Ian Beckles: The NFL Is About Getting Knocked Down

January 6th, 2024

Disappointed in Bucs.

Just when it appeared the Bucs had turned the corner, winning four straight games with the last two being decisive ass-kickings, the Bucs laid a big fat egg to the slimy Saints.

Welcome to the NFL 2023, says former Bucs guard Ian Beckles.

The popular local sports personality said that’s the NFL in 2023. Once a team gets on a roll, an opponent rises up and slaps a team around.

“We definitely took a step back,” Beckles said on his podcast “In the Trenches.” “If we look at the NFL, maybe we shouldn’t be surprised. Every other team wins three and loses two.

“The Bucs are not good enough to sweep the Saints. They’re not. We should have known that was coming. The Bucs got grossly outplayed on both sides of the ball. They got a good old fashioned ass-whupping.

“I put money on the Bucs. I was duped.”

Beckles found it interesting how one game can change the perception of a coaching staff, players and an entire team.

“Todd Bowles was feeling good about his team,” Beckles said of the vibe before the slimy Saints game. “Baker Mayfield found a new home.

“Now, you lose this [Carolina] game, people are going to be asking for your ass. Todd Bowles and Baker.

“Baker was a problem. He wasn’t the problem. But he was a problem.”

A big reason for the loss was the slimy Saints exposed what used to be a strength of the Bucs, Beckles added. “The middle of our defense, has been historically good. Especially since Vita Vea has been there. Right now we are soft as tissue paper in the middle. We always had the ability to stop the run inside and go sideline to sideline with our linebackers. We don’t have that ability any more. We just don’t.”

Beckles also noted that the eyeball test on the offense indicates the Bucs will have a long day at the office.

“You know how I know things aren’t right?” Beckles said. “When things are hard offensively. When things aren’t right for the Buccaneers, everything looks difficult.”

Beckles was especially disappointed because he thought the Bucs had turned the corner on the season: “They took a huge step back. This is as real as I can get.”

Beckles had the following thoughts about individual players:

Devin White: “Devin White will make a splash play. Devin White is a splash player. … He’s just not a consistent football player. We don’t have a lot of consistent football players.”

Trey Palmer: “You see [Trey] Palmer make a play and then you see Palmer fumble the ball without getting hit. You wonder why you don’t win games.”

Aaron Stinnie: “Stinnie? Mmmm… that wasn’t a good one. Mark that off as the worst one. That was not a good one.”

Joe Tryon-Shoyinka: “JTS goes in [Beckles shrugs]. JTS goes out we look good defensively. JTS is back in because Shaq Barrett is not in there. What did we look like? Listen, I am not a JTS hater, I just don’t think he’s a good football player. And you don’t either. The film doesn’t say he is. I don’t hear anybody defending him. He’s out there all the damn time. He don’t do nothing but avoid blocks. Not a fan. You can put [Cam] Gill in there. Anybody.”

Basically, Beckles paraphrased Bill Parcells when describing the Bucs.

“What the Bucs are, are a .500 team in a historically bad NFC South,” Beckles said. “Think about if they played in another division. We play Carolina twice, Atlanta twice and the Saints are not that good.

“The South is just eating each other up. The South doesn’t win any games outside the South. The South is not good.”

If the Bucs make the playoffs, Beckles doesn’t necessarily think they are a one-and-done team. Beckles doesn’t believe there are any dominant teams in the NFC and the Bucs could easily rise up and knock off the Cowboys or Eagles, whichever comes into The Licht House to open the playoffs.

“The Bucs have a chance,” Beckles said. “You are not watching football if you give the Bucs no chance at home. You are not watching it.

“Which team are you watching? The Eagles, the Lions, the Cowboys? They are all beatable. ‘Ah, if the Bucs get in the playoffs they will be’ — you don’t know that. You don’t know that. Now would I bet my house on them? No, absolutely not.”

But, the Bucs have to first take care of business in Carolina tomorrow. Beckles said you can bet Carolina isn’t going to lay down because dudes will be playing for their jobs.

If the Bucs lose, Beckles thinks heads may roll at One Buc Palace.

“If they lose this game, I’m not sure Todd Bowles survives,” Beckles said. “If they lose this game, I’m not sure Baker survives. I’m not sure.

“If they go below .500 and miss the playoffs, are you going to give Baker Mayfield that contract? I’m not sure that makes any sense at that point.

“The Bucs just have to figure out a way to beat Carolina, that’s all. I think they are better than Carolina.”

20 Responses to “Ian Beckles: The NFL Is About Getting Knocked Down”

  1. Usedtocould Says:

    I’m don’t know that beckles has new content, I just don’t.

  2. Davenport Says:

    How many times has a “hot seat” coach survived Black Monday and then went on to long term success with their team?

    I cant think of one instance.

    Bringing back Bowles for “one more year” is the equivalent to a stay of execution. We all know what the end result will be — why wait?

