Gerald McCoy: Baker Mayfield Has Earned Two More Years

January 1st, 2024

Gerald McCoy

The media’s biggest Bucs fan outside of Joe may be six-time Pro Bowl Bucs defensive tackle Gerald McCoy, a first-year personality on NFL Network.

McCoy was asked recently if Baker Mayfield is “the future” of the Bucs’ quarterback position.

“It depends on what you mean by future,” McCoy said. “If you mean by the next 5 to 10 years, I wouldn’t say that. But the next 2 to 3, yes, he’s earned that right.”

Interestingly, McCoy seemed to point to the Bucs’ defense as a reason to keep Mayfield.

McCoy said the defense has been playing “subpar” and the team “needs somebody to keep this team afloat” and Mayfield has been that guy, even more important than Mike Evans.

Joe was intrigued by McCoy’s point about the defense. The Bucs no longer have a defense that is dominant in any facet of the game. While the Bucs have playmakers, they can’t really win games on defense. So an established quarterback is likely the only way to keep fans from a dreary 2024 season.

60 Responses to “Gerald McCoy: Baker Mayfield Has Earned Two More Years”

  1. SlyPirate Says:

    I like this suggestion. 2 years with an optional 3rd sounds right.

  2. Buc4evr Says:

    I agree, Speaking of McCoy I was thinking yesterday that Vea is in the same situation as McCoy was. Vea is the only force on the D line. Everyone else are just pretenders. Vea like McCoy is going to kill himself because he has no help. And don’t think Kancey is a force of nature he isn’t. Putting JTS and Hall on the line is an insult to the team and the fans.

  3. Couch Fan Says:

    1 over rated player defending another. Good for him I guess.

  4. SteveK Says:

    Nothing more than sooner love. No thanks. I’ll take Kirk cousins for 2-3 years if we’re playing this game.

  5. Boss Says:

    what couch said…. yep yep.

  6. Pewter power Says:

    Shut the hell up Gumby

    You of all people can’t talk about what you deserve. Mike Evans is the only offense you have because Godwin couldn’t get open to take advantage of his double teams. The center is tiny, the running back is a better receiver. Toilet Bowles scheme sucks without a pass rush and even with one the pass defense is below average.

    There is no reason to keep running this back, rip off the band aid and be done with it. If we’re going to suck I don’t want to do it with an expensive quarterback, Kyle Trask can do what baker did but he’ll be cheaper. At this point go through the growing pains of a rookie qb and reload

  7. realistic-optimistic Says:

    OU Boys stick together

  8. DoooshLaRue Says:

    STFU Whoppie.

  9. bulldog Says:

    When Baker is sucking Joe always finds a someone to say Baker is not sucking.

  10. SteveK Says:

    Draft a rookie QB and see what’s up on a rookie deal. Don’t pay for mediocrity.

    Getting destroyed by the combination of Dennis Allen and Derek Carr, at home with the division on the line, was unacceptable and should lead to a new HC and QC combo in 2024.

    The only way HC and QB are not replaced is if we win a playoff game, and not look like complete ass in another.

  11. bulldog Says:

    When Baker is sucking Joe always finds someone to say Baker is not sucking.

  12. jugheadfla1 Says:

    Don’t listen to ole softy…..I’d rather take next year and develop a rookie QB…..particularly with a new HC would be preferable

  13. Let ‘em bake Says:

    The qb gets too much credit, too much blame, regularly. Any qb behind 17 as a result of an offensive game plan failing will get blamed if the miracle comeback fails to materialize. 28 touchdowns . 10picks. That’s pretty good. 2 years with a third year option ( and a healthy signing bonus ) works.

  14. UKBuccaneer Says:

    If you want a rookie QB you’re accepting sub .500 football for at least the next 2 years.
    If you keep Baker and bolster the o-line and secondary, you’re probably gonna have a team that competes for division titles for the next 2-3 years.

  15. Bojim Says:

    I’m cool with it. Need a bruiser at RB though. Then maybe Baker wouldn’t have to scramble so much.

  16. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Not Says:
    January 1st, 2024 at 12:35 pm
    Good for GMC , I’ve seen him on NFL network. He seems pretty good on national TV, nice to see a former Buc on a show.

