Todd Bowles May Still Be On The Hot Seat

December 20th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

Joe hates to be the guy who passes gas at a wedding ceremony. With everyone (including Joe) rejoicing in a huge Bucs road win on Sunday, that doesn’t mean Joe has to step out of the world of reality where evil and darkness loom daily.

Joe is a big history guy. Joe is also not much of a gambler. Therefore, Joe is not one to bet against “never.”

And the history of the Bucs shows that under the guidance of Team Glazer, the only coach who survived back-to-back losing seasons also won the Bucs a Super Bowl. His name is Chucky, and even Chucky got bounced after consecutive nine-win campaigns (2007 and 2008).

The Bucs are 7-7. Two more wins and they should have a division title. In the mind of Albert Breer of, winning the division this season will mean a whole lot more to Bucs coach Todd Bowles than a cap and a T-shirt.

It means Bowles probably returns as head coach.

Breer, one of the most plugged-in reporters covering the NFL, was on Rich Eisen’s show yesterday discussing possible NFL coaching openings. Breer said he believes between the slimy Saints and the Bucs, whichever team doesn’t win the NFC South, very easily could be looking at a coaching change.

“Tampa and New Orleans, whoever doesn’t win that division — and it sounds funny saying that too, because if you are close to winning a division maybe you shouldn’t be in jeopardy — I think Tampa and New Orleans are two that you could see changes if those teams don’t win the division,” Breer said.

For the Bucs not to win the division, the team likely would have to lose two of the last three games.

Judging how Team Glazer warmly embraced Bowles (see below) as he came off the field Sunday following his team making history with its very first December win in Green Bay, it sure didn’t appear Bowles is on any hot seat.

But as we all know, looks can be deceiving. Life sometimes hits you hard. And fast.

Best to hit the can before a wedding ceremony begins.

98 Responses to “Todd Bowles May Still Be On The Hot Seat”

  1. Vancouver Buc Says:

    A well deserved Hot Seat. I hope he goes, rather have an Offensive Minded coach instead.

  2. NYbucsfan Says:

    Todd Bowles is a terrible head coach I hope they fire him as soon as possible. As long as we keep him we will be mediocre at best. Formidable opponent didn’t they just lose to the Giants? And don’t they now have a losing record? Is that where we have set the bar?

  3. Baking with Canales Says:


  4. Boss Says:

    He should have already been fired. His coaching style is just don’t lose……..well maybe if the other team is better or you get a splinter……..oh well we lost. The team has to execute better next week…blah blah blah

  5. Eric S Says:

    I definitely think he stays if they win the division. I don’t think he’s a good HC though. I do wonder what Jenna thinks the word formidable means. It was a nice win on Sunday, but GB is hardly formidable. They were 6-7 coming into that gm.

  6. garro Says:

    The situation kinda reminds me of a crap job I once contemplated quitting without another one lined up. My good friend reminded me that the worst job he ever had was looking for a job.

    We have gone through periods where looking for a winning coach was worse than dealing with the previous one.

    Go Bucs!

  7. Buc4evr Says:

    In the NFL today with the rule changes and the Refs, old style defenses don’t work, neither do old style offenses. Wish Bowles the best but he has to go. Bucs need an aggressive offensive minded coach.

  8. SufferingSince76 Says:

    The thought of this guy being here another year is sickening. His coaching philosophy is horrible and most employers don’t tolerate people who refuse to change. Apparently, the Glazers have different priorities than winning.

  9. Citrus County Says:

    For all you folks that think the grass (turf) will be greener with a blow-up of the team and a coaching staff change I argue this; We have a young team with lots of talent that is about to get even younger after the next draft. We have an established coaching staff. We are showing promise and growth. Ineffective and malcontented players are being dealt with. Both our #1 and #2 QB’s have talent and experience in the system. Aside from the #45 situation there is no drama.

    Unless the team has a total collapse and loses 2 of the last 3, and I don’t think that will happen, we have the most solid and stable foundation for the near future that the fans have seen in a LONG time.

    The Glazers have rolled the dice twice and caught “lightning in a bottle”.

    Are you feeling lucky?

    Drafting a new QB would surely lead us to the promised land. Just ask Kraft and Belichick how their #15 (?) pick from the storied University of Alabama worked out.
    After all, look what Namath did for the Jets.

    AND just whom do you think we could find as a coach that could do any better for certain?

  10. Tony Marks Says:

    Well if we go off that baker is gone

    He had the perfect game and barely got a pat on the back when he came through.

  11. Tony Marks Says:

    Then again ME didn’t get much better so maybe its contract thing…lolol

  12. Oxycondomns Says:

    He needs one of those nerdy assistants like the ex player nba coaches have. I feel like the players play hard for him he just needs somebody there to help clean up the dumb mistakes. i like how he sticks to his guns. He was right about sticking with mayfield. I remember the other year brady wanted to go for it but bowles punted it. Brady was disgusted with punting it bucs got ball back and won the game. He needs a young guy to help him game plan on defense looks like canales has the offense squared away. Bowles needs to do better with preparation of upcoming opponents. Too many times i hear him say we have to worry about us not the other team. That mindset is what gets you carved up by the cowboys and rams in the playoffs

  13. Allbuccedup Says:

    Two wins hes back. They will beat the Jags and Panthers and Saints are a tossup.

