From “Out Of Sorts” To Vaunted Playmaker

December 19th, 2023

It’s not popular among today’s pewter and red clad Publix shoppers to mention how Baker Mayfield was struggling for weeks prior to Sunday’s thriller in Green Bay.

Facts don’t always feel nice. The film was suspect over the previous four games, but Mayfield was making plays in big moments. And then came the breakout against the Packers.

Former Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan was a color analyst on the CBS game broadcast Sunday, which means he spent a lot of prep time watching Mayfield’s December film against the Falcons and Panthers.

Like Joe, Ryan was unimpressed. He told CBS HQ after the game that Mayfield had looked “out of sorts” for weeks but was a changed man in Green Bay. Ryan praised Mayfield for being “aggressive with tight-window throws” and for his overall precision.

Fellow color analyst Tiki Barber agreed with Ryan but emphasized that Mayfield “was gaming” against Carolina and Atlanta, as in making plays at the end of the game.

So here we are. Mayfield is on a six-quarter hot streak. And sometimes that’s all it takes in December to ride a victory stallion into the postseason.

62 Responses to “From “Out Of Sorts” To Vaunted Playmaker”

  1. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Needs to be more consistent…..and then he’ll be a keeper.

  2. sasquatch Says:

    The optimistic view is that the Bucs offense and Baker turned a corner… The realistic view is that they were aided by a terrible GB defense. Both could be true. I’m hoping the optimistic perspective is close to reality, but I can’t say much for our defense. Even if our offense truly is becoming dangerous, the defense is hot garbage.

  3. BillyBucco Says:

    Baker has had some great games throughout his career.
    The win over Pittsburgh in their crib in the playoffs was also one.
    What he needs is some stability and room to grow within a given offense.
    You can look BAD right up to the point where you look good, but is it sustainable?
    He CAN do it, but WILL he?
    Definitely heading in the right direction, but my sour experience with this team tells me whatever they are doing correctly, other teams figure it out and make the change.
    Can Canales and Mayfield solve the WEEKLY riddle is what this comes down to?

  4. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Hot streak at the right time? Not the first time we rode one to a championship. Too many games with sub par play but if this is the game where it all clicked for Mayfield AND Canales then by all means sign him to a better contract. Just hope he doesn’t go all Carlton Davis with a gay new shine contract

  5. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    A brand new shiny contract. Can’t believe that typo made it thru the filters

  6. Bosch Says:

    I sure hope Baker is not reading his press clippings.

  7. Derek Says:

    Will we be getting a podcast this week…seems like Ira is completely MIA from social media. Lots going on with the Bucs

  8. Craig Says:

    At the moment the question is which game(s) were the fluke.

    Was Baker slowly growing into himself and all the previous game(s) flukes, or was that Green Bay game a fluke?

    If he can keep it up I will admit he played himself into a shiny new contract

  9. Tim Says:

    A “Victory Stallion” lol I like it

  10. Duane in Sanford Says:

    developing chemistry with both Evans and Godwin should be the final hurdle for Baker. They are effective regardless of the quarterback. We dont need Baker to be all world. He had a perfect game in GB just by letting the plays come to him. Another lineman, and a power back, and this offense can continue to get better. Not sure how they planned to get CG right, but lets keep doing that. Evans still being unselfish, but very effective.

  11. Irish Laughter Says:

    What does Jerry Tagge, Ken O’Brian, Curtis Painter, Jeff Garcia, Baker Mayfield, Andrew Luck, and Jameis Winston have in common? They all took over after legends and each one was touted by the sports writing experts as being better than Bart Star, Payton Manning, Joe Nameth, Joe Montana, Steve Young, Drew Breese and (yes) Tom Brady. Look it up and you will see how Joe is following the same blueprint of “legend envy” that usually is found in the back of comic books. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  12. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Maybe it took Mayfield 1/2 of the season to get comfortable with Canales’ playbook and rapport with receivers- and then once he started feeling comfortable, he focused on his fundamentals and decision making and reads.
    In any case, he’s playing like a top draft pick and the Bucs would be foolish to gamble on letting him go and putting the team in the hands of a rookie or a 3 year backup who never plays.
    Can’t see Evans re-signing with Bucs under those circumstances.

