Does Todd Bowles Need A Playoff Win To Return As Bucs Coach?

January 6th, 2024

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

As the “Sage of Tampa Bay Sports,” Ira Kaufman, likes to say when assessing the job stability of an incumbent coach of the Bucs, Team Glazer likes to see the arrow pointing up.

Does that mean at least a playoff win next week?

Now the Bucs are not yet in the playoffs. They must win tomorrow at the Stinking Panthers, or if they tie, get help from other teams.

A loss and the Bucs are done. And maybe so too is Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

Earlier this week, respected NFL insider Josina Anderson of CBS reported”NFC South teams” are doing background work on Bill Belichick. The Patriots coach, after winning six Super Bowls in New England, is believed to be coaching his last game with the Patriots tomorrow.

Anderson was not specific about which of the NFC South teams was doing background work on Belichick.

On the heels of Anderson’s report comes news from heavy metal headbanging Jason La Canfora of the Washington Post. He claims league insiders have heard that Bowles is not a lock to return to the Bucs for the 2024 season.

These same sources told La Canfora that not even an NFC South title may not be enough.

Ownership [of the Bucs] has been mulling options for weeks, with Todd Bowles not assured of another season. And even if the Bucs make the playoffs, both GMs and the personnel executive I spoke with believe an ugly first-round exit could portend change.

Well, this really isn’t a shosck. Let’s be real: Back in November when the Bucs were 4-7, Bowles’ name was tossed around frequently on various coaching hot seat lists. And no one really blinked an eye.

Then after winning four straight games, suddenly some believed Bowles was a candidate for Coach of the Year.

Some fans like to think teams don’t begin a coaching search until a head coach is removed. That’s not how the real world works. Often the wheels begin churning behind the scenes well before the end of a season.

For example, Joe had heard that when former Bucs commander Greg Schiano was in the midst of what would be his final season with the Bucs in 2013, that Team Glazer had initiated negotiations with lousy Lovie Smith in October of that year, well before the end of the season.

So it would not shock Joe when the Bucs were in the midst of their 1-6 freefall run in October and November, that Team Glazer had started homework on potential Bowles replacements.

If the Bucs fall to the lowly Stinking Panthers tomorrow, well, that’s a really, really bad loss. All bets would be off.

Joe would think a win tomorrow gives Bowles some job security. But if the Bucs get blown out for the second straight year in the first round of the playoffs, would that motivate Team Glazer to flip the switch on a regime change?

77 Responses to “Does Todd Bowles Need A Playoff Win To Return As Bucs Coach?”

  1. BucsFan81 Says:

    Can’t wait until he is fired. Thanks for the Super Bowl with Arians crew but it’s time to move on. We need an offensive minded coach.

  2. Proudbucsfan Says:

    It would be great to see Harbaugh here. That man has been a winner everywhere he’s went.

  3. Larry Says:

    FLIP THE SWITCH!!! The Bucs need a head coaching change. Period! End of story!!!

  4. CleanHouse Says:

    Bring on Belichick

  5. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Harbaugh is gonna be Raiders coach this coming year….
    Brady is helping to coax him there since he’s part owner now….

    Harbaugh signed up with Brady’s agent as well…

    Brady former Michigan QB so they got so much connection……

    Raiders gonna tear sh_t up of this happens.
    Maxx Crosby gets defensive player of the year as well, haha…

  6. Bucfan1988 Says:

    PUH-LEASE no Belichick

  7. Bucfan1988 Says:

    IF Bucs beat the Kitties this weekend, get in the dance, and make a very competitive showing against the Iggles (whether win or lose), I think Bowles will be back 🤷🏻‍♂️…

    This is the only way he returns…

  8. David Says:

    Toilet Bowl needs to go. This is still a passing game. He is a defensive coach. He is so responsible for the offensive system change and gambling with a journeyman as his qb instead of developing his own second rounder or even drafting his won qb.
    He is 1-6 against wining teams and lost most of the home games following with boos. No season ticket holder will be interested in TB/BM return resuming the mediocrity for the next two years.
    Only a first round of playoff win might save his job.

  9. SB Says:

    In all fairness he inherited Spongebob in his first yr. Then he has a guy that has never called plays and isn’t doing too too badly for a rook. Back to back divisional titles ought to count for something.

  10. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles will be baaack give it up.