  14. I remember 21 Says:

    I agree with a lot of what’s been said here and it just makes you think… Remember how teams (specifically the Patriots, but others less often) get lauded for getting rid of a player “a year early rather than a year too late?” Why are coaches never thought of that same way? I guess you could say It’s because getting rid of a player while they still have value can allow you to recoup some other form of value like a draft pick or another player. But while you don’t directly receive anything for getting rid of a coach “early,” I look at it like an opportunity cost situation. What do you lose out on by having your entire organization headed by somebody who isn’t getting you closer to the ultimate goal? Is bowles EVER, like in a million years, gonna lead us to say a 13-4 record where the team we face in the playoffs is scared to play us rather than excited? I don’t think so. I can’t imagine many do. I guess you could make the argument that next year we won’t be in the 7th depth of salary cap hell, maybe we bring back Baker for a second year with Canales having a year under his belt and… whatever other kind of fantasy you want to sell yourself on. But bowles will still be the same: play not to lose, don’t use timeouts, stick with guys way too long when better options are available, have NO interaction with his offense during games, don’t put players in position to succeed by maximizing their strengths, don’t hold players accountable, inability to adjust, infuriatingly stubborn, busted coverages from “communication issues” despite players playing in the same system for 5 years, press conferences full of coach speak and lies, etc etc etc. So maybe some of you, and unfortunately maybe the Glazers, need to see ANOTHER season of a poorly coached, listless, lifeless, aggression lacking football culminating in a 6/7 win team at “worst” or another division title and first round playoff exit at “best,” but I don’t. bowles doesn’t have it, he’s never had it, he will never have it. I don’t care if we win the division, win a playoff game, whatever. The single most important thing we need to accomplish this season is making it the last season bowles coaches the Bucs. But unfortunately, if we win the division, it’s likely we get to see bowles’ swan song next year. Ugh, what a depressing thought.

    #FIREbowles #stillNOconfidence

  15. Gipper Says:

    New coach blows everything up and starts over. No Evans, Baker and Canales is the certain consequence. There are many “fans” who think that is wise. Certain to have a couple rebuilding seasons in the wilderness if that happens. Bowles looks to me like he is growing into this job. Foolish to start over. The Baker haters will be happy because if Bowles goes makes Baker departure likely.

  16. Doolnutts Says:

    I’ve said all along I hate Bowles philosophy of playing not to lose rather than put as many points as we can and try to win. However going for it on 4 and 2 late in the 4th to go ahead and win the game really impressed me. Maybe he’s learning? Idk

  17. BucU Says:

    I’m no Bowles fan by any means but if he wins the division again he absolutely will be retained. Probably rightly so. If he/we lose the division title he should be gone. And rightly so.
    He’s on a razor thin fence right now. Let’s see how prepared this team is on Christmas Eve. I’ve seen way too many awful performances from Bowles led teams to even venture a guess how this thing ends. Prove us wrong coach.

  18. Citrus County Says:

    I remember 21 Says:

    And just whom do you think would want to come to Tampa that the Glazers could hire without giving total team control and work miracles ? Let’s not work ourselves into another Bill Parcels froth and start mentioning Belichick.

  19. Larrd Says:

    Belichick and Bo Nix! The Promised Land!

  20. 1sparkybuc Says:

    If they want fans in the stands, they will move on from Bowles. It really is that simple. Too many mistakes a HS coach wouldn’t make.

  21. Zzbucs Says:

    If he Gets to playoffs he should stay!!
    So I hope he stays!

    Guys this is not a very talented roster, nobody gived the Bucs a chance, and here we are.

    If he wins he should stay along a Mayfield and Canales.!!!

  22. Citrus County Says:

    With the improving salary cap situation and the growth of all the rookies this year and Jason’s track record in the draft along with a new infusion of defensive talent, what’s not to be hopeful about ?

    I believe building on our current foundation offers the best hope for the future.

  23. Richard Dickson Says:

    Hey, Dungy had three consecutive playoff appearances and still got fired. It’s how we look getting there, not just that we got there.

  24. Oxycondomns Says:

    Doolnuts yeah that 4th and 2 was like arians was in his headsets

  25. Tissy12 Says:

    Did you notice when Devin White walked bye , very little eye contact was made and didn’t even attempt to shake a hand.

  26. Barbosa Says:

    Firing coaches every 9ther year is what bad owners do. For the young players on this team to be playing like they are points to good coaching. I didn’t expect this year to be competitive given the Brady bill, yet he we are fighting for a title. Only moron fans can’t see the progress and would want to blow this up. Don’t believe me? How many head coaches did we have after Chucky during the lost decade?

  27. Dan the Bucs fan Says:

    Bowles is not on the hot seat. He is taking a team that was predicted to win 6 games to the playoffs. Show this man some respect his defense won us that Suoerbowl just as much as Brady did.

  28. Usedtocould Says:

    I just can’t see the tandem of Bowles and baker ever winning the chip, so what is the point of keeping them? Isn’t the point of all this to win?

  29. Cover deuce Says:

    He’s not a good head coach. Good head coaches don’t let 45 play like garbage for 2 yrs and continue to make excuses for it. Who would you rather have, Bowles or Harbaugh? That’s what I thought.

  30. Zoocomics Says:

    @ Citrus County… perfectly said.

    I think fans underestimate how attractive Tampa truly is for free agent coach signings. We’ve swung and missed on a couple of big names, Parcels and Chip Kelly at the time. There’s going to be a lot of heads rolling this season, and don’t count on us landing anyone from the top 4 teams. That has not worked for us… you all realize that, right?

    I think the Glazers are more measured than if we have an 8-9 season, Bowles is fired. I think at the beginning of the season, there was an understanding and expectation for ’23. Bowles was promised at least 3 years. For all those that think he’s stupid he’s not, so why hitch yourself to a first year playcaller when this is your last “head” coaching opportunity? Because he knew the owners would back him to be back in ’24. I’m sure Licht prepped them on growing pains for Canales and how the $70M+ in deadcap would impact our ability in acquiring elite talent and/or depth.

