“It Seems Like A Different Team Now

December 6th, 2023

Seven weeks ago, the 3-2 Buccaneers suffered an ugly home loss to a sloppy Falcons team, 16-13.

The way Baker Mayfield spoke today at One Buc Palace, that was ancient history when it comes to the Bucs offense. Mayfield made the point that his offense has evolved and tightened up its details a lot since that loss. “It seems like a different team now,” he said.

As Bucs fans may remember, that October Falcons-Bucs game was downright brutal for both teams. Lots of penalites and turnovers, though each club moved the ball.

Mayfield said it was “frustrating” going back to watch that film this week because of how much better the Bucs offense is now.

Joe was glad to hear it, but Joe also now expects Mayfield to back it up Sunday when the Bucs head to Atlanta for a rematch. There are no more excuses left for the Bucs offense. It’s a very healthy group by NFL standards and, in Week 14, it’s no longer a new offense with a new playcaller.

73 Responses to ““It Seems Like A Different Team Now”

  1. Conner50 Says:

    We will lose to the falcons this week and that’ll be it for Bowles after the season is over. Which is great for the future

  2. SB~LV Says:

    Boilerplate press talk

  3. Beeej Says:

    We lost 2 games (that being one of them) where ALL the defense has to do was prevent the other team from driving the length of the field in the final minute

  4. Voice of Truth Says:

    Although roughly 90% of the Gen pop knows Todd is not the answer, I for one have absolutely no idea who or what team is going to show up in the Georgia Dome

    We have the talent and ability to win but we just don’t inspire any confidence in the actual playing of the games except for once every six weeks or so…

  5. zzbuc Says:

    @Truth5 says “Once again I am rooting for the Bucs to lose.”

    That shows what kind of fan yo are……

  6. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    As a fan I want them to win, but on a long term level, I’m conflicted because if we somehow end up as NFC south champs, we will still have Bowles as HC. Our players who are in a new contract window will want more money as we are getting out of cap space hell. Evans and Winfield should get money.

  7. bagelman Says:

    All talk and few wins.

  8. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Yes they are. The offense is showing signs of opening up the run game and moving towards NFL scoring average. The defense is battling through injuries and rookies getting more snap counts. They will squeeze out a W thanks to the Ridder turnover machine. Bank

  9. Aceofaerospace Says:

    How many points did we score against a 1-10 team at home? I don’t see the better offense that he sees.

  10. Beeej Says:

    Driving monsoons are recipes for low scoring games, our particular issue aside

  11. Anonymous Says:

    Barely beat a Caroline team that has only won a single game and now think they can beat anyone. The delusion on this team is worse then the fanbase.

  12. Ha-Ha-Ha Says:

    Big and slow.

  13. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Paratrooper, Bowles wants Ravens South. Not really a bad thing, he could coach a strong running game and lockdown D into SB. I doubt he gets year 3 to make it happen

  14. HC Grover Says:

    Poor Bakefield.

  15. It's Corn Says:

    21 point scoring offensive JUGGERNAUT now

    lol the lies we tell ourselves

  16. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bowles is not a good head coach. Even his peers have said so at the beginning of the season. He is too mild mannered of a leader and doesn’t hold everyone to the same standard in the locker room. He’s got favorites. His ceiling is coordinator. There’s nothing wrong with that. But he will hold the franchise back and eventually lose the locker room like he did in NY.

  17. WyomingJoe Says:

    Beeej: Thank you for bringing up the fact that rain (in this case a monsoon at times) was one of the reasons why our passing game was off against the Panthers. Of course, one of the Joes thinks that the rain shouldn’t affect a QB in the NFL. Simple physics would disagree Joe. Anyway, looks like the Cult of Kyle is back in stride, hoping against hope that the Bucs lose and their messiah starts next week. Not going to happen kids! So, go back to the mom’s basement and continue sucking your thumb.

    Keep winning Baker

  18. Bojim Says:

    Who pulls for their team to lose?? Oh yeah. A loser.

