Baker Mayfield And His Carrots

December 19th, 2023

Baker Mayfield

Once upon a time, Buccaneers general manager Jason Licht mentioned that some players play better when they have carrots in front of them.

Joe will not revist the dark history there. But assuming Licht still believes in that philosophy, then it seems Baker Mayfield has a bunch of reasons to lock in for the stretch run.

The folks at shared the big incentives in Mayfield’s contract. He’s got a lot of cash on the line in the Bucs’ final three games.

Some incentives Mayfield already has banked. Others are in play.

Here’s a summary:

  • Mayfield scores $500,000 if he plays in 66 percent of Tampa Bay’s offensive snaps.
  • Add another $250,000 for 75 percent plus $250,000 for 85 percent.
  • If Mayfield ranks Top-10 in the NFL or Top-5 in the Conference in passer rating, touchdown passes, passing yards, completion percentage and yards per pass, he’ll get $300,000 for each category.
  • Throw in $2 million if the Bucs make playoffs and he plays 85 percent of the snaps.
  • Mayfield also has incentives for performance in postseason games.

Of course, the biggest carrot for Mayfield is the chance to have two teams want him to be their starting quarterback in 2024. Mayfield’s paltry one-year contract expires after this season.

If more than one team wants his services, then he’s sure to earn at least $25 million next season, probably more like $30 million plus incentives.

60 Responses to “Baker Mayfield And His Carrots”

  1. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    Best headline in a while. Kudos!

  2. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    No way he gets less than $35 mill times 4 years(closer to $40 mill per yr)

    Look around the league…the dearth of QBs. It’s pretty ugly

    Baker will be a top FA and will get PAID…hugely.

  3. Steve in Mad Beach Says:

    Motivation shouldn’t be an issue!

  4. Beeej Says:

    He will be worth a lot more money, thankfully not Jalen Hurts kind of money

  5. HC Grover Says:

    If he does it he earned it.

  6. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    The biggest carrot would be a decent contract with the Bucs. I like the fact that he picked them as a place he wants to stay long term.

  7. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    I would be sweating bullets if I was a GM who signed Mayfield to $25 million next season. Canales might be the only key that works on Baker, or maybe it’s Evans. But I just would not trust him for a whole season until I see it. Certainly not four.

  8. infomeplease Says:

    Game On!!!

  9. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    I complimented the article title, why was it deleted?

  10. Since76 Says:

    Can Mayfield put 3 good games in row together? A good way to get an idea is to look at recent and long term history. I hope he has started a new trend.

  11. Conner50 Says:

    A team would be wise to sign him to a 2 year deal for 30 million, 18 guaranteed. Wouldn’t pay more until he showed me that he can be the franchise guy

  12. RichieRich Says:

    Commission based compensation.

  13. EEK Says:

    this season has proven he can play and he’ll stick around in the league for a few more years regardless

    he plays hard and I hope he keeps improving

    last week was amazing

  14. Conner50 Says:

    And that’s only if he wins the rest of the games that are left

  15. Marques Says:

    He’s a 15 million dollar QB. If someone wants to overpay for him God Bless him, but as a business decision if he want a 20-35 million he’s not that guy. He needs to perform consistently over a period of years not one good season. I’d say 13 million with a bunch of reasonable attainable incentives that could push him into that 17-20 million range. If not Trask is our guy. Do not underestimate this over achiever. There will be growing pains and he will get better at a much friendlier cap number. If Purdy can do it Trask can too.

  16. Bucsmarley Says:

    One great game from him and the headlines are ridiculous. String a few games like the last one then we’ll talk. His last 2 were less than 50% completions. I was impressed with his last game although still can’t throw it deep 🤪. Love to have him as a backup for sure. But even a broken watch is right twice a day. Still good game baker. Prove me wrong and finish strong.

  17. ModHairKen Says:

    I love Baker Mayfield, and he’s been a blessing with this weak OL, but if that’s what he commands next year, it may be time to consider Trask. The Bucs will need a favorable contract. Too many holes to fill.

  18. sdm5821 Says:

    Two things in the Bucs favor, should they decide to resign Mayfield. In no particular order, Baker knows Tom Brady and is well aware how beneficial it can be to stay with a good organization, even taking a little less, so other players can be kept or signed. He is about to become a father and his wife, Emily, likes the Tampa Bay area and how well the organization has embraced her husband.

    Good chance the Bucs can resign him for a team friendly deal if that is their desire.

