Bucs Request To Speak With Zac Robinson

January 26th, 2024

Rams QB coach Zac Robinson.

There you go, Todd Bowles. Now you’re talking.

It seems the Bucs aren’t putting lip service to the “wide net” theory of finding an offensive coordinator.

So far recently fired Eagles offensive coordinator Brian Johnson was reported to be interviewing with the Bucs (Joe thinks there is more to that than face value) and former Chargers and Cowboys offensive coordinator Kellen Moore.

A third name is now on the list. The Bucs, per Ian Rapoport of NFL Network, have requested with the Rams to allow them to speak with their quarterback coach Zac Robinson to interview for the vacancy left by former Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales.

As Joe detailed earlier, Robinson would be perfect. It was Robinson and Rams coach Sean McVay who began to plant the seeds that eventually led to Canales saving Mayfield’s career.

Mayfield came to the Rams last last year and showed promise. That led the Bucs to sign him in the offseason.

So yeah, if the Bucs plan on keeping Mayfield, bringing in someone who has already had success with Mayfield would be an excellent carrot to lure Mayfield, a free agent, back to the Bucs.

Also, Joe doesn’t believe you can go wrong with a McVay offensive assistant. Those guys seem to work out quite well.

36 Responses to “Bucs Request To Speak With Zac Robinson”

  1. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Success with Mayfield?

    He played what ? Two games with the Rams?

  2. Lord Cornelius Says:

    This guy is probably my preferred guy so far. He has a pirate look to him

  3. Allbuccedup Says:

    So if Thad Lewis goes to the Raiders do we get 2 more 3rd round picks?

  4. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Good deal. Thad is a helluva coach but sort of new to the game. Robinson has a bit more experience. Mayfield has thrived in a McVay style offense which is not a complete do-over from what Canales brought in. This would be more of a tweak than a reset. Arrow up

  5. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Now do Klint Kubiac and Frank Smith..

  6. Joe Says:

    Success with Mayfield?

    He played what ? Two games with the Rams?

    Got more out of him than Matt Lombardi. (Mayfield played seven games with Carolina, five with the Rams.)

    So you are suggesting the Bucs hire an OC who failed with Mayfield?

  7. Allbuccedup Says:

    Wonder why no team wants to interview our defensive assistants?

  8. Statguy Says:

    Rams ran the ball very effective pulling a RB out of thin air also

  9. thepunch Says:

    Best candidate- comes from a good coaching tree keep the office high octane..

  10. Tony marks Says:

    Allbuccedup Says:
    January 26th, 2024 at 1:22 pm
    Wonder why no team wants to interview our defensive assistants?


    LOL thats just cold man.

  11. johnnymoon Says:

    The season is Saved !!

  12. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    @Jmarkbuc 5 games with Rams. Thursday night win over the Raiders was friggin incredible.. Christmas day beatdown of the Broncos was friggin awesome. They were terrible at the Packers and just not good enough at Chargers. But basically at that point when Mayfield came in their season was cooked

  13. BucFanDMV Says:

    I wonder if he would honestly consider seriously coming here because Bowles will be involved in the offense. Our offense won’t look nothing like LA which will let us know that Bowles will be involved.

  14. Zzbucs Says:

    I like BM and ive keep defending hin during all season.
    But don’t get it wrong he is not as good and híped as everybody thinks todday.
    Suddenly everybody is so desperate and talk about 35/40mm , we need to hire an OC that suits with Baker????? We need to bring Back ME13 because of Baker???

    Don’t overreact fellas!!!!

    I don’t think is a good idea to pay that money for Baker, even more is Just stupid!!

    This are the lind of mistakes that puts franchises in the toilet!

  15. unbelievable Says:

    Probably the best candidate so far

  16. WyomingJoe Says:

    ZZbucs: zzzzz… Keep snoozing because it’s obvious that you know very little about Baker Mayfield’s ability. Look at his highlight reels on YouTube and tell me that he isn’t worth the NFL average salary for a starting QB at 37.5M.

    Get real.

  17. Zzbucs Says:


    Again, I like the guy and been defending him against most here in JBF.

    I ‘ve seen all the games and some of them múltiple times…..
    I wouldn’t morthage the house when we need to pay some other players that IMO ara more important than Baker, that doesn’t mean I don’t like him or I am a hater.
    By the way BM has several seasons in the NFL and some of them were really bad, so In order to pay him would like to see some consistency, am I wrong?

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe doesn’t believe you can go wrong with a McVay offensive assistant. Those guys seem to work out quite well.


    Agreed, even if you’re not keeping Baker, that’s still a good, modern scheme that seems to be having a lot of success at the moment.

  19. adam from ny Says:

    go with this guy…full steam ahead

  20. ATLBuc Says:

    Is he going to be forced into starting Mayfield over Trask like Canales was? Ultimately, the reason that good OC candidates will not come here is that they will be forced to start Baker over Trask.

