Vikings Loss Greatly Helps Bucs’ Wild Card Chances

December 16th, 2023

Could the Bucs be the No. 6 or No. 7 seed in this year’s playoffs while another team wins the NFC South?


A bunch of NFC teams are 6-7, which is the current postseason line in the sand for the seventh and final playoff seed in the NFC. It’s currently held by the Packers, Tampa Bay’s opponent tomorrow.

However, the Vikings lost an overtime thriller today to the Bengals. That moved the Vikings record to 7-7. And the Bucs own the head-to-head tiebreaker against Minnesota.

Last year, a 9-8 record was good enough for the postseason in the NFC (Seahawks), as was a 9-7-1 record (Giants). This year, it seems two teams might make the playoffs at 9-8 without winning their division.

If the Bucs can just win in Green Bay tomorrow, they’ll be 7-7 and in prime position for the postseason. A loss, well, the Bucs will need a minor miracle to play a meaningful game in January.

52 Responses to “Vikings Loss Greatly Helps Bucs’ Wild Card Chances”

  1. Beeej Says:

    If we can’t beat GB it’s fairly pointless anyway

  2. Rod Munch Says:

    Jake Browning of the Bengals now has 3 games in a row that are all better than anything Mayfield has done this year. Just shows you can get a QB better than Mayfield from just about anywhere.

  3. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Is it just me or is there no sound coming from the Steeler colts game?

  4. Pewter power Says:

    No faith Bowles can out coach anyone. I fully expect him to sell out against the run and allow average nobody receivers destroy our corners

  5. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Browning was fortunate today .threw into double coverage many times. His receivers made elite catches (Higgins late touchdown ..amazing) it could’ve easily gone side ways for him… but that’s football.

  6. sasquatch Says:

    Playoffs mean Bowles remains on the job at least 1 more week than he deserves. Not in favor of it.

  7. MegaFailure Says:

    the hell kinda picture is that

  8. ModHairKen Says:

    What has David Moore been smoking? And where can I get some?

  9. Tom Says:


  10. Tony Marks Says:

    For all the talk of how bad the team is because its 6 -7 and .500 records sucks ( so start Kyle “30% passing” Trask) blah blah blah

    there are 4 teams in the entire NFC above 500

    and though the AFC has more teams above 500 only 6 teams are better than 1 game above 500

  11. Tony Marks Says:

    Mush blurts more ignorance of the NFL:

    “Just shows you can get a QB better than Mayfield from just about anywhere.”


    Browning hasn’t thrown more than 2 TDs all season which elsewhere you say of another QB is awful and two of the games you point to have been OTs

    besides the premise above is not true

    Apparently one of those places one can’t fine a better Qb is on the buc’s bench 🙂 🙂

  12. orlbucfan Says:

    Tony Marks Says:
    December 16th, 2023 at 5:46 pm

    there are 4 teams in the entire NFC above 500
    For real? I have been following the Bucs cos that’s all the time I have. Shaking my head. Philly and 49ers should have wipe out records from what the pundits have been writing.

  13. UKBuccaneer Says:

    A win tomorrow would help, but isn’t as important as the divisional matchups coming. We can still lose @ GB and win the NFC south.

  14. RGA Says:

    @ Rod Munch, I agree with you, Mayfields paltry passing yards are disappointing considering he has two stud receivers and arguably the best pass catching running back in the NFL. Throwing for 40 yards in a half is deplorable.

  15. bucsince79 aka bumanner Says:

    If we can put pressure on Love & he has a game like last week we can win…
    D needs to step up & not give him a clean pocket…

  16. Larrd Says:

    It is amazing how Baker has pushed this team to the verge of a playoff berth. All the negative Nancy’s said three wins, but he has already doubled that number.

    Wow. Just wow.

    And he is so nice. A wonderful actor.

    Most popular man in Tampa!