  13. Florida Girl Says:

    Inconvenient truth for the haters, but let’s not forget the two games that were lost when the defense couldn’t hold the lead. If the defense held on for the win, the conversation/record would be much different and we’d already have the NFC South locked up.

  14. WyomingJoe Says:

    All I heard last week was how Green Bay was going to kick our butts. All the Baker Haters were singing that chorus loudly. In fact, those same Haters said that we wouldn’t beat the Panthers or the Falcons either. So Haters, don’t give me your BS when Baker plays an excellent game and wonder if it was a fluke. It’s no fluke because most of you have never seen him play over the last 5 years. And he’s played with some sh*ty teams. Let’s hope he’s found a home with the Bucs.

    And, if Canales keeps playing aggressively, good things will happen.

    Keep winning Baker.

  15. Todd Rolls Says:

    Still led us back with 31 seconds the week before the by game

  16. Tony Marks Says:

    Number of possible factors

    !) baker ‘s number one priority this year was keeping down ints. Now Playoffs are within reach and the numbers of ints are low. I am sure his agent has signed off making the priority the play offs. So you are seeing Baker throwing into some tight openings I don’t think he lets fly earlier in the season.

    2) ME has been fed. Now the ball can go anywhere and looks like we might have five decent targets now instead of 2 ( C otton has come along, White has been worked in and Moore looks useful)

    3) slot gave back Baker a dominant WR moving him took away

    4) the reputation for having a total worthless run game has been replaced with a reputation that DCs and players have to take into account

    5) as a consequence of #4 you might be seeing the other shoe drop on Canales plan for the offense once the running game was at least not worthless.

  17. Tony Marks Says:

    Florida Girl Says:
    December 19th, 2023 at 6:09 pm
    Inconvenient truth for the haters, but let’s not forget the two games that were lost when the defense couldn’t hold the lead


    The Texans game give away by the defense was particularly bad. That win was booked with even an average defense.

  18. Crickett Baker Says:

    It certainly helped Baker and the game when more pass plays were finally called and more aggressive offensive calls were made.

  19. Hammerhead Says:

    Baker did complete some very tight windows to Godwin. Would expect opposing defenses to try and take advantage of that. Try. Perhaps Palmer or Thompson get some special plays called for them.

  20. OlBoy Says:

    I remember in 2020, the KC game. The game the Bucs figured it out. You just saw it happening, and it was magic. Id really like that same thing to be true for what happened in GB. But I just can’t look past gb’s defensive play as plain horrible. Still, would be nice though.

  21. JK Says:

    Is it possible Canales has done a masterful job of slowly unrolling his entire playbook??

  22. Defense Rules Says:

    Sasquatch … ‘but I can’t say much for our defense. Even if our offense truly is becoming dangerous, the defense is hot garbage.’

    That’s the part that now concerns me the most as the season winds down. The defense has now given up over 5,000 total yards in only 14 games. We could potentially surpass 6,000 yards surrendered in 17 games. Bowles’ defenses always give up a lot of yards, but the Bucs haven’t given up 6,000 or more since the days of Mike Smith.

    THIS is what I was afraid of when it comes to having a dual-hatted HC-DC. It becomes a huge juggling act, and 1 ‘hat’ almost always gets more attention than the other. Lately the HC ‘hat’ has been getting more attention it seems, and the defense is paying a price. Injuries among the Secondary, LBs & DLine haven’t helped obviously, but the defense needs to right itself.

  23. Buddha Says:

    There has not been a single game that we lost because of Mayfield’s play. We were never going to beat Philly, Detroit, the 49ers, or Buffalo. We lost to Atlanta, but Baker got us the lead with less than one minute to go with a big, heady scramble. We lost to Houston, but Baker put us ahead with less than 45 seconds to play. The only game he failed to deliver was the one against the Colts. He was injured early, but he just didn’t have it that day. Still, it was the defense that kept the colts in t he game. The current qb rankings #6:

    1. Tua
    2. Prescott
    3. Goff
    4. Wilson
    5. Jackson
    6. Mayfield
    7. Allen
    8. Maholmes
    9. Stafford
    11. Lawrence

    Everyone is screaming about consistency, but do you think Prescott is consistent. No! Goff, great at home, but…. Maholmes, doesn’t have the weapons he once did. Allen has been up and down. Hurts isn’t in the top 12 and has 12 interceptions. Not saying that Mayfield is better, only that qb play overall has not been great this year.