  21. ATLBuc Says:

    WyomingJoe Says:
    January 26th, 2024 at 2:01 pm
    ZZbucs: zzzzz… Keep snoozing because it’s obvious that you know very little about Baker Mayfield’s ability. Look at his highlight reels on YouTube and tell me that he isn’t worth the NFL average salary for a starting QB at 37.5M.
    YouTube videos???? Are you kidding me? We watched live and in horror multiple games where Baker did not throw to open receivers and then missed the receivers he threw to. ANY success he may have had is because of the talent we have on our offensive roster. Jameis Winston did significantly better, over 5,000 yards and 30 passing TD’s with basically the same skilled personnel.

  22. ATLBuc Says:

    Trask would throw for 5500 yards with these weapons. We have 2 4.3 receivers and together they have only one long TD reception on the year! The long TD that he made and the one that Moore made were short throws that they broke open. Mayfield needs to earn whatever Tyrod Taylor is making, not a cent more

  23. ATLBuc Says:


  24. Proudbucsfan Says:

    He sounds like a good choice but has he ever called plays before ? Will we be forced to go through growing pains again like we did when Canales didn’t get it right ? Is it going to be another 8-9 or 9-8 season ? Maybe not because our schedule is definitely a lot tougher next season. I think the best bet is for this team to have an experienced play caller this time around. JMO

  25. Tony marks Says:

    ATLBuc Says:
    the reason that good OC candidates will not come here is that they will be forced to start Baker over Trask.


    🙂 the delusions of a Trask Occult member.

    I wonder where all thes coaches on other teams were when every one of them passed on Trask in that draft.

    or let me guess – His 23 yards in three years is what won them over ?

  26. Tony marks Says:

    Joe Says:

    So you are suggesting the Bucs hire an OC who failed with Mayfield?


    Which OC failed with Baker? Cleveland had mostly success until the year he wa injured.

    and Panther’s OC didn’t even try . They left in the same offense they had for Sam Darnold from the year before. They finished the QB competition much too late to change the offense to another QB’s strengths.

  27. gotbbucs Says:


    I’ve tried to ignore your idiocy for so long, but it’s wearing thin. Newsflash kid, every NFL players highlight reels look great. Josh Freeman’s highlight reel is tremendous.
    Few people are still ragging on Mayfield. He’s surprisingly a pretty good QB. Did better than I thought he would do. Your constant shaft stroking however, seemingly out of thin air sometimes, has lost you any kind of credibility you may have been hoping for.
    Most of us want Baker back at the right price, but realistically he’s a borderline top 15-20 QB.

  28. Jmarkbuc Says:


    No .. but seems like an incredibly small sample size to deem it success..

  29. stpetebucfan Says:


    You post your WISHES without a shred of evidence except your overhyped Trask preseason. He improved. If Baker goes I hope Trask gets his chance and unlike you I’ll root for him to succeed even though he’s not the guy I wanted.

    “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride” Keep on slow walking it Atl

  30. Marky Mark Says:

    Good one. Now Van Pelt

  31. BakerBucs Says:

    Question why does everyone say canales saved bakers career isn’t he the 1 that kept making baker hand off in 1st&2nd downs most of the season & everyone was screaming fire that jackass the only reason we did end up ok was cause they finally let him throw the darn ball stop with the bs he saved baker that chit is in bakers DNA had nothing to do with that traitor canales

  32. BakerBucs Says:

    Baker borderline top 15or 20 then why were his 2023 stats in the top 10 plz give accurate analysis top 20 wud put him with Mac jones plz stop u r to old to b that stupid

  33. Marky Mark Says:

    Baker got screwed by the Browns in several ways including a reputation smear campaign to deflect from the bad PR by Woman,s rights groups over the Depervert debacle. The whisper campaign to journalists included the bad locker room leader, immature, and can,t survive without a strong running game. Bowles and Ariens knew all that was horse manure but Canales believed it. Canales was desperate for an OC chance after being passed over by Carrol! For a LA Rams guy and said yes BEFORE he knew who the QB was. The whole run first thing was to minimize Baker,s supposed weaknesses spread by the Browns negative PR campaign. Carroll believed it also. The run first thing failed and Canales had no choice but to let Baker rip it. Everyone with short memories was pleasantly surprised how good Baker was. My take is the two saved each other. But Canales is now walking into dysfunction hell. Regardless how it goes Dave can retire rich if he invests well.

  34. Tones Says:

    Shouldn’t we be more concerned about getting a head coach first????move bowel to defense. Get vrable

  35. Joe Says:

    Shouldn’t we be more concerned about getting a head coach first????move bowel to defense. Get vrable


  36. BuxfaninTX Says:

    Robinson was hired by Raheem in Atlanta