  19. Craig Says:

    I have seen too many lows from Baker’s game to want the whole truck of carrots dumped in his lap yet.

    Maybe the last game turned a light on for him, but the two before that we really sub par.

    It might be that he has finally found an OC who lights his fire, or his wife just likes it here, but he has, in the past, had the propensity to backslide into bad games, even with big, guaranteed money.

  20. Shane Callahan Says:

    That’s assuming Trask is a viable replacement. Who knows???

  21. Shane Callahan Says:

    Craig, you haven’t paid enough attention to the rest of the team. An incomplete pass or interception is rarely the QBs fault. Fans who have never played or coached don’t realize these things.

  22. Rick Says:

    In the world of compensatory picks, if somebody is willing to pay up like that for Mayfield, maybe the better option is to let him walk. I am torn between us being a few players away versus overachieving and needing to backfill multiple positions (including QB).

  23. Jonny Says:

    $20-25 Mil for 3 years is what is fair for an inconsistent QB that averages out to the middle of the pack for a full season. I have a feeling his market value could be much higher if Bucs win out and compete strong in wild card, even if they lose.

  24. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Thre are multiple QBs in the 24 draft….several last year…..most teams needing QBs will go there…..
    I would support a healthy salary for Mayfield…..not quite sure we will have to overcome a competing team for large dollars……we should be able to get it done.
    $20 mil plus incentives……..3 year deal 2 guaranteed at $40….

  25. Beeej Says:

    There’s worse places to live than Tampa

    “I complimented the article title, why was it deleted?”

    Joe recognizes sarcasm when he sees it!

  26. orlbucfan Says:

    Over the Tom Brady old fossil worship. I hated him when the Bucs brought him in, and I took all kinds of crap on here cos of it. The ahole was already an ancient artifact who never got what a charmed life he lived. Brad Johnson/BM would have won the 2020 SB. That’s how good the Bucs were on BOTH sides of the ball. Winston’s problem was throwing 40 interceptions per minute. He’s still doing it and he’s a bust. Go Bucs Xmas Eve! 10-7.

  27. sasquatch Says:

    As far as his 2024 contract goes, and I know Geno Smith did it, but it’s hard to imagine a guy getting paid 25-30 million based on one good season. I like Baker. I hope they re-sign him (and draft a QB as well), but I’d still be very cautious about his next year’s salary. Maybe bump the pay up and let the incentives get him up to 25 based on performance, and then escalators on future years’ salaries if he hits the 2024 incentives.

  28. Defense Rules Says:

    The big question in my mind is ‘What will it take for Baker Mayfield to play consistent, quality football like he played Sunday against Green Bay?’ Because unless our QB does play consistent, quality football, Bucs will only be a middle-of-the-pack team.

    I’m beginning to think that Baker MIGHT be THE GUY, but only with quality coaching and a quality TEAM supporting him, on offense AND defense. In my mind, he’s a different type of Brad Johnson IOW; not a true franchise QB, but he can get us to where we want to go IF everything else is clicking.

  29. Defense Rules Says:

    TBBF … ‘$20 mil plus incentives……..3 year deal 2 guaranteed at $40’.

    I’d go for that too, but I doubt Baker & his agent will. Some team will pay him if he holds out & goes that route. Not a big advocate though of paying QBs huge salaries based on a 1-year renovation project.

    That’s a key reason why I kept hoping that we’d get a chance to evaluate Trask under fire this season (he’s still got 1 cheap year left with us). We’ll never know now what our record would be at this same point IF he’d won the purported ‘QB competition’ this summer. Hey, given 14 games to work out the kinks, Kyle MAY have lit it up. We’ll never know.

    What I am certain of though is money will be even tighter next season than it was this season. Folks don’t seem to get that JL kicked even more cans further down the street this past year, and the bills will just keep coming due. Wirfs & Winfield are (or should be) our top 2 priorities, followed by Evans I’m assuming. Huge $$$ await all three, not to mention having to pay a few FAs to stay competitive in our division. Fun times ahead.

  30. Oz Len Says:

    15,000,000? They’ll never sign him for that. Look up starting QB salaries from 15 down to 4. Mayfield is better than anyone in that group if you take out rookie contracts which start out low with a big signing bonus. Starting salaries jump from 15 mil to 25mil+. Nobody is in between. 2 guys at 25 mil, Garapolo and Geno Smith. Then it jumps to 30 mil plus. If you look at other starters, Mayfield is minimum 25 mil and up.

