Thank You, Mariah Godwin!

December 17th, 2023

Bucs WR Chris Godwin.

If you get the vibe that the Bucs offense has changed since Mariah Godwin, wife of Bucs receiver Chris Godwin, exploded on Instagram about two weeks ago on Todd Bowles about Godwin’s targets, join the club. Joe gets the same vibe.

And right now, if the way the Bucs offense played today carries on into the playoffs, then every Bucs fan owes a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Godwin.

Last week when the Bucs beat the Dixie Chicks, Joe had a follower on Twitter hollering about how Baker Mayfield was forcing the ball to Godwin. Joe replied, “Would you rather him him force balls to Deven Thompkins?”

Godwin had a key catch last week in the Bucs win.

Today, no Bucs receiver was remotely targeted as much as Godwin (who doubled the targets of Mike Evans). And what happened? Godwin blew up, totaling 155 yards receiving. It was this third-highest receiving game total in his career.

Today’s win was also just the second time all season Godwin had 100 yards receiving. The first came in New Orleans, also a Bucs win.

It’s really simple to Joe: When Godwin is involved, good things happen. Like the Bucs move the ball. Like the Bucs win.

If it took Mariah Godwin to have a freakout on Instagram to motivate Bucs shot-callers to get her husband more involved, well thank you, Mariah Godwin. We are all better off.

28 Responses to “Thank You, Mariah Godwin!”

  1. DI Says:

    All those people in the earlier post about Mrs. Godwin telling her she needs to shut up and “be seen and not heard” should put their foot in their mouths. We all would love to have someone who cares about us as much as she does for her husband. Of course there is a time and place for everything but if this is what it takes for the offense to look exciting, I am all for it. Thank you Mrs. Godwin!

  2. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    JTS isn’t married so perhaps his mother, Andrea can complain about Joe’s snap count and light a fire under his a$$

  3. All_da_way Says:

    The Bucs are blessed to have two elite WRs on the squad.

  4. Oddball Says:

    In the words for Devin White: Chris is getting “ more stronger.”

  5. Oddball Says:

    Ugh, words of…

  6. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Anyone who tells a woman “to be seen and not heard,” is essentially a neanderthal. I’m sure there are many who post here regularly that disagree with me. And to them I say, you probably would have been against the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote.

  7. VATom Says:

    Love Baker, but its becoming apparent he has trouble progressing through reads. He has a guy in mind, that’s his guy. That pass to White on the first drive looked like Baker had to be snapped out of a trance to throw it to him. Yeah, it’s Godwin for 155yds. But not Evans 100 and Godwin 100 Otton 50 and White 50. I realize 8t rarely is. But Bake seems to key in and won’t go through his reads. At least to me. Maybe he is going through reads. But when Evans needed 1000 we got it. When Mariah needs Chris to get the ball we got it. Maybe that’ll work better. 🤔

  8. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Here here, @Alvin

  9. orlbucfan Says:

    Please drop off the Mariah Carey rap. It’s boring and intrusive. All the spouses, etc. listen when the partner comes home frustated.

  10. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    VA Tom, did you watch the game? 4 TDs, 0 Int’s and almost 400 yards? Come on man! You can do better than that today!!!

  11. lanshark Says:

    The biggest difference was they moved Godwin to the slot, and then threw to him in tight windows all day long.

  12. Swanee22 Says:

    Hire Mirah Godwin to assist our OC in next the next game. Thank you , for pointing out the obvious that the offensive staff could not foresee.

  13. Weebs10 Says:

    VA Tom he was going through his reads all day. What game did you watch?

  14. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    All good men marry a strong, independent woman who can speak for herself. That includes Alvin.

  15. Jack Clark Says:

    Thank you Baker Mayfield for not being a sorry as quarterback today, throwing 4 touchdowns and no interceptions is incredible! Ask Jamies Winston

  16. Miller5252 Says:

    It’s more like when you get Godwin and Evans going it opens up the offense. If you single cover them, they’re good enough to beat anyone they put on them. If you double em, the rest of the team gets an easy day of throw and catch. Week 15 and the coaches are finding out how easy life is for the offense when you get them involved. Ira, the Joes and every Tampa fan has been screaming this since going 3-1 and started the Bucs dumpster fire they call an offense during all the loses. Like we brought Leftwich back. Get em involved early and often and it opens up everything and everyone in the playbook!

  17. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Joe would clean up selling the pink hats on this site

  18. McBucky Says:

    Thank you Mariah!!

  19. Since76 Says:

    I thought Mayfield couldn’t get it to Godwin over the middle. But ever since Mrs Godwin questioned the coaching staff and Canales suddenly realized Godwin was a receiver our offense looks different. Mayfield looked like a starter today. If he can play even close to what he did today this team will be hard to beat. This is week 14 and I’m not too confident the light bulb came on yet. I hope it’s on.

  20. Mark Plant City Says:

    Morale will not improve until Chris gets the pigskin more often. Singed Mariah Godwin.

  21. Luis Diaz Says:

    Lol people thanking the wife

  22. BAKERSBucsBakerbucs o Says:

    OMG u haters don’t get it! I guess jackass clark,Mike says & the rest of u haters it’s time for Trask to take over since baker missed that 400 yd mark.u haters need to hit another post site u have wore out u r welcome I read some of the haters post during the game after baker got hit from behind on the 5 yd line 1 said h E
    He shud b in pee wee league what a complete a***hole!!!!

  23. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Since76 says I must say Mr 76 u r an old man with little knowledge of this game I have read enough of u r post & u sir I say that loosely r the worst period there r 8 of u complete worthless post haters real fans always find good things to say which u r not 1 of the real fans I’m soooo glad mayfidld gave u the haters the middle finger what a pro he is u r the worst fans ever get a new hobby cause u suck at this 1

  24. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    We been saying it all along Joe, Mrs Godwin was the only one with enough juice to be heard. Thank you again Mariah Godwin.

  25. Since76 Says:

    Bakersbuc……your thread name says it all. Your baker 1st. I’m a bucs fan not an individuals fan. Mayfield finally had a good game and I said as much. If a player doesn’t perform well week in and week out I’m not blowing smoke up anyones @$$. I’ve sat in brutal heat and games in both stadiums for many years. I want the team to win. You are praising a player when he plays terrible and then you rip anyone who disagrees. You may want to reevaluate what a fan is. Team or individual.

  26. Pat Says:

    Chris and Mariah started dating in 10th grade. Her Dad was the football coach. When Chris was recruited by Penn State, that’s where Mariah went. She trained with Chris, I think in one interview Chris gave Mariah credit for pushing him in training sessions. She knows what Chris is capable of and because he’s a team guy, he would never let his frustration with coaching decisions expressed in the licker room, BUT a wife will hear it, feel it, emphasize with it. Chris has expressed how much he loves Tampa, they’ve made their home there, and Mariah didn’t want to see that destroyed. So she vented! I imagine Chris may have had a talk with her about that, but heh, she stood by her man, and good things happened!

  27. captivajim Says:

    I’ve said before ; Godwin is the best player at his position -SLOT receiver- of any Buc on the team. Thank You Mrs Godwin for lighting a fire under bowleszo ..

  28. vadertime Says:

    Bucs looked good against the Packers. Baker looked really good in the 2nd half. Defense did an outstanding job is stopping Love and the run. Bowles still needs to go after this season. He can’t get Tampa to the next level. Glazers, clean house and bring in a new coaching group. Go Bucs.