  11. BillyBucco Says:

    The way I see it, the owners didn’t expect much this year so no real coach search was performed.
    Bowles has definitely helped at least in Lichts better drafts of late.
    Can’t say Bowles knows how to use them correctly, but I think that has more to do with assuming HC duties because the defense was much better under Bowles before he became a HC.
    The real kicker here is that if Baker is really not that good, then it’s because of Canales that he is performing well, and with no Bowles there is certainly no Canales. You can see how Geno regressed when he left also. Makes me wonder what this guy could do with a 1st RD QB.
    Now it’s possible that Canales assumes HC at Tampa if Bowles is fired and that would be fun. The most money you are gonna save next year is drafting a rookie or starting Trask because Baker will get 25-35 million from someone.
    I like Canales and would love to see what he can do in year 2. Problem is, barring a miracle, that would come strapped with Bowles.
    This is why we lose guys like Tomlin.
    If Bowles gets credit for what Canales is doing I will puke!!!!

  12. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Harbaugh gets my vote. But it’s a longshot. I do not see him going to the Raiders.

    Tampa has a recent Superbowl win, a good GM, and owners who are willing to spend.

    The way Arians was welcomed at on-buc spike volumes.

  13. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


  14. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    BillyBucco, Mayfield fluctuates no matter who is coaching him.

    I kind of like Canales too…but he is nowhere ready to be a head coach. Promoting him would be a huge mistake.

    We can get another oc.

  15. Jack Clark Says:

    Todd Bowles is trash as a head coach and needs his offense to win games for him because today’s NFL is not a defense wins games by holding teams to under 21 points anymore

  16. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Need a young offensive minded coach that isn’t a retreaded dinosaur

    Todd just isn’t cut out for head coaching.

  17. RuKa Says:

    Some things are very obvious: does a loss with the playoffs on the line, like last week, looks like the quality stamp of a coach bound for SB success? I think ownership probably thinks not… so, to prove that he can make this team a contender every year, Todd has now to clear a higher bar… seems business logic to me

  18. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles will keep it close enough to win just less than half the games. It is clear. He will win against the Carolina Scrubs and lose the playoff game. That is good enough for the owners, Saints will prolly win it next year. Etc. Mediocracy has set in and it will not go away anytime soon. Etc Etc Etc….Ain’t it Grand.

  19. Elite Vita Says:

    My guess is Mayfield will be back on a 2 year contract with the Bucs for about 26 million dollars or more per year. Hopefully if the Bucs see even the possibility of drafting one of these higher rated QBs this year they will also grab him. Not sure if I like this scenario but somehow my hunch is this will happen.

  20. HC Grover Says:

    All he has to do is win 8 or 9 games a year.

  21. heyjude Says:

    optimisticbucsfan Says: Need a young offensive minded coach that isn’t a retreaded dinosaur

    Agreed. Forget Belichick and some of the others. We need a Mike McDaniels type of coach.

    And if Bowles goes, Licht must go too. How about Tom Brady coaching?

  22. bob in valrico Says:

    Tony Dungy was fired for less, with a 9-7 record and one playoff loss. The offense
    has been shackled at times with the run first philosophy of Bowles. His failure to
    step in or change his the run first offense at times is a big arrow pointing down, IMO. Coupled with the the trending inconsistent defense I would hope the Glazers have seen enough.

  23. JD Still Says:

    The availability of Belichek is an intriguing turn of events , after all it was Belichek who developed Brady before Brady came here and utilized Brady in his highly successful passing offense , he knows ,without question , how to develop quarterbacks , having first developed Drew Bledsoe followed by the sixth round pick Brady , something that has been sorely lacking in the history of the Buccaneers to the point we have become somewhat of a laughingstock in that area, it will be interesting to see what happens .

  24. Tony marks Says:

    JD Still Says:
    January 6th, 2024 at 5:07 am
    The availability of Belichek is an intriguing turn of events , after all it was Belichek who developed Brady before Brady came here and utilized Brady in his highly successful passing offense , he knows ,without question , how to develop quarterbacks ,

    what a load of nonsense. He lucked out with getting Brady and hasn’t done a thing since not having him. WHere is this great “no question” talent he has deveioping the QBs he now has??