  31. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    Go get every single nickel brother. Go Bucs!

  32. Buccos Says:

    If guessing he will get $100mm for 3 years

  33. Buddha Says:

    If Bowles is fired then all bets are off for Baker. If Bowles stays, Baker stays–simple as that. Mayfield does not want to start yet another season with a new offensive coordinator. He has already stated how much hew loves it in Tampa.

  34. ExBrownsFan Says:

    It’s not one good game it’s the season and the total career. Stop hating for a second and compare his total numbers, now remember he had a year forcing it to O well, then played hurt(and shouldn’t have), and was in toxic environments. The QB tag is 35 million, he did what you wanted, and wants to be here (will probably take a team friendly long term deal). Baker hasn’t lost us games and helps unite a team. Pay the man and move on to fixing the things that need it.

  35. JK Says:

    3300 yards thru 14 games…… 24 TDs , 8 Ints, 93 Rating………….

    But 🤡s in the comments need to see NFL records set EVERY GameDay before they’ll be impressed

  36. Hodad Says:

    Let’s see how this season ends before we throw 100 mill his way. Some of you are taking crazy pills. Ready to cut him during the 3 game skid, now you want to give him a big contract for beating the Falcons, Carolina, and G.B.? Talk about getting ahead of your skiis. My guess is Licht will do with him the same as he’s going to do with Buc legend Mike Evans, let the market set their price. Both Mike, and Baker love it here, we have the inside track. That said, we’re still in cap hell. No need to out bid ourselves.

  37. Beeej Says:

    Geno Smith gets $75mil/3 years, Baker likely more

  38. Mike Johnson Says:

    Really does not matter. I think Bowles is protecting White. I got no problem with that. But white is sulking because he is not starting. Fine. Let him sulk.All I know is we are coming on strong and winning with whom we have. Our Rookies are starting to ball out. lets keep it going. White knows he is gone after the season. Bowles should suspend him but he won’t. The Docs will probably cover his injury. Keep ballin Britt. I think our Bucs can beat the Jags on Sunday. It won’t be pretty. But we win.

  39. Ex-Browns02 Says:

    New QB, new OC-HC dynamic. The challenge in these circumstances are that everyone on the offense needs to get in synch before they can be successful. Sometimes this happens quickly, sometimes it takes longer, and many times it never happens and success is not attained.

    The “perfect” QB rating assigned to Baker in the GB game happened because of so much more than the QB. Sure, Mayfield had to play well, but the rating really is for the performance of the entire offense — coaches and staff included.

    I’ve been pelting this forum with the “trending up” mantra because it’s been evident that the team (defense included) has been observably coming together and finding ways to win. They showed their potential last Sunday

    If the season winds up with a winning streak, everybody will be back because they finally settled on the best formula for success.

    Baker and his compensation? He’s already said he wants to stay put. The more you know Baker, the more you know that he dishes no B.S. It’s simply not who he is. He’s not going to chase the money because that’s not his priority. He’ll work with the organization on a contract that won’t stifle the team’s growth. Why? Baker’s priority is playing for a winning team that he loves. Smart young man.

  40. WyomingJoe Says:

    EX-Browns02: You are EXACTLY correct!

  41. BucaneroJim Says:

    Really?… we get one good, hot professional game from Baker and now he’s a GOAT? The whole season up till last Sunday has been mediocre – even the wins. Felt like I was being baked up turd biscuits with my Sunday fried chicken. The guy will be hot and cold.

    Speaking of hot and cold, might as well bring back Fitzmagic. At least he could throw for more than 400 yds when hot. Fitz being a brainy Harvard guy, could figure out Canales esoteric system, as well.

    And no… I’m not a Traskie.

  42. Hodad Says:

    Beeej, Seahawks are probably regretting that now. You want the Bucs to do the same? Again, we beat Atlanta, Carolina, and GB, all playing bad football right now.

  43. Tony Marks Says:

    Ex-Browns02 Says:
    December 19th, 2023 at 4:49 pm
    I’ve been pelting this forum with the “trending up” mantra because it’s been evident that the team (defense included) has been observably coming together and finding ways to win.


    You were doing so well until you lost me in the parenthesis.