  19. pmarcello Says:

    Baker Mayfield is a person of stature. A man of quality. Baker possesses the kind of virtues we all wish our sons to have. The kind we wish we personally wish to have. Baker has character. Baker has integrity. Baker has courage. Baker has grit. and stands fearless in the face of adversity. He also possesses common sense, long an American virtue [at least until the last few decades.
    In short Baker is a leader.Baker believes in and has faith in God. The kind of guy the Marines would follow. The kind of guy George Patton would take on his team in a heart beat.
    These are traits you tlking turd trolls that hanqng out on this site cannot comprehend because you don’t have those qualitys. That is why I am inclined to believe that Baker will lead the Bucs to victory on Sunday much more than I would ever consider your prejudiced vitriolic drivel. Over the next 5 games I believe Baker will ball out and take this division with 4 or 5 wins. forget about your pretty boy Trask. He won’t see the field again this year. And after the Buc clinch there will be even better things to come.You bums want him gone well be careful what you wish for because he will have lots of options after this season.
    Go ahead draft your Caleb. By the way how did he do against ND? Now he isforgoing USC’s bowl game. That says a lot about his charcter. Another mercenary selfish prime donna. Kind of like DeSean who Cleveland garranteed a couple hundred million buck to. How is that working out for them? You fools fall for it every time. “All that glitters is not Gold!
    Go Baker. Go Bucs!

  20. Bee Says:

    No need to root for the team to lose. They’ll do their best and probably lose.

    Interesting he said the offense is playing better now. I just see Mike Evans playing better. Anyway, I expect the Falcons to run it down the Bucs throats. This one might be brutal and scoring 7 or 10 pts by halftime won’t get the job done.

  21. Dwayne Cone Says:

    No Rain projected in M.B Stadium this week. No excuses. Although a wet track does favors the receivers.

    20-25 yard passes are about it as displayed by the TD to Evans and the 25 frozen rope TD Ridder threw against the Jets. Not many are dumb enough to attempt to throw 30+ but there are a few. Perhaps the law of physics don’t apply at Raymond James and it only takes 5 minutes to boil Grits in Tampa.

  22. Saskbucs Says:

    Even if Bucs win this week and win the south, it is surely with a losing record. I can’t believe Bowles would be safe. He has to be a dead man walking. Glazers must see he isn’t the guy with some of these brutal losses with the D sucking. Especially if they end up with a new QB in the draft.

  23. Dwayne Cone Says:

    pmarcello Says:
    December 6th, 2023 at 2:32 pm
    Baker Mayfield is a person of stature. A man of quality. Baker possesses the kind of virtues we all wish our sons to have.

    Kind of Guy that would stand tall and face the Music. One taught to never run from the Police. Now it’s St. Baker? GMAFB

    There has to be a Lipstick and Pig saying in there somewhere.

  24. Greg Says:

    Wow. Some of these comments. I am glad that Baker has a fan club/cult following. I hope they win each and every Sunday. I would be delighted to discover that Bowles is a great coach and they will be perennial Super Bowl contenders with Baker and Bowles at the helm.

    I am not seeing it. If you are, good for you and please pass me whatever you are smoking.

  25. Jack Clark Says:

    Blah blah blah Baker Mayfield pouts and he gets mad but all that translates to is two measly touchdowns and a turnover 😂 Seriously we need to stop listening to what these players and coaches say and judge them by their performance

  26. realistic-optimistic Says:

    @pmarcello, let’s see it! People are hard on him because he’s not doing what you say he is. Let’s see him win 4 of the next 5 as you predict. I’m taking the under.

  27. NE Fan Says:

    Ya they got worst. Three of thier 4 wins are teams at the bottom of their division and the 4th the Saints sitting at 3rd. Total of 14 games won by all the teams Bucs beat. Ya they’re world beater Baker.

  28. NE Fan Says:

    Beej & Wyoming Joe, the rain was falling over the Carolina ayers as well. The rain helped the Bucs secure the victory. Rain always favors receivers because they know where they are going, one DB slip up and next thing you know poof, a 75yd TD scamper. I thought the constant whining about refs on this site was bad now it’s the weather. How about Bowles take his boys out of the air conditioned dome and practice in the rain, under sprinklers or with water logged balls like the real teams do.

  29. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Pmarcello – you need a reality check. Deifying a football players virtuous appearance and comparing him to a soldier, especially one under Pattons command, is a delusion if I ever read one. It speaks volumes to the distorted and inflated view some fans have of sports figures and their value/role in society.

