Bad Day For Baker Mayfield

December 31st, 2023

Two interceptions and two bad throws are killers nearly every time.

It’s not fair to blame Baker Mayfield for the Bucs’ loss today, but he certainly had a hearty hand in it.

Mayield underthrew Trey Palmer streaking toward the end zone, which resulted in an interception on the Bucs’ second drive of the game. Mayfield also had a throw tipped at the line of scrimmage with 11:34 remaining in the fourth quarter that was snagged by a Saints defender.

It was Mayfield’s first multi-interception game of the season.

But when Mayfield was given time to throw in the second half, he mostly had no problem pushing the ball down the field. The Bucs had 300-plus yards of offense after their worst first half offensively, per FOX Sports, since they were overwhelmed by Rex Ryan’s mauling Jets defense in 2009.

Despite all the struggles, Mayfield finished with 22 of 33 for 309 yards passing with 2 touchdowns and those 2 picks.

For 2023, Mayfield now has 28 TDS and 10 picks with 3,907 yards.

The numbers are good. They play wasn’t good enough today.

Joe will throw in that Mayfield was handcuffed by his playcaller a bit this afternoon, as the Bucs stuck way too long with their running game that was going nowhere.

88 Responses to “Bad Day For Baker Mayfield”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    Bad day for us. We are gonna get stuck with Bowlzo next year because we back in to the division title. Carlolina is tanking big time. No chance we lose to them and have a chance to get rid of him and his staff. Next year will be ugly too. But its a Bucs life to suffer.

  2. Hodad Says:

    Stop it with his numbers were good. Garbage time.The Saints sat back, and let Baker complete passes. Bucs were eating the clock for N.O.. This game wasn’t close, and when it mattered most, Baker came up short.

  3. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    They came out flat as 3 day old beer. Mayfield started trying to force stuff and it was horrible.

  4. ElioT Says:


    Carolina is not tanking!!!

    They already lost their 1st Rd pick.

    Carolina will be looking to put one on the Bucs this week.

  5. SteveK Says:

    Garbage time production, no lipstick on that pig.

  6. Citrus County Says:

    Something I noticed about Baker was he seems to be favoring his neck. Last week and I think the week before he was sacked and took some violence to his head. One shot visibly twisted his head and neck. He has been moving his head around as if his neck is bothering him. He took the shot to his left shoulder a few weeks back and showed a visible bruise on his upper biceps. If he is playing through neck pain I commend him.

  7. HC Grover Says:

    I doubt even Bowles can outblunder the Panters. The only good will be a playoff game for the city and the paying fans. That will guarantte we are stuck with this coaching staff next year for similar run of the mill results…Oh well.

  8. Ww50 Says:

    For a second, I thought America’s QB was out there ruining our Sunday afternoons. #CleanHouse

  9. Craig Says:

    44 yards in the first half, almost none in the third quarter, and a big fourth quarter is a bad game.

    The Bucs stuck with the run because Baker was on the rag today, not the other way around.

    I do not blame Baker, I was expecting him to revert to form after a few good games.

    It is better to think that way than to think it was a conspiracy to keep Trask off the field.

  10. Tb bolts Says:

    GARBAGE TIME STATS JOE. HOLD THE L LIKE A MAN YOUR BOY BAKER SUCKS AND ISNT CLUTCH. No one is surprised not even bakers fan girls lmao

  11. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Blame is shared by all. Canales didn’t adjust fast enough. Too many runs. Not enough screens or draws. Also baker under threw for that first int. White fumble. Defense did poorly. Whole team just made mistakes all game long. Can’t over come 3 just like what happened with the saints in the last game.

  12. J.J.swat Says:

    For everyone who thinks next week s game against Carolina is a lock wise up.
    They barely won the home game vs the panthers a month ago.

    Yeah, they should win. Should of won the games against the Texans, falcons, and colts.
    Too many inconsistent performances by qb. Defense, coaches, o line, secondary. The only real confidence I have is our kicker & punter.

    If they do make the wildcard game against the eagles or cowboys it must be near perfect
    Play all around just to have a chance.

  13. Beeej Says:

    They had suffocating man coverage on all our people, yet we play a soft zone

  14. Citrus County Says:

    I don’t think play calling was to blame as much as lackluster play and that falls on the head coach. He did not have our team ready to play today. Lavonte David admitted as much.

