Major Bucs Linebackers Crisis

December 1st, 2023


The Buccaneers’ dynamic duo of linebackers, icon Lavonte David and regressing Devin White, will not play Sunday against Carolina.

David will miss his second consecutive game with a bad groin, pulled against the 49ers two weeks ago. And White is out with a bad foot. He practiced earlier this week; David did not.

Backup linebacker SirVocea Dennis has been out with an undisclosed illness all week and Bowles today said Dennis “has a long way to go,” presumably to be healthy enough to play.

Also out for the game is cornerback Jamel Dean (ankle/foot) and backup defensive tackle Mike Greene.

Bowles said he feels good about reserve linebacker K.J. Britt stepping up and calling the defensive signals, and the Bucs will test other depth at linebacker.

Joe sure hopes these fresh bench guys are ready to chase Panthers rookie quarterback Bryce Young all over the field.

Bowles added that Chris Godwin (neck) is questionable.

79 Responses to “Major Bucs Linebackers Crisis”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    No worries. Panters are the worst team in NFL. Bucs should win by 30 in a shutout.

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    LVD is our only LB. Duhvin White is invisible out there anyway.

    Todd would be wise to unleash a 2023 version of the 2021 aerial assault, but he’s too stubborn and won’t want to score points.

    Bucs lose by three scores.

  3. SB~LV Says:

    So this is how they are playing the 2024 draft game

  4. Buc Fan in CO Says:

    Devin White = Dead Weight

  5. zzbuc Says:

    I would definitely bring back LVD for 1 more year, I can’t say the same thing about DW.

  6. Sam Says:

    Looking forward to Bryce Young coming out party. A Bucs tale as old as time, making chumps look like champs

  7. ElioT Says:

    Good news, one step closer to a new HC.

  8. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Even with how bad DW45 has bin he’s better than the players on the bench. With both of our starters out this could get ugly. Hopefully SVD8 can get in there

  9. SlyPirate Says:

    Bucs fans are pretty savvy, so they know the MLB call the defense. He’s the QB of the defense. The Bucs are passing those duties to KJ Britt.

    Last week Bowles said, “We lined up out of position so many times it wasn’t even funny.” A virgin signal caller isn’t going to help.

    Week after week, Bowles fails to properly prepare his team. It’s highly unlikely KJ Britt will be prepared before Sundary.

    I expect a Carolina offensive explosion similar to Texas and their rookie QB.

  10. Statisticly Insignificant Reader Says:

    Does anyone else have that sinking feeling Bryce Young has his coming out Party?

  11. Kyle B Says:

    Hahaha, I love the constant subtle jabs at Devin White. I don’t see him as bad as everybody says. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  12. Conner50 Says:

    Should have traded Devin White while the trade line was still going. He’s gonna hit free agency and Tampa won’t get nothing for him. Which is fine as long as we don’t resign his ass

  13. aleyz2020 Says:

    Bryce will soon be elevated to the level we’ve helped Purdy & Stroud achieve with little effort. We sure know how to boost a rookie QB’s spirit!

  14. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Lavonte David: Irreplaceable, great football player.

    Devin White: Best case scenario is that he’s just a terrible football player that shouldn’t be in the NFL. Worst case scenario is that he’s purposely letting other teams score points in a side hustle. Either way, a awful disgrace.

  15. Larrd Says:

    Hopefully Dennis will play. I would like to see what he and Britt can be next year.

    Panthers and Bucs both suck and it is a crapshoot. Panthers coaching is an unknown, so I would give them a big edge there.

  16. Joe in Michigan Says:

    *An awful disgrace

  17. Pewter power Says:

    dynamic duo? Like Batman and Robin? Devin white isn’t even on Alfred level anymore.

    I wouldn’t care who’s missing on defense, Carolina doesn’t have half the talent we do on offense and defense.


    Can’t fool me Joe lol I already see the wheels turning. Carolina has backup level offensive starters except Adam Theilen

  18. Buc4evr Says:

    This is the week the wheels fall off and Bowles is exposed as the knucklehead he really is.

  19. Dwayne Cone Says:

    Next Man Up looks like it has became an All Hands on Deck.

    Both teams are Banged up but the Panthers guys available may be pretty beaten down.

    Would have been the Best Chance of a Win so far. Now it could look like a Chicago Rematch. That was a W. Fortunately.

    Be nice if Bucs can say they have the same record as the Jets on Victory Monday at 5-7.

  20. Rod Munch Says:



  21. Oxycondomns Says:

    David as great has he been turns 34 next month another example of lichts stale roster and coaching staff. Licht Reminds me of dungy when gruden came in and players signed on who never wouldve signed on with the bucs same with licht when brady came in .

