What The Hell Is Going On With Devin White II?

December 13th, 2023

What’s up?

So Devin White has missed the last two games with a bum foot and was not seen at the Dixie Chicks’ nest last Sunday. Internationally popular JoeBucsFan.com columnist Ira Kaufman has heard surprising if not unpleasant things related to the veteran Bucs linebacker — which Ira discussed in one of his recent podcasts.

So what’s up with the Bucs’ starting linebacker in his contract year? Bucs coach Todd Bowles was asked about White’s status and absence the past two weeks and when he might see the field again. Bowles was tight-lipped if not evasive.

“Hopefully he does something tomorrow,” Bowles said. “Until he gets better, we’ve got to move forward with [K.J. Britt].

“It’s early in the week, we’ll see – with two weeks off – what he does towards the end of the week and kind of go from there.”

That’s a whole lot of vague. Does that mean something else is afoot? Well, that’s sheer speculation because there are no publicly known dots to connect.

Thankfully, the past two games when the Bucs did not have White available, his void was filled quite nicely by J.J. Russell and K.J. Britt. So White’s absence really wasn’t felt.

48 Responses to “What The Hell Is Going On With Devin White II?”

  1. BucThis Says:

    I’m good with DWhite not playing the rest of the year.

  2. Bucsfan951 Says:

    It is a very bad thing when you’re a top 5 draft pick playing in your fifth nfl year, a contract year, and you are missing games, and there is little to no drop off.

    Injured or not, that just doesn’t look good for him.

  3. Chris O Says:

    I feel like a change of scenery is necessary for him. And honestly, I feel like he’s going to play really well for his next team.

  4. Beeej Says:

    The Eagles could use him, assuming he would play to his capabilities

  5. Lt. Dan Says:

    something else is “afoot” Haha! Dan sees what Joe did there!

  6. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Does that mean something else is afoot?

    Pun definitely intended….

  7. Hail2dabucs Says:

    I had high hopes for Dwhite45 but this joker has got to go . He can take toilet bowl with him . I have watched a lot of bucs football over the years & this defence is pretty bad when you have Ryan Neal & white out there . Big time liability in coverage .

  8. Dom Says:

    Devin White might be the worst ILB on this team. I’m good not seeing him the rest of the year. See what you got in JJ, Britt, and Dennis

  9. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    If Devin White wants a payday somewhere, it behooves him to play and to play well……and that’s been the case for a while.

    I suspect that he is truly injured. Anything else and he is costing himself millions.

  10. DoooshLaRue Says:

    He’s smart.

    Smart like JayMiss.

  11. D Kilmer Says:

    Yes, agree with the change of scenery.Believe he made that decision early in the year and has been playing to avoid serious injury, tanking if you will. Yes believe he will play well for his next team. Further appears, that he may had decided playoffs are a thing in Tampa’s past for now and he wants to move to a proven team. Just a thought, otherwise his play makes no sense unless he is just not hungry, It happens

  12. Jack Clark Says:

    The way Devin White couldn’t tackle backup quarterback Garner Minshew and stop him from scoring a touchdown when we played the colts, I don’t think we will miss him.

  13. aleyz2020 Says:

    Both Devin and Todd deserve to end up in the most bone chilling place for the lies and deception they weave. Bowles has been lying to the fans since he took over and soon he will be held accountable. The players cannot be expected to put forth their best effort for someone they can’t trust. Sliding into the play-offs through the back door is not a very lofty goal to have. His bar is set to the lowest rung.

  14. Since76 Says:

    Looks like white may be done with the coaching staff. I think there are problems with him that have nothing to do with health. My opinion. But the coaches seem to be having a lot of problems too.

  15. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I’m waiting to hear Devin White’s name mentioned, without “contract year” attached to it…. It’s like drama central, here.

  16. Brandon Jeff Says:

    The kid may not be a complete ball player, but he does have talent. Maybe his next team will utilize him for his strengths instead of trying to fit a square peg into round hole, like seems to be common place nowadays. Or at least here anyway.

  17. Mike C Says:

    Should have traded his @$$

  18. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    Its clear White is running around out there rogue. Physical talent but he hasnt improved any area of his game. Seems to be living off of the super bowl. Career has plateaued and its a shame because he had the making of greatness.

  19. All_da_way Says:

    Britt might seize the opportunity and take the job away from White. D. White has some choices to make soon enough.

  20. FortMyersDave Says:

    Perhaps someone at One Buc Place had seen enough and made a call to Licht and Bowles and said to bench #45 and he did not take the news well. However. if that is the case, wouldn’t the team put him on IR or deactivate him like Gruden did to Keyshawn?

  21. Defense Rules Says:

    TBBF… Also suspect that he’s truly injured, and I’m sure that he well recognizes that warming the bench is costing him beau coup dollars. But the way he was playing was hurting the Bucs, and he’s probably ticked that Bowles sat him down. Devin strikes me as being very selfish (me-first attitude?) and I don’t see a future for him as a Buc. Change of scenery will probably do him aworld of good.

  22. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I know there is a section that wants him gone, but actually like him. Of course, I liked Kwon too.

    I think it will come down to cost.

  23. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    At this point….who CARES what is going on with Diva White!

  24. Kgh4life Says:

    DW is essentially benched, the foot injury is justification for him not playing. He’s just a liability when he’s on the field.

  25. stpetebucfan Says:

    D.R. Don’t know if you were going for actual French but it reminded me of Vietnam.