    Yeah, because:
    Shaun King
    ….and probably a few more I’m forgetting, just aren’t enough already.
    It’s like we’re a breeding ground for bullsh!tters.
    Ronde excluded.

  17. Since76 Says:

    Mayfield hasn’t earned anything that was another pathetic game. Garbage time yards are garbage.

  18. HC Grover Says:

    Go away Gerald.

  19. David Says:

    Why are you re-directing an old comment from McCoy ?
    His comments were before yesterday game similar to some of the other media praising Bucs and Baker with their 4 game wining streaks. Even the same national commentator were quick to mention Bucs are 1-6 against the wining season this season when Baker was putting up zeros with 7 left in the game.

    I never thought I would see this pro-article from you or anyone this morning after a blow out game yesterday. I thought you finally were convinced that Baker is not the answer based on your two articles from yesterday. I don’t think is right reporting practice to generate more readers and posters with such spinning articles when you heard yourself all the boos in the large segment of the game yesterday in the stadium.
    The season is almost over and we are 8-8 and.500 against other trash teams, Saints and Falcons in this turd hole after the most important game of the season. It’s time to move on from this HC/QB combo to re-build with our young qb /through draft which start with drafting a qb to compete with Trask for starting job.

  20. Red86 Says:

    60 yards, no tds, and a pick in the middle of the 3rd quarter. Deserve nothing more than a 1 prove it year. The delusions are out of control. 😂

  21. Mark hardt Says:

    2 plus a player option for 3rd. I see Baker taking over the Rams after Stafford retires and getting into acting.

  22. Mark hardt Says:

    David, david, david, you are a winer but it is winning not wining.

  23. David Says:

    The only remaining contract for Baker is a back up with wherever Toilet Bowl goes next season. A win next Sunday can set this organization back another two years. The Bucs fans will not tolerate another embarrassment as yesterday on national media.

  24. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    Here is what you people do not understand. If other teams offer Mayfield a 3 year deal with a lot more money Tampa will have to match that or olikely lose Mayfield unless he wants to stick with the Bucs at significant salary. It is not like the Bucs are in the drivers seat and can low ball him.

  25. David Says:

    Baker or any journeyman is not the answer. Baker will be 30 years old next year. The era of these old qb’s, Baker, Derek C., Kirk C., without wining big games or championship games are over.

    We won this weak division with the GOAT, with $4M Baker or any other future qb’s but can we win or even compete in a championship game. The answer is no. Therefore it’s time to re-build through drafts and start with drafting a qb to compete with Trask.

  26. Mr. Editor Says:

    I am glad that the Bucs will benefit from a much more favorable salary cap situation next year, but it’s important to spend those precious dollars wisely. I would like to see Baker Mayfield return, although it has to be a cap friendly deal. I hope that they can come to terms quickly after the season ends. Yesterday’s game actually helped the Bucs in those negotiations. If the Bucs make the playoffs and go on a deep run, that will lift the fortunes of Mayfield and other free agents. That’s why we also have to take the larger context of the salary cap into consideration. That includes a deal for future Hall of Famer Mike Evans. I would love to see him come back. If the Bucs are spending upcoming available cap money on exactly the same team, however, then that’s a bad move. The defense will need an overhaul, more than drafting alone can fix. I look forward to seeing what free agents are available by position.

  27. Oz Len Says:

    Next week might be closer than you think. If Baker’s ribs are throbbing it might be harder for him to throw the deep ball. In Cleveland when he was injured the Browns would always turn up the running game. Can’t do that here in Tampa. A top 12 QB can only work with what he has. Did you see Baker trying to push the pile on that White running play? I bet you never saw that from Brady. That’s why so many people love Baker. Go Bucs!

  28. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    I never realized that Baker and Ol Softy were both Sooners

  29. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Oz Len Says:
    Next week might be closer than you think. If Baker’s ribs are throbbing it might be harder for him to throw the deep ball. In Cleveland when he was injured the Browns would always turn up the running game. Can’t do that here in Tampa.