  22. Aubpierce Says:

    In that picture White looks like he has gained 25 lbs. I think maybe he ate himself out of the line backer position. If he is indeed approaching 275 lbs maybe he can play defensive end. Add another 30 lbs he can play noise tackle. He sure can’t cover as a line backer and is no longer needed because he is totally in effective in his current position.

  23. Marine Buc Says:

    Next man up… KJ Britt needs to man up. Why are you in the NFL if you can’t play ILB? Just a special teamer?


    Too bad LVD is injured – he was having a solid season.

    I’m not too concerned about D. White. I’m looking forward to watching JJ Russell the man who will hustle…

  24. Aubpierce Says:

    David is listed at 234 Lbs, White listed at 238 lbs. No way is there only 4 lbs difference between the two. Got be 30 lbs. White looks like giant bull frog compared David.

  25. Defense Rules Says:

    Pewter Power … ‘I wouldn’t care who’s missing on defense, Carolina doesn’t have half the talent we do on offense and defense.’

    Obviously 1-10 doesn’t cry TALENT, but … the Bucs are only 4-7 (and spiraling). And the Panthers did beat Houston 15-13. We didn’t 39-37. On any given Sunday …?

    It’s interesting to me that so many will label Kyle Trask a bust because Bowles didn’t put him in over the more experienced Tom Brady or Baker Mayfield, and yet ‘Bowles said he feels good about reserve linebacker K.J. Britt stepping up and calling the defensive signals’ so we’re good to go. Disregard that Britt & Trask were drafted in the same 2021 class, that one was a 5th Rnd pick while the other was a 2nd Rnd pick, and that the two of them TOGETHER have less than 100 real snaps in 3 seasons.

    And starting opposite Britt will be JJ Russell, just called up from the Practice Squad a week ago. Right now there’s no one behind those 2, but I suspect they’ll promote newly-signed Practice Squad LB Vi Jones to the active roster for insurance. Yup, no excuses, we good.

  26. CAbucsfan Says:

    Rookie QB what could go wrong?

  27. stpetebucfan Says:

    Agree Marine Buc LVD is in the midst of a solid season.

    D.White is watching his future money swirl around the drain. It’ll be interesting to see how DW45’s sage plays out. The Bucs can’t afford to pay a top shelf LB…the kind that play like DW45 did in the SB year. He’s disappeared since. I’m not even sure how much he’s worth at this point. He still has value but it’s been incredibly diminished.

    As for Davis and Dean…they are two very talented DB’s who alas in the words of Tony Dungy lack the most important ability of all…AVAILability. Everytime one of these guys makes a tackle or gets blocked I literally wait to see if they’re going to get up. They had injury issues in college and now in the pros. It’s time to save salary on those two, no matter how talented they are, you can’t waste cap space on the bench!

  28. Rod Munch Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    December 1st, 2023 at 3:52 pm
    Next man up… KJ Britt needs to man up. Why are you in the NFL if you can’t play ILB? Just a special teamer?


    That would be correct, he’s just a special teamer — and every roster needs those guys.

    When he came out of college, the reason he fell so far in the draft was that he was too slow. Otherwise, he’d have been a much higher pick since he has all the other tools you’d want. But so far, watching him with the Bucs, what you see is a guy who is too slow for the NFL.

    But he has his chance to prove me wrong, and he’s got the easiest opponent available. Hopefully Bowles is smart enough to realize he doesn’t have a MLB with 4.4 speed in there, and makes adjustments. But that would be asking a lot of Bowles who is not known for changing things to take advantage of players or situations.

  29. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    This is looking more and more like a tough game

  30. James in Memphis Says:

    I really don’t like this years team.

  31. Craig Says:

    Anything to get D. White out of the lineup is a plus.

    He is more of a detriment that anything positive. At least no one will have to watch for him screwing up this week.

  32. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Bowles coaching incompetence has been on display since the loss to the Rams in the playoffs. This is the week Licht is undressed as far as bad personnel choices. Bucs need a new GM as well now that Brady is not attracting talent to the Bucs.

  33. Cobraboy Says:

    Forget the long fail history.
    THIS TIME, they will reallyreallyreally make a rook QB pay.


  34. Dewey Selmon Says:

    I bet Winfield Jr. could fill in for White and have a bigger impact. Kancey also could play LB.

  35. Marine Buc Says:

    @ St.Pete

    I agree.

    “Everytime one of these guys makes a tackle or gets blocked I literally wait to see if they’re going to get up. They had injury issues”

    Especially with this… Both Dean and Davis are extremely injury prone.

    We probably need to cut Davis this off-season. No way is he worth $20M… IMO Davis should be playing Nickel Corner not CB1. He is too soft but solid in man coverage.

  36. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Rod

    I agree.

    Every team needs a few of those special teams demons. But this is KJ Britt’s chance to step up and be more than just a special teamer.

    I hope he is able to step up but I understand your concern regarding his speed and athletic ability.