  44. Tony Marks Says:

    Hodad Says:
    let the market set their price. Both Mike, and Baker love it here, we have the inside track. That said, we’re still in cap hell. No need to out bid ourselves


    Wait is that Hodad? Hodad???? positioning himself next to the back wheel to possibly jump on the Baker Band wagon? Okay bro. We can grant asylum for a few.

    but you tell Mush, David and some of the more vocal haters all season

    Nuh -huh. You make a dive for the back of the band wagon – you will be kicked off for talking too much hating trash all season. NO “we” talk allowed.

  45. Student of the Game Says:

    Most of you are not paying attention. Baker is not playing for the money. He has money. Incentives are great, but he loves the game. Loves being with the guys on a team. He will stay in Tampa for less money than it will take some other team to pay him. That said, he won’t take kindly to being insulted like Cleveland did. Give him some love and he will love Tampa back 3X

  46. Let em bake Says:

    He wants to stay . My guess is he will turn down better offers( Steelers, Pats, falcons ) but, the years have to be there. He’s not signing a two years deal . 4 years, decent guaranteed $. He knows the endorsement $ will return and will offset other teams $ offer. He’s talented behind the camera, you don’t make all those progressive commercials if you suck at it. Wonder if comeback player of year is part of his contract incentives? Finish strong, baker.

  47. CJBucsFan Says:

    Orlbucfan sounding ridiculous amd that’s putting it nicely

  48. unbelievable Says:

    Baker is about to make some money.

    Pretty sure he’s played enough to hit the 66% and 75% offensive snap mark already, and should reach 85% shortly.

    Currently ranked #8 in NFL for touchdowns and #9 for QB rating in the NFL.
    Currently ranked #5 in both those categories for the NFC alone.

  49. OlBoy Says:

    Them some tasty carrots to chase. Hope he gets them all

  50. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey CJ, I am? Prove it. Your beloved Brady won every NFL record there is, multi-millionaire, first round HOFamer, married to a model who was also a self-made millionaire and had kids with him. Decent looking, never suffered any serious NFL injury, got a billion SB rings before his Buc days. Should I go on? Now, he seems to have suffered a massive case of being blinded by his own ego and the GOAT hype. He couldn’t retire at 41? Spare me. The only reason he showed up here was cos the 49ers said no, and the Bucs had all the pieces in place for a SB ‘cept for one big one: QB. Winston stunk, and Trask didn’t have any playing experience. I wasn’t the only Bucs fan who went ugh, BTW.

  51. Wes Hall Says:

    Once again you “wanna be” coaches are now “wanna be” GM’s. Friggin morons. I’ve watched Baker eat crap every since the Browns and Carolina screwed him over. The man can ball. He’s finally learning the system and the players are getting on the same page. Give the man a decent contract and then fix your other broken places. 35 x4 years will make everyone happy. Except for all of you morons. I really get a kick out of reading the crap you all dish out. Damn Morons

  52. Dennis Says:

    I can only hope Baker finally gets the recognition he deserves! He is definitely the best QB in the NFC South and better than many who are thought of more highly..

    Tampa would be foolish to let Baker walk out the door.. He is easily a top 15 QB and they ain’t easy to find.

  53. Bucs96NYC Says:

    I believe that Baker wouldn’t entertain other offers unless the one from the Bucs is REALLY disrespectful. He understands now that he has an organization that wants him & crafted a offense around his ability. He will not get that most places & so why break a good thing if you don’t have to. Bucs get in the playoffs this team will be mostly bank intact w/ Baker leading them.

  54. Joe Says:

    I can only hope Baker finally gets the recognition he deserves!

    The NFL is not high school or college. “Recognition” is earned, not deserved.

  55. Gipper Says:

    Wes Hall,

    Lay it on them man. Of course, I agree with you. Browns really stuck it to Baker and now they are getting what they deserved. No 1st round draft picks for 3 years for a guy they have paid $90million for the last 2 seasons to watch other QB’s play for the Browns. The most ironic is 38 year old Flacco who has looked better in every one of his starts than Watson ever looked in the few games he actually played. Would be great if Browns have to eat all $240Million guaranteed to Watson.