    Yeah. I predict a loss. Bucs Life.
    Probably better to get on with the changes than pretending everything is ok….which it’s not

  30. David Says:

    The comments on here are laughable. Baker has had a great year. His stats are top 12 in most categories. It’s not Baker’s fault his defense is weak and he can’t win low scoring games. At least he beats the teams he should. Look at the Eagles losing badly. Baker will get at least 3 years. He’ll probably get 4 with 40% guaranteed. There are to many QB needy teams that’ll be happy to pay that with Mayfield. Denver, Washington, Vikings if they miss out on Cousins ECT

  31. Roc Says:

    McSofty Returns

    Really I don’t know WHY this guy gets a say on here

    Lackluster COACH = Lackluster Players

    HC sets the TONE

    THESE PLAYERS did just fall down after 4 wins
    Coach let them have a CHILL WEEK into an “Easier Game”

    N.O. Punched the Bucs in the mouth

  32. Craig Says:

    Baker surprised me for a while, but he proved that he can’t be trusted when the going gets tough.

    The Bucs had a simple schedule and he won only some of the bottom feeder games. He beat one team that was over 500, but has to share that with a defense that squashed the Jags.

    The problem is that when he falls apart in a game there is no way to get back to an even keel.

  33. Bobby Says:

    I think Todd Bowles is gone if doesn’t get the Bucs out of the first round of playoffs.

  34. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Bobby Says:

    I think Todd Bowles is gone if doesn’t get the Bucs out of the first round of playoffs.

    Don’t undersetimate the owners wokeness and lethargy.
    I think if he beats Carolina he’s back.
    Much less work for the owners.

    #Low bar

  35. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    OMG I had to reread davidspost did everyone read that I knee that he was messing with this site all season welcome aboard David says

  36. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    ALL THE TV PUNDITS SAY THE SAME THING BAKER IS GETTING PAID THIS COMING SEASON GIVE HIM 1 more year to finish his development & things will take off guaranteed i have seen many good things out of him this year period!!!!

  37. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    I don’t consider fall apart when we real.y shud of won that game while the defense had gas all day yesterday & most of the offense did as well he made the criticaL throws when needed he certainly didn’t drop a sure thing palmer did that was the other td we need then white fumble in field goal range if not a td wud have sealed the deal but that’s not how it went.u guys daw the same game yet u haters doesn’t matter if baker was 12&5 u wud still be negitive

  38. jarrett Says:



  39. bulldog Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says: “If you want a rookie QB you’re accepting sub .500 football for at least the next 2 years. If you keep Baker and bolster the o-line and secondary, you’re probably gonna have a team that competes for division titles for the next 2-3 years.”

    Better yet, let’s see what our second round draft pick can actually do with the starters and develop a franchise quarterback, like the Eagles did with second round Jalen Hurts. But FSU Joe and all you other haters are FSU fan bois and haters FIRST and Bucs fans SECOND, or just simply football stupid. Or is it both? Yes.

  40. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    bulldog Says:

    Better yet, let’s see what our second round draft pick can actually do with the starters and develop a franchise quarterback, like the Eagles did with second round Jalen Hurts. But FSU Joe and all you other haters are FSU fan bois and haters FIRST and Bucs fans SECOND, or just simply football stupid. Or is it both? Yes.

    Bless you my son

  41. Natron Says:

    The jury is still out on a 2nd contract for Mayfield. One thing is for sure, McCoy never should have gotten his second contract $$$$$$$

  42. WyomingJoe Says:

    The only real garbage we have on this team are the loser fans found on this site. You guys are pathetic. Can’t wait for Baker and the boys to win next week, go to the playoffs and then have the Bucs sign him to a 3-4 year contract. Yeah, the HC you hold so dear too! I can just see how crazy that will drive all of you whiners.

    Btw, the Bucs already know what Trask can, uh, can’t, do.

  43. bulldog Says:

    WyomingJoe Says: “Btw, the Bucs already know what Trask can, uh, can’t, do.”

    And you know this how? From your years of being an Oklahoma Sooner fan and Baker Boi?

  44. UKBuccaneer Says:

    bulldog Says:

    Better yet, let’s see what our second round draft pick can actually do with the starters and develop a franchise quarterback, like the Eagles did with second round Jalen Hurts. But FSU Joe and all you other haters are FSU fan bois and haters FIRST and Bucs fans SECOND, or just simply football stupid. Or is it both? Yes.


    You mean the guy the bucs have been looking at every day for 3 years?

    Do you honestly think they haven’t evaluated him by now?

  45. Georgia Redneck Says:

    Mayfield is a never was. Look at his history. He will never get the Bucs a ring. Trade Kyle Trask so he at least gets a chance. If you don’t like Trask trade him to the Falcons. Then you will see what you missed.

