Todd Bowles Has Players “Ready” In Case Carlton Davis Or Jamel Dean Can’t Play Sunday

November 22nd, 2023

Ready to juggle lineup.

It was an ugly scene on the turf of Levi’s Stadium on Sunday. The Bucs lost four starters.

Lavonte David, Carlton Davis, Jamel Dean and Tristan Wirfs all went down with injuries. Wirfs’ injury occurred late but he was able to suck it up and return.

(Joe saw Wirfs in the locker room today. He briskly walked in, spent a moment at his locker, then quickly walked out. Joe did not notice a limp. Joe’s eyeball test says Wirfs sure looks like he can play.)

So what will the Bucs do if they lose their starting corners, Davis and Dean. Bowles already has an attack plan but it may not be Josh Hayes.

“We’ll give Hayes a look, [Keenan] Isaac has been ready, [Derrek] Pitts [Jr.] has been ready,” Bowles said. “We’ve given quite a few guys looks and are moving quite a few guys around right now.

“By the end of the week, we’ll have the combination that we want starting this ballgame, but they’re all getting playing time.”

Neither Davis nor Dean are yet ruled out for Sunday. Had today been gameday, Bowles said David, Davis and Dean would not play. All three’s availability for Sunday’s game at Indianapolis is still on the table, Bowles said.

23 Responses to “Todd Bowles Has Players “Ready” In Case Carlton Davis Or Jamel Dean Can’t Play Sunday”

  1. LVMYBUCS Says:

    They cant play even when they can play

  2. unbelievable Says:

    They’re going to be “ready”, eh?

    Philadelphia ready?
    Detroit (after a bye week) ready?
    San Fran ready?

    I’m sure this time will go smoothly though.

  3. Jack Clark Says:

    “Bowles already has an attack plan”

    Hey Joe, can you ask Todd Bowles if his attack plan is to score 30 points a game? And if gives you some BS answer like “We just want us to score enough points to win” can you ask him “Well what if we’re not winning because we’re not scoring 30 points a game?” 😂

  4. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Frankly, it doesn’t seem we can do worst than we did against SF & Houston……

    We desperately need our offense to score….early & often.

  5. Rod Munch Says:

    Wow, I just looked and the Colts have moved to -2.5 points, from the opening -1.5.

    People betting money do not have faith in Todd Bowles apparently.

  6. Buc4evr Says:

    7 more games and Todd won’t be around to tell any more stories about being ready, unless of course he is ready for retirement.

  7. HC Grover Says:

    Hope they have the pooper scooper ready in case he drops a clunker on the sideline.

  8. Defense Rules Says:

    Colts are 5-5. Good offense; suspect defense. Can only see 1 definitive trend in their wins & losses …

    o In each of their 5 wins the Colts have won the Turnover Battle.

    o In each of their 5 losses the Colts have lost or tied the Turnover Battle.

    Just an observation. Don’t shoot the messenger.

  9. WyomingJoe Says:

    27-17 Bucs. Hope the Bucs win out the rest of the season so you haters finally shut up!

  10. ModHairKen Says:

    WyomingJoe, keep on keeping on. Check you in a month.

  11. Aaron Says:

    If Dean and Davis can’t go…I can’t even imagine how far off these guys will line up.

  12. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Bowles needs to have the Bucs defense ready in case dean and Davis are playing.

  13. Brendahadababy Says:

    “Rotation” lmao

  14. Deadwood South Dakota Says:

    Lol.. he can’t get them ready when they do play.. coaching sucks.. 2 worst over paid corners

  15. Fred Says:

    Dean stopped playing a LONG time ago.

  16. Rod Munch Says:

    Fun facts:

    The Bucs defense is 4th best in the NFC in points allowed.
    The Bucs offense is 4th worst in the NFC when it comes to scoring points.

  17. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    When was the last time either of those guys made it through a season without missing 4plus games.

  18. adam from ny Says:

    i heard someone gave either dean or davis a purple nurple in grade school and he sat out the year due to injury

  19. Onetrickpony Says:

    We are screwed

  20. garro Says:

    Maybe se get a surprise from the second string guys Sunday.

    All bets are off for our secondary as far as i’m concerned. I can’t buy anything coming out of Bowles after the rotation comment.

    Go Bucs!

  21. BucU Says:

    This team is garbage. Coaching sucks so bad it’s embarrassing. Our highly paid corners are straight up awful. That’s on YOU jason licht.
    This organization has turned into a clown show. A very unfunny clown show.

  22. WillieG Says:

    It would be really nice if the backups shined and got some picks. We might win the game(s) AND free up a bunch of cap space next year.

  23. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Actually the Bucs team is pretty good, with no quit in them as the captains ball out every week. David, Winfield, double V have never played better.
    Now those 2 over paid no good starting corner backs; that’s a different story as I’m a firm believer if the Bucs cut them both tomorrow this team would be much better for it, and in spite of the Bucs eating up those lofty salaries, there’s not one team in the nfl that would pick either up on wavers for free.