  3. DungyDance Says:

    Someone in the open thread during last week’s game wondered whether we were losing that game on purpose, given how blatantly sleepy we looked. I can’t go that far, but knowing the Carolina game would be a failsafe backstop, it seems conceivable that Bowles & co. might have viewed last week’s game as a final test of whether the old/failed game strategy was fixed. Showing one more time that old game strategy could also work as subterfuge for upcoming opponents. So now that all doubt has been removed, maybe we’ll see a return of the Renaissance tomorrow.

  4. heyjude Says:

    “The Bucs were starting to do things consistently,” Beckles said. “They took a huge step back. This is as real as I can get.”

    Agreed. Many of us thought the same thing, and then the Saints happened. Optimistic for tomorrow! 🏈 Go Bucs!

  5. stpetebucfan Says:

    The Bucs will have a “puncher’s chance” IF they make the playoffs.

    The Bucs have plenty of targets on offense if they can figure out the schemes and playcalling.

    On defense if just 3 or 4 players play to the very best of their capability the Bucs will crush the Panthers. If Vea and AW and DW45 have close to career games it’s all over! Again though with Vea and DW45 that’s a big “if”. I’d bet the farm on Winfield the other two have been inconsistent to say the least.

  6. bucsince79 aka bumanner Says:

    Great Take I Agree 100…

  7. BucsFan Says:

    You really bet on the Bucs Ian-with money???

  8. Cobraboy Says:

    I agree with Beckles 100%.

    Bucs lose, and it’s hit the road time for Bowles & Co. and reset time at OBP.

  9. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Been thinking about it, and I am not sure about all the NFC South slander this year. No doubt there is no great team in the division. But how many divisions look like ours if you remove their top team?

  10. Cobraboy Says:

    @Drunk: the problem there is no “top team” in the NFC-S.

    Every team in the NFC-S, including the Kitties, would be bottom tier in every other division.

  11. HC Grover Says:

    Agree with all.

  12. go dawgs Says:

    good point DBF^

  13. Allen Lofton Says:

    Ian Beckles is too critical about Baker Mayfield. You listen to other NFL pros, they consider Baker a good quarterback. In 100 years of football there has been only one goat – Tom Brady.

    Brady studied his role as a quarterback at a level no one has ever achieved. Many quarterbacks have talent but lack his commitment and intelligence (that’s the game changer that separates him). His drive and will to win helped the Patriots beat superior teams.

    If the Bucs want another GOAT, I’m not sure the fans are willing to wait 100 years.

    The Bucs should resign Baker but look to draft a Mr. Irrelevant like San Francisco did with Perdy.

  14. Crickett Baker Says:

    All I can say is : GO BUCS!

  15. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Are we still in salary cap trouble next season? That would be the only reason I can think of to keep Bowles. Let the lame duck coach deal with it and get the new guy a big menu to choose from. However that is an unlikely scenario.

  16. James in Memphis Says:

    I told you… This dude is not a good analyst.. You are really watering down your site by posting this every week. How is the NFC South historically bad? It’s had a couple down years but all 4 of these teams have played in recent Superbowls. Smh.. Then goes on to say “well all they do is just beat on each other that’s why they have 8 wins.” If my math serves me correctly the Bucs have only 3 division wins and 5 non division wins. How are you calculating?? Ian just shut up. It’s ok if you don’t know.

  17. Obvious Says:

    Davenport has pretty much summed it up for me concerning the head coach. There’s only one problem with the senerio that I see there….


    In my heart of hearts, I don’t believe Todd Bowles is capable of getting us to and then winning the super bowl. I JUST CAN’T DO IT.

    ONLY! And I mean ONLY a Well Rounded Coach with instincts on BOTH SIDES of the ball can achieve that. It’s a FLUKE otherwise and it can not hold. Just NOT REALITY.

    Bruce Arians was one of the Rare Ones that was Very Familiar with Both Sides of the ball and had his guys in place in order to FOLLOW HIS INSTRUCTIONS to the LETTER!

    Of course he specialized in Offense but no doubt he was Very aware of the inner band outter workings of his defense.

    I’ve got a question for ANYBODY that would like to take a shot and here it is…..

    Keeping the question SIMPLISTIC…
    How can you be “THE BEST” at either offense or defense without KNOWING WELL what the Other Side of the Ball intends to counter you with to stop you? How do you have TRUE SUCCESS without having a DEEP UNDERSTANDING of the game plan on the other side of the ball? In my eyes it’s IMPOSSIBLE! Dirk Cotter anyone? Todd Bowles anyone? Never had true success? Well I wonder why?

    What say you?

  18. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Obvious- you make a good point. I think we need to bring back Raheem Morris, he has had Jobs since he was our head coach on both sides of the ball and now is well rounded and ready for a head coaching job. Raheem knows both sides of the ball he wasn’t ready last time.

  19. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    I like Ian and his rants. He’s knows his stuff

  20. orlbucfan Says:

    Beckles is a clown. Yeah, he was a competent player— whoopee do. Later cos right now, I am bored. Go Bucs!!