will leave because Bowles does. They will just go where he goes? Never seen that happen before, maybe a player follows him but where is the precedent for what you just spewed ? Didn’t see any offensive guys ticked off about Canales coming in. It’s a business, you get your money and hope to be in a good culture

    Houston, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Arizona all did more with less! 3 of those teams had fresh coordinator hires. Arizona wasn’t supposed to win more than 2 games, they beat the Eagles and Cowboys and were a couple late game collapses from like 6 wins. Did teams overlook them and that was the cause, maybe. Pittsburgh and Cleveland have stud edge rushers which the Bucs don’t. Makes a difference but their back 6-7 aren’t better. Stroud is the only QB in that group better than Baker. What did he have? Some decent pass catchers, a weak run game. You trying to tell me with a straight face the Colts and Texans have better rosters than the Bucs? That Pittsburgh does?

    Bring in a G and C upgrade, retain Evans, get a RB to pair with White… you wouldn’t wanna see what Slowik or B.Johnson or Eric Bienemy could do? Find someone who knows how to use timeouts at the very least. I’d accept Bowles as DC, so I get it, it’s a tough call. The grass isn’t necessarily greener moving from Todd, it’s a risk, but one I’m willing to take to try and see another championship game sooner than later.

  92. Bosch Says:

    Joe you can keep repeating that Bowles and Vrabel are one and the same until the cows come home. But until you back it up with some facts, you have said nothing.

  93. SlyPirate Says:

    I will lose my mind if they fire Bowles and promote Canales.

  94. Jonzee Says:

    I’m gonna be honest. We are acting like one of the worst fan bass groups in the league. The thought that many of these weekly negative opinions come from folks who can’t throw a penny in the ocean and have a problem leading to 4 people in their family have the biggest opinion on players and coaches. Yes, they can do better, however. The non-stop targeting a folk’s job is crazy.

  95. Why Not Says:

    Bowles is the coach and deserves credit for leading the team to nine wins and a division championship. With that said, he is mediocre and will never lead this team to greatness. If the Glazers want to be average, resign Baker and keep Bowles. B&B will not energize season ticket sales or push the Bucs to be better.

  96. LongSeason Says:

    There are many in Buc-a-Buc.Buc that are calling for everyone to get fired.
    What we really want is this.
    Offense – Creativity that doesn’t give away what we are doing. Improve O-Line play. Receivers need to be given better route trees. Only thing their route tree leads to is roots in the septic tank.
    Defense – No more soft zone or prevent defense once we get a field goal lead. ‘Kay?
    Team – More fire, heart passion and controlled anger. These guys have to want it more and more each week.
    “None of this Harry high school stuff. Do what you’re told.” – Nah. Just like we “have biscuits and gravy from time to time,” we need some improv from time to time.
    Sign Baker and Evans. Draft LG, TE, CB, LB, DL, RB, WR in 2024.

  97. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Steve Deumig aka The Big Dog and Chris Thomas and Hubert Mizzell and Gary Shelton and Rock Riley all criticized Tony Dungy for not having an offense to match his Super Bowl Defense and ultimately all of these personalities called for Tony Dungy’s firing after the playoff loss to the Eagles.

    Dungy was not squeaking by in a weak division as the NFC South was a powerhouse in the early 2000’s with the Bucs and Panthers both making it to NFC Championship Games and Super Bowls.

    Todd Bowles is nowhere near the caliber of coach that Tony Dungy was.

  98. Kidfloflo Says:

    With a moniker of New England Fan on a Bucs fan site everything u post should be in moderation

  99. MegaFailure Says:

    Lose at home in the playoffs again, and hes history

  100. BucaneroJim Says:

    “We are acting like one of the worst fan bass groups in the league.”

    I see myself more of a Stumpknocker in the bream group. But there are quite a few Large Mouth bass guys commenting here.

  101. Tony marks Says:

    Bowles will be fine

    Out side central florida just about eveyone believes he over achieved

  102. CleanHouse Says:

    The team sucks and the coach sucks.

    What are we talking bout here?

  103. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Team Glazer and general manager Jason Licht have every opportunity to spread the word publicly that Bowles will coach the team next season. They haven’t done that to Joe’s knowledge.’

    Nor will they until the season is over. You know better than I do that’s not their style. Tell this team NOW that their head coach (and DC) isn’t coming back next year, and what do you think the impact would be on them heading into the playoff game against Philly?