  56. TampabayDJ Says:

    JK – I agree with everything you said. Not 1 QB has 30 + TDs yet this season. And if people were to look it up , Baker is a better QB this year than most big name QBs . Like Trevor Lawrence, who only has 17 TDs and 11 INTs . Baker has one of the best TD to INT ratio in the NFL. And he’s completing 66 percent of his passes . Not to mention the dropped TDs , dropped balls, and half his INTs came via deflected or off the hands of the WR. He can escape from the pocket about as good as anyone , and he WANTS to play for the team that gave him his last chance ! You people really think he would leave for $10mil more than the Bucs offer him ?? If he has the chance to return, he will. He’s already made a boat 🚢 load of $$ being the #1 pick . Then the Panthers paid him a lot. I remember when the stinking Panthers cut him and he signed with the LA Sheep/ Scams , they were talking about how Carolina was paying for Baker to play for the Sheep/scams… He has finally found a place that he likes and he’s wanted. Oh , he has made a lot of $$ off commercials and endorsements too. He will give the Brady discount to have a great team around him. He’s not Aaron Rodgers, who would rather have a quarter or more of his teams cap , and wonder why they can’t pay great players to play with him. Go Bucs and Baker !!

  57. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    I take baker at his word he wants to stay in Tampa new baby & all, no more bullsh**t cold weather,I wud think he will work the # out for all concerned after being stabbed in the back in Cleveland ask any 1 of their fans they all wanted baker there,no joke.unlike u clowns on this site I say he works it out rite here in good old Tampa Bay I wud g
    Adly say welcome aboard

  58. TampabayDJ Says:

    On another note. It’s going to be very nice and satisfying watching the AINTS fall off to the bottom of the NFL for the next 5 YEARS! I read an article about how they kept trying to make all these big signings, after Brees retired , and they said that this is going to be a very long process to get them out of the pile of cap he’ll their in . They should have blown up the team after Brees. That’s why Sean ‘ Punchable lips ‘ Payton left. They haven’t drafted well at all. Chris O’lay is a great #2 wr with the other picks being busts . They said it WILL take the AINTS more than a year just to start the process of blowing up the team and at least 3 to 5 years before they can start rebuilding. I just thought that was an interesting article. And it was from a AINTS writer , so I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about. All this Mikey Loomis is a genius, cap and draft guru is hogwash. He’s just good at pulling a Rich McKay for years, until it comes to bite him in the behind. Maybe he will give the AINTS a parting gift like Rich gave our Bucs when he let Sapp walk and signed a wannabe Vita Vea named Booger to a monster contract ” at that time ” and Booger got smeared all over the Glazer’s and our Bucs. Can’t wait to see it happen next year! Go Bucs and Jason “The Man” Litch !! Joe , you are The Man at your profession !

  59. TampabayDJ Says:

    @BAKERSBucs – Agreed ! And thanks for calling out all the fake, bandwagon, crybaby, spoiled, only watched the Bucs when Brady signed, Fairweather fake fans. The same 10 people on here that think they know better than the guys who are paid MILLIONS to run an NFL Franchise , complain about every single thing they can come up with. But when our Bucs were winning the Super Bowl, and then followed up with a 13 win season, were the same people who said that our Bucs were going to go undefeated the next year. We still won the division with a Tom Brady that was in the middle of a nasty divorce, lost a lot of his best players to injury , including Ryan Jensen , and then the same people started to complain about this and that. Thought they knew exactly how to fix everything. And are still on here complaining, even though we just won a Super Bowl for the second time 🏆, and now going on 3 straight Division Titles. I wonder if they know how hard it is to actually win the Super Bowl, just once ? Let’s see , our Bucs have more Super Bowl trophies 🏆 than more than half the NFL, COMBINED ! There are around 15 teams that have NEVER WON A SUPER BOWL, OR EVEN PLAYED IN ONE . Look at some of the greatest teams in the regular season history , and most didn’t win a Super Bowl. Aaron “selfish crybaby” Rodgers only has 1 Super Bowl win in the entire 18 years he has played. And that was a very long time ago. Just ask the Lions, Cardinals, Jags , Panthers, etc how their fans feel ? Lmfao you people are tools, and crappie ones at that. Go root for the AINTS or Cowgirls , or you can just root for your team and not bash every thing they do that YOU don’t like. Go Bucs

  60. Chief Tbird Says:

    4 years – $140 million, $105 guaranteed. That would be the minimum.That’s $35 million/year for a top 10-12 QB and a steal.
    Baker could very well get offered 5 years and $200 million if there’s a bidding war for teams that want to win now and not spend time on a rookie.
    At $140 million you have money to spend on Wirfs, AWJ,and most importantly Evans and upgrade the OL!!!
    Let Baker walk and you’re in complete rebuild mode and looking at 2-4 wins next season. Build off this season and make a run!