“I Want To Make Coach Bowles Proud”

December 21st, 2023

Emotional day at One Buc Palace.

Things got emotional at One Buc Palace today.

Offensive coordinator Dave Canales had his weekly news conference and got choked up while being asked to reflect on his taking the job and building an offense.

Within seconds Canales to get choked up.

“First and foremost, you know, I want to make Coach Bowles proud,” Canales said. “You know, I want to make him right. Excuse me (pause to compose himself and exhaling loudly). Just a guy who believed in me and gave me a shot. For me, it’s about grinding and working hard and trying to prove him right. You know, Jason Licht, too, the whole group. It means a lot to me. It’s important.”

The last time Joe can remember a Bucs player or coach this emotion when a death was not involved is Josh McCown. But today’s emotion was much cooler.

Joe will leave it right there. Canales is driven. And he loves him some Todd Bowles.

40 Responses to ““I Want To Make Coach Bowles Proud””


    Dave Canales has overcome some personal demons, for which I can relate. — That often will contribute to the emotions of someone who is appreciative of opportunities provided. — He is doing a hell of a good job.

  2. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Don’t sully Canales comments by bringing up Stuart McClown

  3. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Pretty sweet. The Bucs might go down in the playoffs (yes they will win the division) but they’re gonna go down fighting. This team has heart. Love it

  4. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Somewhere Spongebob Square-hat is mad bro

  5. Lt. Dan Says:

    Well said TAMPA BAY DEMON.

  6. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    It’s always heartening to witness gratefulness.

    There are so many ungrateful for what they have been afforded.

  7. aleyz2020 Says:

    He has got to be related to the guy who plays Dave on the CBS show “The Neighborhood”. Anyone else see the resemblance?

  8. DS Says:

    I’m ok with him choking up, he got a shot at probably his football dream and wants to do well…. I bless it no McClown crying on a losing team that was unacceptable

  9. Jack Clark Says:

    #TEAMPOSITIVE! yayyyy

  10. infomeplease Says:

    If he can get his offense playing on Sunday the way they were against the Packers, he’ll have me all choked up too!

  11. Lakeland Steve Says:

    We have to give everyone a chance in life even in professional football. The guy has never been a coordinator until this year. A lot of stuff you have to learn on the job. The guy is driven, he believes in what he is teaching and trying to accomplish 100%. The offensive players believe in him and we can see their progress in this offense. I really hope he can continue as a coordinator either here or somewhere else because I think he is going to be a real good one. We may look back one day if this staff is not brought back and scratch our heads asking why did we let him go.

  12. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Great press conference, I’m feeling confident come Christmas Eve…Guy has heart and desire no doubt!! pretty cool. Go Bucs!!!

  13. D-Rome Says:

    Josh McCown

    I remember this, and I remember this article. This is why I have always disliked it when you called him “Stewart McClown”. The guy got an opportunity to be a starter in the NFL and he took it. He did his best and he physically took a beating behind a putrid offensive line.

  14. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    That’s the good stuff right there. Keep on keeping on brother. Go Bucs!

  15. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    This is a must see presser……

    Canales v Leftwich……..Chicken Salad v Chicken $hit

  16. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    I’ll get all choked up too if Bucs can win division AND one playoff game.

  17. 941Boltsfan Says:

    When you’re installing a brand new system on a team with a Qb most laughed at (not me personally loved it) with a guy who’s never been an OC I expected time and more than just one season to be able to prove your worth. I can’t stand the Coaching carousel I find it nauseating.

  18. BrianBucs Says:

    Canales has been learning on the job.
    I think he will just keep getting better as time goes by and he gets more games under his belt.
    I still can’t believe though that it took he and Bowles and Licht and whoever else 13 weeks to put Godwin back in the slot.

  19. HC Grover Says:

    We could be Heros
    Just for one day

  20. TF Says:

    Personal Demons? The man has an extensive football background and Pete Carrol had him on his staff at USC . He worked under some great offensive coordinators also. He is obviously emotional about getting a chance from Bowles and let’s face it he was under huge stress from our mediocre offensive start at best. So our recent success feels like the weight of the world lifted. Hardly a personal demon narrative. Just a hard working coach that cares about his players and coaches. You can say what you want about Pete Carrol but he is forever the optimist and a good leader to learn from.

  21. Durango 95 Says:

    “The last time Joe can remember a Bucs player or coach this emotion when a death was not involved is Josh McCown.”

    When Dirk Koetter was named the Bucs’ new head coach (2016) he was pretty well chocked up during his introductory press conference.