    We went through a similar situation in 2008 when the Glazers launched Chucky (who finished 9-7 that year & the year prior). The result?

    o An inexperienced Raheem Morris gets promoted to HC and promptly goes 3-13 in 2009. Improved to 10-6 in 2010 (after assuming DC duties), then fell on his face at 4-12 in 2011.

    o Glazers hire a college coach, Greg Schiano, to replace Raheem. Schiano promptly goes 7-9 in 2012 followed by 4-12 in 2013. The years of depression are on a roll now.

    o Glazers then turn to an experienced NFL head coach, Lovie Smith, to replace Schiano. Lovie lights the world on fire by going 2-14 in 2014 (nice ring to it), but improves dramatically to 6-10 in 2015. Buh bye Lovie.

    o Glazers then promote Dirk Koetter to replace Lovie. Dirk actually has a winning season (9-7 in 2016) before falling off the carousel with a 5-11 season in 2017 and another 5-11 season in 2018. Ya I know, it was all the defense’s fault.

    o So after 10 full years of misery, Bucs finally hire a real head coach, Bruce Arians, in 2019. BA puts together a huge staff then promptly goes 7-9 in 2019 with Jameis at the helm. That’s 11 years since firing Chucky. We all know ‘the rest of the story’ as Paul Harvey used to say.

    Todd Bowles may not be the top HC in the league, but he did lead us a break-even 17-17 record in 2 seasons with 2 under-producing offenses. Plus 2 playoff slots. And oh ya, the players appear to highly respect him. Be careful what you wish for.

  104. Oxycondomns Says:

    The players like playing for him i think he needs a right hand man type of assistant that helps with his weaknesses

  105. Rod Munch Says:

    The Glazers aren’t firing Bowles to get Vrabel, that isn’t happening, not this season anyways.

    If the Glazers did fire Bowles, it would be because they got a big name, either Belichick or Harbaugh, someone that is in that caliber of star coach who would sell tickets. Vrabel isn’t selling a single ticket.

  106. Joe Says:

    Nor will they until the season is over. You know better than I do that’s not their style.

    Not true. The 2017 season had one game left and the Bucs announced Dirk Koetter would return.

  107. Joe Says:

    Joe you can keep repeating that Bowles and Vrabel are one and the same until the cows come home. But until you back it up with some facts, you have said nothing.

    Do some research. Both underachieve. Both are defensive guys. Both believe turnovers are more important than points. Both are content with average or lesser quarterbacks (Vrabel actually wanted Ryan Tannehill). Both believe in running offenses. Both come from the Bill Parcells tree (though Parcells knew the importance of a top-shelf quarterback).

    The only real difference between Bowles and Vrabel is Bowles gets along with co-workers and doesn’t try to muscle the owners, which is a big reason why he got canned.

  108. Joe Says:

    Have you EVER heard any players really talk up Bowles like they love playing fir him???

    Antoine Winfield.

  109. Juston Says:

    Bowles doesn’t suck, the offense does. Sure, he oversees the offense but I’m reading people say hiring caneles.. why? You want to promote an OC who couldn’t generate points in the two most important games of the season???? Ok, that makes sense. The couch you say sucked didn’t lose a game against any team that didn’t have a chance to make the playoffs I. The final week of the season. Sure, he needs to be more aggressive at times and not play zone all game but he’s a good who’s just old and has to rely on the offense that he doesn’t have.

  110. Fred Says:

    Bowles hasn’t been fired yet? I’d rather have Gruden any day.

  111. Rod Munch Says:

    Juston Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 8:36 pm
    Bowles doesn’t suck, the offense does.


    You’re confusing the ‘offense’ with an extremely inconsistent QB.

    Go watch the ALL22, there’s guys open all over the place and the QB isn’t getting them the ball.

    For example, even without watching the ALL22, just think back to Sunday, if Baker isn’t repeatedly missing a wide open Evans, the Bucs blowout the Panthers, and everyone feels a lot better ending the season. People will claim it’s because Baker was injured, but go back the previous week before he was allegedly injured, and guess what, he’s missing a wide open Evans.

    Canales has made some bizarrely stupid calls at times – like running a deep sweep with 20 seconds left in the half and 1 TO, but he’s mostly done a good job, in particular for a guy with no previous experience. But some very bad QB has really tanked his efforts — and when Baker has actually played well, people haven’t complained about the offense.