  46. Oneilbuc Says:

    Baker bucs and Wyoming. You guys got to be Baker Mayfield kinfolks because when he sucks y’all come with every excuse in the world. Look my bucs ain’t winning a superbowl with Baker Mayfield. He is who he is he’s not a good quarterback and doesn’t matter who many teams you guys follow him to it’s going to be the same results. Jordan Love has been playing better than him according to the numbers y’all love to run to and he has better receivers to throw to than Love. The bucs need to draft Bo Nix move up in the first round to get him or one of the other guys. It’s time to move on from these mediocre quarterbacks .

  47. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey joes, some of us recall following this site when GMC was starting on a Bucs D line. The team around him sucked (SOS). Man, the insults and BS comments were legion. GMC was a very good player, and a class act off-field. I’m glad he’s doing well. He’s right about BM and the “subpar” defense. Canales has to shed his greenhorn mentality. He got on the same page with his Offense in the last two games, and then regressed in this one. I hope ME13, CG14, R White, Tristan W, Otton, etc. ask for a team meeting. That’s what the D did. It worked.

  48. Gipper Says:

    This from Super Bowl coach Mike Martz of the Greatest Show on Turf after yesterdays game:

    Mike Martz thinks Baker Mayfield and the Bucs were doomed by a conservative offensive game plan and stubborn coaching, a mistake they better correct next week if Tampa Bay wants to make the postseason.

  49. ScottyMack Says:

    Dumbass David wrote: “The era of these old qb’s, Baker, Derek C., Kirk C., without wining big games or championship games are over.”

    You forgot to add Josh Allen, and Lamar Jackson to your over the hill QB list (both were drafted the same year as Mayfield). Don’t forget to trash Mahomes and Deshaun Watson from the year before Mayfield was drafted as well as Dak Prescott and Jared Goff who were drafted two years earlier than Mayfield.

    Holy crap! Now, you’re over the hill at age 30 according to this idiot!

  50. keith frye Says:

    I promise y’all this if they don’t give him 4/5 yrs I see him leaving but I firmly jason and the glazers know what they have if there smart they lock him up I I’d even bet hell retire here as I greatest QB tampa bay ever had he’s already second

  51. Natron Says:

    Cancer 93

  52. Dlavid Says:

    Good night JOE !!! No one gives a spit about dumb arse McCoys opinion .

  53. steele Says:

    McCoy is articulating what the office is thinking. Barring a monumental face plant, they will beat the miserable Panthers and terrible Bryce Young, make the playoffs and possibly further, if the other bad teams fall apart the way they’ve been doing every other week.

    The whole mess here—Bowles, Rah Rah, Baker, everyone— will be back for another.

  54. maccafan Says:

    Oneilbuc – Just for the record. You are not a good QB if you complete 64.4% of your passes for 3,903 yards with one game left. I assume you think 28 TD passes and 10 INT’s is not good -lol. BTW – Baker has thrown more TD passes this year than Brady did in 2022 and Brady threw 200 more passes -lol.

  55. firethecannons Says:

    in response to Gerald McCoy–No not gonna happen, we going after Michael Penix jr no matter what it costs. No more bargains no more cheap quarterbacks. Get what ya pay for. We need to stop aiming for mediocrity. Bowles, Canales, Baker, Trask all are mediocre.

  56. firethecannons Says:

    Dlavid Says:
    January 1st, 2024 at 8:44 pm
    Good night JOE !!! No one gives a spit about dumb arse McCoys opinion . AGREED COMPLETELY

  57. Rick Says:

    McCoy – most overrated Buc of all time. Ring of Honor?

  58. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Surprised Coyote Ugly hasn’t chimed in yet, his bed fellows have

  59. Oneilbuc Says:

    Maccafan. Baker Mayfield is a average quarterback at best and average quarterbacks flashes at times. But you ain’t winning a superbowl with Baker Mayfield. Jordan Love has better numbers than Baker Mayfield and his receivers are not good as the ones Baker Mayfield got . And this is his first year starting while Baker is on his 6 year as a starter on his 4th team!!

  60. Conner50 Says:

    Two sooner players taking up for each other is all. Mayfield deserves another prove it deal if anything, he’s been good for a few games but not consistent or a real game changer.