Heroic Finish For Mike Evans

January 21st, 2024

Yeah, Mike Evans played a costly game of volleyball in the first quarter with a too-hot Baker Mayfield pass that hit him in the hands. But Evans recovered to deliver a true Hall of Fame performance.

And don’t tell Joe that wasn’t pass interference in the end zone on the late two-point converstion. Cris Collinsworth should be banned from the state of Florida.

Evans finished with 8 catches for 147 yards and 1 touchdown. Big-time performace from a big-time player, who just happens to be in a contract year.

Evans showed his speed and power and yards-after-catch ability. He also flashed his class footwork on the sidelines.

The “W” didn’t come, but this was Evans’ best postseason performance and that’s not lost on Joe, especially with it being on the road.

Hopefully, Evans made it even easier for Team Glazer and general manager Jason Licht to open the company vault to ensure Evans’ return next season. It’s a no-brainer and both sides want it ASAP, but these things are never certain until the pen hits the paper.

52 Responses to “Heroic Finish For Mike Evans”

  1. unbelievable Says:

    Collinsworth sucks

  2. unbelievable Says:

    And I agree- it’s a no brainer.

    Which is why the 3 or 4 dummies saying to let him go don’t have a working brain in their heads

  3. Colonel Angus Says:

    F@ck bitch a$$ Collinsworth

  4. mark2001 Says:

    No one in their right mind can do anything but appreciate and thank Mike for the tremendous play he has shown and human being he has been in Tampa Bay for all these years.

  5. Eric Says:

    Definitely Pass Interference. It was the NFL controlling the game.

  6. Boss Says:


    That was after his int and drops

    No credit when he fd it up in the first place. We probably would have won if he did not play.they would have spread the ball around and been effective.

  7. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Unbelievable is right. Collinsworth sucks.

    Crazy how the rules guy says “there is no obstruction for the receiver” which was ridiculous to say.

    Sign Mike asap.

  8. #99 the big fella Says:

    Chris collinssorth is worse than a crying screaming baby in a restaurant

  9. Eric Says:

    Mike is a Beast HOF!

  10. ElioT Says:

    Nasty liver-spotted hands Chris can suck it. His tool bag son is even more annoying.

    Evans = Legend

  11. rrsrq Says:

    Evans is the offensive GOAT for the Bucs, but what the heck happened to the downfield passes against a secondary that was trash all year

  12. Bucs Orlando Says:

    He played without a safety net. Took all the hits. At any point he could have put his ability to earn above team, he didn’t.

    He is what the fans want.

    He is what we all wish we had every year.

    He is a buc.

    When you sign his new contract he isn’t getting paid, the fans are.

    Prove you want to win, pay the guy more responsible for all the wins in the last five years than anyone else.

    Why would spend our money of tickets if you won’t on wins?

  13. Irish Laughter Says:

    The best team and the best QB did not win today. I said three months ago that the Bucs had a chance and that proved correct. Sorry Joe, you failed on many fronts this year. Better luck next season when the Bucs win the SB. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  14. GetRealBro Says:

    The Bucs are the over achievers of the season. This squad is something to be proud of. The arrow points up for this franchise now! Post Brady era ain’t that bad at all.

  15. Leighroy Says:

    Mikes drops are the great asterisk of his career.

    Sure he’s a beast! But his drops can’t be ignored. 2 catches today could have made a difference – you can’t ignore them.

  16. HC Grover Says:

    We lost.

  17. Nater Says:

    Time to move on. Going to want to much for his age and account of drops.

  18. GetRealBro Says:

    It was over when Dean went down…again.

  19. UGotRobbed Says:

    Can’t believe there are morons saying ME and BM shouldn’t get paid to keep them here??? Real geniuses!!

  20. HeavyE Says:

    Have to bring Mike back, plain and simple, don’t mess this up Licht!!!!

  21. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    We’ll win the division again next year barring injury.

  22. NE Fan Says:

    Tell it like it is, he did nothing until Lions went into prevent D.

  23. MrWAK Says:

    Gutless no call on the P.I. Coincidence that the Bucs were plus 6.5? I think not……

  24. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Mike has 5 more 1000 yard seasons in those legs! No doubt about it. Buc legend and HOFer for sure.

  25. Bojim Says:

    If we lose Evans I think I might cry. Really.

  26. Travis K Says:

    Hate to say this but we gotta let #13 go. For what he wants, let someone else pay it and take that 3rd round compensatory pick. All-time great but better to let him go a year early

  27. HC Grover Says:

    Season OVER. Nothing left.

  28. Adam’s Angry Says:

    Don’t let one or two calls polish Evans’s halo. He was pullling Michael Clayton vibes all season during numerous losses. Let him walk. Give the money to a pass rusher.

    I’ve said it all season. NOT ELITE. HE. IS. NOT. ELITE. He’s very good with good numbers. But he is not elite like Rice, Carter, Megatron, and Moss.

  29. Surfing the Waivers Says:

    Thanks Mike for everything!

    All respect.

    Whatever happens.

    HC Grover,

    Can we give it at least to tomorrow to crap on the dead or possibly dead?

  30. Marine Buc Says:

    I’m sorry.

    I like Mike Evans but he has had a bad case of the dropsies this season…

    My 1st round pick would be a wide receiver.