  112. Juston Says:

    @Rod Munch

    No I’m not confused. Constantly getting behind the chains by running for 2 yards on first and second down sucks. The lack of creativity in the run game sucks. Bakers inconsistent play is obviously part of it but every offense in the nfl has missed opportunities on offense that have a huge roll in the win or loss of a game. You only addressed the passing game. The defense creates turnovers, that’s Bowles side of the ball. The defense bends and breaks at times but they typically will keep us in a game. Nobody typically complains when they have success except our fans when we win a division title.

  113. SteelStudBuc Says:

    I think Bowles is getting better. Sometimes there will be growing pains. The players love him. I think they are gonna destroy the Eagles.

  114. Tony marks Says:

    Rod Mush h Says:
    watch the ALL22, there’s guys open all over the place and the QB isn’t getting them the ball.


    Watched many of them and they are open all over only to Footbal newbs as yourself.

    First rookie mistake of people claiming recievers are open is looking just at the receiver and his primary defender WIHTHOUT ANY REFERENCE TO other closing players like safeties.

    Second rookie mistake of people claiming receivers are open all over is looking at seperation without reference to the closing speed of the corner. Qbs have to calculate not is the receiver open now? but wil he be when the ball gets there?

    THird rookie mistake of people claiming recievers are open is looking exclusivly down the field and not what is happening inthe pocket. We’ve seen this a lot by you idiots. “he is open look” while in the pcoket Baker is doing a 360 to avoid a sack

    Fourth rookie mistake of people claiming recievers are open is being totally clueless as to route running and expected speeds. see dimwitz such as yourrself swear its the job solely of the QB to deliver balls for receptions. However its not. Its the job of the WR to run the routes with expected timing. Classic example of this was earliesh in the season when Palmer had two bombs to him. The usual blank Trask whiteboards claimed Baker missed him . IN fact the all 22s show palmer looking and slowing prematurely for the ball and therefore not getting to the spot he needed to be when the ball arrived.

    None of this is to say Bake never misess a receiver. the best of them do However it puts to bed the nonsense claim every game there are open receivers everywhere.

    Thats just total nonsens traskie talk for the sole sake of Trask starting.

    That why its never impressed Bowles or Canales for them to listen to it.

  115. Greg Says:

    If they beat Philly he stays. Frankly, he’ll have earned it. The thing I have found to be surprising is they changed their ways at the end of the season to an extent. That’s rare. I honestly thought Bowles was going to do down swinging with Ryan Neal, Devin White and Matt Feiler. When they started swapping out players that were clearly a problem and it started working for them… I think a light bulb went off.

    We’ll see. I think they have a tough row to hoe with Philly. We have had problems with physical teams at the line of scrimmage all year. The Eagles have had some issues at the end of the season but they will very likely bring it together for the playoffs. They will definitely not just roll over.

    I hope the Bucs can step it up and play physical. They are going to need to if they want to win. They have it in them to do it. We’ll see.

  116. Capt.Tim Says:

    No way you fire a coach that just won his division, With a cap hell team

  117. firethecannons Says:

    new coach please, new QB in draft please, and sell some of the oldies but goodies on this team

  118. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Id like to see the amount of ALL 22 minutes Rod Munch has clocked in watching this years Bucs offense….

    Im going to put the over/under at 0.0 seconds

  119. Rod Munch Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    January 10th, 2024 at 12:50 am
    Id like to see the amount of ALL 22 minutes Rod Munch has clocked in watching this years Bucs offense….


    Well I know it triggers you Baker Bois when anyone says anything bad or even neutral about the one you worship as part of your cult… however, I’ll direct you to week one.

    During the game, I and nearly everyone else that watched that game, thought Baker was incredibly terrible in the first half.

    However after reviewing the game, I did a big write-up, saying Baker actually played OK – and most of the issues seemed scheme related, that he was making the proper reads but guys weren’t open.

    As the season has went along, the scheme has gotten much better, but Baker, after having an OK start to the season, went into a tailspin, and was awful and costing the team games, until you get to the Packers game, where he played the best game of his entire career, then did great in the first half vs the Jags. Then, vs the Saints and Panthers, with the playoffs on the line and possibly even a new contract, he goes out and plays his 2 worst games of the season.

    Anywho, unlike the brainless Baker Bois, I actually will give Baker credit when he plays well – I’ll even change my mind if the tape shows I was wrong, and admit it – and I’ll also point out when Baker is playing like complete garbage and costing the team the game. The fact I won’t blindly praise your Lord and savior is your issue, which is a common trait when you offend cult members.

  120. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony marks Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 9:47 pm
    Rod Mush h Says:
    watch the ALL22, there’s guys open all over the place and the QB isn’t getting them the ball.


    Watched many of them and they are open all over only to Footbal newbs as yourself.


    The fact you’re saying this after Sunday’s game, claiming Baker wasn’t insanely inaccurate and missing guys, is literally laughable. Wait until he has at least a mediocre game if you’re going to pull this gag that you have any idea what you’re seeing on tape.

    BTW, hopefully, on Monday night, he’ll play the game of his life – because even with as much as I hope you drive into a bridge embankment while doing 80mph, I still want even worst for Eagles fans.

  121. Rod Munch Says:

    Juston Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 9:20 pm
    @Rod Munch

    No I’m not confused. Constantly getting behind the chains by running for 2 yards on first and second down sucks. The lack of creativity in the run game sucks.


    That was much much much more true last year, and 2 yards would be a great showing in that case.

    But the Bucs actually have one of the highest percentages of playaction passing on 1st down in the NFL, it was like 45% the last time I saw the number. The numbers don’t back up the idea that we’re extremely run heavy on 1st down – or that we’re all that predictable, at least compared to other teams.

    On defense, Bowles changed the scheme to be more aggressive around week 10-12, it wasn’t all in one week, but he stopped with the 95% zone he was running early in the season and it seems a lot closer to 50/50 man/zone now, although I haven’t seen the recent numbers.

    In any case, the run has been a lot better over the 2nd half the season, and when Baker has played well, the run game has looked great.

  122. SoCalBucFanSince79 Says:

    Quite a few people openly complain that Bowles will keep fielding .500 ball clubs, as if that would taint our stellar lifetime winning %. You know who also fielded .500 ball clubs at 57-55, Jon Gruden in Tampa Bay, ranking 3rd winning % all-time for Bucs HC. Bowles at 17-17 (.500) ranks fourth, behind the aforementioned Gruden (.509), Dungy 54-42 (.563) and Arians 31-18 (.633). That’s how historically bad this organization has been, having only 4 coaches with a .500 or better record, but some of you OD’d on the Brady merc era Kool-Aid, hallucinating like we have been consistent winners for decades entitled to winning and magically forgot how bad our organization has been (308-450-1 for .406 winning %, worst among active NFL teams). There’s no guarantee we can get any one better to replace Bowles, as prior to the Dungy-Gruden era (DR already explained the recent lost decade coaches), we had Sam Wyche of the 1988 AFC Champion Bengals who went 23-41 (.359), Richard Williamson 4-15 (.211), Ray Perkins 19-41 (.317), Leeman Bennett 4-28 (.125) and 4x NCAA National Champion and Ring of Honor recipient John McKay 44-88-1 (.335), his 44 games under .500 record is only surpassed by Marion Campbell at 46 games under .500 (34-80-1). McKay won 4 national championships and only sniffed the NFC championship game once (1979 season). We don’t know if a prospective Jim Harbaugh or Bill Belichick coaching regime can replicate their previous successes, but we are more likely to get another Greg Schiano before we get a Bill Parcells or Jimmy Johnson or Joe Gibbs as our shared history has already indicated.
    Some of you swear Bowles is worse than the poor shmucks that put on headsets in our Creamsicle coaching gear prior to Dungy. If you want to go back to that era, you are entitled to it, I just don’t Bowles offers that type of futility, but because of the last two games, everyone get pink slips, because our last two opponents should just have laid down and not have pride as professional athletes to play with urgency of the now. Win or Lose on Monday, my bet is Bowles stays on. Maybe Bowles ends up the next Jeff Fisher 173-165-1 (.512) the epitome of .500 level coaching, which may not sound that impressive, but he survived back-to-back seasons of 5-11, 4-12 mid-career and still had room to get his team back to 8-8, 10-6 and 13-3 tops in the NFL (2008) with a 36-yo journeyman Kerry Collins starting at QB. Occasionally winning 38-35 in Primetime may be exciting, but 19-17, 20-14, 13-10, 9-7 may not be sexy scores and involve a lot of boring vanilla football in the era of high-octane offenses, but are still wins. Wins get you to the playoffs where anything can happen, like winning 4 “road” games with a goat and defense that made it possible to get there in the first place.