  15. UGotRobbed Says:

    Think everyone involved needs to have a BIG L stamped on their foreheads!!

  16. unbelievable Says:

    They playcalling was ABSOLUTELY the biggest reason we lost.

    Unbelievable’s 5 Biggest Culprits for Todays Loss:

    #1 – Dave Canales

    #2 – Todd Bowles

    #3 – Offensive and defensive lines

    #4 – Baker Mayfield

    #5 – The entire secondary, including Antoine Winfield who probably just destroyed his chance at getting DPOY

  17. NE Fan Says:

    To ALL you Bucs Fans, OPEN YOUR EYES!!! This is not Canales or Mayfield (Faker is who he is. A guy that puts up numbers in garbage time. The definition of average!) This mirrors last season to a T. Force the run to slow down the game and play not to lose. Why do you think Brady favored BL? Canales is forced to drink Bowles 1970 football Koolaid same as Leftnut and Brady. You will win the division with a 9-8 record same as it should have been last season if not for Blowzo giving away the Atlanta game. Then ass kicking at home, AGAIN!

  18. BucsLife Says:

    People thinking next week is a lock are in for a rude awakening!!! Lastly I think Winfield is good, but when he makes mistakes they are major and it’s easy to look good with effort on this defense. I think that’s why he shines out there, but in reality is an above average Safety. Watching this Cincy game is amazing and so jealous of these offenses and would take Browing in a heartbeat

  19. Bucs 95 Says:

    Our defense is a liability id trust our offense more the the D lol

  20. rrsrq Says:

    Garbage time maybe, but no defense is designed to let a wide out get behind you like Palmer did when he fumbled, they were only up by two scores at that time and then also the Godwin TD, a defense doesn’t give that up. The problem was the Bucs forgot Trey Palmer could run a go route, I believe that was the first one since that preseason practice against the Jets.

  21. Rod Munch Says:

    “It’s not fair to blame Baker Mayfield for the Bucs’ loss today”

    40 yards and an INT at the half, down 17-0, who else is to blame exactly when you’re QB is playing that incredibly bad.

    He had under 100 yards passing and 2 INTs when they’re down 20-0.

    He was awful, and some garbage time stats don’t change that.

    Biggest game of his career, and he collapsed, just like you’d expect him to do based on his horrid history.

    It was 100% on him today.

  22. NE Fan Says:

    Well all you Trasktites, doesn’t look like you’re going to see you boy next week. Instead of resting and healing Bucs have to go play the limping duck Panthers to get in. Carr>Faker. 43 yds in the first half. That’s hard to do.

  23. HC Grover Says:

    Winfield appeared to be playing out of his normal spot on the field. A Bowles Blunder?

  24. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    It’s not Baker’s fault, it never is.

    It’s the HC, OC, DC, O-line, receivers, no run game, wrong system, yada yada yada.

  25. MadMax Says:

    Regardless of who is our QB….we better be drafting a C and then RT in that order next draft!

  26. BucsLife Says:


  27. Jerry Says:

    The whole team lacked any intensity or heart at all. It wasn’t one player to blame. It’s all of them, and the coaching staff. This looked like an unprepared team that didn’t want to be playing today. I guess they became complacent and took the week off for Christmas.

  28. QBKilla Says:

    Baker was mediocre today. The O-line and the TE group sucked. The defense sucked too.

  29. NYbucsfan Says:

    Lol, no doubt wrote this article. The Baker man crushes real and apparently, they are right love is blind.

  30. Rod Munch Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 5:13 pm
    Winfield appeared to be playing out of his normal spot on the field.


    Davis was injured – and Bowles was playing a lot more man-aggressive defense.

    I have no issues with that, turns out when you’re missing your top corner, that isn’t something that is easily overcome.

    Going down swinging is much better than sitting back in a softzone and losing that way.

    But what you couldn’t do is overcome your QB being complete trash. How are you going to win a game when you’re not scoring on offense until what, the 14th series or something? Anyone who isn’t saying this loss was on Baker is being ridiculous.

    Baker was missing guys who were wide open until garbage time, threw multiple INTs, was checking it down on 3rd and long, etc etc etc. Baker was trash, the loss is 100% on him today.