  17. Proudbucsfan Says:

    ModHairKen you can buy Crack in just about any ghetto in any city in the country 🤣

  18. Tony Marks Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    Philly and 49ers should have wipe out records from what the pundits have been writing.

    they pretty much do. Then there’s Detroit and Cowboys and thats it for the NFC

    NO one else is above 500

  19. Tony Marks Says:

    RGA Says:
    December 16th, 2023 at 6:20 pm
    @ Rod Munch, I agree with you,

    And in non news today

    Traskies Unite

    while Kyle “30% passing” Trask still sucks

    Our next story – How water will definitely evaporate somewhere in Florida tomorrow.

  20. Capt.Tim Says:

    Hey, somebody explain to Rod M, that there is more than a QB on the offense.
    He keeps talking about QBs on good teams.
    The Bucs aren’t a good team. They suck.
    Thats Why Teams will be trying to hire Mayfield after the season.
    He has no obligation to return here, so why would ya?

    I think the Bucs lose tomorrow (6-8)
    The win out (9-8) that should win the NFC south.
    We wont go far. But still better than not going.

    Then suffer being a dumpster fire for a few years until we rebuild both lines and get some Pass rusher.
    A great Oline, almost any NFL QB can win.

    I mean, not Noodle arm Trask- but almost anyone else.
    Look at some of the bad QBs, that are winning behind good lines right now!
    Just gotta be able to make the throws. A good line gives you the time- and a running game
    Making the Throws leaves ole pine riding Kyle” Noodle Arm” Trask outta the Conversation.
    But John Woolford can do the Job- if we gave him the tools

  21. adam from ny Says:

    gotta win 3 of the next 4…

    gb – w
    jax – l
    no – w
    car -w

    carolina is not trying to win that last game and screw up their draft number…

    chances are we prolly go 2-2 tho…

  22. Capt.Tim Says:

    Id explain it to Rod Munch myself,
    But talking to anyone who DOESNT understand that makes my head hurt.

    I think Im allergic to Dumb.
    Trask has a limp arm

    Merry Christmas everyone

  23. Tony Marks Says:

    Capt.Tim Says:
    December 16th, 2023 at 6:49 pm
    Hey, somebody explain to Rod M, that there is more than a QB on the offense.


    We can’t. We are still working on him stating NFL RBs are a waste of money because its 2023.

    I kid you not.

  24. RGA Says:

    @ Tony Marks, I’m not a Trask nut hugger at all, I went to FAMU in Tallahassee where I followed the Noles. I’d have to say the shoe is on the other foot with your Mayfield nut hugging, you continue to lobby for him and he is playing poorly. Results matter, big Sooner fan are you? Results matter, Mayfield is not getting it done.

  25. Tony Marks Says:

    RGA Says:
    December 16th, 2023 at 7:05 pm
    @ Tony Marks, I’m not a Trask nut hugger at all


    You been one alllllllllll season long

    You just don’t want to be identified as one because even you know its embarrassing

    Don’t keep your phone in front of your face Pinocchio

  26. Larrd Says:

    It goes beyond on-field performance with the Baker haters, RGA. They hate the man! They must make it known in every thread.


  27. RGA Says:

    I suppose it could be worse, we could have Mitch Tribusky as our QB

  28. RGA Says:

    Tony, keep embarrassing yourself in front of the entire board, keep it up you’re doing a good job.

  29. RGA Says:

    Let’s remember that Mayfield is a journey man, the Browns are now winning without him. Mayfield was cut mid season by the lowly Panthers for goodness sakes. I give him credit for trying hard, he’s not a winner and not a QB any team should want to build around.

  30. Tony Marks Says:

    RGA Says:
    December 16th, 2023 at 7:16 pm
    Tony, keep embarrassing yourself in front of the entire board, keep it up you’re doing a good job.


    Coming from a starter at that position that’s high praise.

    LOL…a traskie who the joes labeled a cult talking about embarrassing….


  31. BakerBucs Says:

    Holy cow if we have 2 major studs receiver’s why ell have they dropped so many easy crucial catches those r facts pal!