    You’ll understand if I say I believe DW45 is “Beau Coup Dinky Dow!”

  26. Craig Says:

    That massive coaching assembly know as the Bucs has not gotten any fundamentals to stick with this one.

    His one armed tackling technique is horrid and he would be great to play for big money at pool, because he can’t work an angle for anything.

    Too bad the trade deadline has gone by. It might be the best thing for both parties.

    Hate to see someone with such potential get wasted, but the Bucs are good at doing that.

  27. Architek Says:

    Honestly Joe, most passionate and realistic Bucs fans don’t care if White plays another snap.

    As a matter of fact, many fans see the ceiling on this team and Bowles as a HC. I’m confident in saying no one is vested in seeing White on the field again in 2023.

  28. Usfbuc Says:

    He had reported injuries so that’s probably it but I am good with him not playing. We weren’t going to get to keep him anyhow with his salary demands.

  29. gotbbucs Says:

    They can’t afford/won’t pay him what he wants at the end of the season. The team is playing better without him. Now seems like the right time to phase him out.
    Let him rehab, lord willing he gets a big contract somewhere else, the Bucs recieve a 3rd or 4th round comp. pick. Win/win.

  30. beeej Says:

    If an undisclosed injury is what’s responsible for his horrible play that’s totally on Bowles–I watched a play on Twitter where White couldn’t get off a block from a WIDE RECEIVER. He just jogged along parallel to the play and someone else made the tackle. You can’t tell me his diminished self is STILL superior to KJ Britt or JJ Russell

  31. Allen Lofton Says:

    We need to make it a package deal – Fire Bowles and take his protege with him. White’s piss poor entitles attitude hurts the team.

    The Bucs have won their last two games without him. The message is Loud and clear. Football is a team sport with no room for Primadonna’s.

  32. Conner50 Says:

    Wish we would have drafted Josh Allen the defensive end for the jags over White, but he did have a great year and was a significant piece to the Super Bowl year. Other than that he’s been a huge disappointment. JJ Russell was one of the best if not the best linebacker in preseason, I think he could possibly be a starter if Dennis don’t take the roll next year. Britt is also pretty good as well

  33. Tony Marks Says:

    Tampabaybucfan Says:
    I suspect that he is truly injured. Anything else and he is costing himself millions.


    unless he can sell he was injured to his next team. It might look better to be injured than to suck for the games he lost already plus the 4 coming.

  34. bucs107 Says:

    He was playing injured since week 2 look at the game int he had in the Eagles game
    Ira with his theories and sources lol
    I don’t believe a word he says anymore

  35. Duane in Sanford Says:

    He hasnt been right for a few seasons. His mind definitely isnt right, but I gotta wonder if this is what happens to young players in a Bowles scheme. We have young talent regressing. 45 is going to be a sore spot for this franchise for a few more years, because he will likely sign with the Saints.

  36. Greg Says:

    What do you mean his presence wasn’t felt? We won both games.

  37. jarrett Says:





  38. Day 1-76 Says:

    I wonder which team D White thinks is going to give him $100MM.

  39. adam from ny Says:

    joe quit horsing around…

    it’s time for this dood to play afoot-ball game


  40. SlyPirate Says:

    Kgh4life Says:
    DW is essentially benched, the foot injury is justification for him not playing.


    Nailed it

  41. Hodad Says:

    Let’s not forget Licht used the fifth pick in the draft on this guy. Licht should’ve granted his trade request before the league got to see White isn’t really very good. Now when he walks, we’ll only get a comp pick. When a player demands a trade, wants out, get what you can, and move on. Nice job Jason, real genuis, best G.M. in football.

  42. Joe in Michigan Says:

    jarrett Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 11:12 pm


    Uh, you judge a player’s career on one play, and not the entire body of work? Winfield is good at football, White isn’t.

  43. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Hodad Says:
    December 14th, 2023 at 4:40 am
    Let’s not forget Licht used the fifth pick in the draft on this guy. Licht should’ve granted his trade request before the league got to see White isn’t really very good. Now when he walks, we’ll only get a comp pick. When a player demands a trade, wants out, get what you can, and move on. Nice job Jason, real genuis, best G.M. in football.
    The NFL already knew White isn’t good, they saw the film on the Baltimore and Niners games last year. What NFL team could White start for? Would you trade for a loudmouth backup? No? So there you have it, no trade value.

  44. garro Says:

    Bowles is not gonna tell anyone he has benched hi “best player”. I ain’t buying anything out of Bowles mouth anymore.

    Go Bucs!

  45. orlbucfan Says:

    garro Says:
    December 14th, 2023 at 6:24 am
    Bowles is not gonna tell anyone he has benched hi “best player”.
    Are you for real? White has stunk all year, and LVD has been covering his azz. Maybe one of his horses kicked him in the head. Bucs sure haven’t missed him. Good riddance.

  46. Destinjohnny Says:

    Put him on special teams

  47. TheMIGHTYVH Says:

    Bye Bye Deva White. Just wish JL would have traded him when he had the chance.

  48. garro Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    December 14th, 2023 at 8:08 am

    garro Says:
    December 14th, 2023 at 6:24 am
    Bowles is not gonna tell anyone he has benched hi “best player”.
    Are you for real? White has stunk all year, and LVD has been covering his azz. Maybe one of his horses kicked him in the head. Bucs sure haven’t missed him. Good riddance.

    Was being Facetious sir, and for the record I agree with you.

    Go Bucs!