    What hurt this team was success. Starting 3-1 actually hurt the game plan and then we slumped, all the negativity poured in. Now we’re back on a high, 3 game winning streak, and these last 3 are very winnable games, 2/3 are in Tampa. Canales needs to continue to open up this offense these next 3 games leaving nothing for the imagination for the playoffs, because frankly that won’t matter. I think 10-7 would be a helluva showing and something to ride on for next season. Cap space will be made to ensure we re-sign the right players and remove the ones that are underperforming. Winning a third straight division title will be attractive to free agents, perhaps a nice OLB and/or Center. This team tanks the last 3 games and all bets are off. We will see.

  31. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    @joe: you missed the non hand shake for Devin White. That is the real news here.

  32. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    @joe. Devin White was 4 people behind Trask. He veered to the left to avoid the handshake. Hmmmmmm

  33. Beeej Says:

    Thing is, team (well, the offense anyway) is getting steadily better as the season progresses

  34. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Only fire Bowles if you can find someone better. Who would that be? Harbaugh? Next year the cap situation will improve.

  35. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Keep him if they get to 10, I say

  36. Confido75 Says:

    The Glazers are not going to shun Bowles on camera, so why do people expect them to behave like 14 year olds. This isn’t reality TV. They will do the proper corporate move and fire him when he least expects it. Ha!

  37. orlbucfan Says:

    I’m surprised crybaby White even showed up. The players wanted to get to the locker room, get in warm showers, get cleaned and dressed. They had a long flight home ahead of them. The Glazers embracing Bowles said a lot to you whiners and fake fans on here. Thanks, Citrus County. Bucs are finishing 9-8 for sure, but I want 10-7. Besides, they owe their home fans 2 games at RJS.

  38. Citrus County Says:


    Perfectly said as well. You took the words right from my mouth and saved me a lot of typing.

  39. Gipper Says:

    I think we should pick any one of these 3 guys to coach: RodMuch, David, BelleGlade…………These cats seem to have all the answers. First thing they will do is get rid of Mayfield and Canales. Second thing they will do is make a deal for last year #1 QB Bryce Young. That should fix everything.

  40. WyomingJoe Says:

    Actually, Glazer tapped Baker on the back TWICE and said “Great game. Great game.” Just wanted to clarify that for all you BAKER HATERS. Lol…

    Keep winning Baker.

  41. Citrus County Says:


    Besides, they owe their home fans 2 games at RJS.

    I think the players know that and will be giving their all for a big Christmas gift to the fans. Perhaps the Glazer love fest at Green Bay was an expression by them that they know this team has turned the corner and exceeded expectations.

  42. Citrus County Says:

    An addendum:

    That public congratulations by the owners surely ingratiated the players and coaching staff especially when it was done right in the face of #45.

  43. RBUC Says:

    I personally think when the Glazers decided to make a change at head coach in the past has little to no relevance today. WHAT HAVE THE GLAZERS REALLY INVESTED IN THIS YEARS TEAM TO EXPECT WINS?? If the 2023 Bucs end the season with a winning record they have over achieved and Bowles needs to be celebrated and Bowles record as the NY Jets HC has absolutely nothing to do with events in Tampa!! There is something to expect out of the Bucs offense because there is talent there BUT Jason Licht has missed miserablely on defensive players that frankly dont belong in the NFL. THIS TEAM AINT TALENTED ENOUGH TO CREATE A PASSRUSH WITHOUT BLITZING AND IT AINT BOWLES FAULT!!!

  44. Rick Says:

    beating a packer team without multiple star players lol.

  45. Mike Johnson Says:

    Give Bowles some credit though, with all of the Fire Bowles, pack your bags and controversy surrounding him, Bowles has quietly reeled off 3 straight wins and the team seems like they are in a different gear. If Bowles wins out, he keeps his job regardless of what he does in the payoffs. I salute the man.

  46. Bubby Says:

    My guess is season ticket sales are in the can for next year and retaining Bowles would not help.

  47. Davenport Says:

    Q: Is Bowles capable of leading a team to the Super Bowl?

    A: No.

    Then what’s the point in keeping him?
    What are we doing here?

  48. DFW Buc Says:

    And how many of those wins were against a team with a winning record….. 0. I fear he will never be more than average=lost decade.

  49. Defense Rules Says:

    This has been one of the most bizarre Bucs’ seasons that I can remember. Starting off strong (3-1) after everyone had already flushed us down the toilet pre-season certainly raised expectations. The 1-6 losing spell that followed understandably brought everyone back to reality. Of course this current 3-game winning streak has everyone on a high again, and once again, raised expectations. Definitely a roller coaster season.

    Yet through it all, Todd Bowles has remained very even-keeled (many, including myself, have used the descriptor ‘stoic’). He’s done a good job of sticking with some of the youngsters & developing them via a baptism by fire (Cody Mauch? Trey Palmer? Christian Izien? Ya Ya Diaby? Calijah Kancey? to name but a few). He’s also stuck with Dave Canales & Baker Mayfield, and because of that they’ve both matured quite a bit also.

    I still admittedly wish that he hadn’t dual-hatted himself because I believe that’s hurt the defense at various points this season & probably cost us a couple of games (hard to serve 2 masters?). And the way our defense is playing now doesn’t generate an overabundance of confidence that we’ll do well in the playoffs (assuming we make the playoffs of course) against the big boys. Nonetheless, hope is alive once again.