  31. BucsLife Says:

    Plus another obvious blunder was the defense brought no pressure??? Carolina please end this nightmare called the Bucs organization and from Licht to the coaches !!! It’s time for a real change

  32. BradentuckeyBuc Says:

    Abysmal effort on both sides of the ball! zero excuse for that!

    Both lines were manhandled!

    Tackling was horrific! Tackling after turnovers was just embarrassing!

  33. CTBucs Says:

    Guys gonna throw for 4k and 30 TDs with a rookie playcaller, a patchwork O-line and a new group of WRs he’s never played with. Anyone who expected more than that is a dammed liar. I’m pleasantly suprised to be 8-8 with a chance to win the division next week. That’s more than I ever expected for this year. Go Bucs!

  34. Irish Laughter Says:

    Baker is still the man! He has shown that over and over. Not dead yet! We will destroy the Panthers next week and the Cowboys will be ours . Keeping it real in Ireland.

  35. unbelievable Says:

    @Rod Munch – how many yards could he possibly pass for when Canales was too busy spending 2/3 of all our offensive snaps running up the gut for no gain?

    Mayfield didn’t play great and had a few bad throws for sure, but Canales and Bowles completely failed this team today.

    Simple as that.

  36. Rod Munch Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 5:24 pm
    @Rod Munch – how many yards could he possibly pass for when Canales was too busy spending 2/3 of all our offensive snaps running up the gut for no gain?


    Why are you, as a play caller, going to trust your QB to throw the ball when he’s missing guys all over the field and holding it forever? Baker was trash today, he had guys open and flat out missed them – he took sacks – he turned it over. He was terrible. There’s absolutely no one else to blame today for this loss when your QB has gone under 100 yards with 2 INTs and you’re down 20-0.

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    BucsLife Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 5:19 pm
    Plus another obvious blunder was the defense brought no pressure???


    I would disagree with this take – will have to see the stats to know for sure, but it sure seemed like Bowles was playing a lot more man today and being more aggressive than he had been most of the season. The recent success on defense came from going back to that more aggressive play style, and today they got burned, which can happen when you’re down your top corner, and have to play players like Delaney, who is awful in man (but a little better in zone).

    Anywho, if the Saints aren’t up big, it’s a different game, and perhaps the defensive plan works better.

    I just hope this loss, which is 100% on Baker, doesn’t result in Bowles going back to playing it ‘safe’ in his god-awful zone defense that doesn’t do anything except keep the Bucs from winning.

  38. Pewter power Says:

    No one throws perfect passes ever single throw! This same thing happened to Brady. The quarterback had to drag the players along while they’re kicking and screaming. No one decided to block or tackle today. Corners playing 10 yards off the line of scrimmage. I’m ready for a new coach and for licht to rebuild this roster starting with the coaching staff

  39. Jeremy Goins Says:

    We always play soft zone coverage. Why is letting them run and pass as easily as they do acceptable? It is not JOE whatever stat b.s. you’re throwing out their is falling in deaf ears. We lost very badly to a division rival.

  40. Kidfloflo Says:

    Well Baker took a hell of a hit on 2 pt conversion, so the Trask mob might get their wish next week, in a must win against the worst team in NFL, can he pull it off, cause if he doesn’t…

  41. m milligan Says:

    munch, figured you’d be the first one to put it 100% on BM, were we watching the same game, out muscled on both sides of ball. 50/50 ball on first Int.
    WTF are u talking about, if we didn’t fumble twice in second half, (white, palmer)
    both in scoring position, may have made it a game.
    You talked all preseason, funny I thing u had bucs 4-13 preseason. Getting on BM bandwagon and the first to jump, Judas FO

  42. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Rod Munch has been waiting for a game like this, laying in the weeds. It’s all Mayfield’s fault that the Saints blew threw the O-Line, the Aints took away Evans and Godwin, and it took until the 2nd half for off tackle runs to appear. No, Mayfield wasn’t sharp, then again nobody on O or D was except. YaYa.

  43. Rod Munch Says:

    43 yards at the half, INT, and 0 points. Under 100 yards passing with two INTs when you’re down 20-0.

