Learning From Mistakes

December 12th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

As Joe pointed out earlier, Baker Mayfield has had two clutch late-game performances where he led the Bucs down the field to score touchdowns.

One was Sunday at Atlanta. Another was two weeks ago at Indianapolis (which the defense gagged away). Yesterday, Bucs coach Todd Bowles was asked why the offense, often in a long slumber in games, awakes late.

Bowles thought it was because the offense has learned from previous mistakes.

“Again, we learned from the middle of the season,” Bowles said. “There were some things we had in the middle of the season [that] we didn’t cash in on that we are playing better [at] now. We are executing now because of certain guys being in those situations quite a few times.

“The urgency at the end of the game is always at a high level. I think the confidence in which we can complete them now, offensively, and try to stop them, defensively, is there. The confidence is there from that aspect in December, [whereas] I don’t think it was as much in the middle of the season. We have a lot of guys playing – a lot of different guys playing – a lot of new guys playing.

“I think this time of the year, it’s time for them to settle down and just play comfortable football, as far as mentally, and I think they are doing that.”

That’s great that the Bucs feel comfortable and wise late in games. But come Sunday in Green Bay, while the Packers are not world beaters, they surely aren’t the Dixie Chicks or the Stinking Panthers.

And given the fact the Packers are now playing for their playoff lives, the Bucs surely are going to get their A-Game from Green Bay.

It might behoove the Bucs to score some touchdowns in the first three quarters. You know, just a hunch.

Bundle up and fire up the brats.

67 Responses to “Learning From Mistakes”

  1. Wild Bill Says:

    The Bucs conjure up low expectations and surprise when they win. Sad but true.

  2. infomeplease Says:

    IMHO. The Bucs can compete with almost every team. They can beat the Packers. The question is : Will they?

  3. Bosch Says:

    Comfortable football huh? I guess that explains only nine defenders on the field. That is feeling VERY comfortable.

  4. infomeplease Says:

    Wild Bill you make a great point about low expectations! This is solely on TB’s lap! His team! His way! After almost 2 seasons of the fans watching the game played his way , as a fan you don’t expect much.

  5. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Bowles is a CLOWN!

  6. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Well said, @Wild Bill

  7. Hodad Says:

    Tom Brady calls it mediocre, others say it’s parody of the league. We saw 3rd string Tommy cutlets come out of nowhere to lead the Giants to 3 straight victories. We saw Levis who we beat lead his team to 2 TD’s in less then 3 minutes to beat the mighty Dolphins. Yet Trask isn’t worth a look? This isn’t about Trask tho, it’s about how good, or bad NFL football is this year. Anyone can beat anyone on any given day. Two best teams as of now seem to be the 49ers, and Dallas. Rest of the teams are mediocre like Tom said, we’re one of them. We’ll see where we end up, but I’m not going to bash Bowles, Baker, or the Bucs for being like 30 other NFL teams. Right now we’re part of the race. All you can ask for in todays NFL.

  8. Beeej Says:

    If they keep running two high safeties, we HAVE to be able to run the ball, they’re daring us

  9. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Joe Barry’s defense is notoriously bad for run defense so look for Rachaad to earn his 3rd 100 yard game in 4 weeks.

  10. Craig Says:

    In the middle of the game I thought they were going for the Bucs record for consecutive 3 and outs. They were up to 6 or 7 of them.

    Then Godwin made a key block to spring Rachaad around the end and the world changed.

    The tar for the tar and feathers was warming, but they ended up riding back to town in style.

    Amazing how the new gloss finish id looking.

  11. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Learning from mistakes?………that is total BS…….learn before you make a mistake is how good coaching works…..

    Bowles is an incompetent buffoon…….

  12. Boss Says:


    sorry…the title and the picture do not agree with one another.

  13. ModHairKen Says:

    GB is a wounded animal. If the Bucs win this game, it is a significant accomplishment. It’s up to Bowles. Time to coach, Coach.

    Have them ready or contact U-Haul for boxes.