    Its hilarious but in keeping with poor football IQ that a number of people see him as instantly transformative even as his team sucks so badly they are competing for the top pick. He doesnt even have the excuse most HCs have. He has had all the power to build and coach the Pats.

    He had his long moment but like Brady his hurrah is over. Plus whyy in the world would he want to come to Tampa where the ghost of Toma Brady still hovers? The comparison of him with Brady and him with out Brady would only grow and fast.

  25. heyjude Says:

    Tony Marks and JD –

    If Belichick came to Tampa it would be to get out of the cold and snow, and eventually retire here. No way should we be looking at him for HC. It is intriguing with all the talk, but we don’t need retreads.

    Not Harbaugh either. He just had a scandal. We don’t need that, and possibly being a flop in the NFL. In the end, Bowles will probably be our coach another year. Isn’t that the end of his contract?

  26. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Bowles doesn’t deserve to return as head coach. If you think he does, you are apparently happy with below average performance.

  27. rickym Says:

    Todd Monken would be worth every dollar the Bucs could afford.

  28. BucsFan Says:

    Harbaugh and his quarterback if Jim can be persuaded that would be quite the coup. Harbaugh would likely propel Bucs to instant Super Bowl contender.

  29. Baking with Canales Says:

    Canales is the safety net for Bowles. The whole coaching staff depends on the offense getting hot again.

  30. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    If the Glazers pay any attention to JBF Todd Bowles Confidence Polls, they should have already sacked Bowles.
    As unpleasant as firing and replacing all of the Buc coaches, it’s a course of action that should be taken if Bucs can’t win a playoff game.

  31. NYbucsfan Says:

    Fire Bowles!!!

  32. Senor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    Belicheck, no thank. Agree with everything Tony Marks said. In addition, I think Belicheck is a great coach, but he sucks as a GM, that is his downfall

    Canales is under contract, there is the possibility Glazers could talk our new HC into keeping him. A good coach could turn Canales into a superstar

    Who I like (in case the Glazers want to hire me…):
    Lions OC, Harbaugh, Todd Monken

    And someone said Harbaugh is going to the Raiders. I say not a chance. That job sucks. You have not QB and an idiot for an owner and not drafting high enough to get a QB. But its not the worst, the worst is the Panthers. Someone should make a reality show out of that situation. And that is probably where the rumors are coming from that some NFCS team is doing homework on Belicheck. Panthers have the money and Tepper would love it. And he might pay enough to get BB’s attention

    Best HC job is Chargers, that is a gift situation. Heck I could be HC and go to the HOF

  33. Hodad Says:

    The Texans, and Colts both have rookie coahes, and QBs, and both teams have a better record then us. Colts also lost their starting rookie, and still have a better record. You can’t tell me Sean McVay is doing a better job then Bowles with the Rams. Mike Thomlin will still have a winning season going thru 3 QBs. Look at the job the Browns coach is doing with Flacco coming off the couch. Yeah, we can do better then Bowles, or should at least try to.

  34. Colonel Angus Says:

    A loss tomorrow would be the worst loss in Bucs history (playing the worst team, with a division title on the line). He should be canned after the game. An a$$ whoopin’ at home in the Wild Card round and he should be gone too. Maybe a close, competitive loss and he might stay. But I think he needs to advance to keep his job.

  35. SB~LV Says:

    Well if he doesn’t he will be gone

  36. Bucs Guy Says:

    Todd Monken or Kellen Moore is the answer to the question “Yeah fire him, but who are you going to replace him with?”

  37. Defense Rules Says:

    With a win tomorrow, the Bucs will win the NFC South outright with a 9-8 record. Middle-of-the-pack season record obviously, but it’ll be good enough for Todd Bowles to get 1 more year here as HC. We were projected to end up around 6-11 so that’s considerably better than what just about anyone expected.

    The Bucs aren’t talented enough across-the-board to compete with the big boys (probably why we’re 1-6 against teams with winning records?). But we’re killing it against teams with losing or break-even records like ours (we’re 7-2 against those teams).

    With a win tomorrow, Bowles will have navigated us to a break-even record over 2 years (17-17) with 2 NFC South championships & 2 playoff slots. Considering the very high player turnover that he had to deal with to achieve that (49% in 2022 & 40% this year), I’d say that break-even is better than what most HCs would’ve achieved.