  24. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    They let him open up the passing game.

  25. A Bucs Fan Says:

    That was a good game and I liked the rhythm/ play calling by Canales against the packers. Let’s see how he does against better defenses. The scores came back and the packers pass defense graded out at a 29. That’s the worst pass coverage grade any team has had in the past 5 seasons.

    I mean Godwin was average 4.8 yards in separation on his catches. That’s outrageous.

    Still the rating and numbers speak for themselves. I just hope Baker and the rest can be consistent against better competition.

  26. unbelievable Says:

    Irish Laughter Says:
    December 19th, 2023 at 5:51 pm
    What does Jerry Tagge, Ken O’Brian, Curtis Painter, Jeff Garcia, Baker Mayfield, Andrew Luck, and Jameis Winston have in common? They all took over after legends and each one was touted by the sports writing experts as being better than Bart Star, Payton Manning, Joe Nameth, Joe Montana, Steve Young, Drew Breese and (yes) Tom Brady. Look it up and you will see how Joe is following the same blueprint of “legend envy” that usually is found in the back of comic books. Keeping it real in Ireland.


    Uh, Jameis took over after McCown / Glennon… and no one in NOLA claimed he’d be better than Drew Brees lol

  27. 1#bucsfan Says:

    I agree with most just looking for 6 to be consistent. If he plays like he did in GB every game pay the man keep him in red and pewter. He’s got talent and heart. Just needs to be consistent.

  28. ModHairKen Says:

    “Just hope he doesn’t go all Carlton Davis with a gay new shine contract”

    That is the funniest autocorrect I’ve seen in a while. Thank you for injuring my larynx laughing.

  29. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Liking the optimism. Its ok to like Baker. This misfit team is still playing hard. The stars could align to finish the season. Cowboys seem in form to play their one and done playoff game again. Why cant we be that team to send them home?

  30. Gipper Says:

    Somebody commented that “they hope Baker isn’t reading his press clippings.”
    Don’t think you have to worry about that. Baker is all football and his experience in Cleveland is a reminder how fickle ownership and management can be. Watch how he handles press conferences. He gives all the credit to his teammates and deflects it from self. We need the defense to do its part. If defense is just OK, Baker should continue to deliver W’s.

  31. Allbuccedup Says:

    Maybe keep Baker with the first two rounds an edge rusher and cornerback third round a power runner like the wisconsin kid to compliment White. Maybe 4th round another mlb after we send the other White packing. Lets try to change the offensive minded league to a defensive minded league. To benefit what we have built. Easy Pesy Go Bucs.

  32. Miller5252 Says:

    I hate to sound negative about all these praise articles, but the hype train needs to slow down. Last time the media was praising them and coming around they were 3-1 and coming off a bye. We know what happened there. Also, they barely beat Carolina and Atlanta, both horrible teams, and had a good outing against the packers. 3 in a row is great, Mayfields play has been great and the team looked its best against the Packers. If they go undefeated the rest of the way and play closer to how they played against the Packers these last 3 games, then the hype train can take off.

  33. Weebs10 Says:

    Keep the hype train rolling! Go Bucs!

  34. DBS Says:

    Those 2 games put us 1 game behind the. Cowturds and the Iggles. Who of course lost to the Seahawks by that blowout score last night. Oh wait. Neither one of those QB’S throw 3 or 4 TD’S every week either.

  35. Buc4evr Says:

    Honestly, I think the play calling by Canales is what hurt Mayfield. Not putting CG in the slot for instance. Trying to run first and not using the pass to set up the run. Not stretching the field with three WRs and the TE. Think it is actually Canales that is finally learning which helps Baker.