  50. Gipper Says:

    The beauty of this blog is you can go back 4 weeks and review the postings of the blog posters who were ready to throw Baker, Bowles, Canales all under the same road grader. Chief among these are Conner50, David, RodMunch,BelleGlade and more. If anything, the Belichick experience this year proves that you win games with talent. Tampa trying to rebuild on the fly with 13 rookies. Many have look promising. If Evans and Baker stick around this team will continue to improve and get better. Coach Bowles seems reasonable and has gotten a lot out of a team expected at the beginning of the year to win maybe 6 games. I hope he is retained and the focus next year will be improving defense.

  51. Lakeland Steve Says:

    I still believe that even if they win their division the Bucs have to either win that first playoff game or look damn good in a loss. If they get run out of the stadium in a playoff game then I’m not sure Bowles is brought back. The Glazers (like them or not) are about winning Super Bowls. If it looks to them that the Bucs will really have no shot in the future with this coaching staff then they will be gone when their season in done.

  52. ChiBuc Says:

    Bowles is like a bad toupee on a windy day. Sure, if the wind blows just right, all looks fine. But turn a corner and the guy looks like he’s wearing an @$$ hat. Not reliable, inconsistent, and only looks good on windless days (i.e. vs teams with losing records or on a slide)

  53. ChiBuc Says:

    It is ludicrous to say ‘Bowles needs a nerdy assistant to keep the team on track and eliminate mistakes.” Uh, that’s called a Head Coach.

    Equally optimistic, ‘it looks as though Bowles is growing into his job (HC).’ This is a man with 20+ yrs of coaching experience. Who the həII wants an employee with that low learning curve. Meanwhile, he appears to be growing out of his job as DC.

    I prefer a HC with a more progressive mindset and not so donkey stubborn on 1990 offensive and defensive philosophies

  54. Since76 Says:

    The bucs are 7-7 . In the weakest division. This team hasn’t beat a team with a winning record. The offense has looked good in two games. The defense has bent but points wise been pretty good. All in all this team has no identity. This team doesnt do anything well. Except punting. I don’t think he should come back next year at this point. Glazers have fired coaches with better results. Dungy anyone.

  55. Tye Says:

    Many, SO MANY, of us will celebrate HARD at the news Bowels is fired!

    This team NEEDS a top level, OC turned HC for the Bucs to continue to contend for the division title over the next few years…
    The Saints and Falcons sooner or later will get better and Todd won’t be able to rely on the other team in this division to be bad for him to stay in the division competition!

    If the owners don’t want to hinder progress by changing the offense, go get Shane Waldron to be HC and keep Canales….

  56. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Barely beating the Panthers (at home) and Falcons and beating a bad Packers team is not exactly a murderers row of opponents. Bowles will never be anything more than mediocre with his outdated and stubborn coaching philosophy. If Bucs beat both the Jaguars and Saints and win a playoff game then I could stomach another year. Anything less and they should get rid of Bowles and co.

  57. Gipper Says:


    Good news. David, RodMunch, Conner 50, BelleGlade are all available to coach and be GM next year. I think you would be a good agent for any of these guys. We look forward to a much improved Tampa team next year with all that collective expertise.

  58. Drew Says:

    All these record comments kill me.. more than half the league is .500 or a game the other way.. (6-8 or 8-6) basically as it pertains to our head coach and Baker Mayfield you better be the best guy in the league or this Fanbase has something to say.. that’s not the reality of the national football league

  59. Defense Rules Says:

    Gipper … I can remember a lot of posts from JBFers like Rod Munch & Belle Glade & others, but I can’t remember but a few posts from you. And those were relatively recent ones at that. I’m assuming that you’re a relatively new poster on JoeBucsFan, but then again, a lot of guys change their handle from time to time it appears, so you never really know.

    Yet some are willing to stand by what they post (yup, guys like Rod Munch), in recognition that our attitudes change & evolve over time. Mine certainly has, largely because of various comments & analyses from thoughtful contributors to this site.

    Having been a JBFer for several years, I can tell you that (like my mama used to say) “what goes around comes around”. Criticize others for their comments to this BLOG, and sooner or later the favor will be returned. Much easier to just move on to the next comment & see if it contributes to your wealth of knowledge. And hopefully it will.

  60. Citrus County Says:

    Drew Says:

    All these record comments kill me.. more than half the league is .500 or a game the other way.. (6-8 or 8-6) basically as it pertains to our head coach and Baker Mayfield you better be the best guy in the league or this Fanbase has something to say.. that’s not the reality of the national football league

    Obviously Drew, you are one of the few commenters on this site that actually pays attention to what is going on around the league.

    My contention is that too many if not most of the transplants here in our area just can’t root for the home team in spite of the fact that they LIVE HERE now. That puts them into the category of “haters”. If that is the case then why did you move here? Maybe you should go home and root for your old team.

  61. Gipper Says:


    Thanks for the advice. I’ll take my chances. I learned as a parent that it is much better to build up your children than to constantly run them down. There are plenty on this site that don’t agree with me and have consistently run down Bowles, Canales, and Mayfield. If I hold the mirror up to them after reading their constant vile attacks, too bad. Constructive criticism is one thing but “so and so sucks” is just the ramblings of a nitwit.

    Oh, and one more thing. I think I had a very successful business career. Here is how I did it. I hired really good people and then got out of their way and let them do their job. I gave them both the responsibility and the authority. How is that for being constructive? Your crew of experts will sneer at that one too, I am sure.

  62. Citrus County Says:

    Correction: Substitute they instead of you. Why did they move here? Maybe they should go home. I don’t want Drew to think I was referring to him as one of the haters.

  63. bucs107 Says:

    Watch Bucs win out coach not going anywhere

  64. ChiBuc Says:

    Imo, Bowles needs a solid playoff victory for my vote of confidence. The final 3 games do not represent a high litmus for success: JAX (currently free falling), NO (meh), NC (bottom dwellers). I can agree that he has exceed expectations, but expectations were set so low simply due to Tom’s exit. I always believed they should win the division.

