“No Way They’re Losing This Game”

January 20th, 2024

“Time to shut that guy up.”

So how big is the Lions’ home field advantage?

Consider the public health warnings coming out of Detroit.

It’s so damn loud at Ford Field that CDC advisories are being quoted in local media.

Per Hall of Fame receiver Michael Irvin, Lions quarterback Jared Goff told him that once Lions players heard the pregame crowd intensity Sunday, the club knew it wasn’t losing to the Rams. Their confidence was steaming.

Irvin says he completely expects that advantage to continue.

“No way they’re losing this game [to the Bucs],” Irvin said on FS1.

Yeah, the crowd noise is crazy, but it was that way to open the season in Minnesota and it was insane in Atlanta when the Bucs were driving for the win — with their season and the Falcons’ season on the line. Joe was at both games.

Noise is noise. A silent count is a silent count.

Former Bucs receiver Keshawn Johnson wasn’t concerned about a home field advantage for the Lions. He was more interested in pass blocking while he sat alongside Irvin on the FS1 set.

If the Bucs pass block, per Johnson, the Bucs have a true “puncher’s chance” of knocking out the Lions because their defensive backfield is so bad.

Joe is not discouting the Lions’ home field advantage. The key is taking the crowd out of the game early.

But Joe is not obsessing about crowd noise. The Bucs have road wins in three domes this season, and in Green Bay.

37 Responses to ““No Way They’re Losing This Game””

  1. Beeej Says:

    Surprisingly enough, no qb is very effective with a 300 pound dude slamming him into the turf

  2. BakerFan Says:

    Hit them hard early, hit them hard all game long and they will fold. They have too much loser in their DNA as a franchise.

  3. Usfbuc Says:

    Bakerfan – I know you aren’t really a Bucs fan so maybe you don’t know this factoid about the Bucs but, we have/had the lowest win percentage out of all professional sports teams.

  4. DBS Says:

    Get up 14 and it will start to quickly shut them up..If both sides of the team does their jobs they will have no reason to be loud.

  5. R.O. Says:

    I’m saying this right now and its true every year in the Playoffs. A Team will
    Only go as far as their O-line and D-line will take them. If the Bucs can dig deep to control the line of scrimmage for 2 more games they have a shot. If either one crumbles the run will end.

  6. RagingBrisket Says:

    Just play football. The team that is more physical and executes better will win the game. Same as always

  7. Beeej Says:

    That pretty much summarizes the last 3-5 years against the Taints

  8. stpetebucfan Says:

    I still fear the refs. Not that they’ll be biased I just hope they can keep control of the game.

    IF the Lions persist in their N.O. cheap shotting I think there are Bucs who will respond in kind. The problem with that is the turd from N.O. might bait ME13 into a bad physical encounter that gets them BOTH run. Advantage Lions big time. Can ME13 keep his cool if the refs let Lions mug him and then toss offensive interference when he responds?

    What about Tristan Wirfs and the rest of the OL if the Lions D starts cheap shotting Baker. Will that result in perhaps horribly times penalities or stars like Wirfs getting run?

    If the Lions cheap shot the Bucs offense do we think the Bucs D might not then feel free to start cheap shotting Goff who is a much easier static target than Mayfield?

    I’m concerned about the refs. How will THEY react to the crowd. Will they be able to keep the game under control without game changing penalities?

  9. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Irving probably said the same thing about his Cowboys last week. How’d.that work out?

  10. Joshua porter Says:

    Joke is on the lions cuz Bowles don’t mind losing his timeouts cuz he don’t like using them either. Lol. Bucs win 31 kitty cats 20. Go bucs

  11. ModHairKen Says:

    They don’t know

  12. Tye Says:

    A miraculous weekend for the Bucs would be for the Packers to get a win today and the Bucs to win tomorrow…..
    History doesn’t show Such miracles are common for the Bucs BUT hopefully this weekend is different!

  13. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Lions barely beat the Rams at home, so how are they so invincible? The Bucs will beat the overconfident Lions and shut a few ‘experts’ up at the same time.

  14. Mort Says:

    How many TFLs did crowd noise have last week? SHOW ME THE STATS!

  15. orlbucfan Says:

    Tye Says:
    January 20th, 2024 at 11:42 am
    A miraculous weekend for the Bucs would be for the Packers to get a win today and the Bucs to win tomorrow…..
    History doesn’t show Such miracles are common for the Bucs BUT hopefully this weekend is different!
    I’ll faint. Go Bucs!!