    When the Bucs win, it’s 100% on Baker, he’s the savior, better than Brees, Brady and Mahomes! But when the Bucs lose, it’s 100% on everyone else, the OC, the OL, the fumble when you’re down by 20 points.

    That’s the life of a Baker Boi.

  44. m milligan Says:

    So Rod that first half was all on BM, pull head out of arse and FO

  45. Rod Munch Says:

    m milligan – so getting shutout, while playing like a complete trash and not giving your team a chance is on who exactly, if not the QB?

  46. Jack Clark Says:

    Baker is AVERAGE AT BEST. We need to start Kyle Trask while we still can

  47. m milligan Says:

    Rod did you not notice whole team???? What about O & D lines, Running game WTF, did u watch the game, how is the QB gonna offset that.
    And what about your 4 and 13 prediction preseason and BM making it 5 games at best. You were sing high praises 2 days ago. FO

  48. Jack Clark Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 5:08 pm
    To ALL you Bucs Fans, OPEN YOUR EYES!!! This is not Canales or Mayfield (Faker is who he is. A guy that puts up numbers in garbage time. The definition of average!) This mirrors last season to a T. Force the run to slow down the game and play not to lose. Why do you think Brady favored BL? Canales is forced to drink Bowles 1970 football Koolaid same as Leftnut and Brady. You will win the division with a 9-8 record same as it should have been last season if not for Blowzo giving away the Atlanta game. Then ass kicking at home, AGAIN!

    Uppity NE Fan, calm down clam chowder. The Bucs literally have twice as many win as your sorry as team and still first place in our division 😂

  49. Rod Munch Says:

    m milligan Says:
    You were sing high praises 2 days ago. FO


    So when he plays well, I compliment him on playing well.

    When he plays like a complete trash and loses the game, I call him out for playing like trash and losing the game.

    Yeah, what a terrible person I am – totally clueless for sure.


  50. Tb bolts Says:

    Baker had a chance to clinch a playoff spot against a rival AT HOME and he puts up ZIPPO through three quarters. Yeah lets keep talking about franchising him and how he’s comeback player of the year LMAO anyone who continues those delusional talking points needs sober up and embrace reality. Baker mayfield is as inconsistent and unclutch as they come.

  51. Dlavid Says:

    Absolute spit time yardage !! More of the same if this coaching staff is retained!!

  52. Mad Max Says:

    JOE: “It’s not fair to blame Baker Mayfield for the Bucs’ loss today.”

    Can anyone imagine Joe writing that about Kyle Trask in the same situation? Of course not. Joe is either delusional or on Baker’s payroll.

  53. m milligan Says:

    And what about your 4 and 13 prediction preseason and BM making it 5 games at best.
    Clueless?? at best

  54. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    Flat and no energy, that’s what you get with Bowels. No idea why Canales decided to do his best Boron Leftwich impersonation today, but the coaching and play calling set up Baker to fail. Let’s not forget two awful turnovers by Rachaad and Palmer, without those we may have eked out an undeserved win. Either way, this game will hopefully make the Glazers rethink keeping Bowels, and will drive Baker’s price down. Hopefully we still keep him, with better coaching I could see him leading us back to the promised land.

  55. NE Fan Says:

    Hello Jackie boy, yes NE is 4-12. 8 games lost by 1 score or less. At least they have balls and don’t put their tails between their legs like the little b$@ches. Your team has NO heart.

  56. D-Rome Says:

    I’ve been saying all year that if Mayfield passes for 4000+ yards, more than 25 TDs, and better than 64% passing that he should be brought back. Only a stupid team would walk away from that and take a risk on a rookie when not picking in the top 10.

    He wasn’t very good today but the loss isn’t all on him.

  57. Georgia Redneck Says:

    Mayfield and Bowles have a history. Believe it.

  58. D-Rome Says:

    Unbelievable’s 5 Biggest Culprits for Todays Loss

    I agree with all of this, and the order listed.

  59. SlyPirate Says:

    The question is really for Bowles. Bowles loses 100% of meaningful games. What is he doing the week before to sabotage the team?

  60. D Cone Says:

    Last drive before the half was 2 incompletions and a sack.
    First drive after half was an 3 and out with a run for 6 and 2 incompletions.
    You would think with a QB sitting with a passer rating of 22 against a defense that’s one of the best against the pass a good OC would take the ball out of his hands. Go with something else.
    Saints are one of the worse against the run and Bucs were moving the ball well with the run the second drive. Score and you are down 10 with the rest of the 3rd and the all of 4th. Still can play with balance.
    OC choice made sense. Can’t figure in a Fumble. Bad break.
    Once down 20 halfway thru the third.
    Pressure set in and Bucs threw another bad pass for a pick.
    Then came basically garbage time with loose coverage. Just like in practice.
    Little more touch on the pass to Palmer and he walks in.
    Saints 4 minute drive for a FG in the 4th pretty much sealed the deal.

    Hopefully the teams looking for a franchise QB next season or are voting on Comeback Player just see the box score and not the tape.

  61. m milligan Says:

    They sucked today, panthers no pushover. WTF
    how could they stink up the highway like this

  62. m milligan Says:

    Out coached for sure, WTF was that running game plan.

  63. Rod Munch Says:

    D Cone Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 6:55 pm
    Last drive before the half was 2 incompletions and a sack.
    First drive after half was an 3 and out with a run for 6 and 2 incompletions.
    You would think with a QB sitting with a passer rating of 22 against a defense that’s one of the best against the pass a good OC would take the ball out of his hands. Go with something else.


    Wait… so Canales actually screwed up by giving Baker the ball and not sticking to the run.

    But wait, the Baker Bois, with no evidence, told me that they ran the ball too much, and that’s why the Bucs lost.

  64. Larrd Says:

    No quarterback will do well when it’s 3rd and 8 all the time. 30/10/4000 are stellar numbers, considering.

    A new DC would do wonders with the Bucs personnel, too, I bet.

  65. Lakeland Steve Says:

    I think everyone gets that we want to be able to run the ball to keep the other team honest, but when you are down by twenty late in the second half maybe you should worry more about scoring than balance. Screw the running game let’s score some damn points. It was so frustrating watching 1’st down runs into the line and getting a yard. White is not a good rushing back. He’s an above average receiving back but if I see him get the ball and stop while the defense reacts and waits until the only thing he can do is smash his head into a lineman and get a yard I’m going to go Beth Dutton on someone and rip their throat out. This was the height of ignorance or arrogance I don’t know which. It did help me remember that this is not the group of coaches to lead us to a Super Bowl.

  66. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Prime time to sign Baker and Canales to a “team friendly” deal right?

  67. m milligan Says:

    sht show today,
    garbage time, prevent D’s, don’t give up 50yd TD’s and completion/ fumble behind the D.
    Guess we can put to rest if we can throw the deep ball.
    They’ve dked themselves, shpu;dn’t have been in this position.

  68. Stan says Says:

    Don’t you all know Rod Munch is the smartest commenter on I am suprise no one knows this. Rod is not a B.M. fan never has been that’s fine. I am going to say this to Rod, Brady was not to successful with this head coach either. You can say Baker play in the loss that’s true. To say this loss is all on Baker is not a very smart comment from someone of you insite. Very disappointed Rob Very disappointed indeed. Correct the record sir soon.

  69. Rod Munch Says:

    Stan says – Why thank you sir, you are very correct in that I’m the smartest commenter here, nothing could be a more fair and truthful statement!

    As for Baker, however, if he gets 100% of the credit for wins – then he also gets 100% of the blame in losses, that seems fair to me. Heck, when Jameis would lead the team to get a lead with 30 seconds left, only to have the defense collapse, he’d be blamed for the loss, so I think Baker getting the team down 20-0 while having less than 100 yards and 2 INTs, I think it’s pretty fair to blame him for the L.

    But, just between you and me, since no one else is still reading this thread at this point — you see, I like to tweak the Baker Bois, because they’re truly terrible, awful, annoying, pieces of garbage who, even today, refuse to say Baker played a terrible game. There’s no reasoning with people like that, so instead it’s more enjoyable to take out the frustration of today’s loss by triggering them.

    So did Baker really single handedly lose the game? Well, if you prefer, and I’d hope everyone can agree with this statement, Baker gave the team no chance to win today. No team, unless they have the 2002 Bucs defense, is winning a game when their QB has 68 yards passing in the 3rd quarter with 2 INTs and zero points.