  14. Buc4evr Says:

    The problem is that the Bucs only learn from their mistakes in the last 3 minutes of every game. The HC and OC never learn from their mistakes. Different game, same gameplan…

  15. BucU Says:

    In the middle of the game I thought they were going for the Bucs record for consecutive 3 and outs. They were up to 6 or 7 of them.
    They have this kind of ineptitude in virtually every game. Even the games they’ve won. This is a bad football team.

  16. Since76 Says:

    Defense was responsible for 9 points. Mayfield just isn’t good enough. Nice that we won but the bucs are under .500. mostly because of Baker but also because of Bowles and Canales. Under .500 is not a good team. Next year under .500 won’t get you into first place even in our terrible division.

  17. Jack Clark Says:

    Learning from mistakes??? Is running between the tackles on first and second down to no where not a mistake to learn from? Todd Bowles is full of 💩 and will get fired for his incompetence

  18. Couch Fan Says:

    At this point I just laugh at anything this guy says. Complete joke.

  19. rashad brown Says:

    That’s my issue with this team. Have a sense of urgency when the game starts.

  20. HC Grover Says:

    If he could only keep quiet he would be better off. I have hope they can beat the Pack and Jax….Green Shoots. Just a glimmer. Cant wait for the game.

  21. jugheadfla1 Says:

    more Chase Edmonds on 1st and 2nd downs

  22. bob in valrico Says:

    Yes, Jack
    Yes both our 2 recent OC and HC Love to do what we don’t do well.

  23. TonySoprano Says:

    Bowles didn’t answer the question at all. His speech pattern is like Kamala Harris. He just spews random words into a sentence, and then rearranges the words and spurts more gibberish. He talks without actually saying anything.

  24. Fritz50 Says:

    To me, it’s all about not appearing to have any sense of urgency until it’s too late, or at least ALMOST too late. For most of its existence, this team has seemed to refuse to put a team behind AND THEN step on their throats. We had a few of those in 2020 and 2021, but that’s it for most of our history.

  25. ATLBuc Says:

    Joe! Is there something we don’t know? My NFL fantasy has Trask projected as the starter this week.

  26. Conner50 Says:

    Playoffs or not Tampa needs a new head coach, this guy is not cut out for it whatsoever

  27. Casual Observer Says:

    Will the Glazers learn from their mistakes? We’ll see.

  28. SB~LV Says:

    Short bus
    Special Education

  29. Buc1987 Says:

    20-17 Bucs win!

  30. Rayjay1122 Says:

    But did he learn to count to 11?

  31. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Trade Godwin, Dean, and cut JTS in the offseason and boom Bucs have cap space to sign everyone they need and then some.

  32. Guy In the Stands Says:

    The effort has improved, there is still some me guys on this team. That are only looking out for themselves.

    Those guys need to go, Devin White can lead them out the door. Dude wanted a trade and wanted more $$$. Now he has played so poorly he will be hard pressed to find a 1yr prove it deal.

  33. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Always the backhanded compliments with Bowles. If he really wants to win, he can also consider pitching shut outs with that defense of his. Was painful to watch Defenders press and put their hands on Evans at the line of scrimmage, then watch Davis playing soft coverage and getting flagged for being physical at the wrong time. Waiting for Bowles to learn from his mistakes. Tis the season.

  34. DungyDance Says:

    The new 9-man defensive scheme is all I can think about when I hear talk about learning from mistakes. Speaking of that brilliant scheme…we’ve got dibs once again on a catchy new name. The Tampa 2 was popularized by Dungy. Bowles is now creating the “Tampa minus 2”. Brilliant!!! It is sure to catch on.

  35. David Says:

    Baker and Toilet Bowl will be gone by the end of the season. Stop selling Baker to us. He is doe here. He will be a back up if lucky next year.

  36. Jmarkbuc Says:

    It would be great if we had a real GM.

    One with a real plan. This mish mash of crap we get every year isn’t a long term plan or vision.

    Bud Licht is a poser.

  37. Lets bring the Hammer! Says:

    Joe chill out. We are a different team now.
    The improvement speaks for itself when you are confident enough to handle the opposing offense with 9 defenders.

    We got this!

  38. HC Grover Says:

    Just beat the Pack and Jax. Then call back.