  36. Rod Munch Says:

    This Packers defense made people literally start comparing Tommy Devito to Tom Brady. Seriously, the New York media was asking to the Giants coach to compare Devito to Brady after he beat this Packers defense.

    So let’s slow down some on putting Baker in the HOF, and let’s remember our lessons from Fitzmagic, shall we?

    Hopefully Baker can take his career day and use it to get on a hot streak that last the rest of the year, but let’s keep our expectations in check.

    Really the biggest news out of that GB game was the improved and more aggressive play calling on Sunday. Obviously it helps if your QB has a career day, but if the Bucs will just stop wasting downs running it in obvious run situations, where they have no chance to gain yards, and use their ALL-PRO WRs, then the offense can average more than 18 points a game, even if Baker isn’t having a career day or getting the ball at the opponents 5 yard line.

  37. orlbucfan Says:

    It’s about time the Bucs deliver the goods at RJS. I mean wins. All these away victories are great, but how about us homey fans? The Sunday home game vs. Jax is a 1pm start on Christmas Eve. How about a win, Tampa Bay? Canales, I am looking at you! 10-7. Bucs’ record is 5 in a row. No reason why they can’t break it, and make it 6. C’mon, Tampa Bay!!

  38. m milligan Says:

    why won’t u post my messages

  39. m milligan Says:


  40. BillyBucco Says:

    I thought the JAX game was an afternoon game.

  41. BillyBucco Says:

    Just looked and it is an afternoon game.
    They will already have the benefit of watching the Saints Thursday night as well.

  42. Bucfan1988 Says:

    AllBuccedUp, like some of your draft ideas but u to ou missing a couple…

    1) DEFINITELY gotta replace Hainsey at center. He just gets bullied like there’s no tomorrow 🤦🏻‍♂️….Sure wish Jensen could be healed enough to take his position back, then we wouldn’t need to worry on it. He will probably retire..

    2) We need another safety that can bounce between strong & free like Winfield can. I dunno, maybe Izien will take that next step….He reminds me of Winfield 2.0 but he hasn’t figured it out just yet. Awesome tackler though……Not sure about Merriweather yet…..

    Between F/A & the draft, we need:
    – edge rusher (Maybe Burns or 1st round BPA)
    – center
    – corner (trade either Dean or Davis)
    -Left Guard (Stinney is adequate but need to upgrade it)
    – QB is the question depending on how Mayfield finishes & Trask looks if ever given a chance with 1st team so we can see what we have…

    Just my thoughts…

  43. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Oh yeah, we need an RB as well to help out White…

  44. ATLBuc Says:

    I still think Trask is better than Baker but he played a great game Sunday and I hope he can keep it up!!

  45. Fred Says:

    Everyone needs to calm down.

  46. Jmarkbuc Says:

    So Canales finally listened to Mariah and put CG back in the slot. Offense lights up.

    Defense is putrid, an embarrassment to all the great defenses in TB history.

  47. Rick Says:

    Please bucs fans. Be thankful we have Bake. Trask would be 1 win at this point. Mist energy I’ve seen ar qb for us since year three jaboo. Thx Bake, keep fighting the good fight.

  48. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    Hopefully Baker can take his career day and use it to get on a hot streak that last the rest of the year, but let’s keep our expectations in check.


    That would have been fine if that were the attitude all season long in all things – including the hate. Now you want to slither in here and lecture about keeping things even kiel

    LOl… where was that when you were cherishing the idea of Our starting QB getting injured? or rooting for the team to lose. Now there’s a game that shuts you up and so NOW everyone must be even …fake buc fan please.

    Your tentative application to join the Bake band wagon is herewith – denied

    its not like we don’t know if theres even a single drive this Sunday that Baker isn’t on you Traskies won’t ramp up the over the top hate again.

  49. Tony Marks Says:

    Jmarkbuc Says:
    December 19th, 2023 at 10:35 pm

    Defense is putrid, an embarrassment to all the great defenses in TB history.


    That it is . Not a single one score lead is safe – even under 30 seconds and 99 yards needed to score.