  32. BakerBucs Says:

    Trask got a new jick strap maybe he will now be prime time now

  33. BakerBucs Says:

    It was bakers used jock strap

  34. RGA Says:

    @ Tony, I’m not a Traskie, I’ve been going to the Bucs games since 1976, I can see with my own eyes poor QB play. The Bucs invested a late 2nd round draft pick in a QB who apparently played well in the preseason. It’s in the Bucs franchise interest to see what he can do. Mayfield is taking us nowhere.

  35. BakerBucs Says:

    Rga r u an owner cause the dribble coming off u r lip sounds like u shud buy a franchise with all u r dumb knowledge

  36. BakerBucs Says:

    Baker cud b 8&5 u wud still call him below average u people suck wtf

  37. BakerBucs Says:

    RGA baker is only 28 yrs old WTF is wrong with u r knowledge is lacking ,the Panthers were & r the very worst I wud not wanted to play for them either baker has been on bad teams from day 1 & just because a guy comes in for a few games & does pretty good has nothing to do with longevity look at Dobbs at vikes for instance browning had some good stuff in the last game his 1st start not so much.lrts see what tomorrow brings all u guys with big mouths that’s what is big mouths put u r money up & buy u r own team let’s c how u do what a bunch of jackasses

  38. Tony Marks Says:

    RGA Says:
    December 16th, 2023 at 7:31 pm
    @ Tony, I’m not a Traskie, I’ve been going to the Bucs games since 1976,


    Lie all you want traskie . Your track record on these blog comments is clear, NO one said a traskie had to be from UF . After all the Kyle cult tries to convert weak minds from all walks of life.

    I’ve probably seen you at the airport with pony tails or a bald head

    Krishna is code for Kyle…no big difference in logical processing

  39. Tony Marks Says:


    Kyle is on the books for next year. The only people who think he MUST be evaluated this year are baker haters, stupid people and traskies ( which embody both )

    IF you are arguing that Klye must be played to see where and what position to draft

    You would be UTTERLY dumb.

    3 or 4 games isn’t going to show definitely what any player is going to do for the whole season next year . To pass on drafting a Qb in a Qb rich draft would be beyond silly.

    So the cliff notes – if you aren’t rolling with Baker next year then NO MATTER WHAT you should be going for as high a QB as you can get

    Which makes the Kyle question for this season – irrelevant – especially with a playoff run still in play.

  40. AtlBuc Says:

    The Mayfield Minions are not Bucs fans but Baker fans. I think they are his cousins or, probably the same person with many aliases. Their arguments make absolutely no sense. Why would a team use a first round pick on a QB if they have not tested their second round pick. Its eerie how all of these Mayfield fans have the same unreasonable, petty, demeanor.
    They are quick to call names and use personal insults to anyone who criticize Baker’s play.

  41. RGA Says:

    @ Tony Marks, I’d had hope for Mayfield when he was signed, he’s not playing winning football. You keep talking about the Traskies, I’m good with seeing what another QB can do, the Bucs have a 2nd round draft pick invested in Trask and I for one want to see him in real game action. I have to say, you, Tbbucs and Wyoming Joe all must be Oklahoma grads or fans to continue to his support. He’s not playing well and quite frankly he’s holding the offense back.

  42. Since76 Says:

    Has there ever been a QB that averaged 225 yds a game or less and not been benched by week 13?? Asking for a fan.

  43. Kidfloflo Says:

    Baker is the best QB in our division…that shouldn’t piss people off! And before u say division sucks…he’s going against top 2 talent and a huge contract qb, and is doing it for peanuts to boot

  44. RGA Says:

    He may be playing for peanuts but have to look at the big picture, can Mayfield lead this team to a Super Bowl? The Bucs have to have better QB play to compete in the NFL.

  45. Capt. Tim Says:

    We cant run. Cant block. Cant pass rush, cant tackle. Cant cover.
    Our star WRs dont want to get hurt, so they wont go across the middle, or any route where they might take a hit.
    They, along with white, Dean, and Davis have bern on coast since game 3.