  30. WyomingJoe Says:

    Pmarcello: Inspiring comments.

    Greg: Your usual trite, loser comments.

    NE Fan: Go back to your Pats and whine on their site because you’re embarrassing yourself.

    BAKER: Just keep winning!

  31. Jack Clark Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    December 6th, 2023 at 3:05 pm
    Ya they got worst. Three of thier 4 wins are teams at the bottom of their division and the 4th the Saints sitting at 3rd. Total of 14 games won by all the teams Bucs beat. Ya they’re world beater Baker.

    Not was worse as the Pats though 🫢

  32. Buc1987 Says:

    WyomingJoe…he’s not winning ..he’s 5-7.

    Let’s see what they got in Trask.

  33. NE Fan Says:

    Jackie boy@ of all the Pat’s losses only two have been by more than one score. If the 2-10 Pat’s played the Bucs it would be close but I’d have to go with the Pat’s. They have been playing with two of their best D players out for the season, no QB and wr’s that wouldn’t start on most NFL teams. Ju Ju Smith is their #1 wr. And some ask why Belichick should be fired? He was also the GM.

  34. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    These are the Pro Bowlers for the Cleveland Browns when Baker was their QB:

    RB-Nick Chubb, Kareem Hunt
    WR-Jarvis Landry, OBJ
    OLINE-Joel Bitonio, Wyatt Teller

    All of these Baker supporters say if only he had a good running back and OLINE he’d be amazing.

    Well folks, he had all of that at Cleveland and still only managed 1 winning season with 3 losing seasons in his 4 years there.

  35. Usfbuc Says:

    I don’t see this much improved offense that Baker speaks of but man I know one thing he has united the fan base like no other player since GMC.

  36. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    I got my DD214 from 1995-2003.

    How about you?

    I know Baker doesn’t have one.

  37. chark Says:

    Winning this division with a losing record is not a metric that should be used in derterminig bowles fate! This division is so bad! lastyear it was impossible for the bucs to end with a losing record and this year with easier schedule it still is a joke. At 8-9 he needs to be fired!

  38. chark Says:

    winning the division with a losing record is a fireable offense. this division has 4 losers..bowles needs to go!!

  39. NE Fan Says:

    BelleGlade@ you forgot top 10 D!!!

  40. Becky Says:

    Yeah Baker won with those players until the knife got stuck in his back by dirtbags who are getting their payback right now. Deshan is doing what he always does, finding ways to collect money, and not play so, he can hunt for more victims like the predator he is. While in Cleveland the team was NOT built to Bakers strengths. Cleveland ownership and management were too busy looking for what they already had, and that choice is biting them right now and they totally deserve it. Fans who complain that Baker isn’t good enough aren’t fans. They are losers who don’t know a damn thing about football and since they are almost all men that is pathetic. Grow up cry babies appreciate a guy who puts his body on the line every week and has kept us in every game we have been in. Remember Mike Evans is a future Hall Of Famer but he is only as good as the guy getting him the ball.

  41. Alanbucsfan Says:

    No more excuses- that includes excuses for an inferior interior OLine run blocking- pass blocking is a different animal

  42. Mike C Says:

    Hey NE fan, go back and watch a real offensive attack like up in Boston…… 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣

  43. Since76 Says:

    I don’t care who the bucs decide to go with at QB this season it’s pretty much over. The bucs need to get better next year at QB. We will except that this year was all about getting out of cap hell. Time to clean house and build a team with new coaches and new QB.

  44. dmatt Says:

    Here we Baker with his excuses, Sounds like Deja Vu i.e.,Winston, I’ve gotta learn to just throw the ball away. Gotta play smarter, gotta play smarter. Baker almost cost us a loss to the almost winless Panthers. He cost us a lost to the Falcolns.
    I’m tired of his excuses. Why did he stand in the pocket up to 5-6 seconds on two sacks that could’ve been prevented. That’s common with high schoolers.

  45. Robbie Says:

    Wow, looks like everyone is starting to catch on, Baker sucks!!!!

  46. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    ME13 is a Hall of Famer because it doesn’t matter who is his quarterback because he produces year in and year out for 10 seasons having had these elite quarterbacks throwing him the ball (excluding the GOAT TB12 as he is truly elite and was ME13’s quarterback for 3 out of his 10 seasons):

    Josh McCown
    Mike Glennon
    Jameis Winston
    Ryan Fitzpatrick
    Baker Mayfield

  47. Buc1987 Says:

    Yeah Becky pipe down… pumpkin.