    He has been a Buc for three years now. It’s time to “show us what you got”…

  37. Voice of Truth Says:

    So we have no LB playing Sunday – Britt is so slow and JJRussell is horrible!!!!

    Carolina will have their best offensive outing of the season on Sunday

  38. WyomingJoe Says:

    #TEAMPOSITIVE! Stop with all the BS already. Such a loser …


  39. Crickett Baker Says:

    I am looking forward to seeing Britt play. The only way we can win without our LVD and DW duo is to score many points. It would be nice for a change. GO BUCS!

  40. adam from ny Says:

    DW is bailing on the season…only excuse for a decent contract elsewhere is to claim injury – so that his numbers are all skewed…he’s not thinking about the team, just his next contract and how to try and manipulate it elsewhere

  41. adam from ny Says:

    britt’s a tough strong dude, but a bit too slow…it’s been obvious for years…

    meanwhile when DW is on point out there, he’s lightning quick

  42. Marine Buc Says:

    @ adam

    “meanwhile when DW is on point out there, he’s lightning quick”

    Did you see the missed tackle on Minshew?

    Speed and quickness means nothing without control and precision…

  43. Confido75 Says:

    Jamel “Wheelchair” Dean won’tbe playing. What a shocker!

  44. adam from ny Says:


    of course bro…

    yeah he’s so fast he runs right past people he’s trying to stop…lol

    it’s ridiculous…

    he actually does it a whole lot, but on that particular minshew play, a touchdown was scored, and the play was hyper focused on…

    but he runs himself out of plays all the time…

    and he’s just not a cerebral ball player on any level

  45. SBucs Says:

    Doofys Jason constructed this team…. no more needs to be written…

  46. Irish Laughter Says:

    Bucs play better without David, White, Brady. Keeping it real Joe.

  47. Marine Buc Says:

    @ adam

    I honestly do fully understand what is going on with DW…

    Perhaps he has been playing injured most of the season?

    Whatever the reason he is not worth anywhere near $20M per season. Ian Beckles mentioned a $5M per season price tag at most and based on the past two seasons I agree.

  48. Marine Buc Says:

    My bad:

    “I honestly do NOT fully understand what is going on with DW…”

  49. J Ghotier Says:

    We have struggled overall against TE’s in recent history (years) to begin with, so this game will be very telling. Does that middle of the field D get worse and do the TE’s have a great day against us….or do we find out maybe White is part of that problem. His coverage has always been his bugaboo thus far in his career and not to mention he’s really having an awful (contract) year as well. I get being hampered by injury, but we shall find some things out this game.

  50. adam from ny Says:


    i think someone signs him for 8-10 mil…thinking he will be a good fit in their system or how they will plan to use him

  51. DS Says:

    Guys have entered self preservation mode, guys will say the right things on the mic but know this team has given up

  52. adam from ny Says:

    the season is two thirds over at about halftime on sunday

  53. Brandonbucc Says:

    White needs to go! He’s lazy

  54. Since76 Says:

    Defense isn’t the problem this season minus a couple games. The offense can’t pass the ball. That’s by design or Mayfield can’t get the ball where it needs to be(my opinion). Canales and Bowles chose him and they will lose their jobs because they stubbornly stick with him.

  55. unbelievable Says:

    Other commenters already nailed it:

    Bryce Young will look like an all-pro this Sunday.

  56. FortMyersDave Says:

    Deven White off of the field is no loss IMHO. He did not call a very good game for the Bucs in Indy so I doubt if Britt can do worse. White is not coming back, he and his horse ride off into the sunset with Bowels. Lavonte is the player who will be missed.

    Still, I would not be surprised if the O starts slow and the team is behind 10-3 at the half. I hope the 30K in the stands start a fire Bowles chant at RJS if this happens. BTW, how much you bet if the Panthers get the ball to start the 3rd up 10-3 that the D will immediately allow a score to make it a 2 score game and the Carolina D tees off on Baker.?

  57. Carolina K Says:

    I didn’t read all of the previous comments but don’t forget about last year, same scenarios minus a few details

  58. PbnJ Says:

    As much as I enjoy the grit Baker brings to the team, his ultimate failure is necessary for any prosperous Bucs’ future. He doesn’t necessarily have to fail, but losing is the best prescription to free ourselves of Todd Bowles. No hate for him either, except the hating him being the Bucs’ head coach. A complete clean sweep of coaching staff and GM, moving up both assistant GM’s & VP of football research. That’s Greenberg, Spytek & Davidson.

    I’d separate their duties in a way that will NEVER happen unless I win a lotto America prize of 15-20 billion dollars, but I’m convinced these three are exceptional & shared power would benefit the franchise.