    30+ is most likely REQURED against Saints and Jags

  50. David Says:

    Baker Fans,
    Your midget boy, Baker is still a trash beating up on worthless Packers defense with a losing record. Post whenever your trash beat up a team with wining record let alone three in a row. Why is he now throwing to Chris G. ? That tells us Bucs could have better record if he he had done the earlier games we lost. That is why I call him a trash.

  51. Gipper Says:

    Tony Marks,

    Lay it on frauds like Rod Munch. I like it. I love it. I want more of it. Funny watching these guys slither. They are so arrogant. Did they really think we wouldn’t remind them of their transgressions? Hey they all made their bed and collectively David, Munch, BelleGlade, etc all need to sleep together in it.

  52. David Says:

    Bucs are not going to re-sign Baker with one good game here and there. He is on the same routine with the same results as his trash career wins and losses in the last six years. He can’t elevate players around him. He only perform well here and there with other players at their optimum levels at any given game at the time.

  53. Hammerhead Says:

    Not understanding why some fellow forever Bucs fans are negative. Perhaps it’s because a lot of other teams aren’t as pretty either.

    Go Bucs. Why not us?

  54. Larrd Says:

    Baker has been very good all year. It is strange how the haters can’t see it and want to be so miserable. I can’t say I have ever hated a pro athlete like that.

  55. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Trask would/should be a pro-bowler if not for the conspiracy to keep him off the field

  56. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    You people are insane. You expect a QB without a decent line & running attack to carry the team every game & sorry no QB does that. Baker Mayfield has gotten your team 7 victories which is 3 more at this point than anyone predicted. Who exactly are you going to get at QB who will do better than Mayfield has done this year? Justin Fields? Caleb Williams? Most Rookie Qb are terrible their first & 2nd years. Kyle Trask lol? Be grateful for what you have.

  57. HC Grover Says:

    The Chicken Counting is out of control.

  58. Tony Marks Says:

    David Says:
    December 19th, 2023 at 11:23 pm
    Baker Fans,
    Your midget boy, Baker is still a trash beating up on worthless Packers defense with a losing record.


    A) PROPS for not pulling a Mush or Bonzai. You keep doing you as a hater. None of this “Can we jump on” – “us” business. One less person to kick off trying to cross the border.

    B) Kyle Sucks Gatorade popsicles to make the time on the pine go faster.

  59. JD Still Says:

    Well , I suggest, before you Mayfield sycophants embarrass yourselves any further , by nominating him for the HOF, and making reservations for the next twelve SuperBowls, perhaps it would be a good idea to wait until we win at least one game against a team with a winning record!

  60. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    In the GB game his throws were confident, he set his feet (more confidence in the o-line?) and he seemed laser-focused, like Joe mentioned at the end of games when we needed a big score.

    Maybe keep a few ammonia capsules handy on the sideline and snap one under his nose any time he looks like his focus is slipping like they do with a boxer when he hits his bell rung. Lol

    Shouldn’t need it though. That GB game (and the next 3) are all must-win and that seemed to be enough for Canales to take off the training wheels of the offense and got the players focused as a team.

    I know it was only one game, but it was a complete game of looking sharp so all of the talk of “We know we can play better than this” has just been proven. That should be a confidence boost going forward. Let’s see how much swagger they can bring into the Jags game.

    If nothing else it gives me hope for next season. We are only a few pieces away and if we end up keeping Bowles and Canales, maybe it’s time to hire a full-time DC so Todd can focus on one job. He can use his “red pen” like BA did but let the DC call the game.

  61. Ha-Ha-Ha Says:

    One game can’t be projected as a break out.
    Only after time and reflection can one look back and point to
    the game that turned it around. The break out game can only be
    identified after sustained proof that it wasn’t A fluke.

  62. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Matt Ryan, former NFL MVP/All Pro, Pro Bowl Quarterback, stated after the game that Baker’s play was “out of sorts” in the games previous to the Packers game and former All Pro/Prowl Running Back Tiki Barber agreed with Ryan’s assessment of Baker.

    That was literally reported in this article.

    Because of Baker’s “out of sorts” play in the previous games to the Packers, any skepticism about Baker is validated because of Matt Ryan’s and Tiki Barber’s evaluation of Baker’s play in those games.