The Combine Coaching Of Calijah Kancey

December 16th, 2023

The underwear Olympics that is the NFL Scouting Combine is a lot of fun but often a lot of smoke and mirrors.

Take the 40-yard-dash times of defensive linemen and pass rushers. What do their numbers really indicate? How often will they ever run 20 yards in a straight line, let alone 40?

So Bucs stud rookie defensive tackle Calijah Kancey got a ton of hype early this year for running a 4.67-second time in the 40 yard dash, the best ever at his position, a microscopic hair better than Aaron Donald did.

Interestingly, Kancey told a hell of a story this week on the Buccaneers Radio Network, noting he was coached up in real-time on the Combine field while his agent was ordering him to shut it down.

Joe will paraphase. …Kancey talked about how he was coming off a major shoulder issue and wasn’t able to fully pump his arms running until about nine days before the Combine. His agent didn’t want him to run, but Kancey insisted and ran anyway. Then after running a 4.78 time in his first attempt, Kancey said he went to his phone and his agent wanted him to skip the second dash because the time was good. Kancey said he had no interest in doing that and then was in touch “with my speed coach,” who advised him to drive his knees more in the final 15 yards to improve his time in the second run.

And the rest is history.

Former Bucs guard Ali Marpet was co-hosting the Kancey interview and seemed stunned and impressed that Kancey was being coached up in real-time on sidelines of the event.

Kancey added that he wanted to run at the Combine to bring “buzz” to his name because he wanted more predraft hype, even though his agent discouraged it.

Great story, one that illustrates to Joe that Combine times need a lot of scrutiny at a lot of positions.

13 Responses to “The Combine Coaching Of Calijah Kancey”

  1. Joe in Michigan Says:

    I’m glad we drafted this kid, he’s getting after the QB in his rookie year. Find an Edge in the 2024 Draft, keep building that pass rush.

  2. Capt.Tim Says:

    Hes Fast. And passionate, and hes got moves.
    But read his stats at Pittsburgh and the Combine
    Pitt said he was 5’10”, 280lbs
    Nfl Combine said he was 6’2”, 280 Lbs.
    Thats too small to play DLine in the NFL.
    Unless you are Aaron Donald. Meybe Kancey will be be that good.
    I hope so, I realy do.

    But what always happens- Is that small guys get hurt alot. Then the injures start to linger. Then become Chronic
    Again, The Aaron Donald exception.
    I think the Bucs risked yet another high round pick, on a Dlinemen who will not be a solution to our Dline problems.
    See JTS and Logan Ryan. Called them both bad picks on draft day- right here on JoeBuc.
    Not gonna list the Dlinemen we shoulda drafted. Hindsight is easy.
    But if Kancey starts missing half our games- then we wasted another pick.
    And our Scouts should have known better

  3. Scott Says:

    He is ranked 107 of 132 interior defenders on PFF. The only thing he is already decent at is the pass rush. Hoping he keeps progressing. He has made some splash plays I’ve noticed but apparently his run def is rough.

  4. RGA Says:

    D-lineman have a history of not showing their worth until the 2nd and 3rd year, Warren Sapp had had 3 sacks his rookie year. Kancey has shown some flashes as a rooking, Year two and three should be more productive.

  5. Teflon Don Says:

    Capt Tim are you watching the games? Are you really implying that Kancey isn’t making a difference? He’s definitely playing well for a rookie and missed a handful of games during the season and the preseason. Didn’t like the pick during the draft at all but the kid has impressed and I’m now a big fan

  6. Joshua porter Says:

    Think I might find me another agent….lol

  7. Obvious Says:

    Yeah, I’m sure he has or is considering a new agent. One who is a little more in touch with the fellow whom hired him. Sounds like he didn’t trust Calijah’s abilities and self awareness. Clearly Kancey isn’t as timid as his employee. I get that it maybe a wise move IF he was advising a less confident guy.

    It’s not a great thing if your promoter doesn’t believe in you because he’s actually NOT AWARE of the capabilities the man has and wasn’t wise enough to encourage him when Kancey himself sure believed he could. Turns out Calijah was absolutely right.

    Greatness doesn’t sit on the side lines and wait for someone to give it the “ok” to be GREAT! Greatness TAKES IT!

    Our man Kancey will end up a Super Star.. He had bad luck as camp started and then tired to get himself in there a touch to quick. I’d bet a weeks salary that if he had a “twinge” of discomfort when his next shot came that HE Made Sure Nobody noticed! And when asked if he had any discomfort this time, he probably said H3LL NO! I feel better than “I EVER HAVE” whether he felt a little pain or not…

    And I do believe he started the season a little late AS.WELL to get the DROY. AS he’s also on a lack luster defensive front here in Tampa and his early accomplishments aren’t being recognized because of it. Just like David has been in the back of the bus when actually HE’S A CERTIFIED SUPER STAR! I hope I’m wrong about that though.

    Licht has to put a little more talent on the line AND OR a more “FOCUSED” DC coach to get the MOST out of these guys. The Word on the Street is that Todd Bowles defense IS REGRESSING! And it’s regressing ALL THROUGH OUT the defense from front to back. So maybe it’s not a talent problem and it’s more lack of quality coaching to get more out of Hall and JTS for example.

    Clearly too much responsibility for Mr. Bowles to handle as head coach and D coach at the same time.

    His defense is Actually Regressing…. He tried. AGAIN! And the results are CLEAR..
    Calijah Kancey Will end up one of the Best picks Licht has Ever Made! I mean the guy is just getting started and he looks to be Far Better than “most” Vets..

  8. Crickett Baker Says:

    I really love the Total Access when Marpet is on with Phillips. He gets so much more out of whoever is being interviewed. I just love Ali being added to that podcast.

  9. bob in valrico Says:

    there is another thing that Kancy has already shown that he is good at
    he has 8 tackles for a loss and that number should increase if he plays a full season.

  10. firethecannons Says:

    Calijah Kancey better than JTS and Logan somebody (2 drafts ago at top of 2nd round) combined. I believe Kancey will excel along with YaYa Diaby.

  11. garro Says:

    The combine is fast becomeing pretty much useless in player evaluations. Guys picking and choosing what drills they do and opting out all together…
    Teams do alot of other things to determine their draft boards thank god.

    Coaching these guys up on different drills (pre Indy) kinda negates the value of some of the measurables to me. I think most teams look more at Pro Days and game tape to make their draft boards.

    Kancey’s first step is what is gonna make him money in the NFL anyway. See Warren Sapp. The Dope head leaked one. Undoubtedly an agent put that out there, pre draft BTW.

    Money and agents can make some strange things happen I think. Let the buyer beware. Thank god Kancey seems like the real deal and didn’t listen to said agent.

    Go Bucs!

  12. garro Says:

    The combine is fast becomeing pretty much useless in player evaluations. Guys picking and choosing what drills they do and opting out all together…
    Teams do alot of other things to determine their draft boards thank god.

    Coaching these guys up on different drills (pre Indy) kinda negates the value of some of the measurables to me. I think most teams look more at Pro Days and game tape to make their draft boards.

    Kancey’s first step is what is gonna make him money in the NFL anyway. See Warren Sapp. The failed drug test leaked one. Undoubtedly an agent put that out there, pre draft BTW.

    Money and agents can make some strange things happen I think. Let the buyer beware. Thank goodness Kancey seems like the real deal and didn’t listen to said agent.

    Go Bucs!

  13. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    Also illustrates he has his own mind.