    Biggest question in my mind at this point isn’t whether Todd Bowles will return, it’s what can we expect in 2024 when he does? We’ll see a bunch more player turnover IMO because of the salary CAP situation (it’ll be even worse this year, but folks won’t see that until the off-season). Bucs will be lucky to break-even again next year regardless of who our HC is, dependent upon how well we do in the draft & our schedule (hopefully we have another favorable one … for us).

  38. BucsFan Says:

    Most folks do not realize that Gruden had a 40% roster churn when he took over(obviously partially his decisions) and that team won the big game in his first year.

  39. heyjude Says:

    BucsFan says: “Most folks do not realize that Gruden had a 40% roster churn when he took over(obviously partially his decisions) and that team won the big game in his first year.”

    True. However, Tony Dungy left some good players on that team for Gruden too. Tony’s influence had a lot to do with that Super Bowl.

  40. Davenport Says:

    Its all about winning a Super Bowl. That has to be only goal. Nothing else matters.

    Considering that, does anyone see Bowles as a Super Bowl winning coach?


    I rest my case. We gotta move on.

  41. Allen Lofton Says:

    No matter the outcome, the Glazers need to base their decision on – Is Bowles the long-term answer. The Bucs have been in a rebuild mode despite what anyone says. The Bucs got a lot younger this year. It takes a year or two to become a contender. Clearly, we improved and surpassed expectations, as many forecasted the Bucs to be in last place this year.

    The Glazers need to decide if Todd Bowles and Dave Canales improved sufficiently to continue leading the Bucs. As seasoned long-term owners, they ought to know!

  42. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Bledsoe already was a pro bowler and been to a sb by the time billl came back to ne he lucked into Brady

  43. heyjude Says:

    Win or lose tomorrow, I am not quite sure if Bowles will be released. If we lose, he and Licht both need to released. Would Canales be moved to HC though? We have seen this play out before.

  44. 1sparkybuc Says:

    When 74 percent of the fans polled show little or no confidence in the HC, it’s time for a change. It was 89 percent back in the one and six losing streak. Please keep my interest up. Fire Bowles, and get a QB who can see open receivers.

  45. Bucnjim Says:

    I agree Bowles might not be the long term answer. Have to remind everyone though most experts and 75% of the fans on this site had us at 4 to 6 wins at the most. If the Bucs make it to 9 wins and a division title you would have to consider this a successful season. It is possible to rebuild and win at the same time. The Steelers have been doing it for decades.

  46. stpetebucfan Says:

    I fundamentally agree with D.R.’s analysis. Who in this league expected the Bucs to go 9-8? They have EXCEEDED expectations. Guys do not get fired for EXCEEDING expectations. Now if the Bucs look as bad in the first round of the playoffs as they did against N.O. all bets are off! They need to at least show up in the first round.

    BILL BELICHIK!!! He has ten years as a head coach WITHOUT Tom Brady. That decade is spread over two different teams and two different offensive eras in the NFL. Let’s not talk excuses and opinions. Let’s talk RESULTS!!!

    In those ten years without Tom Brady BB’s career win % is .420!
    Todd Bowles career win % is…wait for it… .420!

    While I do like the sound of 420 in a certain part of my life it sucks as a win % in fact it means technically BB like Bowles was a LOSING coach.

    Why replace one 420 with another 420…unless of course it’s a better strain!

  47. ReillyThe Rock Says:

    LaCanfora to GM: “is it possible a first round loss could end it for Bowles?” GM: “Sure, thats possible.”

    We have a story!

  48. Bucs Guy Says:

    IF the Bucs had come out ready last week with a solid game plan and won, this would be a very different conversation. 9-7 with a chance for a 10-win season, already locked up the division and on a 5- game win streak with a chance for 6. IF. Instead, Bucs fans are sweating to see if they can beat the worst team in the league because of both poor coaching and a lack of effort by some players who were r3ad8ng their own press clippings over the previous week.

    That tells me all I need to know about the HC. Bucs need to win a playoff game to consider his return. His return should require a new Special Teams coach. That change is long overdue.

  49. Bucs Guy Says:


  50. Beeej Says:

    Only way they move on from TB is an absolute arserape in the playoffs, and mebbe not even then

  51. Pete Mitchell Says:

    Also depends on who they can get.

    I don’t think they’ll go for Harbaugh, unless Jason Lichts on board (and why would any GM invite that game in…)

    Todd Monken’s name might be one to watch for.