  22. Buccos Says:

    Canales is trending in the right direction at the right time of year. And we are extremely healthy. As well as controlling our own destiny. It’s not a bad position to be in, despite the record

  23. Kidfloflo Says:

    No BrianBucs, this was their master plan, like Rocky fighting south paw, then all a sudden pow! Right in the kisser…genuius

  24. Since76 Says:

    You shouldn’t have brought up mccown. Just flashes of bad times swirling all around Canales aura now. Bad juju.

  25. Marine Buc Says:

    I have studied body language and psychological triggered reactions during my previous career and it is something I still do as a fun hobby today.

    I can tell you from experience that Dave Canales had a legit emotional reaction when he stated “he was grateful to Todd Bowles and Jason Licht for believing in him and he wanted to prove them right”…

    It was a great moment to witness.

  26. Citrus County Says:

    Take that all you haters. For all those without a brain or heart maybe you will see that Dave Canales and Todd Bowles are human beings with hearts and brains that are trying very hard and doing their best. Do you think for one second that they were hired and paid lots of money if they were as you make them out to be? Let’s see you even get an interview much less get hired for such a job.

    It is reasonable to fairly critique their performances. Be fair be kind. It is the time of year to be especially aware of that. Merry Christmas to all.

  27. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    This team takes a big leap when the lawn chair cornerbacks either have an epiphany or their demons get exercised which is one of the same! A defensive team effort is not composed of 9.

  28. Duane in Sanford Says:

    It was a great presser. No doubt this guy has what it takes, or is a great leader of men. Bowles gave him a shot, but it doesnt sound like many people wanted it. I hope Bowles can turn the page and get rolling in step with his OC. Lots of jobs are on the line. I dont want to see Canales lose his.

  29. Bucs96NYC Says:

    There’s something in coming up the hard way. Going thru the grind to rise to positions that are very very important. You can tell it matters to him & not just collecting a check.

  30. garro Says:

    Hey Hey Hey…Theres no cryiing in football!!! Done in my best Tom Hanks voice.

    Love the passion fom Canales makes me want him to succeed even more.

    Go Bucs!

  31. gotbbucs Says:

    Minus one possible malcontent, this team seems to have really galvanized in the last couple weeks. I’m honestly feeling a lot better about the future. Bowles defense seems to still have some shortcomings, but he’s also dealing with a half deck in the secondary every single week.
    I can get behind this entire group sticking together this offseason while adding and subtracting a couple pieces here and there.

  32. ModHairKen Says:

    That story just made me a believer. When someone feels this strongly, it is infectious.

    Maybe I have been wrong about Bowles. Maybe he’s doing everything he is capable of doing. Maybe it will take more time. Is he a good man? It sure seems that he is.

    I hope they keep proving me wrong.

  33. Since76 Says:

    I hope this team wins out. I hope the offense looks like it did last week. But if it doesn’t do we keep the coaches and get rid of the players or vise versa. Dungy is a great human being but he couldn’t win the big one here. Gruden was a great coach doing a hell of a lot better than this coach. You settle for mediocrity and that’s exactly what you get in the NFL. Again I hope the offense does well every week. But it’s only happened twice this year.

  34. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Well said ‘76..

  35. IE Buc Says:

    They were probably a loss away from getting canned had they lost to the Panthers. I hoping to see them fired in season had they lost that Panthers game. I have to admit that Canales and Bowles have turned it around.

    That Green Bay game was beautiful. Canales showed growth and willingness to change what wasn’t working.

    It also helped that the right players were either benched, injured, and cut from the team. The players that were dragging the team and season down.

  36. bob in valrico Says:

    Could it be that Canales was finally given the green light to run a more varied offense ?
    Especially on first and second down where percentages are greater for pass completions. This also allows Baker to get into a rhythm early in the game.


    TF Says:
    “Personal Demons? Hardly.”

    I was referring to his bout with alcoholism, TF.

  38. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Let’s gooo. Great article Joe. Emotions play a part in football to good ways and bad ways. This is deff a good way and makes me want to root for canales even more. Man if they can have a few more games like the packers game I would change my mind in wanting the staff to be gone and give them next year and see what another year can do in canales offense. It’s crazy how one really good win ( packers ) can wipe away a lot of bad games lol. My biggest pet peeve is like last years cowgirls game (playoffs) Bucs looked very unprepared. If that happens again like it did against a few good teams this year bowels might need to go.

  39. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Bob that’s what I’ve bin thinking. The handcuffs came off most likely. Lol

  40. Hey mang Says:

    Go get Mike Tomlin