  70. D W Says:

    Can blame Bake all you want but he didn’t lose this game. Call it garbage time or not he tried to get the game back. Maybe if he was given the chance to vertically challenge saints early been different from the asss kicking the oline took. Maybe if Evans would attempt to open his hands to try or maybe hold on to a 62 ybs bomb from your own field forcing the fumble. Maybe if receivers would fight for the ball. To me Baker looked like the only one wanting to win this game He’s been taking a beating from this oline all year. You don’t see him sitting out or complaining. He’s right back out in the fire trying to get his boys the W.

  71. brooks Says:

    Told yalll

  72. It's Corn Says:

    He doesn’t see the field well, maybe literally. Countless times he has open receivers and doesn’t spot them. He can’t see around defenders and has the ball batted repeatedly.

    He does a lot with what he has, but poor field awareness and being short are hurting him.

  73. Bucsmarley Says:

    No one is questioning bakers heart. He’s a .500 average qb that plays with grit. Sorry I want an above average qb. We fool ourselves because are division is awful. Bowels ruined Brady and now our franchise. Stuck with him and a average qb probably for another wasted year

  74. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    Baker played decent not as terrible as you people want to put things on him.Pat Mahommes would have lost this game with that “Tanking” Game Plan if the same fumbles would have occurred.

  75. Rod Munch Says:

    Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 9:14 pm
    Baker played decent not as terrible as you people want to put things on him.Pat Mahommes would have lost this game


    Another Baker Boi comparing him to Mahomes.

    Also, yes, Baker really did play that awful. Under 100 yards passing with two INTs while being 20-0 late in the 3rd quarter, that’s literally terrible.

    People who won’t even acknowledge how bad Baker was today, try to say he wasn’t why the Bucs lost, while claiming Baker is 100% the reason behind any win. Ugh.

    There’s a very good reason the Baker Bois are so hated.

  76. Stan says Says:

    I am a huge B.M. fan I was a fan when he played at Oklahoma. Yes I agree Rod Baker get the credit for the wins and losses. He did not had anywhere close to what anyone can call a decent game. For me this one and few this year fall on Bowels. I know enough about my arm chair play calling to know he is so scares to let his teams play up to their abilities. He is one hell of a defensive coordinator but he has proved as the Head Coach he can’t manage all the positions that need to be managed as the H.C. So I say yes some of this loss is on my guy Baker but the majority is on Bowels. Yes look what he did to Brady. Look what he did to Byron Leftwich got ride of him to save his on butt. No class whatsoever and a losing H.C. Keep up the good commentary Rod please tell me I wrong about Bowels. I will keep reading. Happy New Year my bus and Fans

  77. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Rod: fair to say next week , not this week, is the biggest game of bakers career? If he shines, I’m confident you will open with, “ baker comes through on the biggest game of his career” . I’m thanking you in advance, because I know you’re a fair minded individual.

  78. Big Wally Says:

    Stop your bullcrap Joe. He put up 200 yards in the air against a prevent defense.

  79. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Baker Mayfield blew it…and the morale plummeted as a result…but…this team should have been better prepared overall.

    I have a little sympathy for Baker Mayfield tonight. A little.

    This loss is on the whole team, and that is the Coaching not being good enough.

  80. Rod Munch Says:

    Stan – fair enough. While I’ll never actually believe Baker is a good QB, I’m not going to bash him when he has good weeks, and the previous two weeks I’ve said he played great – and said if he can somehow manage to keep that up, the Bucs would have a legit shot in the playoffs. But I also said we need to actually win vs the Saints first, and the Saints are a good defense, unlike the Packers and Jags who are the two worst passing defenses in the NFL. But, I was hopeful that, like a D1 school, by beating up on some D2 talent, perhaps they’d be able to get into a flow for when it counted.

    But Baker feel flat on his face.

    He’s still got next week to prove this was a one week deal – and I honestly hope he can get it done since I don’t want this season to have been a complete waste, which it will be if they got 8-9, miss the playoffs, don’t have a QB of the future, still have no idea what they have in Trask, and are picking too late to get a franchise QB. That would be as big of a failure of a season as they could have.

    But win, make the playoffs, and while I still have no faith in Baker, the playoffs is where you make your money, and if he can get hot and play like he did the prior two games, then you got a shot.