  52. NE Fan Says:

    Unfortunately not, that only applies to real coaches.

  53. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Defense Rules

    I agree with your analysis of the Bucs situation, especially the turnover of players that will happen this offseason.

    If Baker is signed to a $30-40 million dollar deal, then that will take up a majority of the Bucs $47 million dollar cap space.

    There will not be enough money to resign Winfield or Evans or Wirfs.

    Hard decisions still remain for this offseason as the Bucs have to pay the pass due bill for their Super Bowl Championship, which in my opinion is priceless and I thank the Glazers and Licht for making it happen.

  54. Oneilbuc Says:

    I rather new head coach and new quarterback because if can’t win a superbowl with them which we all know we can’t. Even Baker Mayfield fan boys know you can’t win a superbowl with Baker Mayfield as your quarterback and Tood Bowles as your head coach then it’s time to move on from both of them. It’s that simple !!

  55. Saskbucs Says:

    I hope so. Those saying Bowles got this team past expectations, no he didn’t. For all we know Vegas saw this roster as 8-9 win team and posted the total line at 6.5 because of Bowles.

    We all talk about small market hurts the Bucs and it happens with expectations as well. The media and all the people who don’t watch the Bucs said oh Tom left they suck again. Anyone who watches the games knew this team should win at least 8. If Bowles Defense didn’t collapse multiple times they would be a 10 win team right now.

  56. Oddball Says:


    For some reason I feel like getting high after reading your post.

  57. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    First, I’m not a fan of Todd Bowles as he hasn’t changed his approach and adapted to the new NFL. Much rather an offensive minded head coach so you don’t have to worry about losing good offensive coordinators every couple of years.

    Eric Bienemy is high on my list. Look what he’s done with Washington’s offense this season and his past success with the Chiefs.

    If you want to go defensive minded coach you need a guy like Raheem Morris who is very comfortable having a high powered offense.

    Todd Bowles history has always been run first and play defense. That doesn’t work in today’s NFL.

    Secondly, I think Baker can win a Super Bowl, but he needs a good offensive, great defense and a good RB and WR.

    If Baker has those things he is just as capable as Dilfer or Johnson or Flacco were in similar situations.

    The problem is good offensive lineman, great defenses and good skill players cost money. That’s the issue.

  58. Mike Johnson Says:

    If Bowles loses to the Panthers, he should be escorted over to Buc One place and allowed to gather his personals without the benefit of an after-game interview. This is the Panthers Superbowl guys. They got nothin to lose. Absolutely nothing. Bucs gonna have to bring it. Panthers are not going to lay down.

  59. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    In my book, Bowels does need a playoff win to keep his job. He’s essentially reached his ceiling. This ain’t his first go around. His career record stinks and he will never bring a Super Bowl victory to anyone as a head coach.

  60. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Todd Monken please!

  61. Ed Says:

    A 2 game winning streak will make it difficult to fire him. A win at Carolina means nothing in the big picture if they are not competitive in a possible home game in the playoffs.

    As Buc fans we have seen so many expectations, especially in our own stadium blown away with uncompetitive losses. How many blowouts by the Saints in our stadium. I remember the Falcons beating us at home in a playoff scenario. The Redskins game. The Colts comeback on MDF. The Bucs have had so many games in Tampa where they have been uncompetitive when the stage lights are on.

    If Bowles can win 2 games in a row, he will have broken the spell. Remember the only 2 Superbowls the Bucs won, they had to win on the road vs the Packers in Brady’s first year and vs the Eagles with the Ronde pick in Philly.

    I remember one playoff game where they blew out the Niners in Tampa but other than that have they ever won a meaningful national game in Tampa? Joe used to call it “The Den of Depression”.

    Will Bowles get them over that hump if they beat Carolina. That will be what makes the Glazers go thumbs up or thumbs down. He controls his destiny.

  62. EricTheViking Says:

    TB zero has a proven track record of failure as a HC

    Only in the moribund nfc south is he even remotely relevant.

    He’ll keep running White up the middle for 1-2 yards while needing 10.

    I’ll be betting big on incompetence and stupidity.

    Panthers 24 Bucs 17. Bowles to the unemployment line.

  63. Defense Rules Says:

    Saskbucs … ‘If Bowles Defense didn’t collapse multiple times they would be a 10 win team right now.’

    Bad defense drives me nuts, and we’ve seen a lot of that this year. But we’ve seen a lot of excellent defense too, and that wins games. Our average Points Allowed is 20.3 through 16 games. This defense has allowed LESS than that in 9 games thus far … for a 7-2 W/L record in those games. In an additional 4 games we’ve allowed 23-25 points … for a 1-3 W/L record in those games. In 2 games we allowed 27 points (both losses) and in another we allowed a whopping 39 points (the only game OVER 27 points this season BTW in the 39-37 loss to Houston).

    So yes we’ve had some bad defensive games, but we’ve had some even worse offensive games. Like the 11 pts against the Eagles (25-11 loss)? Or the 6 pts against the Lions (20-6 loss)? Or maybe the 14 pts scored against the 49ers (27-14 loss)? Or the latest 13 pts scored against the Saints (23-13 loss)? Just in those 4 games the offense turned it over NINE times and barely averaged 24 minutes TOP. You & I both know who pays the price for poor performances like that … the defense.

    This is Todd Bowles BEST YEAR in terms of Points Allowed (325 total thus far for a #9 ranking). Blows my mind, but I’m convinced that his approach is ‘give up territory but not points’ and that for some bizarre reason it’s working. After all, we do rank #25 in terms of Total Yardage Allowed which is MUCH WORSE than last year (we ranked #9 in Total Yardage Allowed, but #13 in Points Allowed). I suspect that not having a consistent pass rush (it’s close to non-existent) has caused him to change tactics over what we saw in 2020 & 2021.

  64. Defense Rules Says:

    EricTheViking … ‘I’ll be betting big on incompetence and stupidity. Panthers 24 Bucs 17. Bowles to the unemployment line.’

    Whatever shirt you’re wearing today, enjoy it. You’re about to lose that shirt tomorrow if you’re betting Panthers 24 Bucs 17

  65. Defense Rules Says:

    BucsFan … ‘Most folks do not realize that Gruden had a 40% roster churn when he took over (obviously partially his decisions) and that team won the big game in his first year.’

    You got me curious with that 40% figure. Actually it was considerably higher than that.

    Bucs had 54 players on their 2001 roster who got 1 snap or more. Of those, only 29 returned for 2002 (53.7%), leaving 25 who didn’t return (46.3%). That’s a high turnover rate. They had a decent 2002 draft (played 10 rookies in 2002), but only 2 of them really stand out (Jermaine Phillips & Ryan Nece).

  66. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucsfan … Interestingly, the defense had less turnover than the offense & we kept almost all of the defensive starters (I’m sure that Monte had something to do with that). Chucky picked up several veteran players on offense (Michael Pittman, Joe Jurevicius, Ken Dilger, Keenan McCardell, plus several OLinemen) who really did quite well in 2002. Still, it was the Bucs 2002 defense that everyone talks about (ranked #1 in Points Allowed with 196 and #1 in Total Yards Allowed with 4044). The offense was adequate (ranked #18 with 346 points scored), helped out a bunch by the Bucs’ defense (they created 38 takeaways and scored 37 points themselves off of 4 Pick-6’s, 1 FR-TD & a Safety).

    I’ve always wondered if Monte’s decision to leave after 2008 had any impact on the Glazers’ decision to fire Gruden after that year. After the Bucs 2002 year (12-4), Chucky went 45-51 in the next 6 seasons. And that with Monte coaching what remained a formidable defense.

  67. Chrisonthecape Says:

    The only way he gets fired is if they lose to Carolina. Let’s go Panthers!

  68. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey DR, not sure how long you’ve been a Bucs fan. You know how long I’ve been one. Tony Dungy built a Defense here (not in Indianapolis), that made him a HOFame Coach. It actually has its own name in NFL history: the Tampa Two Defense. Bucs will win tomorrow. Dungy didn’t have Jason Licht as GM either. Bowles has dealt with a lot of damned challenges and changes this year. Canales, for one. Bucs will win tomorrow, and the joes (sounds like a kangaroo) better knock off the negative for a couple of days. Nope, Bucs aren’t ready for the Stupid Bowl.

  69. Defense Rules Says:

    orlbucfan … Not a clue what you’re inferring. Tony Dungy happens to be my favorite Bucs’ coach. Jon Gruden? Not so much. And I’ve been a Bucs’ fan since 1982 when I first moved here just for the record.