  16. Crickett Baker Says:

    This has already been an amazing and very fun season. No matter what happens tomorrow that will never be taken away. We are looking good so far. GO BUCS! LFG!

  17. Dewey Selmon Says:

    We play in the Superdome every year. It’s loud there too. (well not in the last couple years lol).

  18. EricTheViking Says:

    Baker has to be better beyond 20 yards. That will be a huge determining factor in this game.

    Play action passes are a must. And don’t be afraid to decoy with Evans.

    ME13 needs to hold on to the ball as well. Dropped passes are unacceptable in this round.

    We’ll need 30+ to have a shot.

    Rule #76 No excuses play like a champion!

  19. HC Grover Says:

    Need points on first drive.

  20. BillyBucco Says:

    Irving is just mad the Cowboys lost and doesn’t like the Bucs for obvious reasons.
    Man there are so many jumping on the Detroit bandwagon, it might not move.
    Ive never wanted to beat a team worse.

  21. Buc4evr Says:

    Think the biggest thing is that the Lions are a dirty team that seems to get away with a lot. The Refs don’t ever seem to flag them. I guess the Lions have the home field advantage not because of the noise, but because of the refs. I expect this to be a game where the Bucs have to play the Lions and the Refs. Refs will turn a blind eye.

  22. Tye Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    January 20th, 2024 at 12:13 pm
    Tye Says:
    January 20th, 2024 at 11:42 am
    A miraculous weekend for the Bucs would be for the Packers to get a win today and the Bucs to win tomorrow…..
    History doesn’t show Such miracles are common for the Bucs BUT hopefully this weekend is different!
    I’ll faint. Go Bucs!!

    Me too!….

  23. Jmarkbuc Says:

    The outcome of the game will be whatever Emperor Goodell has predetermined it should be.

  24. BucU Says:

    If the D plays like they did against Philly we got a good shot.

  25. Defense Rules Says:

    ‘Joe is not discounting the Lions’ home field advantage. The key is taking the crowd out of the game early.’

    Agree 100% Joe. And he best way to do that is to score early AND to have a couple of BIG PLAYS in the process. Nothing’s more discouraging than watching the opposition get a TD on a long pass play or on a long run (especially when there’s a bunch of missed tackles involved). And falling behind early can quiet a crowd too.

  26. Salary Cap Hell Says:

    Hell yeah… And be unpredictable in play calling

  27. BucsFan Says:

    Could not agree more about points on the first drive as we did against Iggs. The team scoring any points first since the year 2000 is winning at a 64% clip.

  28. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Does anyone have more career lives than Irvin? No matter what he says or does…he continues to find work in the media. He’s always hated the Bucs it seems.

  29. WillieG Says:

    I think the noise actually hurts the defense more than the offense. The QB makes a silent audible, a player shifts, and now the D has to react. Yeah, good luck with that when there are guys behind you and guys in front of you and all you can do is flash frantic hand signals.

  30. Marky Mark Says:

    Throw early and often. Take a big lead and silence the crowd

  31. 1#bucsfan Says:

    You said it perfectly Joe. Take the cowed out the game. AIR IT OUT canales

  32. The return of LargoBuc Says:

    Bucs go into Atlanta and New Orleans every year. We all know how loud the Super Dome could get. Crowd noise won’t be the game changer that the media is hyping it to be.

  33. unbelievable Says:

    The key is taking the crowd out of the game early.

    Correct. So they need to start fast.

    If we make some early stops on defense and move the ball on offense early (and get some points), I like our chances.

    If we fall behind early, we’re probably toast

  34. garro Says:

    Come on Joe… Really the equally esteemed Detroit Free rag and Irvin? No one with a believable TikTok gag out there?


    Go Bucs!

  35. Danbucsfan Says:

    They beat eagles by getting a lead out the date, 4 possession and 4 scores, I think they will need to score touchdowns instead of fg’s, at one point philly was still in the game until our defense came through clutch. Det is very confident, hopefully overconfident and we can play buc ball GOOD DEFENSE and complimentary football, I love the grit baker and rest of our team is showing and the confidence should be high. Let’s see if Bowles can put on a master class in defensive play calling, and if we can get another turnover free game. I believe in this team, LETS GO BUCS SHOCK THE WORLD.

  36. T. McGee Says:

    Fan noise is overrated, and it takes a few splash plays for people to quiet down. What a ridiculous line from Irvin… like his Cowboys ever worried the crowd might be too loud.

  37. Kris Says:
