Todd Bowles Knew As Early As Friday Devin White Wasn’t Playing Against Green Bay

December 19th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

Interesting timeline is developing between when Bucs inside linebacker Devin White told Todd Bowles he couldn’t play in Sunday’s game against the Packers.

When the active roster was released 90 minutes before kickoff Sunday and White officially was inactive, it sent up all sorts of flags. Stacey Dales of NFL Network claimed the decision was not related to White’s injured foot.

Joe spoke with White in the Bucs’ locker room after the game and he said his foot wasn’t healed enough to play at the level he needs in order to play effectively.

Bowles said after the game that White had told him he couldn’t play, so Bowles put him on the inactive list.

The inference from was that this decision was made Sunday after White tested his foot on the wet turf of Lambeau Field.

Yesterday, Bowles said in his day-after press conference that White told him he couldn’t play either “Friday or Saturday.” This is very interesting to Joe as Bowles had said Friday when White was listed as questionable, that he was a “game-day decision.”

What’s the big deal, you ask?

Well, if White told Bowles he couldn’t play Friday, two days before the game, it smells as if White has quit on the Bucs. If he truly had his heart into playing, wouldn’t he have at least tried to see if his foot could tolerate the Lambeau turf?

If White told Bowles on Sunday morning he couldn’t go, that at least doesn’t have the stench White had no interest in playing.

The creator, curator and overall guru of Pro Football Talk, the great Mike Florio, wrote today that if Bowles knew White’s health status on Friday or Saturday and the injury report was not updated to reflect this, then the Bucs could be in hot water with the league for playing games with the report.

Of course, there is no hot water if Bowles is covering for White telling him he just doesn’t feel like playing, as Richard Sherman said on FS1.

47 Responses to “Todd Bowles Knew As Early As Friday Devin White Wasn’t Playing Against Green Bay”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    Dump White

  2. Beeej Says:

    Still say he’s trying to cover for DW

  3. bucs107 Says:

    Nobody cares only the media does simple

  4. Jimothy Says:

    I think this team is not designed to handle distractions. Devin White is a distraction. They better put a bow on this and soon.

  5. Derek Says:

    Why can’t Bowles just be a straight shooter and tell the truth. Stop covering up for Devin the cry baby. Now the Bucs could be in trouble for not reporting an injury correctly. Now Devin has a story on his IG saying that the media is making stuff up about him too

  6. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Yep, he quit. Put himself above the team. What a shame, lots of talent but zero heart.

  7. Say What? Says:

    Keyshawn 2.0. Time to make #45 inactive for the rest of the season and send him home.

  8. SB~LV Says:

    I’m not even thinking about White anymore.
    I am sure it must be VERY awkward in the locker room and OBP … well it would be awkward for a normal person.

  9. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles is getting played by White, now the organization will have to answer for the discrepancy in reporting. BA sent Brown to the bench during a game, cut him immediately after. Bowles has been coddling White all season….for what? Britt is by far more consistent than White, yet Bowles wouldn’t put the better player in….same with JTS. He’s scared to do anything bold because he’s in self preservation mode trying to stay employed.

  10. PSL Bob Says:

    Joe, let it go. Who cares? I’d just as soon see White sit out the rest of the season. He wasn’t effective when he was in, and his replacements have played admirably. Plus they need the snaps to be in prime form for the postseason.

  11. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    why is he ahead of britt on the new depth chart? don’t let this story go until he’s bumped down to at least backup joe

  12. Marine Buc Says:

    I’m starting to believe that White has been playing injured for most of the season.

    Devin is probably tired of playing on one foot and ruining whatever reputation he has left knowing he will have to find a new team and new deal in 2024…

    So – D. White told the coach “I could probably play but I don’t want to”.

    Then the coach says – Cool. Then I am going to bench you…

    And that’s where we currently are with the Devin White mess.

  13. Mike C Says:

    Not a good look for him to quit, call it a injury so the bucs get a comp pick. Hopefully he goes to a division rival so we can take advantage of him in the passing game.

  14. zzbucs Says:

    Got no info, but seems to me White quit on the team, and Bowles knows that kind of info stays inside the locker room…..

    If that´s the case, great job by Bowles, and I hope 45 gets his horses and plays somewjhere else…

    It´s a pitty that after his superbowl season this kid has become a childish diva…

    I would bet LVD wants to kick him in between the teeths

  15. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Gronk-a-day……replaced with White-a-day

  16. I remember 21 Says:

    He quit on the team and the team was fine with it because they are thru with him anyhow. While the Bucs haven’t handled the situation ideally (ie trading him), he is the one that comes out of this looking terrible (and I’m not even talking about his awful play). bowles has always babied and coddled him and he quit on that guy? LVD an old grizzled vet playing thru injury, giving it his all for less money than DW is pouting about making (while LVD is covering for him on the field)? I’m telling you I will be SHOCKED if he gets a one year deal even close to the $12M he is making this year. He probably has to take a prove it deal in the $8-9M range. And I don’t see him playing himself into the contract he ultimately wants (5yr $100M) at that point. Such a waste of talent and potential (and a high first round pick).

  17. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Joe

    I also wonder if Devin White’s father passing has anything to do with his recent struggles…

    Maybe not but you never know – it seems like D.white’s struggles began right around the same time.

  18. Allen Lofton Says:

    I believe that Davin White is suffering from the same condition that Antonio Brown has – high/low mood swings, grandiose thoughts, depression, irrational behavior.
    Unless they seek help they are hopeless.

  19. orlbucfan Says:

    Bobby M, don’t you DARE compare any current Bucs to that f**k** fruitcake Antonio Brown. We got stuck with that warped POS cos of, who else, fossilized Brady! You are among the usual waste that posts on here. I’m very disappointed in DWhite, but there is no way he’s a certified nutcase. Brown is. Doing that is an insult to every true Bucs fan on here like me. Go screw yourself! BTW, we will win our final 3 games. So, stick it up there, and live with it!

  20. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    So I’ll hijack this thread. Todd Bowles negatives: sticks with underperforming players too long, conservative play calling, some boneheaded in game decisions.
    Positives: developes defensive players (especially DBs), picked an OC who is starting to look damn good, has the locker room believing in him and fighting for him. Fought through a thin roster with tons of rookies.

    I want to see him back next year with a stud edge rusher on the roster and a few good veteran FA pickups. Another year of growth from Canales. Antone else notice the pocket actually looked like a pocket vs GB instead of early season chaos?

    Run it back without a (-$55million) heading into free agency

  21. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Mike Florio, wrote today that if Bowles knew White’s health status on Friday or Saturday and the injury report was not updated to reflect this, then the Bucs could be in hot water with the league for playing games with the report.’

    Seems to me like the media is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. We should be looking at the upcoming Jags game and who is or is not available to play in that one. Green Bay is water under the bridge. So is Devin White more than likely.

  22. infomeplease Says:

    At this rate, DW will have to play under a “prove it” deal next year. I just hope it is elsewhere.

  23. sasquatch Says:

    Do to him what Gruden did to Keyshawn… Just tell him to stay home and don’t pollute the locker room with your loser BS.

  24. Joe in Michigan Says:

    After thinking about it, put him on IR. I don’t want him giving the Bucs signals to the Saints before they play in a few weeks…Kind of like how the Saints knew all of the Bucs offensive plays a few years back because of Jameis.

  25. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bowles is trying to save White publicly and professionally. He’s protecting him like White is an immature little kid who doesn’t understand the consequences of his decision. I say let him fall and learn the hard way for once.

    The issue now is the timeline Todd put out there. It puts the Bucs in a rough spot. Ideally Devin should be put on IR for the season, but if they do that now the Bucs will be investigated for violating policies related to the injury report.

    That means the Bucs are stuck with him on the roster probably until the end of the season when he’ll enter free agency and sign a one year prove it deal elsewhere.

    In the meantime, just tell him to stay home.

  26. Hodad Says:

    Joe, it was obvious he quit on the team when he didn’t make the trip to Atlanta. Now we know he couldn’t handle coming off the bench, which is also quitting on the team. A team player will accept any role he was asked to play. The big mistake was not trading White when he said he wanted to be traded way back. When someone says they don’t want to be with you, take them at their word. Don’t know who’s at fault thinking they could turn White around, Bowles, or Licht. Any rate, the pirateship is sailing without him.

  27. D Cone Says:

    Suppose a guy gets injury in a year where he knows the team may release him or is too broke to give him what he is worth. Play Hurt & Suck so bad that the team wants to move on ? End up in a position where you have to discount yourself to a pitiful Carolina Team? Perhaps play hurt and compound it into something that runs passed the start of training camp the following year? That would really work against him.
    White not playing is no different than a guy that gets benched and asks for a trade. Goes to a team and gets benched again and asks to be released.
    White is no different than the 99% of the guys in the league that look out for number one. plenty of them coming into the league that will sit out a Bowl Game not to risk hurting their draft potential.

    Saints will give him his money. Hell they over paid for Carr as Raiders over paid for Garoppolo.

  28. Conte Piscatelli Says:

    The only reason I can imagine we are keeping White is for the compensatory draft pick. If he leaves in free agency we get a pick. If we cut him now, we get nothing. Personally, I cut him now and show the team that no one is bigger than the team. The locker room means more than the comp pick

  29. Pewter power Says:

    So sloppy!!! Stop trying to tell me Todd Bowles is a good coach. He can’t even do this right. Covering for a guy who hasn’t given his team 100%. For a coach on the verge of losing his job he’s acting like doesn’t want to be head coach and wants to follow wherever white goes this offseason

  30. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Give me a break D CONE all excuses for this loser, DOGS every other play hurt or not. If your sick at work you going to quit on your co-workers… He sucks…

  31. Cisco kid Says:

    I’m surprised by DW attitude problem. He seemed level headed . A team captain. I thought he would be more loyal to the team that drafted him. He’s not respectful to the team or fans.Shut him down , and let’s run with KJ Britt

  32. Buc4evr Says:

    This Sunday White will either play or not. No need to try to figure this soap opera mess out. If he decides to leave Tampa, I doubt he will get what he is asking for anywhere next season. The guy is a big baby.

  33. OlBoy Says:

    Todd! Stop effing lying. As a fan I don’t expect you to tell the complete truth, but don’t lie. The hell is wrong with you? And the clowns that are praising him for covering for a player are even worse. His lies for one player could negatively impact the team as a whole.

    Todd. Stop ly yi ing

  34. BucsFan81 Says:

    I can’t speak for all Bucs fans but I can tell you I was done with this guy in the off season when he wanted to go to the Eagles. Bucs fans know that the only team we hate as much as the Saints is the Eagles. Why White wasn’t traded in the off season is beyond me. Dude has been a distraction all year. KJ Britt is playing better anyways just rule him in active for rest of the season and get your 5th round draft pick if anyone signs him to a big deal.

  35. adam from ny Says:

    it’s a shame DW won’t be playing vs the jags because his superior blitzing skills would wreak havok on the lawrence – if he’s even able to play…

    bad head and ankle…and maybe even more physical issues at this point in the season as well

  36. adam from ny Says:

    he’s literally the perfect weapon to unleash on the injured lawrence all friggin’ game…

    knock on wood if you’re with me…………….lol

  37. bill Says:

    White quit just like AB….. he just didn’t go off half naked.

  38. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    It all stinks and I don’t care for it. I don’t care about White playing at all but I do care about the disruption in the locker room and being told BS.

  39. Allbuccedup Says:

    If the Bucs go 9-8 win the division then Bowles should come back drain the swamp sign Winfield and Evans let White go.

  40. Eckwood Says:

    Guessing this is Whites agent telling him to rest and get in top shape to try and put one game of good tape out there . He may play one game but that may have backfired with Britt playing well and being 3-0 with midget arms out !! That Agent one game play your heart out tape wish may have passed !!

  41. Popcorn Mike Says:

    We all know what went down earlier this year with White, he wanted out of Tampa unless he got a big contract. So what’s the big deal. I hope Tampa can trade him and pick up an extra draft pick and both sides will be happy. The point is, White has not played well this year anyway and I am sure there’s been some kind of conflict all year White at One Bucs Place

  42. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Corn Pop: The trade deadline came and went. The Bucs wouldn’t have gotten much for him, anyway. All the NFL teams have seen how terrible White is.

  43. orlbucfan Says:

    Go hunt up the postgame video of the Bucs locker room after the win in Atlanta. Bowles is keeping the locker room together. The players love him. I’m fed up with White cos LVD has been my fave Buc for years, and White let him down. He also let his teammates down. He was voted a Captain for Pete’s sake! Go get them, Bucs! 10-7. You owe your RJS homeys victories. Go get them!

  44. gotbbucs Says:

    They need to deactivate him and keep him away from the team if this is true. I believe Bowles was hoping for White to have a change of heart Saturday and show up Sunday wanting to give it a go.
    If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, this is the attitude of Leonard Founette and Antonio Brown rubbing off on a guy. White looked up to both of them, and especially Fournette. Both LSU boys.
    The NFL is a business. Employees in the real world that quit can offer to work two weeks, or they can get walked out the door before they can spread cancer to the rest of the company. The Bucs would be better off paying White to sit on the couch at home.

  45. Old Sombrero Says:

    Locker room crap doesn’t need to be discussed publicly. That aside, DW was often out of position Dude could not blitz clean to the QB. Rarely found a free lane to the QB. He made few solo open field tackles for loss or minimal gain. Dude frequently either missed his assignment or simply reacted too late in zone assignments. To some extent I believe offenses were game planning around him and he’s been incapable of adapting and now they’re game planning to exploit his deficiencies. I’ve isolated on him for large chunks of games and I can’t tell you how many times his back is turned to a play that has developed behind him: he turns around and the ball carrier has gained 6 yards before he turns his head. Dude chases empty space more than anything else.

  46. Larrd Says:

    Sounds like we have two different talking heads speculating two different scenarios and timelines. Who cares, really?

    White was flying around and playing well the first few weeks. Then he came up lame on what looked like a sure pick-six. He hasn’t played well since. I don’t doubt he is hurt and that he will probably again play well for someone in the future.

  47. BucU Says:

    I concern myself with the players that actually want to be here and show effort on every play. DW is already gone as far as I’m concerned.