  123. Ted Says:

    Todd Bowles is not going anywhere. He won the worst division and both his offense and defense were in the bottom third of the league. The game of football has passed him by and he hates elite offensive football. The Bucs will get around to firing him sometime in 2026 after consecutive 8-9 seasons with a lifeless, uninspired offense and an underachieving defense. Vrabel would be a huge upgrade and had things going in Tennessee until the front office decided to trade AJ Brown and replace him with failed draft picks totally hamstringing their offense for the last two years.

  124. NE Fan Says:

    Joe, not sure why the hate for Vrabel, he’s done a lot more with less than most coaches in the league. 4 winning seasons in his first 4 years??? That doesn’t suck!!! His game plans are far more innovative than Bowles. Has Bowles ever been able to shut Brady or Lamar down? Last time Baltimore played the Bucs, Lamar embarrassed his MASTERMIND defense.

  125. Joe Says:

    Joe, not sure why the hate for Vrabel

    Why is it “hate” for Joe to point out Vrabel is a typical defensive-minded guy whose core beliefs are just like most defensive-minded coaches from the Parcells Tree, just like Todd Bowles. When did facts and reason become “hate?”

  126. Bucs Lives Matter Says:

    “The game of football has passed him by and he hates elite offensive football.” Right on Ted. He has no interest in building an elite offense. He’s basically neutered an offense that has the capability of being on the elite side. His main goal is to have an elite defense which is something he’s failed at. It’s an average defense and might be slightly above a couple of games per season. End result will be 7-9 wins per season until he gets fired several years from now. He was the wrong hire at the wrong time. We needed an offensive minded coach with the players we had. What a waste.

  127. geno711 Says:


    Study up. What an idiot. You say study up and then inaccurately make up a name of a quarterback and say that he was the starter for the Tennessee in 2022 and imply that it was 11 games. “Willis” actually started three games in 2022, so if you want to take out his three starts, Vrabel was 6 and 8 last year and not 7 and 10.

    How absurd your study up comment. You may apologize for your inaccuracy now for:

    1. Your claim that the Bucs would be cellar dwellers.
    2. That Malik Cunningham started 11 games for the Titans in 2022.

    I am sure you won’t though.

  128. NE Fan Says:

    geno, yes Willis and the Cunningham post was autofill, remember I am from NE. Willis played in 8 games in 2022 and 3 in 2023 totaling 11, not to mention Henry was hurt in 2022. So if Evan’s and Baker went down this season, how W’s would the Bucs have? His first 4 seasons as a HC 9-7, 9-7, 11-5, 12-5. More equal to BA versus Bowles.

    Joe, I agree I am not a fan of a defensive minded coach if they are old and stubborn like Belichick & Bowles. But other than Shannahan, McVay, Reid maybe McDaniels there are a whole lot of great offensive minded coaches.

  129. orlbucfan Says:

    Joe Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 8:34 pm
    Have you EVER heard any players really talk up Bowles like they love playing fir him???

    Antoine Winfield.
    Hey, Joe: TRISTAN WIRFS!! That’s only a couple of the more vociferous players.
    I want to give a BIG LOUD SHOUTOUT to SoCalBucFanSince79’s comment. Thank you, fellow 79er Bucs fan. I’m a Floridian and found out about Tampa Bay the summer of that year. I’m someone who went to every Dolphin home game in the Orange Bowl when Wilson was HC, right before Don Shula. I really want to transport all the fakers and loudmouths to the 1980s Bucs. You want to talk rotten from top (Culverhouse) to bottom (even the poor water boy)?! You jackazzes haven’t gotten a clue! And who says the Bucs can’t beat the whatevers Monday Night? We’re owed a MNF victory. I swear we play the da##ed Eagles as much or more than we’ve played the teams in our Divisions. Go Tampa Bay!! We’ve got this! And drop Canales on his head so he will come up with a gameplan our Offense deserves.