    Look, my beef is Bowles’s inability to adjust in game or even in prep. When his plan works, it works. However, when it is obviously not working, you can forget about a notable halftime adjustment. He simply lacks a dynamic ability to create on the fly. He’s the guy that keeps running when he is on fire and never even cosiders stopping, dropping, and rolling.

  65. ChiBuc Says:

    I’ll appreciate your confidence and ignore your sarcastic lack of wit. Unfortunately, those you lump me with would likely not agree on much more than our love for the Bucs. That pairing would not be good for the team, but it might be good for your ego when you crow “I told you so”

  66. Let em bake Says:

    The Green Bay win revealed what” can be”. So many new wrinkles in offense . Great proficiency . Given the fact of new oc, new system, new ol, hard to turn away from what many thought could be, to what now appears “ might be”. This hope is what fuels all prospective moves. Getting a glimpse of that offense would be hard to say,” nah, blow it up.”

  67. Erik The Viking Says:

    If they get to the Superbowl and dominate it for a third title, then he can stay.

    Otherwise he has to go.

    He’s been on borrowed time for a while now.

  68. Gipper Says:


    4 weeks ago and longer when it wasn’t fashionable, I went to bat for Mayfield on these pages and I got it worse from your friends than Mayfield ever did. Excuse me for reminding them of their negative commentary. One thing for certain about those who throw stones, they usually keep throwing them until someone stands up to their bullying. I just choose to stand up.

  69. Citrus County Says:

    During training camp when I predicted that Baker might become our Drew Brees when paired with Canales, to my best recollection I had 2 fellow commenters agree with me. When I stated that we had an excellent head coach, an excellent General Manager, and an up and coming Offensive Coordinator with true coaching ability, an excellent pedigree and connections to the Bucs thru Brad Idzik, and emplored the Glazers to not blow it up but strive for stability……CRICKETS.

    Todd Bowles has been hammered mercilessly by the clueless ones. I confess to having been critical of him myself at first. I thought his poor judgement in the Rams game last year and somewhat timid actions in a couple of games showed a lack of leadership qualities. I think his lack of success in NY was probably not due to his ability but to circumstances surrounding him. Bowles has a quiet nature and was shadowed by the big personality of BA. Bowles was thrust into the HC job under terrible circumstances. BA hanged him out to dry and lets not forget the Leftnut debacle. He had the Tom Brady hangover to deal with, a GM with his hands tied by the salary cap, and the constant reminder of his failure as a previous head coach in NY.

    Todd Bowles has succeeded under stress and constant fire from the fans and media. That is what I want to see in a head coach.


  70. First Name Greatest Says:

    I’d have fired him after the Rams playoff loss

  71. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    @Defense Rules

    People can change their minds. It’s sad that people like @Gipper don’t understand this.

    Remember when I was on this website years back claiming how it was going to be a huge mistake to let Winston go because he was a young and talented quarterback who just needed to mature with his decision making? Guess what, I changed my mind, and you and everyone else who said we should get rid of him were ASTOUNDINGLY CORRECT.

    Baker Fans don’t understand how many times we Bucs fans have been promised that this guy is the answer, only to be whacked in the face with the fact that he was not.

    For every Brad Johnson and TB12 and Jeff Garcia ever briefly, we’ve had the Throwin’ Samoan, Deberg, Chandler, Erickson, Griese, Leftwich, and Fitzmagic just to name a few.

    I am as skeptical as any past abused and traumatized Bucs fan who was promised that this free agent quarterback is the answer.

    Baker’s past in the NFL isn’t something that inspires confidence.

    Losing career record, 3 teams in one year, problems in the locker room with teammates Myles Garrett in 2019 that continued to worsen in 2021 with OBJ, and that locker room turmoil created massive headaches for Head Coach Stefanski.

    Matt Ryan, former NFL MVP/All Pro, Pro Bowl Quarterback, stated after the game that Baker’s play was “out of sorts” in the games previous to the Packers game and former All Pro/Prowl Running Back Tiki Barber agreed with Ryan’s assessment of Baker.

    That was literally reported on this website.

    Because of Baker’s “out of sorts” play in the previous games to the Packers, any skepticism about Baker is validated because of Matt Ryan’s and Tiki Barber’s evaluation of Baker’s play in those games.

    I’m still skeptical, because 1 great performance in 1 game is not the end all be all for me.

    But, I’m hopeful and open to changing my mind if Baker continues to perform at a high level consistently.

  72. Tony Marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    December 20th, 2023 at 6:20 pm
    But, I’m hopeful and open to changing my mind if Baker continues to perform at a high level consistently.


    No one care what you do. All thats happening now is a number of you Traskies and baker haters have egg on your face so want to now pretend like you are and always were reasonable and open – because a perfect passer rating game can’t be denied

    You talked too much smack and hated too much. Some (not all) of you even went as far as to want our starting QB to be injured .

    You had no wait and see for your hate so don’t even try

    tentative application to now jump on the band wagon – denied.

  73. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    I don’t have egg on my face.

    Baker played horribly in three consecutive games against the Colts, Panthers and Falcons.

    Former NFL MVP /All Pro/Pro Bowl Quarterback Matt Ryan classified Baker’s play in the games prior to the Packers game as “out of sorts.”

    Saying that Baker has a losing career record, career losing record on 3 teams, 3 teams in one year, problems in the locker room with teammates Myles Garrett in 2019 that continued to worsen in 2021 with OBJ, and that locker room turmoil created massive headaches for Head Coach Stefanski is not talking smack.

    Those are all facts that are not in dispute. Baker fans like you have no answer to those facts and get upset when fans are skeptical because of those facts.

    BTW, Marcus Mariotta had a perfect passer rating game against the Bucs where the Titans killed us 42-14 in his first game as a pro in the matchup of #1 draft pick vs #2 draft pick.

    That perfect passer rating game by Mariotta demonstrates that 1 great game isn’t the end all be all.

    Also, I’ve been a Bucs fan and JBFER regular long before you. You are one who is new to the Bucs band wagon Tony. I never left.

    I read Shelton and Mizell and listened to the Duemig and Thomas as they moved from 1250 AM to their new home at 620 AM.

    I was on Kennedy/Channelside and watched the float parade and the speeches. A-Teain’s was my favorite.

    I was again on Kennedy/Channelside in January of 2021 and have personal video on my phone of TB12 completing a Lombardi trophy pass to Cam Brate. I had the perfect view.

    You are a Baker fan @Tony Marks. We had a lot of Brady fans post on this blog, but now they are all mostly gone. You will be too if Baker leaves.

  74. Gipper Says:

    BelleGladeBuc re comment @620pm today,

    I don’t usually try to correct the chronically misinformed but in your case I make an exception. Part of it is the absolute certainty in which you and others denigrate Baker Mayfield. Again, for review Mayfield was the 1st draft choice of Brown in 2018. Browns had this pick because in the two years prior they were absolutely dysfunctional with records in 2016 and 2017 ( 1-15 and 0-16). Mayfield was inserted into the 3rd game of the 2018 season and made them fun to watch concluding 2018 with a 7-8-1 record. In 2018 playing for a team that was still a mess, Baker set the NFL record for TD passes playing in only 14 games. 2019 didn’t go as planned for Mayfield and the Browns as they were trying to adapt to yet another coaching change, however Mayfield also threw for 20 or more TD’s playing for a team that was constantly behind. 2020 new season, Baker led team to 1st playoff win in a decade in addition to regular season 11-5 record. He was the toast of Cleveland and all felt great about the franchise future. In 2021 he was injured in the second game of season and continued to try and play the rest of the season. He shouldn’t have as both he and the team slumped. In offseason had his shoulder repaired and most were looking forward to his return. Browns double crossed him by signing free agent DeMassage Watson, a quality guy, who most franchises would be embarrassed to employ. Not the Haslam Family who signed him for a record 5 year $240mill fully guaranteed contract. Watson had been paid $90miilion so far while he sits out from suspension an injury. Joe Flacco has been having more success with Browns than Watson in his very limited appearances.
    Browns trade Mayfield to the lowly Panthers in 2022 and Baker requests his release at mid season. On to Rams to take over for injured Matt Staffford and he impressed everyone there playing with a team that had numerous Oline and WR injuries including Cooper Krupp. Rams had committed previously huge contract for Stafford so Mayfield looked this year for a new opportunity. On to Tampa and notwithstanding the new challenge with new OC and new scheme, Baker will end up as a top 8 NFL QB. Some of us think his story is pretty compelling. Sorry if you and the know it all hate brigrade don’t.

    Mayfield is not as many here say derisively “ a journeyman QB.” He is a top flight passer and leader who will have a career that mirrors Drew Brees. My hope is that he proves my point with Pittsburgh. That will make all you haters happy and make me happy as he does it 2x to the Browns for the next 12 years.

  75. Gipper Says:


    We are making a list checking it twice, we know who has been naughty and not nice.

    I know the entire Mayfield, Cleveland story starting with a team that was 1-15 in 2016 and 0-16 in 2017, and then the truth of what happened after he arrived as first player picked in 2018. Your repeated buffoonish statements reflect poorly on you and not on Baker. As I have said this type of behavior is typical of certain adult men in packs who reinforce each other by saying a lot of silly things about what a certain player can or can’t do. As I have said in prior posts my kids went to StVincent/St Mary high school in Akron, Ohio and I witnessed first hand adult men in packs saying 17 year old LeBron James couldn’t do this or that and that “he would never be more than a NBA role player.” Didn’t try to reform them and you know what someday a 48 year old LeBron might just be a role player and those guys can say: “See, I told you so.” Mayfield is an excellent pro QB who will be ranked in the top 8 this year. You are a long way from telling anybody, “I told you so.”

  76. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Baker Mayfield Wins-Lisses:

    Cle-2018: 6-7
    Cle-2019: 6-10
    Cle-2020: 11-5
    Cle-2021: 6-8
    Car/LA-2022: 2-8
    Tam-2023: 7-7

    Career: 38-45

    It’s a fact that Baker is a career losing quarterback and he’s a journeyman as he’s on his third team in 3 years. You ignore those facts and give a lot of blah, blah, blah excuses and say that anyone who talks about these facts is a meanie.

    2019 Myles Garrett and all of his friends in the locker room have major beef with Baker after Baker blasts Garrett publicly for the Rudolph incident. This fractured locker room becomes further damaged with OBJ and OBJ’s father in 2021, and as Murphy’s Law would have it Garrett and OBJ were best friends. You ignore those facts and give a lot of blah, blah, blah and say that anyone who talks about these facts is a meanie.

    Guess who wasn’t the toast of town or the locker room in 2021 as there was a Real Housewives like beef in the locker room between Garrett and OBJ and friends. Funny how you skip over that.

    Finally, you fully expose yourself as completely separated from reality when you state that Joe Flacco has outplayed Deshawn Watson this season. Watson was 5-1 this season with Cleveland and is undefeated against the Ravens and 49ers. Flacco is 2-1 with a loss to the Rams and wins against the Bears and Jags. I wouldn’t call that outplaying him.

  77. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Lebron James is the only two time Gatorade National High School Basketball Player of Year, EVER.

    He was nicknamed “The Chosen One” in high school. ESPN, SI, etc… fell all over themselves about James. He got a $90 million dollar contract from Nike while he was a senior in high school.

    MJ said that he was going to be one of the all time greats before the draft.

    But yeah, we believe you.

    People you know at Lebron’s high school were definitely saying Lebron James wasn’t going to be good in the NBA even after MJ/The Goat stated he would be great and Nike inked him to a $90 million dollar shoe contract.

    We believe you.

  78. Tony Marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    December 20th, 2023 at 7:44 pm

    I don’t have egg on my face.


    He said while wiping it from his face. I am even more amused you think I wouldactually read your long old blah blah blah posts.

  79. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Just an observation, you and Tony point out a fact and make fun of my predominantly African American and Hispanic hometown of Belle Glade having problems with poverty, crime, drugs and gangs.

    Then @Gipper states that the 2-1 Caucasian Joe Flacco is outplaying the 5-1 African American Deshaun Watson who both have quarterbacked for Cleveland this year.

    @Gipper gave the African American a catchy nickname (@Tony has had fun with Deshaun’s off field problems as well) for his off field behavior that never got him arrested, yet you don’t even mention and fail to give a funny nickname to the Caucasian Baker who had a massive drinking problem at OU which caused him to actually be arrested and sentenced for his crime.

    Interesting, don’t you think?

  80. Fred Says:

    Bring Gruden back!!!

  81. Tony Marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Just an observation, you and Tony point out a fact and make fun of my predominantly African American and Hispanic hometown of Belle Glade having problems with poverty, crime, drugs and gangs.


    Oh dude – don’t even try pulling the race card thing because

    I AM African American

    been my whole life. My nephew lives up that side which is why I know about it.

    Another fail – Try somethong else

  82. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    I don’t believe you.

  83. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You have written things for others to question. That’s on you. And I believe you are African American like you claim as much as I believe that various characters who are celebrated at this time are real.

  84. Gipper Says:


    Ok I get it now time to play the race card. I have never made fun of Belle Glade, don’t even know or care where it is. Curious since I have been a defender and admirer of Coach Bowles that you would use this line of attack. Well when you are losing arguments on their merits, convenient to throw whatever you can on the wall. Football games are not won or lost by QB’s alone. Last I checked there are 11 men on a side. Joe Thomas has been considered by many to be one of the greatest left tackles of all time and is a first ballot Hall of Famer. Pretty certain he never experienced a winning record as a member of the Cleveland Browns but that doesn’t change his stature or ability at his position.

    Your race baiting is offensive. Sorry if I agree with the 26 women who found Watson’s behavior offensive. There are many “fans” who would sell their soul for a few more “W’s.” Too bad Charlie Manson couldn’t play quarterback.

  85. Tony Marks Says:

    “Deshaun’s off field problems as well) for his off field behavior that never got him arrested, yet you don’t even mention and fail to give a funny nickname to the Caucasian Baker who had a massive drinking problem at OU which caused him to actually be arrested and sentenced for his crime.”

    lolol……see now thats a fine example why you are nothing but a hater. a college kid gets fined ( no not sentenced) for public intoxication ( like that doesn’t a happen all he time on college campus) but here you are comparing it to serial woman molester Deshaun

    dude shut the junk up. Y0u don’t settle with 24 women because you did nothing wrong . Thats why you are playing the race card . You thought I was white and it would fly. Nope I don’t have to support every person of my skin color when they do wrong. Want another shocker – Pretty sure OJ did it too.

    Now stay on football and stop the race baiting garbage.

  86. Tony Marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    December 20th, 2023 at 10:28 pm

    I don’t believe you.

    I don’t give a rip. certainly wouldn’t give you my address where I grew up in Carol City. Get on football and stop the race baiting garbage.

  87. Tony Marks Says:

    Gipper Says:
    December 20th, 2023 at 10:37 pm

    Your race baiting is offensive. Sorry if I agree with the 26 women who found Watson’s behavior offensive.

    More than that gipper – he practically confessed to wrong doing by SETTLING with 24 + of them. No way that compares to Baker as a college kid getting drunk.

    Thats delusional.

  88. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    A grand jury for a criminal court heard all the evidence from these 22 women’s allegations against Watson and determined that no criminal activity took place and so no charges were brought.

    Criminal court has much greater burden of proof than civil.

    Setting a civil case is not an admission of guilt. The criminal grand jury stated that there was no crime for Deshaun Watson to confess too as no crime happened. Very simply, the civil payments are paying someone to go away.

  89. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:

    “The criminal grand jury stated that there was no crime for Deshaun Watson to confess too as no crime happened”


    Stop embarassign our people with your ingnorance. Grand juries do not declare innocence or guilt .So They made no such starment. They merely declined to prosecute because there wasn’t enough thrid party evidence

    furthermre As part of the pleas Watson later apologized for his behaviour. Your case is all washed up.

    There are plenty things in life where people are scums but can’t be prosecuted for it. Face it dude – You are just dumb. Comparing a young Baker in college getting drunk to Watson straight up no intoxication hurting 24 women with his uncontrorled bahaviour as worse

    jsut marks your dumbness

  90. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Deshaun didn’t plea to anything.

    Plea agreements are criminal.

    Deshaun apologized because the NFL shield made him do it as a part of their suspension and Deshaun agreed to it so he could play and get paid.

    Deshaun had a price too.

    Secondly, there’s an old saying about grand juries routinely indicting a ham sandwich. That means it’s easy for the prosecutor to indict a person before a grand jury. If you were one of our people, you’d know that.

  91. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    Secondly, there’s an old saying about grand juries routinely indicting a ham sandwich. That means it’s easy for the prosecutor to indict a person before a grand jury. If you were one of our people, you’d know that.


    What a dumb slave mentality statement

    A) no, grand juries VERY often do not recommend court trials

    B) the idea that all black people should know about cirminal procedures is more racist than somebody saing the N word. Massa done taught you well

    Its not color why Bell Grade sucks its because theres too many stupid people living there

  92. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Educate yourself.

    I recommend Ava Duvernay’s documentary 13th that is about the for profit prison system that won numerous awards.

  93. Gipper Says:

    Wow….You fellows ( TonyMarks and BelleGlade) are a long way from just talking football. Let it go and just focus on the next three victories which I feel very good about.

  94. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You believe a justice system that falsely indicted, convicted and incarcerated 5 African American teenagers for over a decade for the Central Park Rape until DNA evidence proved that they didn’t do it and they were freed couldn’t possibly have a problem?

    You know what the difference between crack and cocaine is @Tony? Crack has mandatory minimum drug sentencing and it’s a drug predominantly used in minority communities. Cocaine is a drug that doesn’t have a mandatory minimum sentence and is predominantly used by Caucasians. You know what crack and cocaine have in common @Tony, they are both drugs and are addictive and destroy lives.

    @Tony, why can a Caucasian president’s son like Hunter Biden use drugs so openly and nothing happens to him, but a African American from Belle Glade does the same thing and he’s incarcerated for many years in prison.

    Care to comment @Tony about the Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan and George Bush that both were caught on tape explaining how their economic and drug policies would favor Caucasians and harm black communities?

    Sorry my poor misguided @Tony, it’s you who have been trained well. Educate yourself. You like working in the house @Tony. The fields are too hard, right @Tony?

  95. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You believe a justice system that falsely indicted, convicted and incarcerated 5 African American teenagers for over a decade for the Central Park crime until DNA evidence proved that they didn’t do it and they were freed couldn’t possibly have a problem?

    You know what the difference between crack and cocaine is @Tony? Crack has mandatory minimum drug sentencing and it’s a drug predominantly used in minority communities. Cocaine is a drug that doesn’t have a mandatory minimum sentence and is predominantly used by Caucasians. You know what crack and cocaine have in common @Tony, they are both drugs and are addictive and destroy lives.

    @Tony, why can a Caucasian president’s son like Hunter Biden use drugs so openly and nothing happens to him, but a African American from Belle Glade does the same thing and he’s incarcerated for many years in prison.

    Care to comment @Tony about the Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan and George Bush that both were caught on tape explaining how their economic and drug policies would favor Caucasians and harm black communities?

    Those two men held the presidency for 12 years @Tony. They were the most powerful men in the world @Tony.

    Sorry my poor misguided @Tony, it’s you who have been trained well. Educate yourself. You like working in the house @Tony. The fields are too hard, right @Tony?

  96. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You believe a justice system that falsely indicted, convicted and incarcerated 5 African American teenagers for over a decade for the Central Park crime until DNA evidence proved that they didn’t do it and they were freed couldn’t possibly have a problem?

    You’re darn right that I don’t trust what they said about Deshaun Watson.

    You know what the difference between crack and cocaine is @Tony? Crack has mandatory minimum drug sentencing and it’s a drug predominantly used in minority communities. Cocaine is a drug that doesn’t have a mandatory minimum sentence and is predominantly used by Caucasians. You know what crack and cocaine have in common @Tony, they are both drugs and are addictive and destroy lives.

    @Tony, why can a Caucasian president’s son like Hunter Biden use drugs so openly and nothing happens to him, but a African American from Belle Glade does the same thing and he’s incarcerated for many years in prison.

    Care to comment @Tony about the Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan and George Bush that both were caught on tape explaining how their economic and drug policies would favor Caucasians and harm black communities?

    Those two men held the presidency for 12 years @Tony. They were the most powerful men in the world @Tony.

    Sorry my poor misguided @Tony, it’s you who have been trained well. Educate yourself. You like working in the house @Tony. The fields are too hard, right @Tony?

  97. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    A majority of the NFL locker rooms agree with my position about Deshaun Watson as they wear NFL shirts that state, “Justice, opportunity, freedom, equality” on their shirts on the sidelines this past weekend.

    I dare you or anyone to go into an NFL locker room @Tony and tell them that the system is completely blind and fair when it comes to Deshaun Watson.

    Good luck.

  98. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You believe a justice system that falsely indicted, convicted and incarcerated 5 African American teenagers for over a decade for the Central Park crime until DNA evidence proved that they didn’t do it and they were freed couldn’t possibly have a problem?

    You’re darn right that I don’t trust what they said about Deshaun Watson.

    You know what the difference between cr@ck and coc@ine is @Tony? Cr@ck has mandatory minimum sentencing and it’s predominantly used in minority communities. Coc@ine doesn’t have a mandatory minimum sentence and is predominantly used by Caucasians.

    You know what cr@ck and coc@ine have in common @Tony, they are both addictive and destroy lives.

    @Tony, why can a Caucasian president’s son like Hunter use dr^gs so openly and nothing happens to him, but an African American from Belle Glade does the same thing and he’s incarcerated for many years in prison.

    Care to comment @Tony about the Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan and George Bush that both were caught on tape explaining how their economic and drug policies would favor Caucasians and harm black communities?

    Those two men held the presidency for 12 years @Tony. They were the most powerful men in the world @Tony.

    Sorry my poor misguided @Tony, it’s you who have been trained well. Educate yourself. You like working in the house @Tony. The fields are too hard, right @Tony?