    And I happen to be a fan of Todd Bowles too BTW, but more as a DC than a HC. I’m impressed that he’s got this defense ranked #9 in Points Allowed (that’s my primary measure of defensive performance), but it still drives me nuts that teams are allowed to run up & down the field before we stop them. I do understand the philosophy behind it though.

  70. Buccos Says:

    I would rather stick with Bowles than hire Bill Belicheck. BB hasn’t done crap in his career without a certain QB. Atleast Bowles has his team in contention with a roster that was very limited by the salary cap. I don’t know what BB’s excuse is for this season. I hope he does go to the NFC South because then we can whoop his butt twice a year. Probably the most overrated coach in the history of sports

  71. Pete timchal Says:

    Look when a coach, coaches not to lose, we buc fans have been there done that to many times,and know how this story ends. So let’s stop with what will save Todd, but who is going to be the next coach.

  72. NE Fan Says:

    He ain’t going anywhere, he is a DEI hire, blew rigjt past the qualification process.

  73. University of Seffner Says:

    Sounds like Todd Bowles is in the same situation Tony Dungy was in towards the end of the 2001 season. Dungy and the team knew that unless they made a deep run in the playoffs, Dungy was getting fired. And then we proceeded to get hammered 31-9 by the Eagles in the Wildcard Game in Philadelphia, and Dungy along with the Offensive coaches were dismissed a few days later.
    Personally, I don’t think Bowles can lead us to a Super Bowl victory, and if we were to fire Bowles, I’d personally prefer Todd Monken or Dan Quinn to be his replacement.
    If Monken came in, I think we’d be able to keep Baker Mayfield and Mike Evans around since Monken has familiarity with them. I got a lot of doubt though on who he’d potentially bring in to be the Defensive Coordinator, which does scare me a bit. The last thing I’d want is for us to have to score at least 37 points a game just to win (think of the Texans game this year where we lost 39-37).
    If Quinn came in, it’s fair to say that there’s a chance that Canales can stick around since they both were on Seattle’s coaching staff when they won the Super Bowl back in the 2013 season. Quinn has done a good job in Dallas, and he does have some good stuff on his resume. He’s going to get a 2nd chance to be a Head Coach again sooner or later. Of course, if he came in, there’s no guarantee Mike and Baker would want to stick around.
    Whatever happens, the Bucs are my team regardless of what’s coming. Go Bucs!

  74. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    smdh…expectations were bc bowels sux as a head coach…career loser as hc

    our fans are football ignorant

  75. JD Still Says:

    Well, there does seem to be a lot of anti-Bill Belicheck sentiment here, which is the individuals personal thoughts and feelings , though they are hard to understand , Bilecheck has a massive amount of experience and success in his 49 years , He has been to the SuperBowl more than any other coach, Twice as a Defensive Coordinator with the Giants , both times winning, his Defensive game plan against the Bills was so good it was put into the Football HOF, He went nine times as a Head Coach , winning six of those , his quarterbacks during that time was Drew Bledsoe, who was badly injured running the ball, then Belicheck turned to a sixth round Draft Choice out of Michigan who he had developed and was ready , named Tom Brady who did a pretty good job for him, except in 2008 when Brady had a season ending knee injury in the first game of the year and Belicheck had to turn to the Backup he had developed named Matt Cassel who was ready and led the patriots to an 11 and 5 finish that year , ( having to overcome such devastating injuries to two of his best quarterbacks, it is understandable why Belicheck does not like running quarterbacks and prefers tall , pocket passers), when you add to those stats , the massive number of conference and league Championships, along with being the defacto GM for so many years , the dislike for Belicheck is difficult to comprehend, nothing succeeds like success and his has been unmatched.

  76. Kidfloflo Says:

    The Glazers LOVE a big splash hire, see Gruden and their attempts to bring The big tuna in 3 times…so if Michigan wins Monday…Harbaugh will move on and Glazer will strike!…He has turned around every team he coached and is offensive minded

  77. Rod Munch Says:

    I think he needs to make the playoffs to keep his job – but I don’t know about winning being part of the formula.

    At the same time, assuming the Bucs get in, and they get blown out — what exactly do you expect to change next year that will make things different? The NFC South isn’t always going to be a cupcake division.