  48. Jmarkbuc Says:


  49. PassingThru Says:

    @pmarcello and Becky:

    You’re both right. God is disguised as Baker Mayfield.

    @NE fan:

    I’d take the Bucs over NE. Belichick’s ineptitude destroyed Mac Jones (inept second year selection of QB Coach and OC, terrible O Lines, miserable WR corp). Bailey Zappe doesn’t have the talent to be a good backup. He has better mechanics than Mac, but he telegraphs his passes. Just watch him Thursday night, he’ll stare down his primary receiver, allowing zone DBs to either hang back and hope for an INT, or get an extra step or two in coverage. If Zappe sees that the primary receiver is covered, he’ll take forever to go through his progressions and find an open target. That’s why he takes too many sacks.

    The NE defense has had a great run of late, albeit against marginal competition. Belichick remains an outstanding defensive coach, but he is out of his league (and almost out of this league!) due to his inability to draft, develop the skilled positions on offense, and his rather weird selection of coaches.

  50. WyomingJoe Says:

    BelleGladeBuc: Apparently you never followed the Browns. Yeah, the Browns had a Top 5 O-Line to start each season, but they always had a ton of injuries and lost key starters and backups throughout 2020 and 2021. Not that you ever paid attention, obviously! In 2020, when Baker was healthy, most of his line was in tact, but the defense didn’t really start playing well until the second half of the season. I should also add that the Browns easily could have ended up 13-3 if not for their defense. Then the D sucked again against the Chiefs in the second round of the playoffs and the Browns lost a close one. So, time for you to stop your BS!

  51. Buccaneric Says:

    At 7-5 the Bucs went on a run. It’s why we watch. Who knows what happens Sunday. The one certainty is that the nfl ferrets out bad coaches with ruthless menace. Todd Bowles need to coach the hell out of this team for the last few weeks.

  52. Buccaneric Says:

    I should add, no coach at this level is bad, but it’s the Peter principle.

  53. Darin Says:

    Yeah the offense is offensive all right wakey wakey hands off bakey. Way to bumble your way to 18 a game. We know the coach is holding you back but that’s been you at every stop. Some call it a pattern

  54. Drunkinybor Says:

    @Pmarcello I can ask a friend to get you bakers cell number if you wanna hook up and fanboy out. He might be worried out at the devotion or might not. You can take your chances. The whole he would lead the Marines in battle with zhoetge Patton and how he’s got faith in God and loves beer, babies,bbq, and the American flag seems a bit much but who am I to say. I didn’t say it’s odd for a grown man to adore another man’s sword and shield.

  55. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Excuses. Ifs, buts, shoulda, coulda, woulda. That’s all you are.

    After all of your excuses for Baker it still doesn’t change the fact that Baker Mayfield is a career losing journeyman quarterback.

    That’s a fact.

    And none of your excuses change it.

  56. NE Fan Says:

    Drunkin@ pmarcello will have to wait his turn Becky has first dibs though there maybe nothing left.

  57. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


    They beat the worse team in the NFL. What an accomplishment.

  58. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Bojim Says
    “Who pulls for their team to lose?? Oh yeah. A loser.”

    Someone who isn’t selfish enough to want a win over what is best for the team.

  59. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    PassingThru Says:
    “Bailey Zappe doesn’t have the talent to be a good backup. He has better mechanics than Mac, but he telegraphs his passes.”

    Um…so does Baker Mayfield.

  60. Rod Munch Says:

    “As Bucs fans may remember, that October Falcons-Bucs game was downright brutal for both teams. Lots of penalites and turnovers, though each club moved the ball.”


    Yes, now the offense has evolved so we have penalties, turnovers and don’t move the ball.


  61. NE Fan Says:

    Bonzai@ and Trask does???

  62. pmarcello Says:

    Hey drunkinebor I think it is you who has thew latent sexual inclination. You should stay drunk and STFU lest you say something to some dudes face and earns you an old fashion knuckle sandwich.