    Superbowl? Tom Brady couldnt win with this team last year. Greatest QB of all time.
    And we screwed ip the oline even worse this year. Both tackles playing new positions. Rookie guard. Two crappy backups at Center and Guard.
    No QB who ever lived could get this pile of crap to a SuperBowl.
    The fact that Mayfield has won any games will win him a huge Contract somewhere.
    Have you even watched a game? How could you ask that?

  46. Richard Says:

    Mayfield is scrappy and tries hard, he’s should not be the quarterback moving forward.

  47. Tb bolts Says:

    Like midfield is going to win three more games lmao

  48. Duane in Sanford Says:

    If you really want to see Baker move on, you should hope he goes on a run to end the season. If he can lead a team to 9 wins, and if that team was the Bucs, then someone is going to pay him over $30 million a year to play for them. Average starting quarterbacks still make that much every year. Stop griping about Baker and appreciate the fact we saved the $26 million this year.

  49. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    The NFL is a hot mess right now. Iggles get destroyed 2 weeks in a row. Lions played 3 games looking like garbage. Bears suddenly looking decent. There are 13 teams in NFC with a legitimate shot at the playoffs, something like 11 in the AFC. Crazy

  50. Zoocomics Says:

    @ Rod Munch, as usual… I agree… when I’m seeing this Browning move the ball I’m thinking whether he or the same system he’s working-in is better than Baker and Canales. Answer: Yes and yes? Look, Overall, Bengals are much better built team with the best WR core in the NFL. But, just seeing the way their offense flows is frustrating considering we don’t have drives like they have.

    The biggest issue Canales is having as O Coordinator rhythm, there is zero rhythm to this offense. Also, something I’ve been clamoring for all season is winning on 2nd Down, and instead it’s all about getting to 3rd and short yardage. Our offense is the healthiest of our Bucs units, and it’s late in the season and we’ve regressed in my opinion. Whatever Canales has wanted to implement “should” be seeing more flow, especially since we’re playing .500 teams. Just not excited about any of it right now.

  51. Mark hardt Says:

    I recall many here lampooning Baker for his matter of fact Statement that he is best with his back to the wall and a chip on his shoulder before the Panthers. Another do or die game. I put my money on Baker not Jordan Love. Two years ago while injured and hall of fame QB on the other side Baker went down to the wire at Lambeau. Baker can win this one while healthy vs a first year starter.

  52. Glass (almost) Half Full Guy Says:

    Look at the teams that are still “in the hunt” for a playoff spot in both the NFC and AFC. Some are holding on by the skin of their teeth and playing backups at QB or have starters that just aren’t as good as Mayfield and would love to have the guy right now. Look at Minnesota, the Steelers, even the Jets.

    Baker may not be lighting up anyone’s fantasy teams with his stats but he’s also not losing us games with mistakes. Our passing game is just as predictable as our running game has been. And now DCs know they only have to concentrate on stopping our passing game. Our run game has improved lately, but they aren’t losing any sleep over it yet.

    I wasn’t a Mayfield fan until he came here. He only had to do three things to get me on his side: 1) Put on the Pewter uniform 2) Don’t act like a douche. 3) Don’t be a turnover machine.

    Check, check and check.

    We’ve all been waiting for this “new offense” to “click”. It hasn’t. Opposing DCs have Canales’ number and are playing chess with a guy who is still learning how to play checkers.

    Bottom line, out of all of the teams fighting for the lower playoff seeding, we have one of the better QBs out of those teams. We have better weapons than most as well. Imagine if our coaches get it together……

    Tighter pass coverage on D so the QB can’t sling the ball out in under 3 seconds so our pass rush can get home or at least pressure the QB.

    More up-tempo offense and play-action, etc. Too much to list on O, but I for one think it’s never too late until you’re officially eliminated. A loss today and it’s an uphill battle but some teams ahead of us will still be in worse shape and will most likely give us some “help”.