  81. Rod Munch Says:

    Let ‘em bake Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 10:00 pm
    Rod: fair to say next week , not this week, is the biggest game of bakers career? If he shines, I’m confident you will open with, “ baker comes through on the biggest game of his career”


    No, I’d disagree with that. This Panthers game is as easy of a layup as there possibly is, winning it is expected, and you really don’t get much credit for beating the worst team in football.

    But, if they do win, and make the playoffs, then absolutely, that playoff game would then be the biggest game of his life. In 2020, yes, he played in the playoffs, but that was a team that run first, and Baker was nothing but a game manger, and people didn’t know he was a complete bust yet. But if he can get into the playoffs here, and carry the team, then absolutely, that can change the course of his career, and will get him some big money.

    But they need to not choke vs the Panthers first.

  82. Tb bolts Says:

    So baker could end up giving the game away against the panthers because he wants to play injured. So chance we miss playoffs and never get to see Trask. Not sure how we got through the season without seeing him once. Must have spoken his mind at some point and is paying for it. Not sure how it got to this point but here we are. Now if we do miss the playoffs do you really give Baker another year? Or do you fire todd and Trask finally gets his deserved time.

  83. tbc 1 Says:

    I bet the Traskies were foaming at the mouth watching Trask warm up in the 3rd quarter-wonder if we cut him next year what he will be doing??? As far as Baker how many qbs can constantly take the rush of defenders and play good…Baker did not play his best game but RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT RUN UP THE MIDDLE REPEAT

  84. Brian P. Says:

    Buccs fans are as toxic against their team as Cowboy fans are…lol. Y’all don’t deserve the playoffs, but Baker probably will deliver a playoff berth to you next week. Let me ask you this: if Baker leads this shite team to a playoff win or two, are you still gonna be talking trash about him? It is his first year on this team and with this system. Give him a break. Or go try out to be the Buccs QB if you think you can do better. Y’all don’t deserve Baker.

  85. lanshark Says:

    I don’t think Baker had a great game today. BUT, it’s hard to have a great game when you are in 3rd and 8+ most of the game, because of poor play calling on 1st and 2nd down – that’s on the OC and HC. Almost no play action/rollouts on 1st/2nd down. As for the ‘garbage time’ comments – BS. The Saints were blitzing a bit less, but they were still doubling Evans and Godwin. That was not a prevent defense in the 4th, especially after the first TB touchdown.

    One big difference is the Saints 3rd team tight end looked like an All-Pro today, while our 3rd WRs were dropping passes, making no effort on 50/50 balls (both INTs would have been prevented if they had been passed to Evans instead of Palmer and Moore). Generally, the Saints took away our best players, we didn’t even TRY to get the ball to White in the air (which would have forced the Saints to stop doubling Evans and Godwin.

    And WHY are we playing defenders 15 yards off the ball on 3rd and 8? That was way too easy to give up the first down EVERY TIME. The defense calls were terrible all day.

    And don’t even get me started on Hainsey getting bull rushed back into the pocket on literally every pass.

  86. Oneilbuc Says:

    Bo Nix!!!

  87. Student of the Game Says:

    To anyone that watched the game, it was clear New Orleans wanted to win more than Tampa Bay. Just hit the easy button and blame the QB you don’t like anyway. Thank God none of the posters on this site are actually responsible for a game plan or half-time adjustments. The self-proclaimed experts on NFL QB play (like Rod M) insisted Brees, Warner, Stafford, Goff, Herbert, Alex Smith, Moon, Vick, Bledsoe, etc were a bust and below average. All had great success and some in Hall of Fame when they got with the right team. Watch the film!

  88. maccafan Says:

    This site is so predictable it is almost amusing. Baker and Bucs beat Jacksonville it is because Lawrence had a concussion the week earlier. Baker has “perfect” game against GB, it is because the Packers defense stinks and not that Baker played well. Bucs lose to Saints and it is not anybody else’s fault but Baker. Only on this site does a guy complete 64.4% of his passes for 3,903 yards with 28 TD passes 10 INT’s is constantly called trash. Bet teams like the Jets, Giants, Raiders, Jaguars etc. had QB with those numbers. Stop with the garbage time comments, they were down 20-7 with 8 minutes left in the game. It is not impossible to score 14 points in that amount of time in today’s NFL.