    Hey belle islebuc. I got out of the Corps in 74. Back in my day there were lots of guys in the NFL who were like Baker. For example the whole Steeler squad,the Cowboys,Vikings,Dolphins,Packers,Rams, Chiefs, Lions,Bears and Colts but not the Browns. And Yeah Patton would have loved them all.
    Not so much these days . Now days we have all these prima donna super stars who unionized so they don’t have to practice much and get paid stupid money. They alo seem tyo get hurt more.

  63. D Cone Says:

    Baker deployed to Camp Ray Jay.
    Baker’s a Fighter

    Couldn’t win the starting job in College.Fought? Transferred.
    Got benched on his first tour. Fought Back?Nope. Asked to be traded.
    Got benched on second tour? Fought Back? Nope. Asked to be released.

    Even when stopped by the MP’s in college was there a display of vulgarity? A FU or SMD? Nope. Ran like a little Bioch.

    Plays a game and retreats to a Million $ Fox Hole? That’s a Warrior?

  64. Larrd Says:

    Big game Sunday! Can’t wait!

    Baker is the yeast of the Bucs problems!

    The team is on the rise!

  65. Sacker58 Says:

    It’s not the offense that I worry about.
    It’s the defense Which one will show up.
    I really believe the bucs are better when Devin whites not in there.
    He’s a liability when it co.es to defending passes.
    This game in my esti.ation will determine the rest of the season.

  66. BakerBucs Says:

    all the haters remember the training camp u all said they wouldn’t win 5 games I remember all u haters saying the same thing over & over well they already won 5 games with 5 to go so they have obviously done better than u r sorry tripe u haters spew.let me ask u haters who the hell expected this team to perform at SB level in the 1st year new QB new OC & 12 new rookies.i ean nothing wud ever plz u losers there is not 1 top team in this league with an outstanding record in 1 yr together as a unit.keep dreaming this guys have the talent with some real time.together they will b above the frey soon enough.by u r standards new QB next yr & u r problems r solved u people r stupid I mean really stupid I don’t think real true fans even read these post they don’t need to they r smart that’s like wanting to listen to Gavin newsome what a joke

  67. BakerBucs Says:

    Dcone says is that anything like the movie the coneheads learn to spell cause u have nothing else going u r way jackass I emphasize jackass

  68. Glass (almost) Half Full Guy Says:

    No more talk. It’s action time. As the late, great Jim Morrison said,

    “The time to hesitate is through
    No time to wallow in the mire”

    C’mon Baker, light our fire!

    Go Bucs! Pluck the Dirty Birds!

  69. UKBuccaneer Says:

    dmatt Says:
    Baker almost cost us a loss to the almost winless Panthers. He cost us a lost to the Falcolns.


    My memory is a little hazy. I recall that game being tied with .40 seconds to go.

    It’s a team game. Always has been.

  70. James Napier Says:

    That’s usually blame one quarterback instead of like a whole defense it totally sucked for two games…

  71. James Napier Says:

    Becky Spencer’s right Deshawn is a clown and the Browns fans wish they had Baker Mayfield and you will too when you get stuck with some total dumb rookie like DTV or whatever the clown we have now yeah go Bucks. You have two super bowls in this website totally censors my comments

  72. Ms Debra Ameche Says:

    I was die hard Cleveland fan for the longest time. and then Baker Mayfield came along…Oh, I continued to be a die hard fan. I didn’t know how much of a die-HARD fan Baker would become of me!

    We had some impromptu one-on-one training sessions in the Berea Training Camp parking lot. He told me how to throw spiral. Then I insisted on doing “an end run.” He actually surprised me with a QB sneak right up the middle. Oh he definitely got in. Over the playing condition for wet Baker had no problem slipping and sliding all over the field and I didn’t mind it at all I mean he was running all up and down on me he must have scored 69 points that day we were just having a little touch football game…. and then he got married

  73. Pappabill Says:

    As usual there are a bunch of idiots hoping we lose . My question to them is WTF is wrong with you all . We have a golden opportunity here and fans want us to tank for the draft. What a bunch of losers you all are .
    My generation is you play to win the game….that’s character and integrity
    Xs and Millinials you uh what?why?uh uh uh 😳 🤪 😏 🤧 😌 let’s show how classless we really are…stupid also…let’s lose because…we’re losers. Have no integrity and live at home with mommy….