    Not caring about titles, they can each be simply GM, they’d be instructed that the expectation is they would collaborate equally on the major responsibilities of a GM. Player personnel, coaching staff & contracts. Here’s where hell would have to freeze over…the final decision-making would be up to one individual in each of the three areas I identified as major responsibilities and each of them would be that person over one of the three.

    Spytek – final decision on player personnel
    Greenberg – final decision on player contracts (length, term, etc)
    Davidson – final decision on coaching staff including strength & conditioning.

    I trust them to be professional. I trust each of their abilities to excel in the choices of their final decision power. The problem is see with GM’s in general is their lack of capabilities in certain roles that fall under the position. I feel they would be dynamic working together in this manner.

  59. StretchOMatic Says:

    Pretty simple solution to so many out of the lineup on defense….just use our “dynamic” rushing attack and “pound that rock” to keep our defense off the field! Well for 3 plays per offensive possessions anyway LOL!!!

  60. Irishmist Says:

    Set the defense up as a 4/3 this week. Britt as MLB. Watts and Barrett/JTS as outside LB. Vea and Kancy as DT, Diaby and Nelson as DEs. Carolina has probably been preparing for our 3/4 all week, at least we give the rookie something else to think about.

  61. Beeej Says:

    Since76 Says:
    December 1st, 2023 at 6:39 pm
    Defense isn’t the problem this season minus a couple

    They’re allowed 400 yards+ 6 of last 7 games, coincidentally our recent won loss record

  62. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Its the stinking Panthers. You are giving Bowles too much credit for an easy win on Sunday.

  63. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    so…the over on hubbards rushing yards?

  64. gp Says:

    Buc4evr Says:
    December 1st, 2023 at 3:28 pm

    This is the week the wheels fall off and Bowles is exposed as the knucklehead he really is.

    The wheels fell off last season.

    stpetebucfan Says:
    D.White is watching his future money swirl around the drain.

    I’m guessing his best offer will be a 1-4 mil prove it deal.
    Hopefully, we don’t match it.

  65. MadMax Says:

    Rookie qb and the team will rally around their new interim hc…,yeah we know how this story goes…oh well?, the lower the wins the higher the draft picks

  66. Fred Says:

    Joe……..can you please figure out a way to get more commercials on your site? It’s clear you’re going for a record.
    On the Bucs….theyll lose. Everyone has quit. Even Bowles. It’s pathetic.

  67. DoooshLaRue Says:

    This is what the Muncher refers to as a “tuneup game”

  68. Irish Laughter Says:

    There is absolutely no chance that the Bucs will lose this game. No way. However if they do, I will buy everyone a pint of Guinness at the Temple Bar pub in Dublin on St. Patty’s day. No way will the Bucs lose! Keeping it real in Ireland.

  69. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Bucs should beat the Panthers…. What could possibly go wrong?

  70. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    December 1st, 2023 at 2:29 pm
    “Duhvin White is invisible out there anyway.”

    Totally not true.

  71. teacherman777 Says:

    Britt and Dennis both run a 4.7 to 4.8.

    Do you guys have any idea how fast David and White are?

    You will see the difference on Sunday.

    Britt runs a 4.8. (But he’s tough and can play)

    Dennis is out.

    So Russell will play?

  72. Obvious Says:


    Hey, nice work Beeej. A good eye and a great point.

    I like your design. Well done

    @Mad Max
    So True. I guess it’s better than nothing to look forward to.

    Placement and time of the draft is perfect. Time to enjoy the Super Bowl win, If You’re the Best! That is…
    Time to sulck and reflect (but not too much) , If You’re the Worst (Or a close relative)! That is..

    And the Promise of another shot SOON (but just a little too far away for comfort) …. Good timing. I’m not sure who the Genius was that put it all together but I Guarantee you there’s a pretty good story at that place in time…

  73. BucsFan81 Says:

    On our way to a better draft pick and new HC let the offseason begin.

  74. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    Get better boys. Appreciate the unintended assist on draft position in 2024.

  75. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Teacherman777: Dennis ran a 4.63, Britt a 4.76…The main thing is these guys would actually TRY to make tackles, UNLIKE Devin White.

  76. Eckwood Says:

    @pbnj ……….. you are referring to the dumb jock disease ,,,,,, it follows these coaches and GM s around . John Lynch is an example of a GM not yet infected with the network!!

  77. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    The Bucs are in for a tight game with the panthers as they come fully equipped with a rookie starting quarterback, and we play them at our house. This could spell big trouble for the Bucs.

  78. Bojim Says:

    Bad teams get well against the Bucs.

  79. orlbucfan Says:

    I really could care less about playoffs. And I sure won’t miss most of the scratches on Defense. I hope White is gone after this season. LVD deserves the rest. I’m paying attention to Canales and his offense. Has he finally got the hang of the talent on here including the young OLinemen? That’s what I’ll be focusing on tomorrow.