  39. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Like the win but still a little frustrated. Atlanta was handing us the game all day long with their turnovers and missed field goals and yet it took a penalty on Atlanta to get us in scoring position and that last drive Baker was all over the place with his throw. Thanks to the football gods we got the win KEEP GOING Bucs

  40. canabuc Says:

    Let’s put up more than 7 or 10 in the first half, how about it?

  41. ATLBuc Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:
    December 12th, 2023 at 1:44 pm
    Oops, supposed to say what Fantasy league is showing Trask is starting?

    NFL It has Trask with 15.8 projected points and Baker with 1.6

  42. ATLBuc Says:

    Now Trask back to .73😕😕

  43. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Defensive guru Bowles lines up 9 players on the goal line in week 14 and he says they’re learning from their mistakes! I guess he’s trying to use new words instead if the old “miscommunications and busted assignments”.

  44. stpetebucfan Says:

    I’m OK with learning from mistakes IF there is actual learning!

    Repeating the same mistakes over and over again is NOT learning.

  45. Popcorn Mike Says:

    The question I am asking is, who’s gonna be the Bucs QB next year? Mayfield has been ok but, he’s no Brady L Jackson or Mchomes. No one knows really who Trask is. He hasn’t played. Pre season is a lot different from like now Teams or playing for the playoffs and some coaches jobs I really hope they draft a QB no later then high in the second round

  46. TonySoprano Says:

    London Drake topped the league in receiving yards this week.

    Young QBs regularly post top weekly numbers against this D (Stroud, Ridder, Purdy)

    Texans WRs had 3 of the top 5 yards against us that week.

    Keep up the great work Todd, you defensive genius

  47. SB~LV Says:

    Bowles and Leftwhich are part of his legacy with the Bucs

  48. Darin Says:

    You are correct. That’s exactly the team bowles wants. He wants a team who can compete with anyone. He wants the games all close in the 4th quarter. Wants a chance to win. He just has no idea how to get the wins. His players usually fall apart under pressure. He’s not who he thinks he is

  49. Boss Says:

    you cats think we will beat GB in the cold…



  50. Oz Len Says:

    You forgot these games, Mayfield threw a TD to Mike Evans with 2:44 left against the Bills, threw a pass for 2 point conversion, Then got ball back drove to mid-field, and threw a perfect Hail Mary but every Tampa recieiver was tackled by the Bills, No call.

    Then he threw a touchdown with 46 seconds left against Texas but Tampa defense let the Texans score with 16 seconds lef.

  51. Lets bring the Hammer! Says:

    Bowles please, no more

    Tampa -2

    We need all 11. Unless you are trying to tank and you failed at it!

  52. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Winning in Green Bay would be a huge statement, and restore a lot of confidence in this regime. It’s the Bucs biggest game since the Cowboys playoff gutting.

  53. CyberDillemma Says:

    Mayfield led them to a near comeback win in the first Atlanta game also but the defense caved in the last minute and gave up a last second field goal.

  54. infomeplease Says:

    Oz Len, don’t confuse people here with facts. Football is a team sport. The way TB wants to play it, there is no room for any error from offense, defense, or special teams! Of course the coaches aren’t demanding perfection and are mostly content with the way things go. The 6 and 7 record shows that. Flip the coin, odds are you’ll win about half the time! Doesn’t matter if you have the GOAT as your QB!! Flip the coin.

  55. HC Grover Says:

    Desperation makes for strange bedfellows.

  56. Capt.Tim Says:

    Bowles is a terrible head coach.
    Hes gone after this season, and everyone knows it.

    Baker Mayfield may also be gone. He has no contractual ties to this team after this year. He has proven that he is a starting QB in this League- and can win games.
    Why wouldnt he go to a contender?
    He can and should dump us.

    Then we are stuck with a first year coach, and some mid-first round rookie QB stumbling around.
    John Woolford may be your starting QB next year.

    We should all really appreciate this year, when we are at least in the hunt.
    Next year could be another year of salary cap Purgatory, with no chance of winnig games.
    Think about that cheerful thought.

  57. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    Joe, don’t forget about the Houston game, arguably Mayfield’s best game as a buck.