    Too many drops for a wide receiver who will demand “elite wide receiver” money.

  31. Texasbucsfan.com Says:

    ME will be to expensive, time to move on to younger & less expensive performers. Bring him back for the-ring of honor. Time will catchup with him & it’s time to let him go.

  32. BucsFan81 Says:

    Evans is a HOF receiver you don’t let him walk. He needs to be a Buc for life. Baker is meh to me to many ups and downs. Reminds me a little to much of Winston where some games he is good but other games he sucks and throws to many interceptions.

  33. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    Mike is home and will be home for good.

  34. Bosch Says:

    Agree Joe. Collinsworthless is a fluffier of green donkeys.

  35. David Says:

    Collinsworth is very good. I know some can’t stand him, but I don’t understand why. He was wrong on that though.
    There’s no way Evans can plant his foot and stop his momentum from going backwards in that situation. The defender wasn’t looking for the ball at all. He was just right up in Evan‘s body. That was a PI.
    The only thing the Buccaneers did wrong was Mayfield needed to throw that up higher

  36. NCalBucsfan Says:

    I watched the game with a friend who coaches o line at the college level and has worked as a high school referee. He couldn’t understand why the Lions were not getting called for holding the Bucs d-line and he definitely said the 2point conversion was PI, he called it textbook PI.
    It’s why it nuts to get so wound up over the NFL these days when a bad call with no way to fix it can change a game….🙁

  37. orlbucfan Says:

    Cris Collinsworth is an overrated POS who has badmouthed the Bucs from day one. I CAN’T STAND HIM! Guess where he comes from? East central FL. Graduate of Astronaut High School in Titusville. Went to UF on a scholarship. Shined supposedly as a receiver. Got drafted by the Bengals. Starred enough that he could retire as a cushiony broadcaster. He has slammed and talked down the Bucs ever since. If I ever got to close to his worthless azz, I would pop him one. I’m tall enough to do it. Enough said.

  38. Conner50 Says:

    You can cry about the drops all you want but Mike Evans needs to be re signed. Plain and simple. We wouldn’t have made it to the playoffs without him and all the yards and td’s he got in the regular season. Yea the drops suck but he makes up for them everytime. He’s the reason why baker has had a good year. Sign Mike Evans screw what you guys say. Licht will get it done

  39. Beeej Says:

    The defender had his back to the ball. THAT has been the golden standard of determining PI in that scenario.

    Until NOW

  40. m Says:

    i’ll take it ….so much better than leman bennett and the dark ages 2-14, 6-10 …you have to believe they are a couple players short of greatness, keep the band together

  41. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    We all love Mike. However, we need a “team friendly” deal. A little “hometown discount.” He’s not going to improve with age like a fine wine.

  42. BakerFan Says:

    Cris Collinsworth always has a look on his face like he is constipated.

  43. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Thank you Mike for all you’ve done in Tampa.

    Wish you the best in your future endeavors.

  44. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Always good for a drop or two in crunch time. Give me Godwin everyday and twice on Sunday over ME. Bucs will be fine without him.

  45. LongTimeBucaneer Says:

    Chris Collinsworth is a Florida boy. Played QB at Titusville Astronaut. I know because I played against him. Chris is a good dude, just has some opinions that don’t make perfect sense. Maybe too much time with the Bengals. Chris gets a pass on this one. Oh he was also the state champ in the 100 yard dash. Ran a 9.6. This was 1976 I believe. He is native Florida. Like me he is a rare species lol.

  46. Les Says:

    NFL refs screw us again with that play on Evans in the end zone .that was pass interference plain as day !

  47. Les Says:

    Refs will go after the niners next .so many calls not made on the lions .this game has gotten to politically for the match ups the NFL wants . We see what they don’t call and why . Not only this game but many other games .the NFL is going to hell .bring on the new league !!

  48. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Beeej Says:
    January 21st, 2024 at 8:13 pm
    “The defender had his back to the ball. THAT has been the golden standard of determining PI in that scenario. ”

    Actually, he looked back just before the ball arrived.

  49. Bigbucfan90 Says:

    Resign evans and David we need them both our class acts and still playing lights out.

  50. heyjude Says:

    Mike needs to be re-signed. He has been an asset. Not all the problems are on him.

    The refs were going for the Lions. Goodell was sitting in the box with the Lions owner. Isn’t he supposed to be neutral? Even Collinsworth couldn’t hold back his excitement for the Lions. We had a lot going against us, and we still had a close game. We missed the field goal early on, going for two points was not the right thing to do at that point, ref calls and non penalty calls on the Lions all gave the Lions the game.

  51. Conner50 Says:

    If not for Evans the Bucs wouldn’t even have been in the divisional game to begin with. Godwin is a dang good wr as well but he’s not elite like Evans, Chris has dropped some passes this year as well if you haven’t watched. Evans is a future hall of famer need to put some respect on his name

  52. Conner50 Says:

    @Marine Buc
    There is no wr in the draft even Harrison Jr that will produce like Evans, or in free agency. With Evans you know you’re getting a 1k yard receiver who’s gonna score a lot of touchdowns and be a deep/redzone threat. Also Evans is an elite wide receiver and I’m almost certain he will come back on a team friendly deal that still allows him to be paid handsomely.