  130. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe Says:
    January 10th, 2024 at 8:56 am
    Joe, not sure why the hate for Vrabel

    Why is it “hate” for Joe to point out Vrabel is a typical defensive-minded guy whose core beliefs are just like most defensive-minded coaches from the Parcells Tree, just like Todd Bowles. When did facts and reason become “hate?”


    Also if teams do change coaches, they generally do the opposite of whatever they’re doing – so you have Bowles who thinks it’s 1970 and you win by running the ball and playing defense, and you have Vrabel who thinks it’s 1970 and win by running the ball and playing defense.

    Short of getting a star coach, at least in name, the Bucs would transition back to an offensive coach if they decided to change things up.

    But, again, short of getting a huge big name guy, they’re not going to make a change. Why would they? The team overperformed and made the playoffs. The Eagles game will come down to one person, Baker Mayfield, he’s the one with his job on the line on MNF.

  131. JD Still Says:

    Pete Carrol at Seattle after 14 years ,many conference championships and successful seasons, including a 9 and 8 record this year ,( What We call a success , and a statement two days ago that he wanted to stay, just got fired, I guess their management did not want to settle for mediocrity.

  132. TheRamdog Says:

    Tampa fans are never happy unless we win the Super Bowl.

    At the beginning of the year, Vegas had the over-under as 6.5 or I believe. So going over what people who actually know about football so much millions if not billions of dollars are spent on it picked the Bucs to win between 6 and 7 games. Peter King ranked the BUCS 31st with only Arizona worse and thought the BUCS would be lucky to win 3 games. Here are our losses. 1. Eagles 25 – 11, 2. Lions 20 – 6, 3. Falcons – 16 – 13, 4. Bills 24 – 18, 5. Texans 39 – 37, 6. 49ers 27 – 14, 7. Colts 27 – 20 8. Saints 23 – 13. Did anyone look at the Vegas odds for every game when released in May? I just looked them up. You know how many the BUCS were favored in aka how many Vegas and the folks who bet on the NFL put their money. Zero – yup that is right the BUCS according to Vegas in May were favored in no games the entire year. Not the Panthers, Colts, Titans, Bears, Falcons none. In the opening game the Vikings were favored by 6.5 points. So our horrible coach goes and wins 3 more games than Vegas thought he would and 6 more than Peter King did and we want to fire him. Wow, we have some brilliant football minds down here for sure.

    So what is the reason? If you listen to BUCS fans on this site you would think we have a Roster to rival the 49ers or Ravens – which we do not. However, the BUCS do have one thing neither of these teams have a Superbowl Victory in the last 5 or 10 years for that matter. Hence one of the reasons why our roster has less talent than those 2 dead cap space. You win with talent.

    Now, unfortunately, the amount of dead cap space (the highest in the NFL), huge questions on the offensive line. Remember Wirfs hadn’t played LT since High School or something and although Goedke had played tackle in College his arms were supposedly way too short to be a tackle in the NFL.

    A Defensive Line whose leading sack artist was a run-stopping Nose-tackle and our best Edge-Rusher was returning from Achilles surgery.

    Add to that no one thought Baker Mayfield was worth a shiet and David Canales had never called plays in the NFL.

    Also Rashad White was an unproven commodity and Evans and Godwin were only getting older when would the wheels fall off or an injury occur?

    As the fans or rather people on this site get their way and the Glazers decide to fire Bowles who would possibly want to come here and work? Who could do a better job? If he did get fired or does this would be one of the worst if not the worst job vacancies around. We draft in the 20s, the only QB that would be on the roster would be Kyle Trask. We have some developing talent and some good players and even some Cap Space but all that will probably be eaten up by Evans, Winfield, Wirfs, and whatever QB you want to come in and whoever you choose to be our QB that choice better be good because you have 2 or at max 3 years to win a Superbowl or get deep in the playoffs or the Tampa fans will be calling you worthless and asking for your head. To that point who is the best QB that is going to be a free agent, he is probably Baker Mayfield no way a rookie comes in and plays better, especially where we pick. No, I see you little clown out there all we have to do is find a Tom Brady or Russell Wilson or Brock Purdy those are the exceptions, not the rule. I remember we picked a QB first in the draft twice both were supposed to be generational-type talents they ended up being Winny Testaverde and Famous Jameis Winston the W eater himself. So so much for experts.

    Like anyone who collects a paycheck from the NFL once said if you listen to the fans you will be sitting with them soon enough. From reading this and other fan sites nothing truer was ever said.