  58. Since76 Says:

    Capt Tim. If we have Mayfield as a starter again we will have the same record unless the defense regresses. Then it will be worse.

  59. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    We can blame the defense for all the yardage and points it gives up, busted coverages and missed tackles but some of the offensive ineptitude rests on Fakers shoulders. He has more bad and mediocre games than he’s had good and he’s a 6 year very. He has accuracy issues on a regular basis and is a big reason for all our 3 & outs. We were lucky to win in Atlanta because of him, but to hear it from his loudest cheerleaders he’s the 2nd coming off Fran Tarkenton. Between him Canales and Bowles we’re lucky to have 5 wins

  60. Tony Marks Says:

    Capt.Tim Says:
    December 12th, 2023 at 4:01 pm

    Hes gone after this season, and everyone knows it.


    Nope we don’t.

    Bucs very well could end the season a winning team

    When last has a coach got fired for having a winning season with a New OC , New QB and under salary cap restraint when they were projected to win four games or less.?

    Only a big name has the glazer’s shelving that BUT what message would canning a winning coach give to such a big name Coach? It would say – expectations are too high too fast for a team that already has one big strike against it – small market team.

  61. Capt.Tim Says:

    Tony Marks
    We are 6-7
    We play the Packers and the Jags next.
    Winning record is unlikely.

    Since 76
    Soooo, you think a rookie will play Better?
    With a horrible line, no run game, and no cap space to fix.

    Wow, Im glad I dont have insane thoughts like that in my head. You should seek treatment immediately.
    And meybe try actually watching football

  62. Mark hardt Says:

    All you have to do is get to the playoffs than anything can happen. Parity or parody maybe was Pete Rozelle,s idea. He decided early on that all TV money (but not ticket sales) would be divided equally. Than it was hammered in harder with the salary cap. It is not like that in MLB where there is no salary cap and local TV is not divided up. Naturally the LA Dodgers can afford to over pay Ohtani but the Brewers can,t. NBA, NHL, and MLS are more like the NFL.Euro soccer depends on the country. Germany is more NFL but France is all MLB.

  63. Capt.Tim Says:

    Tony Marks.
    Uh, TONY DUNGY had a winning record, went to the playoffs, and was fired shortly after that playoff game.
    By the Glazers.
    And win or not- Todd Bowles is gone.
    The team stars have quit on him. The defense is horrible

    Yeah- that gets a defensive coach fired.

  64. Tony marks Says:

    Capt.Tim Says:
    December 12th, 2023 at 8:23 pm
    Tony Marks.
    Uh, TONY DUNGY had a winning record, went to the playoffs, and was fired shortly after that playoff game.

    so what? I listed several conditions and you cherry picked one and think you have a good point? Dungy to my recollection was with us 5/6 years and the expectations for that team was NOT 4 wins

    Apples and oranges

    and please spare us the nonsense illusion the jaguars or packers are unbeatable. the packers have the same record and the jags are on a two game losing streak. I’ll give that the jags will be tough but i am more afraid of the weather with the packs game than I am the packs themselves.

    Only in sports do peopel wax so utterly silly as to claim to know the future for a fact. Bowles may be fired or he might not be . For you to say you know for for a act regardless of whether he later is or not is just silly. You have no crystal ball that works and never will.

  65. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Time will tell if Bowles is retained, but I hate to see too much coaching turnover. That’s how you end up like the Panthers and Jets.

  66. BucU Says:

    and please spare us the nonsense illusion the jaguars or packers are unbeatable. the packers have the same record and the jags are on a two game losing streak. I’ll give that the jags will be tough but i am more afraid of the weather with the packs game than I am the packs themselves
    Ok we’ll spare you the illusion nonsense until after the Packers and Jags smoke us the next 2 weeks. I promise you your post won’t age well.

  67. Gipper Says:

    TonyMarks is one of the few thoughtful people who post comments here.
    Most others are just “fans” which is a derivative of the word fanatic. Fanatics generally don’t know much about anything. Again, I’ll trust Bruce Arians to make reasoned advice and judgement about what happens next year.